
Upside down cushion experiment


Apr 17, 2006
Here is the story of a modest little jewelry project that does not compare to many of yours but that was still a lot of fun. TL;DR photo:


Well, the Etsy Rose Cut Diamond Trend of Hipness infected my brain a few months ago. I bought one little 0.25 ct oval rose cut diamond ring with a halo. I don’t like halos and I didn’t own any other rose cut diamonds so expectations were low. The ring came in the mail and I opened the box and the ring inside was super cute.


The diamond’s delicate cut and subtle sparkle made for an understated style. Plus the overall poofy shape felt classic. Now I am craving a bigger one so that the facets are more visible.

Another pretty quality of the rose cuts is that they are supposed to be warm. Even if they are colorless, their large facets will show skin underneath. My other diamond jewelry is colorless and rose cuts present an opportunity to try a new look. So I started looking at rose cuts diamonds and specifically looked for warmer colors. There are some yellow stones out there that are nice. But what I was imagining in my head was more of a pinkish-peach. Kind of like the other Etsy Trend of Hipness — Morganite in Rose Gold edition. I found some rose cut morganites but then I found out that people who buy morganite jewelry for daily wear are often disappointed because the stone is soft and dulls quickly. I thought about rose cut sapphires, but while there are a few white ones out there and I could probably find a peach one with some more looking and asking, in the end, nothing sparkles like a diamond.

All that was in the back of my mind when I was browsing one day. Then I got sucked in to the third Etsy Trend of Hipness which is the subject of this post — Highly Included Color Diamond edition. For those of you who might not know, you can find inexpensive colored diamonds pretty easily — they are just going to have a lot of flaws, and/or be nearly opaque. Still pretty, though. A few have the pinky-peach color that I was imagining for a rose cut. Well, it turns out that these highly included color diamonds have another side to them, one not seen very often. Like literally the other side of them. Here’s what I saw:

Now flip it over...


Voyla. Pinkish-peach diamond with big facets, large flashes of fire, a poofy profile, and a flat bottom. 0.20 ct.,r ing is size 9.


This ring was just an experiment... not the best stone or setting execution. The other jewelry projects on this board are so much more impressive. But this little adventure was fun and imaginative. I like the end result and might repeat it in grander fashion some day. Seller’s glamour shot:


Thanks for reading!
wow that's really cool! What vendor did you get your rose cut diamond halo from?
Ooh, that's clevah and yeah, I bet you start your own trend of hipness.
I am here for the princess of punk band!
That makes me think of the megesaurus band by Leon Mege. He uses antique french cut diamonds and sets them upside down. One of my favorites. :kiss2:

Love it! I remember years back there was a poster who bought an antique pear cut diamond and I was sure was a regular pear set upside down.
That makes me think of the megesaurus band by Leon Mege. He uses antique french cut diamonds and sets them upside down. One of my favorites. :kiss2:

Hahaha that is awesome
I love upside down diamonds. I have a pair of studs with upside down pave diamonds, and it's so interesting. Your ring is so sweet, lovely and so original. Well done! cool! It reminds me of the Iceberg rings by kataoka.
It’s lovely, I’ve got some garnet earrings and pendant set that way, it really gives a different look to the piece.
I LOVE this! :kiss2: what a cool outcome for your experiment! Love that colour diamond set in rose gold too, great choice!
Here is the story of a modest little jewelry project that does not compare to many of yours but that was still a lot of fun. TL;DR photo:


Well, the Etsy Rose Cut Diamond Trend of Hipness infected my brain a few months ago. I bought one little 0.25 ct oval rose cut diamond ring with a halo. I don’t like halos and I didn’t own any other rose cut diamonds so expectations were low. The ring came in the mail and I opened the box and the ring inside was super cute.


The diamond’s delicate cut and subtle sparkle made for an understated style. Plus the overall poofy shape felt classic. Now I am craving a bigger one so that the facets are more visible.

Another pretty quality of the rose cuts is that they are supposed to be warm. Even if they are colorless, their large facets will show skin underneath. My other diamond jewelry is colorless and rose cuts present an opportunity to try a new look. So I started looking at rose cuts diamonds and specifically looked for warmer colors. There are some yellow stones out there that are nice. But what I was imagining in my head was more of a pinkish-peach. Kind of like the other Etsy Trend of Hipness — Morganite in Rose Gold edition. I found some rose cut morganites but then I found out that people who buy morganite jewelry for daily wear are often disappointed because the stone is soft and dulls quickly. I thought about rose cut sapphires, but while there are a few white ones out there and I could probably find a peach one with some more looking and asking, in the end, nothing sparkles like a diamond.

All that was in the back of my mind when I was browsing one day. Then I got sucked in to the third Etsy Trend of Hipness which is the subject of this post — Highly Included Color Diamond edition. For those of you who might not know, you can find inexpensive colored diamonds pretty easily — they are just going to have a lot of flaws, and/or be nearly opaque. Still pretty, though. A few have the pinky-peach color that I was imagining for a rose cut. Well, it turns out that these highly included color diamonds have another side to them, one not seen very often. Like literally the other side of them. Here’s what I saw:

Now flip it over...


Voyla. Pinkish-peach diamond with big facets, large flashes of fire, a poofy profile, and a flat bottom. 0.20 ct.,r ing is size 9.


This ring was just an experiment... not the best stone or setting execution. The other jewelry projects on this board are so much more impressive. But this little adventure was fun and imaginative. I like the end result and might repeat it in grander fashion some day. Seller’s glamour shot:


Thanks for reading!

Opps i missed this first time around
I love it !
A very successful experiment i would say and i hope you wear it (on Wednesdays :wink2: )
I can see this could become an often worn ring for the index or thumb
i do love a sparkly thumb

Ive found this so interesting because i found an old 9kt rose gold ring in mum's stuff (possibly tourmaline probably glass) and i just love the underside of the stone and i want to repurpose the setting and maybe set the stone into a cheap pendent setting
I will now definatly set it bottom facing out
Thank you for the inspiration
Glad you liked it. Yes, the ring is a frequent flyer on my middle finger and I have some rose gold chevron bands to stack with it. A little ways down my jewelry to-do list I might repeat this project with a slightly better stone and setting.

Your mom ring sounds interesting and I hope you have fun re-setting the pretty stone.
Glad you liked it. Yes, the ring is a frequent flyer on my middle finger and I have some rose gold chevron bands to stack with it. A little ways down my jewelry to-do list I might repeat this project with a slightly better stone and setting.

Your mom ring sounds interesting and I hope you have fun re-setting the pretty stone.

i was just googlerling rose gold wishbone rings :lol:
Here is the story of a modest little jewelry project that does not compare to many of yours but that was still a lot of fun. TL;DR photo:


Well, the Etsy Rose Cut Diamond Trend of Hipness infected my brain a few months ago. I bought one little 0.25 ct oval rose cut diamond ring with a halo. I don’t like halos and I didn’t own any other rose cut diamonds so expectations were low. The ring came in the mail and I opened the box and the ring inside was super cute.


The diamond’s delicate cut and subtle sparkle made for an understated style. Plus the overall poofy shape felt classic. Now I am craving a bigger one so that the facets are more visible.

Another pretty quality of the rose cuts is that they are supposed to be warm. Even if they are colorless, their large facets will show skin underneath. My other diamond jewelry is colorless and rose cuts present an opportunity to try a new look. So I started looking at rose cuts diamonds and specifically looked for warmer colors. There are some yellow stones out there that are nice. But what I was imagining in my head was more of a pinkish-peach. Kind of like the other Etsy Trend of Hipness — Morganite in Rose Gold edition. I found some rose cut morganites but then I found out that people who buy morganite jewelry for daily wear are often disappointed because the stone is soft and dulls quickly. I thought about rose cut sapphires, but while there are a few white ones out there and I could probably find a peach one with some more looking and asking, in the end, nothing sparkles like a diamond.

All that was in the back of my mind when I was browsing one day. Then I got sucked in to the third Etsy Trend of Hipness which is the subject of this post — Highly Included Color Diamond edition. For those of you who might not know, you can find inexpensive colored diamonds pretty easily — they are just going to have a lot of flaws, and/or be nearly opaque. Still pretty, though. A few have the pinky-peach color that I was imagining for a rose cut. Well, it turns out that these highly included color diamonds have another side to them, one not seen very often. Like literally the other side of them. Here’s what I saw:

Now flip it over...


Voyla. Pinkish-peach diamond with big facets, large flashes of fire, a poofy profile, and a flat bottom. 0.20 ct.,r ing is size 9.


This ring was just an experiment... not the best stone or setting execution. The other jewelry projects on this board are so much more impressive. But this little adventure was fun and imaginative. I like the end result and might repeat it in grander fashion some day. Seller’s glamour shot:


Thanks for reading!

Very cool. It reminds me of the 'point cut' diamond rings sometimes seen in old (about 1500's) portraits.
Update: I was perusing the pink diamond selection on JA and their SA said they cannot set diamonds upside down. Too bad — there were some good contenders for the next iteration.
It’s super cute! I love the color hues.