Sorry to be posting a lot of topics but I am bored out of mind writing these thank you notes!
I KNOW what I am about to say is WRONG WRONG WRONG! Weddings are NOT about expecting gifts.....I know this!
There is this guy, we''ll call him "J". He refers to himself as my hubby''s best friend. Nice guy, but he kinda obnoxious and is a bit of a mooch. He used to show up at our door about once a month and bring a different girl with him each time. Him and his flavor of the week always stayed the night, helped themselves to our beer, liquor, and whatever else was in the fridge. He NEVER really asked to come over, he would just send a text to my hubby (fiance at the time) and INFORM him he was on his way. Even when my hubby would hint that we had other plans, he would still come. By the way, the next morning he would always make a comment like "Sorry dude, we tried to keep the noise down last night." Okay, thanks for informing me I need to sanitize the sheets. Our house is on the beach so it was like he was using it as his 24 hour hotel to show off to these...ahem...skanks. Never did he offer to buy dinner or offer any other gestures to thank hubby for the hospitality.
I let my hubby know that I thought the behavior was rude, but I did not live there (we were long distance at the time) so I made sure to vent to my friends and NOT hubby.
Well now J has a steady girlfriend, she is good for him and they have expressed their plans to marry sometime in the future.
Now to get to the point:
Writing these thank you notes has reminding me that J and his girlfriend did not give us a gift for our wedding. If they were tight financially I would completely understand, but at our wedding they were bragging to us that they went shopping the day before and spent about $500 combined on their designer outfits! Its not about the gift, it is about the principal! I thought someone who considers themselves to be the groom''s best friend (this is a one way sentiment
) would be want to put some thought into a gift. Not to mention the $$ that my hubby has spent on his little house visits! Here comes the evil part: for their upcoming wedding I really have no intention on putting thought or $$ towards a gift for them either
Shameful I know. One of my best friends did not give me a gift either but this friend has been among tough times so I haven''t thought anything of it.
Well I feel better, thanks for reading.
I KNOW what I am about to say is WRONG WRONG WRONG! Weddings are NOT about expecting gifts.....I know this!
There is this guy, we''ll call him "J". He refers to himself as my hubby''s best friend. Nice guy, but he kinda obnoxious and is a bit of a mooch. He used to show up at our door about once a month and bring a different girl with him each time. Him and his flavor of the week always stayed the night, helped themselves to our beer, liquor, and whatever else was in the fridge. He NEVER really asked to come over, he would just send a text to my hubby (fiance at the time) and INFORM him he was on his way. Even when my hubby would hint that we had other plans, he would still come. By the way, the next morning he would always make a comment like "Sorry dude, we tried to keep the noise down last night." Okay, thanks for informing me I need to sanitize the sheets. Our house is on the beach so it was like he was using it as his 24 hour hotel to show off to these...ahem...skanks. Never did he offer to buy dinner or offer any other gestures to thank hubby for the hospitality.
I let my hubby know that I thought the behavior was rude, but I did not live there (we were long distance at the time) so I made sure to vent to my friends and NOT hubby.
Well now J has a steady girlfriend, she is good for him and they have expressed their plans to marry sometime in the future.
Now to get to the point:
Writing these thank you notes has reminding me that J and his girlfriend did not give us a gift for our wedding. If they were tight financially I would completely understand, but at our wedding they were bragging to us that they went shopping the day before and spent about $500 combined on their designer outfits! Its not about the gift, it is about the principal! I thought someone who considers themselves to be the groom''s best friend (this is a one way sentiment

Well I feel better, thanks for reading.