I love your diamond! Gotta love what small fingers do for the perception of diamond size (my ring size is 3.5 as well ~ but your fingers look longer than mine
Haven''t read every post in this thread but I have to say what beautiful hands you have! I so wish my fingers were so long and slim. You ring is just gorgeous in it''s beautiful simplicity! I love it!
I love these new professional handshots of your ring! you have such beautiful hands! 3.5 with long fingers, so jealous!!! I remember thinking at the gtg that all the rings looked so good on you
Holy molly ... I think I should take that one pic that had the blues in it, blow it up some more and make DH stare at it ... You are getty sleepy ... very sleepy ... when you wake up you will immediately go buy your wife diamond earrings that look just like this ... when you wake up you will not remember me hypnotizing you!
Love the new pics! Just gorgeous.
Yes, you do have very lovely fingers/hands!
I think your ering looks gorgeous with your diamond wband!
More pic''s anytime!
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for sharing your beauty with us!!!
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