That is not only the best brooch conversion i have ever seen but most likely the best i will ever see !
What a wonderful 2nd life !
Possibly even better than the first !
And i do wish brooches would come back .....
But she is beyound glorious
OMG!!! THUD!!! This is exquisite!!! If this is what it looks like in pictures I can only imagine how beautiful it is in person. I can hear the choir of angels singing from here. What on earth took you so long to try it on??? Necklaces like this don’t come along every 10 years. Congratulations on finding this gorgeous necklace.
And please post more pictures!!! She needs her own thread in Show Me The Bling.
Thank you all so much,
So the more I wear her the more I appreciate how special she is.
And my jeweler actually thanked me for “giving her new life”.
What I think happened was that she languished in the back of their case. Then she got a little dusty. And then her sparkle was hidden and she was simply overlooked.
When I asked to take her out of the case, I immediately marched her over to the steam cleaner and soaked and steamed her myself (I have cultivated a relationship with my jeweler over a long time so they let me do things like that!) and when I was done I literally had to stifle a deep gasp.
She was incredible!!!!
I put her on and everyone turned to look in amazement.
He won’t tell me but I think he gave me a little extra “rescue” discount.
Plus it was so clearly mine!!!!
Oh and she goes with everything so far….from swimsuit to tee shirts to dress -up.