That's why I'm not having any.Date: 4/21/2007 10:01:12 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
see? I think people with kids are just approaching the situation from a WHOLE different perspective LOL its life changing to have the little beasts in every way...

That's why I'm not having any.Date: 4/21/2007 10:01:12 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
see? I think people with kids are just approaching the situation from a WHOLE different perspective LOL its life changing to have the little beasts in every way...
Relaxing is good for everyone involvedDate: 4/21/2007 9:55:41 PM
Author: lienTN
Cehra, thanks for yr reply and suggestions.
Maybe I did have less than realistic expectations of these people, but pls see what I said above about kids (maybe in the future, I will specify if we didn''t want kids around). And I did tell them that I was going to serve the main course, only to turn around and have them all wandered off. And we''d had the same exact people round before and I don''t remember having the same issues.
Mmmhmm, on the 1 to 2 hours to start eating after arrival, is that the same for everyone else? I''d really like to know, as everywhere we go to, it is usually half an hour or so.
We do have different kinds of parties, some more casual than others. Sometimes though, I just think it''s nice to have a slightly more formal dinner party. Some of our friends do this also and we really appreciate being able to dress up and eat with nice ''stuff'' and being a bit ''different''.
Yes, I do agree that being an hour late is appalling, esp. when they don''t call or sms beforehand to let us know.
Again, I agree that I should learn to relax a bit more.![]()
Oh oh, should I shy away from you then?Date: 4/21/2007 10:11:11 PM
Author: lienTN
Kaleigh, thank you for your kind and comforting words, and thank you to everyone else too. At least I know it wasn't just me, at least not totally anyway. I was beginning to think that I am maybe too stuck up. It doesn't help that hubby is sooooooo laid back, nothing ever bothers him. But that's one of the reasons why I love him.![]()
I think you are right. A written invitation seems to get better results because they can refer to the time on the invite. If you call to invite, some people will forget and wonder if it was 6:00 or 6:30. On the invitation you can say dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 or something like that.Date: 4/22/2007 12:40:22 AM
Author: diamondfan
I hate to say this but I am sadly NOT shocked by how rude and clueless people can be. Not that I am not upset or disappointed by it, but nothing surprises me any longer. After I threw a bar mitzvah for my son and dealt with all kinds of crap, I have come to the conclusion that some people are rude or clueless and I let it go since I cannot change them, just my expectations of them.
I am on time unless there is a huge issue out of my control. If my kids are not mentioned I do not bring them. If I were a smoker, I would go outside to smoke so as not to smell up someone''s home, but I would excuse myself so the host knew where I was.
I would bring something, a bottle of wine or something like that, and I would follow suit in terms of shoe removal etc, if my hosts had them off, I would remove mine.
I think it is nice to entertain with your fine crystal and china, and I also love a BBQ, but they are two different types of events and it should be fairly clear when you invite people...(hi, bring the kids, we are putting burgers on, come on over between 2 and 3 etc or we are having a dinner party, dinner will be served at 7:30, please come at 7:00 for cocktails)...I think how you invite people lends some sense to the evening. An open house or cocktail party implies come over within a time frame, a dinner party implies you will all come in around the same time, sit down and eat all together...30 minutes late is just plain silly to me.
I am sorry this happened, and just think twice before you invite them to your home for an elegant evening!
Ditto. Also being late for an invited sit down/ formal dinner is very bad form and not on.Date: 4/21/2007 10:48:50 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I am a stickler for being on time, for showing respect to the host that invited me into their home. It''s not about being a snob. It''s about being thoughtful. And curteous. I think this generation needs a bit of a jolt. I am older, well not ancient.
But I would no more do that in someone''s home than fly. But I am the more empathetic type, I''d be in the kitchen with you helping to serve it up. And I''d be the one afterwards to help you clean up the mess.![]()
I really can''t stand selfish people.![]()
When I think about this situation there are three things that come to mind....Date: 4/22/2007 9:30:55 AM
Author: lumpkin
Lien, if you have this group over again, I think that''s what you''ll have to do. And if they are more than 15 minutes late, I''d sit down and eat my meal! When they get there an hour late you can say, sorry, dinner''s over. Oh, well, guess you''ll have to order pizza if you''re hungry. And take off your damn shoes!!!
Date: 4/22/2007 3:27:51 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
When I think about this situation there are three things that come to mind....Date: 4/22/2007 9:30:55 AM
Author: lumpkin
Lien, if you have this group over again, I think that''s what you''ll have to do. And if they are more than 15 minutes late, I''d sit down and eat my meal! When they get there an hour late you can say, sorry, dinner''s over. Oh, well, guess you''ll have to order pizza if you''re hungry. And take off your damn shoes!!!
1. how do *I* behave as a guest?
2. how would I *feel* about guests behaving poorly?
3. how do I fill my shoes as *hostess* the best in any situation?
I think her guests behaved poorly plus. I know I really only addressed the OP but I do agree that they were top notch rude twits in every way! Such a disappointment! I make every effort to be on time and be aware of my surroundings. I admit I would probably bring my kids unless otherwise specified because it wouldn''t really occur to me not to. We''re kind of a unit.
So that takes care of #1 and #2 above...
Which leaves #3 - the issue I find the most interesting and helpful to discuss. I think that no matter HOW poorly the guests behave, it is our duty as a hostess to accommodate them. Eating without them (however much we can justify it) is spiteful and rude. There is no sense in stooping to their level. You''re the hostess, they''re your guests. If you don''t like their behavior, don''t invite them back. But using their rudeness as an excuse to be rude yourself is definitely not in keeping with the formalities indicated in a situation like this. You can and *should* speak your preferences about shoes and smoking in the house, and you can insert humor and wit as gentle reminders on how you wish for people to behave. But draw the line at actually *expecting* these other adults (or their children) to behave as you think they should. It is wise to set guidelines, but it is also wise to let go of the way you think things should be and accept the way things are.
I wasn''t sure LOL I *totally* would think it too.... I''d even think about ignoring my better judgment and do it anyway haha.... Maybe a part of me was hoping you really would do it just so the little horned devil lurking within me could live vicariously and still allow me to stick my nose in the air and say oh well I''d never do *that*Date: 4/22/2007 4:10:03 PM
Author: lumpkin
Date: 4/22/2007 3:27:51 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
When I think about this situation there are three things that come to mind....Date: 4/22/2007 9:30:55 AM
Author: lumpkin
Lien, if you have this group over again, I think that''s what you''ll have to do. And if they are more than 15 minutes late, I''d sit down and eat my meal! When they get there an hour late you can say, sorry, dinner''s over. Oh, well, guess you''ll have to order pizza if you''re hungry. And take off your damn shoes!!!
1. how do *I* behave as a guest?
2. how would I *feel* about guests behaving poorly?
3. how do I fill my shoes as *hostess* the best in any situation?
I think her guests behaved poorly plus. I know I really only addressed the OP but I do agree that they were top notch rude twits in every way! Such a disappointment! I make every effort to be on time and be aware of my surroundings. I admit I would probably bring my kids unless otherwise specified because it wouldn''t really occur to me not to. We''re kind of a unit.
So that takes care of #1 and #2 above...
Which leaves #3 - the issue I find the most interesting and helpful to discuss. I think that no matter HOW poorly the guests behave, it is our duty as a hostess to accommodate them. Eating without them (however much we can justify it) is spiteful and rude. There is no sense in stooping to their level. You''re the hostess, they''re your guests. If you don''t like their behavior, don''t invite them back. But using their rudeness as an excuse to be rude yourself is definitely not in keeping with the formalities indicated in a situation like this. You can and *should* speak your preferences about shoes and smoking in the house, and you can insert humor and wit as gentle reminders on how you wish for people to behave. But draw the line at actually *expecting* these other adults (or their children) to behave as you think they should. It is wise to set guidelines, but it is also wise to let go of the way you think things should be and accept the way things are.
Could you not tell I was kidding???!!!! I would never actually do that, but I''d sure think it.![]()
I have to admit I might not wait for more than 1/2 hour, though, if everyone else was there and hungry. Not hospitable to the rest. But I would keep the late person''s food warm. I truly wouldn''t ever tell them they had to order in, but I really would think about it, LOL! OMG, what if they had had a wreck or something? I''d feel terrible if I''d been spiteful. I even feel a little guilty now, and I haven''t even had a party and my guests are hypothetical! ROTFL!Date: 4/22/2007 5:33:38 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
I wasn''t sure LOL I *totally* would think it too.... I''d even think about ignoring my better judgment and do it anyway haha.... Maybe a part of me was hoping you really would do it just so the little horned devil lurking within me could live vicariously and still allow me to stick my nose in the air and say oh well I''d never do *that*I have to put embrace hyporcisy in my sigline now ROFL!!!!
You know, after reading this thread I can definitely see why there is often a line between those with kids and those without and how sometimes it becomes difficult to stay friends once one couple has crossed to the dark side. My best friend is single no kids and we''ve been friends for decades literally and her last close childless friend is having her first the end of this month and my friend is so bummed. I remember when I got married I was one of the first, I was so young... and within a year or two I didn''t have many single friends left, except my best friend and when it comes to socializing with people who don''t want kids around I generally distance myself from them. Not that an adult evening out isn''t lovely, but there is something I cannot articulate that bugs me if kids are not welcome... not that wanting to get away from them is any better, but I can relate to *that* LOLDate: 4/23/2007 12:08:04 PM
Author: surfgirl
They sound incredibly rude to me and I''d be as bugged as you were. The easy solution is to not invite them over again. And when inviting people with kids, I''d invite them and say ''we''d love for you and Jim to come over for dinner one evening, how much lead time do you need for a babysitter?'' That''s about the only way to say ''no kids'' nicely. And I hear you on the kids![]()
I have two little girls and I wouldn''t bring them anywhere that they weren''t specifically invited.Date: 4/21/2007 9:50:42 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
This is one of those things that often changes when a couple moves into parenthood.... as a childless couple the (frequent) assumption is often don''t bring your kids unless they''ve been specifically invited..... as parents the (frequent) assumption is, if you''re inviting ''us'' over, you mean our family. Its easy for people without kids to see the kids as these removable apendages that are optional, but as parents they are so incorporated into our lives that it is very easy to not even think about bringing them wherever you go.Date: 4/21/2007 8:45:24 PM
Author: poptart
How close are you to these friends? I am not super picky about people being in my house, but I would have been appalled if they walked around in my clean, renovated house with dirty shoes. And being late without calling, not to mention bringing their kid without asking. I would have been very frustrated, too.
the last part of this cracked me upDate: 4/27/2007 10:24:03 AM
Author: bujiatang
My parents are consistantly late, so I am punctual so as to not become my parents. It drives me mad.
When having folks over for dinner, since most of my friends like to cook, I''ll have them over 45 minutes before dinner is finished and have them in the kitchen as we finish preparing the meal. Of course the heavy lifting is done before they ever arrive the dish washer is run and the counters wiped down, the idea is to make it appear effortless. This also allows for stragglers.
Your guests'' behavior was appalling because it sounds like they weren''t prepared to have a fancy dinner but rather a more casual dinner. maybe next time have these folks over for a kegger. If they show up wearing ties you''ll know they come from Mars.