Ira, we''ve been collecting since we set up house together (1984). It is the Arts & Crafts Conference and Show that brings us to the Inn every year. Our houses are furnished ad nauseum down to the period linens. It is the jewelry from the period that has my attention.Date: 1/15/2007 6:22:36 PM
Author: Regular Guy
I think you mentioned early on not including some pics because of including people without their permission, you have any of inside, like the lobby? I hear they have a massive fireplace, and some nice arts & crafts furniture. Got turned onto arts & crafts when we went furniture shopping a dozen years ago.

The whole Inn used to be furnished with Roycroft furniture (though there is some scuttlebutt about them not fullfilling the contract and it was finished by White Furn co.). Nearly all of that was thrown out in the 60''s. The HUGE hammered copper and mica light fixtures remain in the "Great Hall". In the late 80''s, quite a bit of orginial A&C furniture was bought (when prices were lower) for the Great Hall & surrounding areas. Some of it remains in the Hall; but, they have gunked it up with wanna be stuff. Though, the feel does remain the same. Besides the massive stone fireplace (with orginal andirons), another cool part is the stone elevator. It''s really odd.
Funny, you still can find the old GPI furniture here and there.
Definitely worth a trip to the Grove Park Inn. Asheville has lots of great restaurants also. Biltmore is a sight to see. They have a vineyard too.