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Yep, do you work there too? I loved working there, but we moved to Mich b/c FI is doing his PhD out here.Date: 9/22/2006 3:41:48 PM
Author: rfath
''pea, were you at the Broad Institute?
If so, then small world
My last few attempts at getting hired were really slow at first. It takes a while for your resume to get to the right people and then for them to actually LOOK at it. I know it doesn''t help when you''re unemployed and anxious to start, but there IS hope!
Fingers crossed that you hear something soon!
Haha, small world, huh? Funny.Date: 9/23/2006 11:52:21 AM
Author: aussiegirl23
SweetPea : )
okay, this is making me laugh! you were at Broad? I was just there on an interview... ended up deciding on another place in town... the one with lots of ivy... but I was very impressed with the Institute...
-are you looking at academic labs too, or would you rather industry?
-is your resume looking like genomic sequencing is your 'one' skill? make sure you've got a variety of things on there so you could jump in doing many tasks and be versatile
-get someone else to look at your resume (even apart from your fiance) to find places to improve it
-any chance people you worked with at Broad know anyone out near Ann Arbor? I know it sounds far-fetched, but possibly an old tech moved out there and is doing their pHD? networking can do wonders, no matter how distant
-it WILL happen... my search was pretty dead for like 2 1/2 months... then a bunch of interviews all at once. a few weeks later I had 3 offers and I was desperately trying to decide between them... so it WILL happen! I promise!
best of luck... and I'm still laughing about how SMALL this internet is! rFATH... dare I ask if you currently work there??
I have a friend who does it and she referred me to her editor b/c she was annoyed with having to fix up other freelancer's work and she knew that I can write well and that I was really interested in it. She was actually a sociology and english major, I beleive, and so many technical/medical writing companies actually look for english majors...although alot look for science majors as well. It's hard to get into though, I'd been trying on my own for a couple years. I'm hoping to eventually do it full time, esp since I could do it from home just as easily as from an office.Date: 9/25/2006 11:33:58 AM
Author: rfath
wow... it really is a small world!
I think your enjoyment at the Broad definitely depends on where you're working. I'm miserable in my group.. but I've met many more people who're thrilled with their jobs.
Aussie - I used to work at Harvard and miss it desperately! Dang grants ending!
Sweatpea - how did you get into medical writing? I'm curious to find out what *else* I can do with my degree and experience other than being a tech and doing the wet work...
I''m liking Ann Arbor so far but starting to be a little lonley. FI met some great people through his program, one of the girls and I get along well and we had 3 people over for dinner last night, but it''s still not the same as my friends from home.Date: 9/26/2006 9:40:58 AM
Author: rfath
ahh... more networking! I''m still trying to decide what''s next for me. Can''t stomach the thought of going on to get more advanced degrees doing bench work. Love the analytical side of it, but don''t have the technical training yet to break into that side of things.
How''re you liking Ann Arbor? I used to live in MI and loved the area (spent a lot of time on the medical campus when I was little)... unfortunately, the contacts I still know in the state are at MSU.
And I used to live in Ohio, too!
Hope to hear many positive updates that they''re beating down your door with fabulous offers!![]()
Thank you soooo much for that Rosebud! I will definately be checking it out!!Date: 9/26/2006 12:52:21 PM
Author: Rosebud8506
Sweetpea: I live in the metro Detroit area as well, and it is a hard job market here right now. I know personally, because I was let go from my job the DAY BEFORE MY WEDDING?!?!?!?! (I''m over it now, but I am still bitter - grrr). They eliminated my department altogether - its been a tough search for me as well.
If there is any advice I can give you, it would be to keep trying!!!
Here is another local site you may want to check out in addition to what you''ve already looked at.
I also heard on the news the other day that Google has now moved an office into Ann Arbor, and they have tons of job opportunities posted on their website.
Good luck!![]()
Thanks rfath! I hope so too! Maybe you should take advantage of the tuition reimbursement--I took one class at Harvard, although I have to admit, I did not find the class, nor the prof impressive, although ti was stuff I kinda knew already...I only knew some UNIX and that''s it, but I got the job as a data analyst with the genomics background I had from my masters.Date: 9/26/2006 9:40:58 AM
Author: rfath
ahh... more networking! I''m still trying to decide what''s next for me. Can''t stomach the thought of going on to get more advanced degrees doing bench work. Love the analytical side of it, but don''t have the technical training yet to break into that side of things.
How''re you liking Ann Arbor? I used to live in MI and loved the area (spent a lot of time on the medical campus when I was little)... unfortunately, the contacts I still know in the state are at MSU.
And I used to live in Ohio, too!
Hope to hear many positive updates that they''re beating down your door with fabulous offers!![]()
hey, I'd be up for that! Whereabouts would be good for you and when?Date: 9/26/2006 3:11:57 PM
Author: shortblonde
hey sweetpea,
i'm normally just a lurker here, but i live in ann arbor and work in a medical/scientific field. my company actually employs 4 medical editors, but unfortunately i don't think that we're looking for any more right now. i'll keep my ears open for you, though.
also, i'd be happy to meet up for coffee sometime if you're looking to meet more people in the area or have any questions about town (though i'm not quite sure how we'd arrange it, since there's no way to exchange personal info here. i guess just pick a place and a time, huh?)
I love Ann Arbor.Date: 9/20/2006 5:19:36 PM
So I just moved to Ann Arbor, MI from Boston and am starting the job search but I have to tell you sitting around is driving me crazy!!! i'm applying to jobs from careerbuilder, monster and on local business websites but is there anything else I can do to move this along faster???
Downtown AA? Sounds good to me, I will be there at 2 on Sunday! Looking forward to hanging out!Date: 9/27/2006 10:52:52 AM
Author: shortblonde
How about the Starbucks at Main and Liberty (downtown)? Say, 2:00 on Sunday? Does that work for you?
LOL at your comment (before revision) about Dunkin Donuts. I went to school in Rhode Island, so I know all about the obsession - but I didn''t realize that there was one anywhere remotely nearby!
Good advice...I started looking at company websites after reading this as well as can''t hurt to try. I spend at least 3 hours either every or every other day job searching with the cover letter writing and finding new jobs to apply to...hopefull it''ll pay off soon!Date: 9/27/2006 3:53:30 PM
Author: Mara
one thing i read about recently was that there are online job sites that are specialized and those are becoming way more popular for job seekers. so it''s not just about monster and hotjobs or whatever but specialized industry search engines. and that companies are using those more and more because they are specialized...not so vague. if you have not already looked for them via google, i''d try that. also check into consulting...or contracting or temping in the meantime. there are typically online consulting firms that would have your industry, you just have to find them. networking is awesome too. when you send a resume in, follow-up. putting yourself in front of them will most likely get your resume viewed quicker since sometimes companies can take a while to filter through things! anyway, sometimes it can take a while to get things going while looking but then it all seems to just happen at once! Good luck!