
To all the dealers trashing Lab Diamonds


Jan 7, 2009
In addition to dealers doing this, I suppose we should include Mr Rappaport as well.
He's been on a binge tour criticizing lab diamonds, as a product and as a business.
As he and many others have pointed out, even though a curated Lab Diamond is visually identical to its Natural counterpart, only a real diamond signifies love.
I'm sure we can prove this fact scientifically.
Or maybe in a court of law.
Or- "Lab Diamonds have no resale value"
An argument easily countered by the actual dollars involved.
A guy bought a 5ct Lab Diamond two years ago for $25k
Today it's $4k
Man did he get ripped off!
First of all- of course, it would have resale value, if it was a quality piece of jewelry.
Secondly, the natural 5ct E/VS1 Emerald Cut diamond was $200k+ for a sharp buyer. That same sharp buyer needing cash? Looking at about $100K+-
Even the guy who spent $25k is lightyears ahead financially.

What this insulting approach fails to realize is that it tarnishes natural diamonds worse than labs.
In reality, it's a fact that a large percentage of the business is now lab diamonds.

How many people buying lab diamonds these days would have bought a natural if there wasn't a lab option?
A lot.
The percentage of that pool opting for lab diamonds is growing exponentially. Much faster than the market itself is expanding.
The inevitable result is a weakening of the natural diamond market.

While he's out there trashing man made diamonds, Mr Rappaport's Rap sheet has stayed consistent in terms of price for months.
I'm using a Rap sheet from September, and it's current.
However, the real price of natural diamonds has weakened during this period.
The discounts off the list have risen because the list is not reflecting reality.

The attacks on lab diamonds bring out the inherent issues with natural diamond grading/prices.
Why should a D/IF cost approximately triple an F/VS2 (eye clean) diamond?

Make no mistake- I love natural diamonds, and what they represent. We have many clients who will accept only natural diamonds. I hope the prices rise because we own a lot of diamonds.
Of course, none of this affects the actual market, and the popularity of lab grown diamonds. I feel that by taking a side- vocally - is counterproductive to the industry. I feel the same about lab sellers trashing natural diamonds.
Let the clients decide for themselves.

Why insult anyone? Let people buy what they want

IS "Earth Mined" a negative term??? ( I know @Garry H (Cut Nut) will read this:)

Cut to the chase, - I do not believe that calling it an Earth Mined Diamond is in any derogatory.
People on reddit are buying lab diamond jewelry from China and if it doesn't suit them, they don't return it. They sell it on reddit for 90 - 95% of their cost. Items sell pretty quickly, too. The bottom of that part of the market, I realize, but it seems pretty stable.
Thank you @Rockdiamond for standing behind your products, both mined and lab, while making each customer comfortable with their choice.
Some of us prefer to invest our funds elsewhere, while still sporting some pretty fine-lookin’ jewels!!
Well said, David. Let the buyer decide.
They are both 100% diamond.
They can both be found with pinnacle material quality and crafting.
They are both stunningly beautiful.
I'll be blunt, Rappaport and the other naysayers are being foolish. They would have been better off by just staying silent. I fully agree, let the material speak for itself. The defensiveness is tarnishing any talk of love and made it a bald appeal to wealth signaling. This slowly turns to negative connotations of greed and superiority and is going to turn off many people who love mined diamonds. It's a distasteful response. It was a mistake to tell people not to look behind the curtain. There's a pile of rocks there that cost an awful lot and they don't have much reason as to why. All they can do is insult buyers about the sincerity of their emotions to cover the lack of distinction in the seller's material.
If a handful of both were thrown back at them they couldn't tell us which hit them in the eye...
Ugliness isn't good no matter where it crops up.

I'm someone who prefers natural, earth-made diamonds. And as such, I've received tons and tons of abuse from people who are invested in lab diamonds. Been called terrible names, etc, for my own feelings that I view lab diamonds as costume jewelry. These are my own personal feelings, not directed at anyone else, and most of the time kept to myself unless specifically asked. If you love labs, wonderful, buy and wear lab diamonds proudly! I'm happy for you. You do you, I'lll do me. But it doesn't end there. If I don't LOVE someone else's lab diamonds, if I don't think they are equal to mine (which I don't) then I'm labeled a monster. The thought police come after me!!! I am told to "stay silent".

Even though I know that @Rockdiamond dislikes political correctness, or "wokeness", as do I, to me, his initial post reeks of it. So what if some people don't believe lab diamonds are equal to earth-mined? Who cares! Don't be a snowflake. You do you. There's certainly money to be made in lab diamonds, so smile and stick to your convictions and proudly sell your diamonds. You'll be a rich man (or woman for the females in the business).

But don't beat people over the head that they must think like you. And if anyone here truly believes that people with other opinions should stay silent, then perhaps a democracy isn't a good fit for you.

It makes me vey sad and very tired that in America today if someone has a different view, they are denigrated and raked over the coals. People are terrified to speak their minds, say their opinions, and sometimes even merely exist if they are different than what is in vogue at the moment.
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Appreciate the candor, RunningwithScissors - this doesn't have to be a "line in the sand" issue.
Just a people choosing for themselves kind of a thing.
I choose to see (high quality) earth grown diamonds as gifts from the earth and I choose to see (high quality) human grown diamonds as a testament to human ingenuity, perseverance, and accomplishment.
We all have opinions and each of us are 100% entitled to our own thoughts and viewpoints.
Much respect.
Appreciate the candor, RunningwithScissors - this doesn't have to be a "line in the sand" issue.
Just a people choosing for themselves kind of a thing.
I choose to see (high quality) earth grown diamonds as gifts from the earth and I choose to see (high quality) human grown diamonds as a testament to human ingenuity, perseverance, and accomplishment.
We all have opinions and each of us are 100% entitled to our own thoughts and viewpoints.
Much respect.

Exactly DejaWiz. I agree.

I just wanted to put it out there that people who prefer earth-mined get a lot of abuse these days because the masses are moving towards lab grown. (And I get it -- with housing prices sky high, and student debt, etc, a crystal from the earth is an unnecessary expense.) I just wish there was more of a live and let live mentality all around. And while I like and respect the OP, (and would happily buy a natural diamond from him) I have no sympathy for his argument because of the abuse I personally have received from the pro-lab world. I have seen a very thuggish side of that world (mostly not on PriceScope, but a little here too) and am happy some folks are brave enough to take a stand with their unpopular pro-earth mined views. Viva debate and dissent!! I just wish everyone would be more respectful of others, but I don't think that's the way of the world unfortunately. I don't like ugliness anywhere no matter whether the viewpoint overlaps with my own or not.
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Exactly DejaWiz. I agree.

I just wanted to put it out there that people who prefer earth-mined get a lot of abuse these days because the masses are moving towards lab grown. (And I get it -- with housing prices sky high, and student debt, etc, a crystal from the earth is an unnecessary expense.) I just wish there was more of a live and let live mentality all around. And while I like and respect the OP, (and would happily buy a natural diamond from him) I have no sympathy for his argument because of the abuse I personally have received from the pro-lab world. I have seen a very thuggish side of that world (mostly not on PriceScope, but a little here too) and am happy some folks are brave enough to take a stand with their unpopular pro-earth mined views.

I agree. I see a lot of EGD downtrodders on Reddit, but I also see some (not nearly as much) of the same towards LGD.
My usually reply to those folks lately is: Who cares? Let the person opening their wallet decide if EGD, LGD, or heck even both are right for themselves. It affects everyone else's life 0.00%, so let's just jump in and help them get the best diamond possible no matter their budget.
Who are you really addressing this thread to @Rockdiamond? Bc most vendors/dealers here are already converts. Are you trying to ridicule the natural diamond owners for being stupid enough to have thrown thousands of dollars for what they could have thrown hundreds of dollars at instead? If you are so confident in your product, why post this thread in the natural diamond forum? Do you need more PS converts so that you have a stable market of lab grown customers who prefer yours over TJ Maxx’s or JCPenney’s or the preloved market that sells even cheaper ones?
I agree. I see a lot of EGD downtrodders on Reddit, but I also see some (not nearly as much) of the same towards LGD.
My usually reply to those folks lately is: Who cares? Let the person opening their wallet decide if EGD, LGD, or heck even both are right for themselves. It affects everyone else's life 0.00%, so let's just jump in and help them get the best diamond possible no matter their budget.
No. It affects dealers and jewelers and blah blah blah. Stop pretending diamonds are not a frivolous purchase. People need to stick it to the diamond industry’s face and hold out until the market bottoms out.
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I want everyone to buy exactly what they want and be happy. If someone wants EGD, awesome. If they want lab, great. I hate any of the insults from either side. Folks should spend their money how they wish!

I personally have no preference between lab and earth, EXCEPT that I adore "overblue" VSBF, which doesn't exist in lab. For me personally, that's the "grail" of EGD that I'll always covet.
What lab grown lovers love about lab growns is that they are cheaper. Period. Then they love that they do not have to disclose natural vs lab. What the diamond industry did wrong is not trademark the term diamond to apply it to only naturals. Idiots.

Where were all the lab grown lovers when the prices were almost comparable to naturals? If lab growns were called by any other name, let’s say, diamonique, I doubt we would have so many diamonique lovers. It’s really not that complicated.
My name is Karl and I love sparky rocks.
Diamond has the best survival rate on the hand of sparky rocks combined with a RI well suited to being polished into even more sparky rocks than as grown, either in the Earth or lab.
Something to consider is a polished diamond that starts out as mined rough is a manufactured product by the time it reached ones finger.
So are they really that different?
There will always be a market for mined gemstones. There will always be people who value origin and rarity. Some people will value origin and rarity for some projects and cost for others - they’re happy to own both.

In June of 2022 a PS member made one of the most ill-advised purchases imaginable: a 10ct G VS2 lab EC for $120k.

She’s lost over $100k on that thing. In 36 months.

Current pricing:

If diamonds are commodities - lab diamonds are the most commoditized version of all. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing the product itself. But any notion of value retention is a losing proposition.

Me, I’m planning to buy a lab diamond band next year.
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I guess I was a bit ambiguous.
Like others, I think it’s a huge mistake for either side to criticize the other for their preference.
From my perspective as a human ( not speaking as a diamond dealer) ….. if someone wants to say their lab diamond was mined ( or vice versa) in a casual conversation it’s their prerogative. I’ve never asked people.

Even though I know that @Rockdiamond dislikes political correctness, or "wokeness",

I found this really interesting. I have such mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I long for the days when we could all laugh at Archie Bunker and George Jefferson.
But on the other hand I need to teach my kids that their words will follow them around. It’s crucial in todays world to measure one’s speech.
As a merchant I strive to keep communication lively, humorous and vital, while avoiding the many land mines one can step on these days.
My post was spurred by dealers, and Rappaport trashing LGDs. Not consumers bashing each other for their choices. That always sucked.
My name is Karl and I love sparky rocks.
Diamond has the best survival rate on the hand of sparky rocks combined with a RI well suited to being polished into even more sparky rocks than as grown, either in the Earth or lab.
Something to consider is a polished diamond that starts out as mined rough is a manufactured product by the time it reached ones finger.
So are they really that different?

I would have no reason to buy naturals anymore if I can buy labs with blue fluorescence.
I personally have no preference between lab and earth, EXCEPT that I adore "overblue" VSBF, which doesn't exist in lab. For me personally, that's the "grail" of EGD that I'll always covet.

I'm with you on the overblue VSBF, @lovedogs! My three-stone ring is E/D/E, each with SBF, and those gems are so much fun in the sun. They're fun in the dark, too, with the right lighting.
I took @Rockdiamond’s original post as an expression of frustration at Rappaport’s campaign that only a mined diamond signifies love.

Perhaps some ppl agree with Rappaport in their own personal lives. But I think everyone can acknowledge that it’s a marketing ploy which can unwittingly do harm other vendors who sell both.

And if anyone knows what really signifies true love, give ‘em my number!
I have started to use LGDs in jewellery items that I commissioned in the past year or so, when they became more accessible by the bench I use in China.

The largest ones to date are the 4.5mm MRBs in my pink Sapphire cluster ring.

I have purchased a few pairs of LGD earrings, and am likely to continue to purchase and commission jewellery items made with LGDs in future.

For personal sentimental reasons, I am unlikely to buy a LGD that is bigger than my 1.19ct E VS1 EC diamond that I purchased as a 40th birthday present to myself nearly 20 years ago.

My own rule with regard to LGD purchases is that, they need to look like the ones I can afford to purchase in natural earth-mined diamonds. :lol-2:

>>> writing the above line as someone who wears a solitaire 5ct Moissanite heart pendant casually on a daily basis. :lol-2: I like to mix and match my costume and fine jewellery pieces. ;)2

DK :))
Look what the industry is doing to people.

Parts of this industry has decided to go full bore on deriding people's feelings about the people they love, more baldly put the price tag on it. They had cultural pressure to push debt, and if you couldn't well that's just too bad you're lower class. Work harder, save longer, take the loan, but remember it's not an investment! Aspirations melding into poison. We turn that inward and then we push it outward to the nearest targets. Each other.
So, this part of the industry decides to say it isn't real or it's not the same caliber because they can't afford or choose a different way to express. All tornadoed around material. Love = material. That is ugly, but somehow culturally acceptable. Echoed in different ways. That made many very resentful and because it's harder to direct that hurt at an industry, a monolith, they wrongly direct it at people. Millions have felt less than because of a technically voluntary, and in the end exclusionary practice that has been driven into our heads and culture. For carbon. The most common material on the planet, the primary building block of life. But we give, collect and wear chunks of it to feel special. For distinction that imparts huge amounts of information in a literal flash. It's only a little over two hundred years old for the hoi polloi, really ramped up in the last hundred+ years or so. If we're being honest this board was built on it. You can't escape it. It's the beauty of the irrational human.
For the first time there's also a bit of seismic sudden equanimity happening. It's threatening on a subconscious level. It's no surprise that there is deep seated resentment and defensiveness that is flowing in both directions.
They are saying the quiet part out loud.

Sneetches. Sneetches all the way down. And the industry knows it.
I think the smarter play for the industry is to emphasize the length of time that it takes for natural diamonds to form. “A diamond is forever” only because it takes forever to grow naturally. Market lab diamonds as instant gratification purchases, just like how relatively quickly they can be grown. I think consumers will still gravitate towards natural diamonds for the more emotional and important milestones and celebrations.
Such perceptive responses. Not that I’d expect anything less here.
It’s also possible that we, as active participants here, have a far more introspective views on this.
I feel like it’s my responsibility to educate our clients- and potential clients - to this choice. I make every effort to remove my personal feelings and just put the options on the table.
Then I get an unbiased response in many cases. People that weren’t even aware of the possibilities.
There’s a wide range of reactions.
I haven’t kept a tally….. but a lot of people choose lab when given the unbiased opportunity.
For me, this discussion is happily academic. We’re small enough to be able to adapt to the new market conditions.
But maybe part of what we’re seeing in terms of negative advertising against labs is that larger companies are having a much harder time adapting.
Say a company was doing 50 mil a year in natural diamonds, in 2020. They needed 50 employees to service that.
In 2023, if they’ve switched to lab and natural they’re probably doing 25mil. If they’ve stuck to their natural diamond guns, they might be at 20 mil. Point is, that’s gotta hurt the bottom line, cause layoffs, etc. And the prospects of 2024 improving for natural diamonds…. not good.
Having spent my life in this industry, that part is very sad.
But actually ….. the industry had already changed. The tremendous opportunities offered to me, and my Harry Winston classmates are long gone.
Back then , you could work your way up. Nowadays the industry is dominated by billionaires who can hire low wage workers who’ll never be given the chance to climb the ladder.
I agree with @Rockdiamond in the respect that the commentary in this thread is some of the most perceptive and articulate to be found anywhere. And like David, I am not surprised having been around here quite a while.

That said, I would like to speak in defense of Martin Rapaport. First, let me say that I have found him to be very "opinionated" over the years, and his manner has irritated me many times on many topics that he has pontificated on. However, he is extremely passionate and makes no secret about where he stands. He is and always has been a strong advocate for the natural diamond industry, but NOT AT ALL shy about calling them out when he sees injustice or bad practices that hurt the industry.

His recent remarks may be shrill and some of his rhetoric even offensive, but he has been completely consistent from day one (really before day one because he is so plugged in and could see what was coming) about lab grown and what it might mean for the natural diamond industry. He pleaded with the industry to treat LGD as a separate product and not to market them in a way that would create consumer confusion. But many producers (DeBeers a notable exception) and resellers did not heed that advice, for instance selling LGD on the basis of discounts to the rap list, which is ludicrous.

In the long run, the markets will naturally separate and find equilibrium. LGD will always be a big part of the gem and jewelry landscape going forward, which is a good thing. I also think it is a good thing for influential people to take a stand for the natural diamond industry which, while often maligned (including by self-serving and disingenuous marketing messaging on the part of certain LGD factions), makes an important positive impact on millions of people around the world.

We believe as many have said in this thread, that everyone should be entitled to purchase the product that is right for them, and not be demonized for doing so. People have different budgets and sensibilities. Providing solid information about the products, and trusting consumers to decide what is best for them, is the proper way to go about marketing.
In addition to dealers doing this, I suppose we should include Mr Rappaport as well.
He's been on a binge tour criticizing lab diamonds, as a product and as a business.
As he and many others have pointed out, even though a curated Lab Diamond is visually identical to its Natural counterpart, only a real diamond signifies love.
I'm sure we can prove this fact scientifically.
Or maybe in a court of law.
Or- "Lab Diamonds have no resale value"
An argument easily countered by the actual dollars involved.
A guy bought a 5ct Lab Diamond two years ago for $25k
Today it's $4k
Man did he get ripped off!
First of all- of course, it would have resale value, if it was a quality piece of jewelry.
Secondly, the natural 5ct E/VS1 Emerald Cut diamond was $200k+ for a sharp buyer. That same sharp buyer needing cash? Looking at about $100K+-
Even the guy who spent $25k is lightyears ahead financially.

What this insulting approach fails to realize is that it tarnishes natural diamonds worse than labs.
In reality, it's a fact that a large percentage of the business is now lab diamonds.

How many people buying lab diamonds these days would have bought a natural if there wasn't a lab option?
A lot.
The percentage of that pool opting for lab diamonds is growing exponentially. Much faster than the market itself is expanding.
The inevitable result is a weakening of the natural diamond market.

While he's out there trashing man made diamonds, Mr Rappaport's Rap sheet has stayed consistent in terms of price for months.
I'm using a Rap sheet from September, and it's current.
However, the real price of natural diamonds has weakened during this period.
The discounts off the list have risen because the list is not reflecting reality.

The attacks on lab diamonds bring out the inherent issues with natural diamond grading/prices.
Why should a D/IF cost approximately triple an F/VS2 (eye clean) diamond?

Make no mistake- I love natural diamonds, and what they represent. We have many clients who will accept only natural diamonds. I hope the prices rise because we own a lot of diamonds.
Of course, none of this affects the actual market, and the popularity of lab grown diamonds. I feel that by taking a side- vocally - is counterproductive to the industry. I feel the same about lab sellers trashing natural diamonds.
Let the clients decide for themselves.

Why insult anyone? Let people buy what they want

IS "Earth Mined" a negative term??? ( I know @Garry H (Cut Nut) will read this:)

Cut to the chase, - I do not believe that calling it an Earth Mined Diamond is in any derogatory.

Interesting post. I’ve always appreciated your input and I have some questions… but this is in the spirit of sharing ideas, I am not here to antagonize.
Personally, I am more an earth mined diamond person (don’t find that term offensive, merely an identifier). I don’t know if it has anything to do with being a G.G. and any influence instilled in me through that exposure or it’s just me. While I don’t think a diamond from the earth is the benchmark for true love, I do buy in to the “our love is unique and rare” as should the diamond be accordingly. With that said, the spirit in which any ring is given when one asks the other to spend the rest of their lives together should be the same, whether it be with a diamond from the earth, a diamond not from the earth, any other stone used for the ring (natural or otherwise), a band, something from a Cracker Jack box, etc.
While I had historically been not in favor of lab grown, I now have moved to the view of preferring a natural for engagement and am open to the idea of lab for other jewelry… however I can’t say if I personally would ever buy anything with lab stones. Anything is possible!
There are some things I would like your thoughts on (and from the rest of you, as well)
1. One of my instructors said to me that there is no “lab”… these are being manufactured in factories in China, and that giving the impression of lab coats and a laboratory environment is misleading. As I share this with you, what thoughts immediately come to mind for you?
2. Resale value/value in general - i was not understanding your comment that lab does have resale value… the prices have dropped consecutively each year. I suppose we need to see a stabilization before it is fair to say value or not. Your input?
3. On that note, basic Econ 101 tells us law of supply and demand… anything rare (like something from nature) is more valuable than something that can be produced in mass quantities. I’m trying to wrap my head around the opposing view - please enlighten me so I can have a better understanding of what I’m not understanding!
4. Regarding the part you mentioned about natural going down in price, do you feel some of that is due to a leveling out following the significant inflation of diamond prices as a result of the pandemic?
5. About resale value of a quality piece of jewelry, the resale of any jewelry is not good for the seller so that is altogether it would seem an issue in and of itself where the only exception I have seen would be for a piece that holds a natural diamond - do you see any truth in that?
6. I most certainly agree that lab has taken market share and that is continuing to rise. While I am on team natural I most certainly understand the choice to go lab and honestly I struggle with why I can’t wrap my head around it and jump on board. Is it my age? A romanticism thing? Something akin to that mind clean concept? Ego about what my paperwork says? The G.G. influence? All of the above?!
7. I’m not sure I understand your point about triple diff btwn D/IF and F/VS2… rare = $$$ yes??
As you can see, your post has been very thought-provoking for me - obviously it took me a little while to respond as I’ve been pondering and rereading your thoughts. I appreciate your passion and your candor. Would love to see your reply and from others here, as well. Thanks for the opportunity to share viewpoints.
Well said Bryan. As usual, you've reasonably expressed a valid viewpoint, which is slightly different than mine.
But mostly we agree.
From my perspective, and this is borne out by the facts- Rappaport was correct about certain aspects- but misread another vital aspect. The utility of man made diamonds and how that would impact their growth and acceptance.
In 2018, if we were having this discussion, I'd have nothing good to say about Lab diamonds. My assumption would have been to come out guns a-blazin' on the side of natural diamonds.
But that was before I experienced them first hand.
Once I did, the possibilities were immediately apparent to me. From a utility standpoint, I could find man made diamonds that were identical to the ones mined from the earth. No longer would I be scouring J/SI2's to make that tennis bracelet affordably. No need to recommend anything other than Colorless people shopping for white diamond engagement rings.

I was also aware of the likely side effects Lab Diamonds would have on the natural diamond market. This new market share had to come out of the same pool, based on the utility. It's a diamond. Full stop.
Nothing Rap said or did truly made a difference. Of course, this is true about any of us. He could not have changed the course of diamond history...this time.
We agree that Mr Rappaport has done so in the past.
In this case, even his advocations were wrong minded.
They would inevitably bounce back and bite him on the a$$.
An insult to lab diamonds is an insult to diamonds. Period.
I hate to pile on the guy, but think of the ramifications....
I agree that pricing lab diamonds based on Rap prices is silly.
OK, so we toss Rappaport on lab diamonds. Which lessens the relevance of his list by miles.
SO there's a lot of motivation for Rappaport to try and steer things his way.
I do not blame him- he's a very smart guy.
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Didn't Mr. Rappaport say that jewelers were convincing millennials and generation Z to buy lab diamonds and that was some how wrong? I think that may be a misconception on his part. I don't think this demographic is easily swayed by a jeweler's word. I think they do their research, consider their likes, wants, finances and make decisions based on this.

While the jeweler/vendor behind the counter or behind your screen may suggest diamond choices, I think this demographic is savvy enough to buy what they want be it lab or earth mined diamonds. I truly find it hard to believe that the debate or war on diamonds from the vendor's side is is about emotion and not profit. The consumer has the luxury of deciding to buy based on emotion but not the diamond vendor. Why get on the wrong side of a consumer who considers earth grown, lab grown or both?

I guess we will see how it plays out in the long run. I personally don't regret my earth mined diamond purchases or my lab diamond purchases. Room for both.
1. One of my instructors said to me that there is no “lab”… these are being manufactured in factories in China, and that giving the impression of lab coats and a laboratory environment is misleading. As I share this with you, what thoughts immediately come to mind for you?
Here is the part he left off......
Polished diamonds by the time they reach the consumer are a manufactured product produced in a factory.
This is why a diamond mined in Africa and polished in India is for legal trade purposes a manufactured produce of India.
The same way a bar of gold imported from Africa and turned into ring settings, the settings are a manufactured product of India.