
Updates, anyone?

Thank you for the advice Madelise!

Im thinking either MRB or Cushion. I know you get more size/spread (not sure of the correct term) with an MRB but I love the pillowy goodness of Cushions.
My favourite metals are rose and white gold and I want a rose gold wedding ring. But love the idea of them being different metals.
And I'm at two extremes with settings. My finger size is 5.5 in US. But where the ring sits on fingers I have barely any space so the ring can't be over 2mm shank or I won't fit my wedding ring on with it. My fingers are seriously short and stumpy. And I'm torn between really simple but stunning settings like wintottys Steven Kirsch. Which I know wouldn't have the same impact in a small stone but there's just something breathtaking about it.
Or something really intricate along the lines of Van Craeynest or loads of micropave. There's not much choice in UK B&M stores. I would be okay with buying online with the help from the people here, but then there's import taxes and VAT which cuts down on budget (which isnt huge as we have cars and a house to buy) and then getting the stone set. I would want to see the setting in person and have no idea where in the UK I could! If its as much of a pain as I'm thinking I may just have to have a holiday to the states :P

I'm gonna ask if I can take pictures as well as take notes then post it all here in a thread if you girls are interested?

Just have to get the test drive out of the way first- I hate driving with people I don't know especially in strange cars!
How exciting Steph!!! Yes, please share your notes and findings here and we will do our best to help you out. I feel like I have heard from many people outside the US say though that even when factoring in VAT, the US prices are much more competitive compared to the prices locally to you. Are you a fan of halos? Many people like the MRB in a cushion halo execution to get the best of both worlds (spread/sparkle of a MRB but shape of a cushion)!
Hi pandabee
That's actually what I'm leaning towards! Difficulty is finding a good one in the UK. I love really delicate halos and the ones you see where I live are the chunkier ones.
Not that there's anything wrong with those! Just on my sausage fingers everything has to be sized down.
If they'll let me take pictures I'll put a thread together and show you guys prices and specs hopefully then we can compare prices for diamonds and setting from the US. It's so difficult not blurting everything out to everyone. It's really early days I know. But I'm still so excited!
Just been reading this thread to get caught up on different people's stories... Also so I can move my comments from my intro thread to the "community" threads (this one and small talk, or whatever).

LoveLikeCrazy - I know it's a couple of pages back the thread, but I am so sorry to hear about your Bella. I am VERY attached to my dog, and already know how upset I will be when he passes on. He's getting older, too, so it's something I'm trying to not think too much about, but definitely prepare myself for. I really admire your respect for Bella' dignity. That's exactly how I want it to be with mine when I time comes.

Stephny - VERY exciting! I am dying to try stuff on. I know a lot about jewelry, but I have actually tried so little on in person. I'm pretty all over the place with my setting tastes, because I know what I like in theory but not on my finger.

Dust to everyone!
zarla|1377206753|3508251 said:
Stephny - VERY exciting! I am dying to try stuff on. I know a lot about jewelry, but I have actually tried so little on in person. I'm pretty all over the place with my setting tastes, because I know what I like in theory but not on my finger.

Dust to everyone!

^^ This. I know what I like to look at but whether it looks good on my finger is another story.
There's so many people signing off the list recently! Looks like a great season for engagements. :appl:
madelise|1377024087|3506707 said:
nowicanseethemoon|1376937967|3506063 said:
I'm a little out of the loop... If you have a wedding date, why doesn't he just propose? What's he waiting for (and I'm not being facetious, I assume he has a reason for waiting)? I totally feel your pain - it's frustrating when you're ready and the boy is not.

I don't know, I'm not him, I'm not the one proposing. It's not that he isn't ready.

I didn't mean NOT READY, not ready. I just meant he isn't proposing not ready... Sorry. :sick:
nowicanseethemoon|1377285802|3508780 said:
madelise|1377024087|3506707 said:
nowicanseethemoon|1376937967|3506063 said:
I'm a little out of the loop... If you have a wedding date, why doesn't he just propose? What's he waiting for (and I'm not being facetious, I assume he has a reason for waiting)? I totally feel your pain - it's frustrating when you're ready and the boy is not.

I don't know, I'm not him, I'm not the one proposing. It's not that he isn't ready.

I didn't mean NOT READY, not ready. I just meant he isn't proposing not ready... Sorry. :sick:

Don't be. I'm just frustrated. Everyone asks the same damned Q all the time and I'm just on a low end of the LIW rollercoaster.
FFIL is out of country for 1 month. FMIL will be out of country for a month after FFIL comes back. So I'm "safe" from being engaged for the rest of this summer season.

In better news, HauteLook had THE pair of flats that I love and are discontinued from Vera Wang. !!! For $80!! They're retailed at $225. I have no Internet at home besides my poopy 3G with barely any reception (yes, I still browse PS and FB and will wait minutes for a page to load!! I'm dedicated, lol) so I asked SO to log in my account for me. He picked them up for me :) So I have a nice pair of coral flats coming my way!! My aunt also bought me a tan snakeskin pair of Tory Burch. I'm so happy. I <3 flats!! My feet are ready for grad school and clinic ::)
madelise|1377289501|3508802 said:
FFIL is out of country for 1 month. FMIL will be out of country for a month after FFIL comes back. So I'm "safe" from being engaged for the rest of this summer season.

In better news, HauteLook had THE pair of flats that I love and are discontinued from Vera Wang. !!! For $80!! They're retailed at $225. I have no Internet at home besides my poopy 3G with barely any reception (yes, I still browse PS and FB and will wait minutes for a page to load!! I'm dedicated, lol) so I asked SO to log in my account for me. He picked them up for me :) So I have a nice pair of coral flats coming my way!! My aunt also bought me a tan snakeskin pair of Tory Burch. I'm so happy. I <3 flats!! My feet are ready for grad school and clinic ::)

Ahhhh that sounds amazing! Both pairs of shoes! I was wondering what was in your TB box you posted ;) Are they Revas? What do the VW pair look like?
pandabee|1377294524|3508851 said:
Ahhhh that sounds amazing! Both pairs of shoes! I was wondering what was in your TB box you posted ;) Are they Revas? What do the VW pair look like?

Not the Revas. I'm not a fan of sticking huge ass logos everywhere to show off your $250 shoes. :rolleyes: They're the Eddies? They're on sale right now on TB's website. :naughty: My aunt bought them 1 size too small and they became my hand-me-downs! SCORE!!! I'm not a big purse or clothing person, but I have (almost) no monetary limit on a good pair of comfy leather flats. They'll last forever if you bring em to a shoe cobbler to fix the sole after it wears thin!! Plus, no stinky feet from faux leather ;))

SO and I just came back from visiting my grandma for lunch (we do this every week). She started grilling him about when he's going to propose and she started CRYING!! 8) Sigh.. Apparently my grandfather's chemo?? treatment?? (This is all told to me in Chinese and I can only fill in blanks from what I do know. He has prostate cancer and he goes once every few months to get treatment for it, so I can only guess that it's chemo except it's outpatient?? And comes in a shot??? Or something????) is making him very weak, and she's upset at him for postponing the proposal and wedding. She really wants my grandpa to not only be alive for the wedding, but also still be strong enough to use a walker instead of a wheelchair. Sigh. He's 92 now. And my grandparents raised me, so they're super important to me. ;(
madelise|1377308370|3508953 said:
pandabee|1377294524|3508851 said:
Ahhhh that sounds amazing! Both pairs of shoes! I was wondering what was in your TB box you posted ;) Are they Revas? What do the VW pair look like?

Not the Revas. I'm not a fan of sticking huge a$$ logos everywhere to show off your $250 shoes. :rolleyes: They're the Eddies? They're on sale right now on TB's website. :naughty: My aunt bought them 1 size too small and they became my hand-me-downs! SCORE!!! I'm not a big purse or clothing person, but I have (almost) no monetary limit on a good pair of comfy leather flats. They'll last forever if you bring em to a shoe cobbler to fix the sole after it wears thin!! Plus, no stinky feet from faux leather ;))

SO and I just came back from visiting my grandma for lunch (we do this every week). She started grilling him about when he's going to propose and she started CRYING!! 8) Sigh.. Apparently my grandfather's chemo?? treatment?? (This is all told to me in Chinese and I can only fill in blanks from what I do know. He has prostate cancer and he goes once every few months to get treatment for it, so I can only guess that it's chemo except it's outpatient?? And comes in a shot??? Or something????) is making him very weak, and she's upset at him for postponing the proposal and wedding. She really wants my grandpa to not only be alive for the wedding, but also still be strong enough to use a walker instead of a wheelchair. Sigh. He's 92 now. And my grandparents raised me, so they're super important to me. ;(

Okay nice I will have to have a peek at their website. There is a bag I've been eyeing for a while but it's almost silly for me to buy bags anymore because I just keep it in my locker all day at work and no one else can appreciate it. Also all my money goes to bling projects oops lol. Speaking of leather shoes, have you heard anything about Tieks? I'm considering getting a few pairs but I want to hear from some people and their real life experiences first before I commit!

I am so sorry about your grandfather. That must be very difficult on your grandmother. Especially since S has already spoken to her and asked her blessing! Unfortunately I am terrible with cancer drugs because it was practically impossible to learn except for general side effects...I leave the expertise to chemo pharmacists of which I am not one. I hope that his treatments whatever they are, are going well.
Madelise: So sorry to hear about your grandfather! That must have been very difficult. How did your SO react? In other news... Your flats sound cute! I am a big fan of comfortable shoes myself. I spent too long wearing terrible but beautiful shoes when I was in my early 20s and am now paying the price.

On my end, we got a STD for his cousin for the end of next summer, which is really when I'd ideally like to be getting married. I don't feel resentful or anything (she is really sweet and just had a baby w her husband last year) but I feel like it's one more thing that will delay us.
pandabee|1377315753|3509003 said:
Okay nice I will have to have a peek at their website. There is a bag I've been eyeing for a while but it's almost silly for me to buy bags anymore because I just keep it in my locker all day at work and no one else can appreciate it. Also all my money goes to bling projects oops lol. Speaking of leather shoes, have you heard anything about Tieks? I'm considering getting a few pairs but I want to hear from some people and their real life experiences first before I commit!

I am so sorry about your grandfather. That must be very difficult on your grandmother. Especially since S has already spoken to her and asked her blessing! Unfortunately I am terrible with cancer drugs because it was practically impossible to learn except for general side effects...I leave the expertise to chemo pharmacists of which I am not one. I hope that his treatments whatever they are, are going well.

I'm just so over bags. How many does a gal need? Lol. I have big ones and small ones, different brands, different looks… but I always end up either carrying just my wristlet alone or my big ol' LV Lockit Horizontal that can fit my laptop and books. If I buy any more, they'd just be taking up closet space (and bling funds!) :knockout:

I haven't gotten a pair of Tieks. I hate that blue line in the back. I feel like it ruins the appearance of the whole shoe. Meh. I'd buy it if there aren't any other good options, though. I was at Costco a few weeks ago waiting for something and saw that they had Kenneth Cole leather flats for $30 or $40. I really want to get a pair. They look like they're very good quality for the price, but I don't have a Costco card so I'll have to steal someone's someday soon.

And yes, my grandma's heart's broken pretty much. She kept saying to him, "You told me last December, and that you'd be married this summer." We told her we have a date planned in March 2015, but she's scared my grandpa won't even be around for then. Sigh. My grandpa lives a very boring life: waking up, eating, watching TV, sitting around staring at the wall, then sleeping again. My grandma has to stay home and take care of him. He couldn't attend any of our HS graduations, and couldn't attend my uni graduation because of all the standing around, long walks from the parking lot to the car, and the long lines to the restroom. He's at the age where, if he needs to go, he needs to go NOW. Refuses to wear adult diapers. He's been looking forward to attending my wedding as his sorta last big "hoorah". I'm so sad. I CAN'T get married any sooner cus of grad school. As it is, we're looking at a date before I complete my MA, but it's during the 2nd year when the academic work isn't as demanding bc it's more clinical work and externships.. and because of that, I have no idea how planning is going to work out. oaihsdoihasd. Lots of feelings lately.

zarla said:
Madelise: So sorry to hear about your grandfather! That must have been very difficult. How did your SO react? In other news... Your flats sound cute! I am a big fan of comfortable shoes myself. I spent too long wearing terrible but beautiful shoes when I was in my early 20s and am now paying the price.

On my end, we got a STD for his cousin for the end of next summer, which is really when I'd ideally like to be getting married. I don't feel resentful or anything (she is really sweet and just had a baby w her husband last year) but I feel like it's one more thing that will delay us.

SO feels upset, I think. He feels like he's being given an ultimatum. He kept brushing it off and changing the topic. I think he feels guilty and hates being blamed.

When is his cousin's wedding? You can still get married during the same season? Why can't you? If she is getting married in June, do yours in August or something to have a few weeks of a buffer! If you let ONE other wedding during a season delay you, you'll never get married! There will always be weddings, always.
Oh madelise I'm sorry you're going through this have faith though- he obviously has some sort of idea or plan otherwise knowing all the above he would have proposed by now :) He probably wants to make sure that your grandfather can make it to the wedding but also wants to make sure that your proposal is because its right for the both of you and not for external reasons.
Hope that makes some sense.
Thanks Steph.

It's been a week! Any new news, anyone? People keep getting engaged around me!
I think it's coming soon.
cygnet!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

as for me... not so much. :lol:
HOUSE DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am agnostic athiest, so I cannot pray....... so I am asking for prayers/dust/whatever for me!

M and I have been house hunting for the past four weeks. We decided not to renew our lease and must be out by 10/31..... We were outbid on two other homes. We just put in an offer this a.m. for a third place, and so far, we are the only contract. We will not hear anything until Tuesday (next business day).

I tried.... (lol) praying.......... saying if we get this place, I don't give a d@mn about a ring..... I just want the house.

So......... I need well wishes, ladies!!!!!!!!

ETA- I'm sorry for the lack of comments with everyone else's updates...... I cannot tell you how stressed I've been. House hunting is terrible! I've even lost weight.... I'm now at 112.4..... :errrr: My UGW was 115. Safe to say, once I find our next place, I'm sure I'll pack everything back on.
Urgh MBKRH that sounds awful, moving is so stressful, sending lots of well wishing your way!

cygnet- That's exciting! Any reason you think it's soon?

madelise- Any updates?

Afm-We haven't spoken about it since 'that day', so I'm trying not to think about it. However I'm fairly certain life is trying to punish me, this weekend I get to go and help OH mum and FI pick their wedding menu and go to a wedding fayre and I swear everyone I have ever known since the day I was born is getting engaged and married in the next 18 months. Clearly this is an exaggeration, it's only 7. :lol:
I changed my mind. Now I don't know if it's happening soon or not. I'm feeling super bleh right now-- it's chocolate week for me, and work has been outrageously stressful, so I'm a mess of hormones and exhaustion right now.

He told me last week that he had a plan for us to go to the aquarium on Labor Day and he was very excited (I love the aquarium and have even thought about getting married there. We also have a special joke about otters and love to see the otters there). Unfortunately I was scheduled to work and said we'd have to go another time, and he got way more upset about it than I was expecting he'd be. First of all, he never really plans outings like this, so that made me wonder, and secondly, usually if I have to work he's fine with it and just makes other plans with his friends and gets over it. So the fact that I told him I couldn't do it and he flipped out made me wonder if something was up. He was very insistent that I tried to get the day off work, so (with considerable effort) I managed to do so, and he was very, very happy. So from his reaction, I deduced that something was up.

But then yesterday he changed his plans and said he didn't want to go to the aquarium because it would probably be super busy because PAX is happening this weekend and the city is packed (seriously, think like 70,000 attendees) and he thinks the aquarium will be too busy because it's also labor day. He said he got an extra day off work and we can go on Tuesday instead. I was kind of peeved by this because it's a big deal for me to try to get work off on such short notice and I don't want to have to go through all that trouble unless it's really necessary, because next time something comes up, I'm not going to be taken seriously if I keep having to ask for days off at the last minute. It's really frowned upon and a PITA for everyone so now I'm upset that I went through all that for nothing. I mean, I'm not furious or anything but I'm a little ticked off.

He says the new plan is to go to the aquarium tomorrow and get lunch downtown and maybe go to the zoo too and then come home around dinnertime and hang out with our dogs. I'd imagine that if he were proposing, we'd probably go out to dinner to celebrate or something, right? I'm just getting the feeling now that it's not happening. I hope I'm wrong but I'm just not feeling it anymore.
Okay, I'm a big baby and I got all worried for nothing. He did it! YAY!

More to come in a bit!

cygnet said:
Okay, I'm a big baby and I got all worried for nothing. He did it! YAY!

More to come in a bit!


ahhhhhh!!! Congrats!!!
cygnet|1378259174|3514289 said:
Okay, I'm a big baby and I got all worried for nothing. He did it! YAY!

More to come in a bit!


Yay! Congratulations! I hope to see your ring at the next Seattle GTG.
cygnet|1378259174|3514289 said:
Okay, I'm a big baby and I got all worried for nothing. He did it! YAY!

More to come in a bit!

Squee!! Come back with details!! :))
I took a bunch of photos and am ready to do my SMTB post!! But now (of course!!!) my phone won't connect to my computer, and I am having trouble retrieving the photos. UGH! Okay, everyone will just have to be patient until I can get this figured out. :|
Email, girl! That's what I do. I email my photos to myself ;))
I ended up doing that, I just didn't want to, because it takes so much longer to upload and compare pics. Sadly I have a bunch of failpics to toss.

I got them on my computer!! But now I can't get them onto PS. ARGH!
Yup. I have to take like 30 photos to get 1 good one :/
Ahhhh congrats cygnet!!!!! I can't wait to see the SMTB thread!!!!