
To cheer us up, the memes thread

Pets narrate their isolation

Apologies if this has already been posted. My fave is when the cat speaks about 'tubes of endless joy'

Pets narrate their isolation

Apologies if this has already been posted. My fave is when the cat speaks about 'tubes of endless joy'

I clearly have never owned a cat. It took me quite a while to figure out what "the tubes of endless joy" were, whereas I instantly understood the significance of the dog's hoping every day and one day his hope coming true!

Thank you, @737lizakg
@AGBF I have had dozens of cats over my lifetime and even I was unsure... initially I had the horrifying thought that it was feminine hygiene related because my cat once destroyed a box of them; came home to the cat running around with one in it's mouth and initially thought it was a white mouse. My mom was not impressed.
@AGBF I have had dozens of cats over my lifetime and even I was unsure... initially I had the horrifying thought that it was feminine hygiene related because my cat once destroyed a box of them; came home to the cat running around with one in it's mouth and initially thought it was a white mouse. My mom was not impressed.

I am chuckling. I thought only dogs did things like that.They love blood (you have to watch 'em every second if you cut yourself and throw out some dressing) and they like to lie on smelly socks and underpants if you have a man around who is willing to leave any within the dog's reach.
My cat loves smelly things like socks and underwear. He also loves anything with a strings attached. Pun not intended.
My cat loves smelly things like socks and underwear. He also loves anything with a strings attached. Pun not intended.

Pretty good for an unintentional pun.

I completely get that cats would like anything with strings.I see them as the ultimate string players. And I know that they are hunters, of course. But I thought they did that more for the sport (like pouncing on something attached to a string) than for the blood. Therefore I didn't connect it to liking smelly things. My old dog, Griffin, the Newfie, liked to lie on my father's underwear. I had forgotten that. My daughter reminded me of it when Hero brought me one of her fiancé's socks. (That's a retriever for you.) Nothing like picking up a dirty sock in one room and leaping onto a bed in another room to present it to someone else!
My guess regarding the smelly things like socks and sweaty clothes is that our personal scent is really strong?
Ok, I'm dense. What is the "the tube of endless joy"?
@Bonfire, so you flew a drone over my house and caught me in the act...
@alittlelight @GlitterInMyHair

To clarify, my cat was playing with UNUSED sanitary items. But the video cat was talking about humans stockpiling toilet paper. I've never met a cat that didn't attack and shred toilet paper until it looks like a paper maché project or really cheap confetti. One of my cats also likes to chew and eat paper and plastic.
I would never in a million years have sullied your darling cat with thoughts of her playing with anything but a spotless sanitary item.

Only big, dirty dogs might even be associated with thoughts of anything else. (Dogs have no sense of the appropriate.)

To clarify, my cat was playing with UNUSED sanitary items.