
To cheer us up, the memes thread

I hava always liked and, more than that, respected you, too, chrono. I did not see any rules posted, but perhaps I missed an undertone because I didn't follow the thread from the beginning. I do not need to post anything political here.

Nothing personal here either but thank you (and others who will hopefully follow your gracious example)..there's politics in a lot of the other threads and I was enjoying this one being just the light and fun one. We all need a break from the seriousness sometimes. ::)
I didn't know where to put these but it was kinda funny so I'll put it here. I took these pics this morning. I haven't been getting out much obviously.

My Costco had a sign outside that says they have toilet paper in stock. :lol-2:

I stood in one place and had to shoot twice.

Most beautiful thing I've seen in awhile. *sniff*
This is not a meme either but I could not stop smiling when I saw it. I was not aware of the trend to Green Screen The Queen. This isn't the first time Queen Elizabeth has worn a green outfit to make this possible...maybe she even enjoys it as I hear she has a healthy sense of humor.

The original, followed by a few of my favorites....


I guess everyone who wanted/needed TP has enough. Now that pile will sit there for a year, lol.
This is not a meme either but I could not stop smiling when I saw it. I was not aware of the trend to Green Screen The Queen. This isn't the first time Queen Elizabeth has worn a green outfit to make this possible...maybe she even enjoys it as I hear she has a healthy sense of humor.

The original, followed by a few of my favorites....



Oh my gosh I love Trekkie QE!
The Trekkie suit is my fav! Live long and prosper.
It was tough between TNG and the Queen T-shirt...really tough, lol.
This is the third best meme I’ve seen in all this, right behind (no pun intended) Schrodinger’s virus and Welcome to the Thunderdome.
This is the third best meme I’ve seen in all this, right behind (no pun intended) Schrodinger’s virus and Welcome to the Thunderdome.

LOLOLLOLOOLLOHILLOLL I can't breathe from laughing so hard!
This is the third best meme I’ve seen in all this, right behind (no pun intended) Schrodinger’s virus and Welcome to the Thunderdome.

OMG....this should come with a warning to visit the restroom before scrolling down.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:
I posted a Trump meme without even thinking twice. My apologies to anyone who was hoping to keep that out of this thread. I absolutely love this thread too!
Ahhhhh, please don't think of me as a gatekeeper for this thread. There is no such rule and I don't think there should be any rules. It took me a long time to decide whether I should say anything or not. Consider it my selfish desire and tiny voice pleading for a safe space. :knockout: Yes, I know I can just scroll past and ignore it. So sorry!

Would love a bit of advice on how to post vids here? I walked my cat and took a (cute to me) vid of him walking on a leash. But I don't want to post it on FB for privacy reasons. Is there some other way to share the vid on PS?
Ahhhhh, please don't think of me as a gatekeeper for this thread. There is no such rule and I don't think there should be any rules. It took me a long time to decide whether I should say anything or not. Consider it my selfish desire and tiny voice pleading for a safe space. :knockout: Yes, I know I can just scroll past and ignore it. So sorry!

I appreciate not having Trump referenced in at least one thread.
@chrono if it is very short you could try to Gif it? Or if you have a bling specific email address maybe upload it to youtube under that account? But whatever happens, please share it! Whenever I have tried to walk any of my cats it looks like I'm trying to mop the floor.
Ahhhhh, please don't think of me as a gatekeeper for this thread. There is no such rule and I don't think there should be any rules. It took me a long time to decide whether I should say anything or not. Consider it my selfish desire and tiny voice pleading for a safe space. :knockout: Yes, I know I can just scroll past and ignore it. So sorry!

Would love a bit of advice on how to post vids here? I walked my cat and took a (cute to me) vid of him walking on a leash. But I don't want to post it on FB for privacy reasons. Is there some other way to share the vid on PS?

You can upload to youtube under an anonymous account and then link it here.

ETA: Haha here is a good example. And it is a cheerful video so hope no one minds. It makes me smile every time I watch it. LOL so silly. :lol:

I hope this works.

Ahhhhh, please don't think of me as a gatekeeper for this thread. There is no such rule and I don't think there should be any rules. It took me a long time to decide whether I should say anything or not. Consider it my selfish desire and tiny voice pleading for a safe space. :knockout: Yes, I know I can just scroll past and ignore it. So sorry!

Well, I already policed the thread about racist memes, so I don’t see why you can’t say how you feel about the political ones! ;)2

Also, we need more cat videos, stat!!