
*Very exciting news!* Introducing BGDs "Grace"...

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Your ring is absolutely gorgeous!! The setting is so classic and just so beautiful! The fact that you names it after your mother GRACE, gives me the chills. Its a beautiful name and fits your setting to a "T"! CONGRATS ON YOUR OWN DESIGN!

Cheers to you!
What a lovely name for such a *graceful* ring! I love your new set.
Your solitaire is beautiful, classic, and elegant and its name "Grace" is truly fitting. Congratulations
It is graceful and love that you named it after your mom. Beautiful and fitting!
That is exciting! And Grace is the perfect name for your gorgeous setting. Congrats!
I love the name grace too!

If you don''t mind em asking (and I don''t think you will) what was the price on this setting? I just recently purchased an engagement ring for my g/f and the setting is being done by Ritani, so kind of too late to change to this style (which I really like!), but I just want to know if I would''ve been able to afford it. Your response is appreciated!
That is a very attractive ring! Congratulations on having the first one!
Lynn, congrats on being able to name your setting! I love the name Grace and the reason you picked it.


I was just complaining in the Reset thread about being so fickle and not being able to decide on a new setting although I know that I want a reset. Your ring is *exactly* what I want -- perfect simplicity. I contacted Lesley last night and this setting can be modified to hold a princess cut, which is awesome. I showed it to SO and he loves it too, and has agreed to a reset in the spring!

Estro613, I was actually shocked at how reasonable the quote I got was.
I absolutely adore this setting. I''m so pleased to hear it is going to be a standard one. I plan on switching in a few years
It''s very lovely. How exciting!
A beautiful setting and a beautiful name. Congratulations!
Love the setting and the name is perfect for it!!
beautiful!!!!! Congrats!
How cool is that?!!! Great ring and great name.
How exciting for you, I love it as well and just may inquire about it.. that is exactly what I''ve been looking for, found one that was very similar but it just is too "clunky" I love the solitaires and will be getting a plain band as well, so I can really showcase whatever diamond I choose.
You have excellent taste!
You guys can really make a girl's day!!! Thank you for all the sweet posts!

I'm so glad you like the name "Grace" for the setting. It will be fun to see just how "popular" she gets!

ETA: Lesley posted all about it on their blog, dated 12/18/09. You'll have to check it out!
I love it Lynn! I commented in your original thread, and I''m happy to hear that she now has a name (one of my favorites, by the way!).
Oh my gahhhh! I am not a solitaire girl, but this setting is gorgeous! Clearly, you already know this since they are making it a standard setting. I love it! Did you design it?

You are one lucky girl!
I agree with everyone else - the name is perfect. Along with the ring.
How exciting! And what a perfect name for such an elegant setting. Congrats!
Stunning ring!

Name ain''t bad either
Gorgeous ring with a perfect name.
Yay for you Lynn!

As others have stated ''Grace'' is quite fitting for your setting!
Lynn - I don''t know if you saw my e-ring thread, but BF did a temp setting for me.

I am going to take a month or two to decide what I want, but me and FI both agree that the Grace is our number once choice right now. I just want some time to live with the ring as a solitaire and see if I really like it or if I need something more.

I know this might sound weird, but conflicting me might have been a good thing! FI loves the solitaire look and it would be great if I ended up with a setting we both loved.
Perfect name for a beautiful setting, chosen by a lovely PSer - what could be wrong??
Oh how exciting!! Congratulations!!!!

Your ring is such a beautiful classic, it''s no wonder they wanted to add it to their line of staples
That is so fantastic!!!!! Congrats- the ring is gorgeous!
it is a breathtaking setting and how special to get to name it! What a compliment!
How cool is that?! It''s stunning by the way!
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