
Tips and advice for epidural-free childbirth

Sooo... I just want to throw this out there. I was very much anti-epidural yet ended up having one. I had AWFUL back labor for hours... the pain was so bad that I was basically unconscious for most of that time. I had a doula, I did all the "tricks", but when it came down to it my body just couldn't handle the pain and I wasn't progressing so I got one. And I'm glad I did.

With this next baby I do plan on trying again sans epidural but if my labor is anything like the first then I will have an epidural.

I really hope you get your wish but be prepared mentally just in case. Don't beat yourself up if you do end up having one 8)
I planned for an epidural, but not pitocin. I hope next time around I won't have to use pitocin. My labor was so slow once I started on that and the contractions were so bad, that I couldn't wait for the epidural. I will tell you though that I sat on a yoga ball in the shower and my DH used the handheld shower head and would spray water on my back during contractions and it was the only way I could get thru. It will all work out for you no matter what you decide. Good Luck!
jstarfireb|1314422710|3001245 said:
AprilBaby|1314402325|3000936 said:
Just curious, what happened to Lamaze? My kids were all born in the 80's and we didn't get epidurals because "it was bad for the baby" I did 4 drug free births between 8.2 and 9.4 lbs and have no regrets. Lamaze worked beautifully.

I don't think anything happened to Lamaze (didn't Charbie say in one of her posts that she's participating in it?). I do think many of their techniques are helpful (breathing, massage, movement, cold compresses, vertical position, etc.), except for their decidedly anti-intervention stance. I don't think Lamaze techniques and medical interventions need to be mutually exclusive. Anyway, I'm sure you weren't stating this as a fact because you put it in quotes, but nowadays it's pretty clear that epidurals aren't "bad for the baby." In fact, they can be GOOD for the baby if the mother is hyperventilating due to pain. By taking away the stimulus to hyperventilate, they help with the baby's pH balance. Also, they're much safer for the baby than IV opioids (pain medications), which can suppress that baby's breathing and neurological functioning after birth. I may have mentioned all this earlier in the thread, but I just wanted to reiterate it because I like to address commonly held myths about epidurals and other procedures when I hear them.

But it's still a personal choice, and there's nothing wrong with going without an epidural if that's what you want. Just as there's nothing wrong with getting one if that's what you want.

Very true, I didn't think it was fact because the "facts" have changed since then. At the time (and I was very young) that's what we were told and no offer of intervention was made. Everyone should do what is right for them and feel no shame or bad feelings if it doesn't go as you planned. Back in the day you were a failure if you didn't make it thru "natural" childbirth. I have friends who needed c-section who still feel like failures.
AprilBaby (congratsbtw!): Lamaze techniques were what they taught at my childbirthing classes that I took a few weeks ago. Breathing/visuals/positions, etc. There was absolutely NO mention of intervention-free principles. As I mentioned when I started this thread, it was at that class that 95% of the women planned on having an epidural who were in the class, so maybe that means it wasn't "true" Lamaze. Lamaze was what my mother went through in the early '80s as well, and she went med free, as did the other women in my life. I know that does play an impact in my decision, but none of them would think any different of me if I do choose an epidural.

Jstar: wanted to let you know I read Easy Labor :) a leeeeeeetle bit slanted ;) with some of the language, but overall I was happy to see it did include info for med-free plans. I do feel more educated on my "options" as limited as they are. Sadly, there isn't an 'inbetween' option at my hospital, but I still feel comfortable in my decision to proceed without intervention and see how it goes. To be honest, the last thing I want to do is get 24 hrs into labor, been contracting that whole time and in pain, going 9 cm, and THEN getting the epidural...sounds to me like 24 hrs of unnecessary suffering! I know the doc would probably administer it, but I plan on making the decision earlier rather than later so I either experience birth with meds or not :bigsmile:
That's awesome! I haven't read it, but the Amazon reviews sound good. Nice to know there's another book I can recommend to my pregnant friends. =)
Well, wanted to give an update since not everyone sees the preggo thread.
Unfortunately, my blood pressure is up and im experiencing headaches and blurred vision here at 40 weeks, with no labor in sight yet. Note that I have NOT been diagnosed with pre-e, but things get riskier with higher blood pressure, and im not willing to put my health or the baby's health at risk.

Soooo...induction is set up, have some time to get this lady out on her own, but I've come to terms with the fact that I can't control everything. I am now researching how to make the induction go smoothly and lessen the chances for a c/s, but as I said earlier in the thread, it is what it it is, and I trust the fact my doctor feels this is what we should do, as he does know I was wanting to go natural.
Good luck, Charbie! Go with your gut and listen to your body -- all will be okay!
Charbie posted her great news on the Calling all pregnant PSer's thread:

"Aubrey Patrice entered the world at 4:03pm on Sept. 14th! She weighs 6 lb 14 oz (my exact birth weight!), 20 3/4 inches long. I anticipated a much bigger baby, but she is a little squirt, absolute perfection."

She has some info about the birth over there plus a picture of her beautiful baby girl! :appl: