
Upcoming IDJ visit!

Hi Pintobean - can I ask a huge favor of you while at IDJ? I am deciding if I want a .15 pointer or .20 pointer dbty bracelet. I will not be getting the stock pieces, Yekutiel will make one for me with Pricescope quality stones. Let me know your thoughts with the size difference. Maybe even a photo with them side by side? Thank you - would appreciate your help.
Queenie60|1459552486|4014357 said:
Hi Pintobean - can I ask a huge favor of you while at IDJ? I am deciding if I want a .15 pointer or .20 pointer dbty bracelet. I will not be getting the stock pieces, Yekutiel will make one for me with Pricescope quality stones. Let me know your thoughts with the size difference. Maybe even a photo with them side by side? Thank you - would appreciate your help.
Queenie60 - just to tie you over, here's a 10 pointer bracelet next to a 20 pointer necklace. order is earring, 10pointer bracelet, 20 pointer necklace, bar bracelet. If 20 pointers are in your budget, hands down 20 pointer dbty bracelet.
As promised, cchloe, here are pics of the same rings on a different skin tone. Unfortunately, it's night time now and the kitchen lighting adds warmth to my pics. I tried to show my hand alone, my hand with DHs so you can see our skin tone contrast. And my gavon made a cameo bc daddy is eating.



"Honey, come here and put my rings on so I can take a picture!"
"Because cchloe needs to see what a K looks like next to F/G on pink skin! Geez!"
cchloe|1459561735|4014393 said:
"Honey, come here and put my rings on so I can take a picture!"
"Because cchloe needs to see what a K looks like next to F/G on pink skin! Geez!"
you forgot...
DH: "but my hands are dirty because I'm eating."
PB: "your left ring finger looks ok..."
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
PB - you're so funny and light hearted! Just as Yekutiel explained to me last week. He told me that your husband is a great guy too! Told me he just sat there and allowed you to be a kid in a candy store! ( those are my words) What a nice man.
Queenie60|1459552486|4014357 said:
Hi Pintobean - can I ask a huge favor of you while at IDJ? I am deciding if I want a .15 pointer or .20 pointer dbty bracelet. I will not be getting the stock pieces, Yekutiel will make one for me with Pricescope quality stones. Let me know your thoughts with the size difference. Maybe even a photo with them side by side? Thank you - would appreciate your help.
Queenie, have you figured out the spacing for your bracelet? There are two configurations, one where the clasp is equal distance to the adjacent diamonds as those diamonds are to the other diamonds. The other configuration is one there the diamonds are equal distance from each other regardless of the clasp. I think IDJ made the latter, but the person preferred the former but didn't specify. IDJ did redo the spacing but it's better to ask ahead of time.
Queenie60|1459569475|4014444 said:
PB - you're so funny and light hearted! Just as Yekutiel explained to me last week. He told me that your husband is a great guy too! Told me he just sat there and allowed you to be a kid in a candy store! ( those are my words) What a nice man.
Thank you Queenie60!
I just about died when everyone at IDJ was like, "Hey, where did your husband go?" ...3 hours later HAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: They couldn't see him where he was sitting LOLOLOL! He's such a good sport - he stood around the first hour, despite my pleas for him to get comfortable and take a seat, but the minute that IDJ got mobbed with customers, he gamely took a seat :lol:

And he didn't pass out when Yekutiel pulled out that gorgeous gigantic pear ring and joked, "30 year anniversary upgrade!"
Me, my mom, and my mother in law are like "yack yack yack yack yack" and silly and funny. My DH, dad, and father in law are quiet, kind hearted, and SUPER nice. I knew my DH was a keeper when my parents' pets (aka my "siblings) were fawning all over him the first time they met him. Animals KNOW! And when we go to animal shelter, FORGET ABOUT IT! He's like snow white surrounded by the woodland creatures.

Back to your DBTY - someone in your thread had suggested 18 pointers. I would check with IDJ on 18 versus 20 pointers pricing. This older thread of mine shows 10 versus 18 pointer dbty on my neck:
PB! If you go to IdJ tomorrow can you take photos of Miami and the 2.6er again together in all different types of lighting, especially near direct sunlight? I don't know if the 2.6er will still be there but it would be cool to see how they look in different lighting conditions next to each other and how the SBF affects each one.
Meet Miami!

I brought along my K with very strong Fluor round brilliant to see how much more tinted Miami is. A smidge? Chock it up to the magical skin tone :lol: believe it or not, Yekutiel has close coloring, where I am beige, he is the same shade, but a beige to slightly beige pink undertone. I joked that we could share makeup :naughty: . He looked :errrr: .
Welcome to Miami! She is tinted against white.

Miami and her RB cousin

Miami face planted, booty up




We played around with settings to see how Miami will potentially look once set.

My preference is east west, but here's some north south flavor for variety's sake.




Yekutiel had a make shift bezel setting to try. It is not finished so it is grayish and not shiny.



Miami and her best bud - cchloe's 2.6 I. In a couple of shots I managed to get arrows :love: :love: :love:
By the way, I learned to crop and zoom my photos properly with the iPhone courtesy of Yekutiel :lol: :lol:




A couple more of the besties!

I wanted to see how Miami would look in a solitaire setting

Yekutiel broke out the black light for some disco magic!




Some more black light partying with my ring, cchloe's stone, and Miami




Some more comparison shots between my BGBlue K and Miami - cuzzies!




I love miami!!!! She's so sparkly in the second photo. Did you see them in daylight?
One more shot of the cousins!

More solo shots of Miami!




What did you think of the size?
Last two shots of our girl Miami (onion roll) :lickout: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


cchloe|1459712606|4014980 said:
I love miami!!!! She's so sparkly in the second photo. Did you see them in daylight?
NOoo... BTW, they DO have windows in the office, but I didn't notice them last time because the blinds are closed. We talked about going outside, but then we got distracted... bling does that to you!

cchloe said:
What did you think of the size?
She looks bigger than the 2.6, but not so much that you'd be like "Eureka! that's a 4.02 carat diamond!" I guess Miami, being shaped more like a miami onion roll than a thin baguette, is "pleasantly plump", and ahem... has a badonk-a-donk / some junk in the trunk :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow PintoBean - that's an amazing stone. Doesn't look tinted in the photos. Now I want an EC!!
Something special I got to see today - a 1.5 ft E IF Tiffany solitaire!!!!
When it's not worn, the E is so icy white it looks like it's got a pitch of Fluor! It's a cool cool white! But go figure, I put it on my hand and my skin tone cancels that iciness! I did notice that the ring is set lower than mine, so that could have added to how my skin tone cancels it some of the iciness. I was very happy that my K next to the E didn't look like it was 6 grades down the line in color. They look closer. Goes to show that cut truly is king for face up whiteness!




What if you halo it like that 5 carat asscher? Or set it with side stones so it looks like the bling covers the entire finger?
A couple more of the Tiffany ring



Wow that does NOT look like an E! Nor does it look like an IF for that matter but obviously it's probably not squeaky clean. Even when you are holding it up and showing the profile and your skintone is nowhere near it, it looks like a J! Maybe the yellow gold?
Gulp! :shock: did you know they have rolling rings without the Cartier price tag? I was about to leave when I saw these!

Then as an after thought I inquired about my bracelet and it was done! Israel thought I wanted total carat weight 5 and was going to make another bracelet, bc the price quoted was for 5 ctw, and this bracelet is 4.75 ctw. I was like, no, this is fine! I saved a little money too going with this one. There are 45 stones in the 3 prong setting for a total of 4.75. The stones are a smidge more than 10 pointers. I :love: :love: it!




Wow, how fun!!! Love your new diamond! :love: Have you decided on a setting?

I missed this entire thread. I now have 5 pages to read!