
Updates, anyone?

madelise|1372880478|3476832 said:
LoveLikeCrazy|1372872622|3476707 said:
:( so i need some bling to get me by!!!!

Ditto. And my collection keeps growing and growing as I wait and wait. :oops:

Thritto (especially on the growing bling collection!!!!) I keep having all these reasons to buy bling for myself that new necklace for graduation, now I have passing the boards and probably really starting my new job to add to the list of occasions :naughty: :halo:
Yes, you ladies are bling addicts! :$$): Keep going! :naughty:

I'm pretty sure our ring is still at the jewellers waiting to be picked up. SO has been busy with work, so I'm beginning to wonder if he will wait until the school holidays begin on the 12th.

Today is 175 days until our hopeful wedding date. :errrr: Luckily I've soft-booked a couple of things, but the thought of finding a venue late notice is scaring the pants off me!
Anyone get engaged over the fireworks yesterday? :love:
Not this girl.

Not surprising through considering yesterday wasn't a holiday here. Haha :))
madelise|1373048457|3477723 said:
Anyone get engaged over the fireworks yesterday? :love:

I was hoping but sadly, no. No news to report here. Heading to visit my parents in a few hours.
SO and I went to a wedding last weekend. He was making fun of me, saying I would be wedding crazed afterwards. Well, he has been looking at wedding venues for the past several it looks like I'm not the only one who is wedding crazed!

I also decided to be a crazy person and order the wedding dress that I liked, because I got a coupon code for another 25% off sale items. It needs to be taken in around the waist/hips, but the heavily beaded part at the top fits perfectly...
lktx|1373143493|3478237 said:
I also decided to be a crazy person and order the wedding dress that I liked, because I got a coupon code for another 25% off sale items. It needs to be taken in around the waist/hips, but the heavily beaded part at the top fits perfectly...

YAY, more power to you! Are we allowed to see a picture? :appl:
lktx|1373143493|3478237 said:
I also decided to be a crazy person and order the wedding dress that I liked, because I got a coupon code for another 25% off sale items. It needs to be taken in around the waist/hips, but the heavily beaded part at the top fits perfectly...

pics, links? :Up_to_something:
lktx! It is so gorgeous and classy. Love it!

You girls are such classy ladies. I cant believe some of the gorgeous dress, rings, accessories, etc. that I have seen here. :love:

No updates from me. I am getting rather crabby. I actually sort of feel like he is trying to throw me off and might not actually be doing it before he leaves. I will be so upset. The thing is we only have 3 weekends left until his vacay. Two will be spent with my daughter. The other weekend will be a three day weekend for us but he is talking about going to visit family. WHAT?! I dont know what I will say if it doesnt happen. I mean guys dont promise girls a proposal by a certain date and then not do it right? My SO cant be that mean... :shock:

I want to talk to him about it but I also dont want to ruin anything so I am going to try and keep my mouth shut.
HOT DAMN lktx that is gorgeous!!!!! Super blingy and fantastic haha.

No 1000 day proposal for me...we didn't end up going to the concert because I lost the tickets in the move down here, and I got scheduled to work anyways. Still no idea when it is coming but he has assured me he has a "master plan" lol. I guess even though I have been waiting for a while (obviously since we have had the ring since September ish) but realistically we both knew it wouldn't happen til after graduation so I guess the "real" waiting started only in May. I would hope that it'll still be by the end of this year like he previously promised but idk if he is just trying to throw me off or whatever. It's fine. Just trying not to think/bother him about it too much! Hope there is some more movement for you lovely ladies in the meantime!
LKTX -- the top of that dress is insanely beautiful. Jeez, you found yourself a winner! Very old hollywood! :love:

Lots of ********dust******* all around!
Hi ladies!

I haven't been posting much lately but I have found myself missing PS! I've just been working a lot lately and dealing with some food sensitivity issues that have been leaving me completely exhausted 100% of the time and I haven't felt like doing internet.... blech.

Good news is that my ring will probably be here in about two weeks, though! As some of you may know, I decided to set my Octavia in a Jeff Cooper setting. The more I handled jewelry on a daily basis, the less I liked rhodium, so I decided to order it unplated. Jeff Cooper's 18KW is palladium alloyed, so I opted for the 14KW and because my stone is a J, I requested that the melee be no higher than H. I'm super excited to see how it turns out! Hopefully it'll be perfect-- we're so tired of playing the ring game at this point that if it isn't perfect, I'm probably just going to have to deal with it-- G is ready to propose and told me he's tired of waiting. He still wants to surprise me, so I know it isn't going to be right when we get the ring, but soon after. He's been ready for months and he's getting impatient. He told me that since I ended up doing the entire ring, he's going to make the ring box by hand (awwww!).

Here's a photo of the setting (with an Octavia superimposed :cheeky: ), for those who may not have seen it:


It's funny: the more I handle diamonds, the smaller they seem to look (professional DSS! AAHHH!) and since I wear a 7.25, even big diamonds kinda look a little small on me anyway-- so I've been feeling pretty self conscious about my hands lately. G thinks this is silly ("You women are self conscious about enough already! Now you're telling me that women have to be self conscious about their FINGERS, too?!") and I agree that it's silly.... but it doesn't change the way I feel. It's not like I expect him to buy me a bigger diamond. I just wish my fingers didn't make it look smaller than it is. But we actually got a JC ring of a similar style at work the other day, set with a princess of slightly smaller dimensions than my Octavia, and for once the ring was in my size, so I tried it on and it looked great. So maybe I can stop thinking about my stupid fingers now. It's ridiculous. The last setting (the nightmare setting from DBL) totally dwarfed the diamond, probably because the bezel was the same width as the diamond, so hopefully this setting will make it pop rather than shrink it.

Babble babble babble.
I can't wait to see the finished product, Cygnet. It's going to look so stunning!!! I want to meet it in person :love: :love:

I also can't wait to see what type of box G makes :bigsmile:
lktx that beading is absolutely gorgeous!!! :love:

cygnet I can't wait to see the wooden box and your completed ring! It's going to be beautiful!!!!

pandabee we can sit on the "who knows how long I'm gonna wait" bench together! I really had HOPED he would have proposed before our two year anniversary, but it's not looking very likely. I KNOW before the end of the year but its really upsetting because I will be deep in my semester at school and I won't be able to "enjoy" it. Hell we don't even see each other when I'm in school because I still work full time, so between class, clinical and work - my very little time home is used studying ;( WE SHALL SEEEEEEE!!!

antiquesparkler I cannot imagine him fibbing about a hard set date! Maybe he's trying to throw you off with the whole "parents" weekend! :naughty:
Lots going on in these parts! So excited for all the things happening for you ladies and I can't wait for you all to help liven up BWW!

I got our handsome Darwin boy a new collar today and thought I'd share some kitty pictures! Ned inspired me to take some new shots of Darwin! As you can see, his old one was QUITE worn out!

LLC- I hope so! Ugh! The only flaw with that plan is that we would be going to see his grandparents and his mom and I talk frequently. He wont tell her because he knows she would spill the beans. Not on purpose, his mom is just very excitable. :bigsmile: This just seems like a lot of work. Can't he just wake me up some morning with the ring?! Ugh! Someone call my SO and tell him to get going... lol. Yes, I am having one of those days today.

Aud- He is so adorable! Love the new colorful collar and his name tag!
lktx, your dress is really really beautiful.

antiquesparkler, there is no way your SO won't make his own deadline! Perhaps he has planned the family visit so you are able to tell them some exciting news?

pandabee, I'm sorry you are a little blue. I agree, even though you've had the ring since September, the 'official' wait started in May. Semantics perhaps, but it sure helped me not get tooooo weird about waiting. HEY, perhaps he'll do 1111 days anniversary!

cygnet, I'm dying to see it!!

audball, I love your 'Hello' pet tags. He looks so handsome in his new collar, look out ladies! :tongue:
We love him <3
lktx - you go girl! I ordered my dress too and although we decided to not get married this year, I plan on still being obsessed with it when the day comes. I LOVE it. ps. yours it TOTALLY gorgeous. such classy sophistication and elegance!

antique - hang in there! I have a feels its gonna be soon!

panda - wow, the more I read, the more it seems everyone is getting pretty close to a proposal! the race is on bitches!!! :lol: anyway, i'm so excited for you! dust dust!

cygnet - ugh, I feels ya on the food stuff. my SO just got diagnosed with colitis. It's thrown a bit of a wrench into life for us. here's hoping once he gets the ring he puts it on your finger ASAP! Sounds so encouraging that he's getting so impatient! :appl:

audball - what a handsome kitty you have there! seems calm... unlike Ned. He is cuddly but man, is he ever insane some of the time! :lol:
lin_ny|1373337184|3479455 said:
audball - what a handsome kitty you have there! seems calm... unlike Ned. He is cuddly but man, is he ever insane some of the time! :lol:
Thanks lin! He's not so calm! I have no idea how I managed to get those photos by myself. He *had* just eaten dinner so maybe he was just content, lol!

Darwin is a cuddle whore. Especially with new people. He MUST make them friends. MUST. Hah.
I will also copy the bullet list of responses to everyone... ;))

antiquesparkler agreed with everyone else that he is just throwing you off about visiting family that weekend!!! maybe this one secret his mom would be able to keep. just a few more weekends left my dear!!

cygnet sorry you've been having some food/health issues. that's the pits :(( what's the ETA on the finished ring??

LLC aww well we can wait together til the end of the year. do you have any breaks from school coming up?

audball I love the new colorful collar!!! super cute :))

Chewie that's a thought...I just checked and that puts us at October 25 hehe. I think trying to remind myself that the "real" waiting hasn't been that long helps put things in perspective.

lin_ny hahhah what race?? we are all buddies here!! did you decide on a general time to get married next year?
Argh. SO and I had a long talk last night because he could tell I was grumpy about everything. He basically told me that the timeframe we had in place isn’t going to work because he is running out of time before he leaves and he would really like us to use our time off to go see his grandparents and spend some time there. His grandpa hasn’t been feeling well lately and his mom expressed that she thought it was important we come visit. I am totally okay with this. They treat me like their own and I adore them.

So, last night he told me that he would like me to pack a bag of warm weather clothes and all my travel stuff and he told me that he has big plans and I need to relax. He found something meaningful to the both of us and I need to let him surprise me. It was very sweet. He took my travel bag and hid it somewhere in the house.

Of course I am bummed that we most likely won’t be engaged by 8/1 but I want him to feel like he did good and I am excited that he wants to make it special. I know he feels bad so I am trying to look on the bright side. :|

That’s all for now. I might duck out for a while and try and focus on something else but you are all wonderful! ~*~DUST~*~
I'm sorry antiquesparkler. ;( It sounds like he really does have something special planned, and packing your bag must have been a little bit exciting! I'm going to continue to cross my fingers for a running-out-of-time fake out, but even if its not that, it doesn't sound like you'll be waiting much longer than 8/1. Its very sweet of you to make him feel reassured that you are still excited and happy. Sending lots of DUST your way. ::)

My update: I'm pretty sure this weekend is it. I'm hoping for Friday night!
Chewbacca|1373414669|3479962 said:
I'm sorry antiquesparkler. ;( It sounds like he really does have something special planned, and packing your bag must have been a little bit exciting! I'm going to continue to cross my fingers for a running-out-of-time fake out, but even if its not that, it doesn't sound like you'll be waiting much longer than 8/1. Its very sweet of you to make him feel reassured that you are still excited and happy. Sending lots of DUST your way. ::)

My update: I'm pretty sure this weekend is it. I'm hoping for Friday night!
SERIOUS!?!?! That's so exciting!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Chewbacca|1373414669|3479962 said:
I'm sorry antiquesparkler. ;( It sounds like he really does have something special planned, and packing your bag must have been a little bit exciting! I'm going to continue to cross my fingers for a running-out-of-time fake out, but even if its not that, it doesn't sound like you'll be waiting much longer than 8/1. Its very sweet of you to make him feel reassured that you are still excited and happy. Sending lots of DUST your way. ::)

My update: I'm pretty sure this weekend is it. I'm hoping for Friday night!

Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate it!

I am so excited for you! Get those nails ready girl!! :appl: :appl:
Chewbacca|1373425594|3480051 said:

Does this mean you're excited about this weekend or he already asked?? :appl:
Just excited! :appl: Its Thursday, ONE SLEEP TO GO! I'm putting the topcoat on my nails tonight. :tongue:
Woohoo can't wait to hear all about it Chewie!!!!!