
Unique, interesting, or just plain odd stones...Post them here!

I second the fern bezel. I love the texture!
Loving the color on your ec @MMtwo. I vote Sholdt EW set semi-bezel in yellow gold with fern finish. I’m obsessed with that setting for an EC!!
@Dreamer_D @ItsMainelyYou I can really see that deep shine against the fern yellow gold too. I started talks at Sholdt today. I looked around and didn't see any other yellow gold fern setting on PS, but may have missed it. I am also considering a full bezel YG halo (very small, low colored stones) with fern sides, or just a bezel like this. Finger coverage is a consideration. If I set EW, this would be a great RHR.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 191020.png
@Dreamer_D @ItsMainelyYou I can really see that deep shine against the fern yellow gold too. I started talks at Sholdt today. I looked around and didn't see any other yellow gold fern setting on PS, but may have missed it. I am also considering a full bezel YG halo (very small, low colored stones) with fern sides, or just a bezel like this. Finger coverage is a consideration. If I set EW, this would be a great RHR.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 191020.png

I hope you do, I see it too. I've always really loved the texture on their pieces and stalked their site/IG, it has an elegant simplicity that's just timeless to me.
Any iteration is a winner, I think!
I second or third (or forth) the shold fern idea...kind of organic and speaks to the stone in my opinion!
Thank you all for your kind words and supportive ideas for setting. I did start a thread on SMTB to work on setting the ring.

I am very excited. What I do next is contingent on a couple of eBay sales... but I look forward to getting it set!
Thank you all for your kind words and supportive ideas for setting. I did start a thread on SMTB to work on setting the ring.

I am very excited. What I do next is contingent on a couple of eBay sales... but I look forward to getting it set!

Just fyi @MMtwo ...SMTB is for finished products (and showing them off). If you're working on something and want input, it
should stay in this forum. You might want to ask Admin to move that thread back over here (I'm always happy to provide
Just fyi @MMtwo ...SMTB is for finished products (and showing them off). If you're working on something and want input, it
should stay in this forum. You might want to ask Admin to move that thread back over here (I'm always happy to provide

Thank you for that! I will ask to have it returned.
That cushion reminds me of a mullet in the front party in the back! Looks like a cushion crown (maybe?) and a
princess pavilion!
It's here and I love it. Is this an overblue? It has very strong flourecense and glows purple but clear outside.
if so, bonus!



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Thank you :D. I know not to everyone's taste, but in a sciency-way, so much fun.

I love sciency stones, but also, that's just SO COOL and SO BEAUTIFUL!
It's here and I love it. Is this an overblue? It has very strong flourecense and glows purple but clear outside.
if so, bonus!




Neat stone! Did you know the fluorescence would be violet, or were you just hoping for blue?
It's here and I love it. Is this an overblue? It has very strong flourecense and glows purple but clear outside.
if so, bonus!

WOOOWWW!! I just fall more in love with it every new pic! That ring suits it perfectly. I don't think i've ever seen a fluorescence that color
@glitterata @Ibrakeforpossums @lovedogs Thank you so much! I love our band of wonky diamond lovers.

@oncrutchesrightnow I am seriously stumped. I side it glows a crazy blue. Even at 2 feet from the uv light it's a turquoise blue, at 3 feet it fades to a purplish effect. I have no idea why. GIA says very strong blue. I went outside to try to figure it out. Could it be reflecting sky? But my other diamonds do not turn that color.

Outside from the side I am not reading purple at all.

The second pic is when i first went outside

Third was after a few minutes.
I'm stumped.
