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- Oct 2, 2008
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Hello all you LsIW out there. I have been lurking pricescope since my SO found the site. I, like you all, am another LIW
. There are some truly amazing stories out there. I wanted to share what my SO has been through up until now. My SO has truly been amazing. He has done so much and has gone WAY above and beyond what I would ever expect. I''ll start by saying, our 6 year anniversary is 2 weeks from today!! We have both known that we wanted to get married since about the second year lol, but we were both too young at the time, since he is my High School Sweetheart
...I wasn''t about to get engaged my junior year of highschool
! Now, we''re both almost done with college and so the time is more right.
Ok, I will try my BEST to make an exceeeeeeedinly LLOOOONNNGGGG story short. Feel free to skim lol. SO has been searching with the intent to buy a ring for about a year and a half. Right before our 5 years, he found a ring that he liked and he took me to see it on our 5th anniversary. I loved it! He liked the design, but wanted it in platinum. Unfortunately, this meant that the jewelry store would have to custom make the ring...and they told him it would take....FOUR MONTHS (!!!!) to make!!
After a few months of going back and forth on whether or not he wanted to go with the ring and looking at other rings in the meantime, he decided not to go with it. Instead, he decided he really liked Tacori, and I was not about to argue with that lol. We went on vacation to the carribbean and found a certified Tacori jeweler and found a beautiful ring. After getting home from our vaca, he kept searching different Tacori designs and comparing prices. He finally found THE ONE and decided to order it from the jeweler in the Caribbean. Well, Tacori takes 4 weeks to custom make a ring. Two weeks after SO placed the order, the jeweler faxed the confirmirmation. SO found out that the jeweler had ordered the right style but the version with the thinner band and he called to fix it. Two weeks later, SO gets the ring in the mail, but it''s still the smaller one! He freaks out and says that he wants to just cancel the order entirely and start over. He was so distraught that he wanted me to call Tacori and the jeweler to straighten it out. After telling the jeweler that SO was on the brink of cancelling the order if it wasn''t done correctly this time, everything was straightened out very quickly lol. Tacori had forgotten to cancel the shipment of the original order. Finally, correct band came in! Of course I didn''t peak...really I didn''t lol. I wanted to, but I was good. A few more months went by while SO was searching for the diamond. He did so much research and found out there''s A LOT more variables to consider than the just "4 C''s", and it took him 4 months to find the diamond and he ordered it online. He gets the diamond in the mail and takes it to get it set at this local jeweler that PS says is very reputable. After the 45 minute drive during this gas problem, they tell him they can''t do it because he didn''t order the diamond from them and they don''t want to be responsible for any damages. Finally, he just decides to send it back to the jeweler that he bought the diamond from online (located in ny). After it finally arrives back to the jeweler (and SO gritting his teeth afraid it is going to get lost in the mail), the jewelry store closes for the Jewish New Year for two days! lol. Not at all to demean or put down the Jewish new year of course, but it was just perfect timing lol. My poor SO! lol, he is more anxious I think than I am and he can''t help but share his experiences with me as they occur. But, buying an engagement ring is a long and difficult process and I think it should be experienced by both people involved. The proposal, on the other hand, should be the suprise, even though the waiting is killing me
ANYWAY! It should be done anytime now and I''m so excited! And that''s more than enough for now. Good luck with all you other LsIW and know you are soooo not alone lol. Bye for now

Ok, I will try my BEST to make an exceeeeeeedinly LLOOOONNNGGGG story short. Feel free to skim lol. SO has been searching with the intent to buy a ring for about a year and a half. Right before our 5 years, he found a ring that he liked and he took me to see it on our 5th anniversary. I loved it! He liked the design, but wanted it in platinum. Unfortunately, this meant that the jewelry store would have to custom make the ring...and they told him it would take....FOUR MONTHS (!!!!) to make!!

ANYWAY! It should be done anytime now and I''m so excited! And that''s more than enough for now. Good luck with all you other LsIW and know you are soooo not alone lol. Bye for now