
Weekly Workout Thread 11th Dec till 17th Dec

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I barely managed to eat enough cals today (thank you,, and thank you Mara for introducing me!) which was strange because I felt like I was overeating, that is to say eating when I wasn''t actually hungry yet. Better than than skip meals during breaks and wind up starving while on shift, though!

Worked out for 15 min and burned 220 cals. My legs were killing me. I''ve decided to scale back my cardio to 5x a week for now, just to let my legs recover. They''re feeling too worked out. I am sure as my legs become stronger I will be able to push myself for cardio''s sake without working my legs hard, but I''m not there yet. I''m taking Sat and Sun off from cardio this week.

Breakfast was a serving of the rice I made for lunch, which was sprinkled with garlic salt, chopped clam tomatoes, and an egg. I microwaved this mixture later for dinner at work. Yum! I ate two activia yogurt cups at dinner as well. I also had a meal replacement bar and two oranges on my first break, and then another bar on my second break because I was going to be staying late and could tell I was going to get hungry.

When I came home I had a salad with my ''calorie wise'' kraft balsamic dressing. I''m debating having some salmon salad on a rice cake maybe as well... still peckish, but not outright hungry, although I haven''t had much protein today... just the egg. Hmmm. Rice cakes and salmon it is.

Rod, I''m so sorry to hear your beloved pet is ailing. I''ll be praying for her to pull through.
oh rod i am so sorry to hear about sakai...i know how hard it is to have a sick pet that you feel so helpless, and we have not had any sort of 'serious' issues with portia (knock on wood) but i know when she is not feeling well or even a bit off that i have trouble sleeping because i am always alert listening for her to get sick or move around or something. portia sends sakai big doggy hugs...we hope she pulls through and has a speedy recovery. routine is really important to animals but it's also possible she is picking up on your unsettledness as well about being in such a different position in such a quick maybe when things start to settle down for you guys, she will feel better also. they say that the animals can really sense how we feel and it affects them as well.

so today was a pretty good day for me..morning was breakfast fiber cereal and coffee; then i had a 1/2 a bran cranberry muffin; a 6" turkey subway sandwich for lunch; 1/2 muffin for snack along with a short gbread nonfat latte; then was still a bit hungry before leaving work, so i had a cup of the fiber cereal for snack (it's so crunchy and yummy i just eat it out of a plastic baggie!!); then went to work out. i ended up being on the treadmill for 60 minutes (the max it lets you) and my mom came by to talk to me (my family goes to our same gym), when i was almost done so the last 10 minutes passed quickly as we talked about upcoming holidays, presents, etc and so i ended up burning 580 cals on the treadmill and then did about 15 minutes of arm and back machines/exercises so i figure about 625 total cals. i haven't been using my HRM for the last week because i just didn't feel like dealing with it when i was sick, but also because i felt like it wasn't so accurate so i'm using the machines again because when the HRM felt like it WAS working, it was matching the machines for the most part so i feel like they are pretty accurate. i will still wear it if we go out walking and stuff, but at the gym with the machines calculating for me, i feel like why suffer with it strapped to my chest (i hate tight stuff on my chest). so i felt good that i went over my 500 goal today to 625..and i'm getting back to where i was re: calorie burn before i got sick and decided to scale it back.

so then we went to dinner later, greg wasn't super hungry so we went to trader vics and got a few apps to share (ahi poke, crab cakes, and calamari) and then we split a seared scallop entree which basically was 3 scallops and a bunch of chopped asparagus for each of us. perfect size for everything!! we got to taste the apps and then have a NORMAL sized entree. i told greg this is what size and portion the dinner plates SHOULD be...not like a trough of whatever they want to serve you. so then we also shared a dessert 'sampler' with 4 small tastes of things and had a coffee. the best part was that sharing meant we both left full but not overly so. and i didn't feel like i blew anything out of the water. can you tell we were feeling like 'fish lovers' tonite? hehee.

so tomorrow i might work out, i want to do it on sunday really but we kind of have a busy day with our upcoming party and greg has a concert and i am going shopping with a friend, so tomorrow is my 'free' i might do a home workout with lizzie's bootcamp and do some muscle conditioning too so that if i only can get a walk in on sunday it's not so dire. anyhow...hope everyone had a great day...have a great weekend!!
Rod, my strongest prayers go out to Sakai, you, and Charlie - that she makes a very speedy recovery. I hear you, sometimes you cannot believe the things you are asked to get through in one time and wonder why...Rooting for your sweet little girl to be home with you both ASAP, please keep us updated to how she does.
Date: 12/16/2006 3:55:19 AM
Author: Lorelei
Rod, my strongest prayers go out to Sakai, you, and Charlie - that she makes a very speedy recovery. I hear you, sometimes you cannot believe the things you are asked to get through in one time and wonder why...Rooting for your sweet little girl to be home with you both ASAP, please keep us updated to how she does.
I wonder this more times than I care to.

Rod, I am SO sorry to hear about your baby, I'm praying everything turns out alright. But trust me, whatever the future holds, you will be able to handle it. Have faith.
Today is a workout-free day for me, although I'll be back later to report what I ate

It felt sooo good to go sleep knowing I didn't have to get up to haul my sore self onto the torture device I mean, to work out, and I slept deeply, peacefully, and with unbroken sleep for 7 hours (that may be a new personal record for me) and then went right back to sleep for another hour after looking at the clock and seeing the time I normally have to get up so I can get a workout and shower in, smiling, rolling over, and zonking right out again.

Oh yeah. MMmmm. Sleeeep.

I don't get much of it, so when I do, it's exciting.

I will probably do a bit of ab work here and there when I can squeeze it in.

Rod, I logged in with the hope of reading some good kitty news; my prayers will be with you all day.

ETA: Food was minimal: meal replacement bars, clementine oranges, cappuccino, grilled beef, a smidge of goat cheese, and another round of the rice-egg-and-tomato mix. Under 1300 cals today. Going to bump that up with a rice cake or two with mashed avocado.
Oh Rod,
I am so very sorry to read that your poor kitty isn''t doing well! I''ve heard that cat''s are so amazingly good at hiding their illnesses that it often comes as a huge suprise to those that love and care for them. I hope so very much that she recovers, you have my thoughts and prayers.
Date: 12/15/2006 11:25:45 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
The day''s confessions (I was pretty good until I hit the office holiday party):
- 1 cup fiber one and 1 cup skim milk
- sloppy joes minus the buns, eaten with baked lays (think chips and dip, LOL)
- banana
- 20 peanuts


- 1 glass of wine and two mango margaritas
- eggroll
- 2 crab rangoon
- mixed veggie and chicken stirfry
- so much brownies and ice cream that I''m embarresed in retrospect to even think about it...

Tomorrow starts the core diet plan. And exercise too!!! I am thinking that I will do some light weights at home (I have 2 and 5 pound dumbells) and on Sunday I will go to the gym and do as much time on the eliptical machine as I can bear. Not very exciting for those of you who are good about this, but that''s my plan at the moment.

Rod, my heart goes out to you right now and I am hoping for good news. I can only imagine what you must be feeling and I''m so sorry you''re going through this.

Kimberly, hope you''re enjoying the good weather. I hear it will be 60 tomorrow--the travel fairy is being very good to you; it''s never like this in December!
DeeJay: The travel fairy loves us! We extended our stay a day because the weather has been so nice. We walked from Mag Mile to Old Town and then the Zoo and back today. It''s been amazing and a great way to work off the fattening foods we''ve been eating! We walked along Astor Street today, oh my goodness, what a gorgeous place! We''ve been here 8 or so times in the last two years and never made it over that way. Last year it was 2 below and snowing, which was actually a ton of fun because we got to go home to sunny Southern California but we had some locals tell us we were nuts for coming here when we could be soaking up the sun. We came the day the plane drove off the runway onto the steet at O''Hare and had to switch our flight to Midway.

Rod: So sorry about your kitty. You''re in my thoughts.

Have a great rest of the week everyone.
Kimberly, I'm glad you were here when the weather was so warm. As for Astor street--LOVE IT! The happy hubby and I used to live one block west on Dearborn (until we traded twice as much space for the same $ outside of the Gold Coast, LOL).

And I have been VERY good today:
- 1/2 cup plain oatmeal for breakfast (the old fashioned kind that you cook forever, and I really do like it best plain)
- 1 can niblets corn (just corn, no sugar or anything added--except a little salt)
- 1/2 skinless chicken breast with grilled onions, pilaf of wild and brown rice, and zuchinni sauteed w/ a bit of olive oil (god bless the husband, aka the chef!)
- 1/2 bottle of red wine (hey, we all gotta live a little!)

I think I will have a 1 point WW carrot cake at some point this evening (or an orange or banana instead, but I'm not betting on it, LOL), but I was really good today!

Sadly my free weights seem to be MIA. The hubby hasn't seen them since we last moved, I searched the whole house and and garage twice and no sign of them. Oh well, I will go pay penance on the eliptical machine tomorrow.

Also, one of my clents told me about this yoga where they heat the room up to some crazy temperature, and she said it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. When I mentioned it to the happy hubby he was like, oh yah, the physical therapist (for his ankle--he's all screwed up from long distance running) had recommended that to him too so I think I will try to find us a class. Have you guys done that? What do you think of it?
Thank you EVERYONE for your kind thoughts and prayers for Sakai. We received a call this morning that she made it through the night (it was that critical) and that they wanted us to bring her home because they felt she had a better chance of recovering at home with our love and care. So we picked her up around noon and it was just pathetic to see a tube surgically inserted through the side of her throat and bandages all over the place. She had managed to lick at some food, which the vet (a marvelous cat doctor) thought was a good sign. Then she proceeded to show us how we would need to mix food with water and insert 25 millileters into her feeding tube 3 times a day, plus water mixed with medicine and other assorted medications. We''ve given her her first doses and haven''t killed her. You have to go reall slowly or you can cause the food to back up and choke her. As I type this, she is curled up in Charlie''s lap, but we are cautiously optimistic. She shows no sign of being interested in eating or drinking on her own and for her to make it, that is essential.

This afternoon, Charlie napped with her (he wasn''t feeling too well himself) so I went to the gym and worked out on my own. I worked out really hard. Then we fed Sakai and went to dinner.

I''ll report in tomorrow and hopefully give a positive update on our bably. And Tybee, you are right. I was telling the vet how guilty I felt for not recognizing that Sakai was going down and she commented that cats are incredibly good at hiding illness and that I shouldn''t beat myself up. But, I still feel we should have seen the signs and acted sooner. Hopefully, we''re not too late.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes. It means more than you can know!

Oh Rod just read this about Sakai, I''m so sorry. Sending prayers your way, sounds like she is a fighter. I know how hard this is for you and Charlie. I hope she recovers quickly at home with all your love and attention. I check back tomorrow to see how she is doing bless her heart. Hang in there!!! Lisa
Rod I am so glad she is home with you and I would definitely be cautiously optimistic now! Once the fluids and nutrients start to absorb, she will begin to feel very much better! Sakai will also be much happier with you both at home, you are doing a great job at caring for her, it will become second nature soon and I am sure that soon she will be eating for herself! That she licked at some food is a brilliant sign! Thanks for the update and please keep us posted, positive thoughts and prayers still outgoing!
rod i'm so happy sakai is doing better!!! this is obviously a very mild version of the not-eating but sometimes if portia isn't fed on a strict routine, she ends up getting too hungry and then her stomach starts to growl (makes the loudest noises EVER) and then she ends up feeling sick and then won't eat at all. so it's like a vicious cycle because if we miss the 'window' of her eating, her body makes it hard for her to want to eat and no amount of coaxing or even her absolute most favorite food in the world (whipped cream) will not get her interested. she just is apathetic and lays around. but within a few hours or by the next morning TYPICALLY she is ravenous. but it's pretty stressful for the few hours when we are like 'come on just eat something' because we feel badly. so hopefully once sakai's body starts to heal itself a little bit, her actual appetite might return. just like when we ourselves are feeling sick, food is not very appealing though we need it. anyhow, best wishes and lots of hugs for all of you. it's been such a stressful few weeks.

so yesterday i made oatmeal cranberry chocolate chip cookies from cooking light, they are seriously YUM! and healthy too...2 cookies is 130 calories and there's fiber in them too. yesterday for lunch it was a hodgepodge day for eating...had fiber cereal for breakfast, then got hungry soon after, so ate some froot loops that greg had in the house. then for lunch had a can of chef boyardee's raviolis which weren't bad for you but certainly aren't fresh and tasty, lol. then i ended up napping for a while after making the cookies. oh i ate 4 cookies (they are tiny!). then we got ready and headed up to SF to go to my boss's holiday party. when we got there, i was pretty hungry, so i ended up snacking on the spinarch artichoke dip, cheeses, and some marinated mushrooms for the most part. i ate a fair amount of spinach artichoke dip and bread! hahah. then i had a pumpkin spice cupcake (SO GOOD) from this amazing SF bakery and a tiny peppermint brownie. that was pretty much it. oh and drank water the whole time. so on the way home greg was starving so he wanted to stop to we stopped at north beach pizza and had a small garlic and mushroom pizza. i only ate 2 slices and we took the rest home for lunch today. but i really didn't NEED the pizza...but it was better than the alternative greg was making noises about, dennys! hehe. so overall i probably went over my cals a bit for the day (i was at about 1100 when we went to the party and with the party i'd be at about 1700 most likely but the pizza pushed me over)...but whatever. i actually weighed myself on friday at the gym and i lost 2 more lbs. which i don't really need to lose any more. i think i am looking pretty lean at this point. i had one person tell me this week i was a 'rail' and another person tell another coworker she 'wanted to be skinny like mara'. so i don't want to overdo it. ahha.

so today greg has a holiday church concert this morning we are going to...and we just had fiber cereal for breakkie. then i am going to the gym to work out after the concert. i think my parents and greg are going to breakfast but i quite honestly don't feel like stuffing myself with pancakes to feel all heavy and full all day long. and i really want to get this workout in when i have the time this morning. this afternoon we are having our small friend group holiday party (10ish people) so i have to get ready for that and get a few things going and finish tidying up the house so the workout has to go in now or never!! hope to do another 600 cals with an hour on the elliptical and then arm exercises.

have a wonderful sunday everyone!! just 9 days til xmas!

oh and deejay..make sure you are eating enough okay? don't be going hungry between meals. your strictness on what you have started doing is great in a way, but on the other hand, just make sure you don't go too extreme with not eating enough or eating TOO healthily all at once. to me that could be setting yourself up for a 'binge' if you start to feel like you are depriving yourself too much. so anyway, just make sure you are getting everything you need, the calories you need, and don't forget it's okay to splurge here and there.

This has been a pretty cruddy workout week for me, I''ve been a little sulky about it too, I''ll vent slightly here, then be done with it.

I maybe ran around too hard last weekend, because my right knee was really sore and swollen all week. There were some gorgeous days this week that just called for running, but I couldn''t get my old knee to feel right. Sadly, the gym is just to hard to get to on the busy school days, so I spent most of my work out time stretching, or doing sit ups/push ups at home.

I guess the reality is that at 38, I can''t run around like I used to. If I spend an entire weekend playing frisbee, I screw myself up for the whole next week. It''s sort of the hard reality that I need to consider right now. It makes me sad, though.

The food front has been okay, though. Last night we went with a bunch of friends to see Cirque de Soleil, so amazing. We started the night with some sinful drinks and appetizers, after a week of not really working out, that feels a little bad to me.

Yesterday I got to the gym for a pretty long elliptical session and some free weights. My DH lent me his video ipod and I watched it during my workout on the elliptical. That was really fun! It was a guilt free way to catch up on some of the hip new shows I''ve been missing.

Knee is feeling better today. I''ll make sure I take it easy on it. I''ll head back to the gym for more controlled cardio on the machines, maybe ease into running this week. 4 more work days for me til school''s out!

5.05 miles, 570 calories, 1 bottle of water and one very tired DJ!!!


Now for (I'm sure) the bad news; how inaccurate are those readouts? Did I REALLY go 5.05 miles and burn 570 calories? Probably not, so I anyone can tell me what they think of the accuracy I would appreciate it.

Last night I decided to have the banana instead of the WW cake, and I did have 1 cup of skim milk somewhere along the line that I didn't mention.

Today for breakfast I had the 1/2 left over chicken breast and some wild and brown rice. When I got home a few minutes ago I ate (inhaled!) a banana and I'm drinking plenty of water.

I think the happy hubby and I are going to take a Bikram yoga class. There is a place about a mile from our house and they have a lot of classes every week so getting to a few of them shouldn't be a problem. Has anybody done this? Will it help me lose weight or just make me limber (not that that's a bad thing either, LOL).

Off to see what mischief The Demon is into and then a shower... and maybe a nap... (Did I mention I'm tired?)
DJ...when I am on the elliptical I go about a speed 7ish and go about 5+ miles in an hour and burn about 600 calories so that sounds about right for you. Even if you factor in an error of margin of 50ish calories, it''s still 500+ and still awesome. The elliptical is not that ''challenging'' for me but it is a quick and efficient way to burn calories. I know I can count on it to burn me what I need to burn and be easy on my legs and arms and things like that. Congrats on doing it for an hour!! It took me a while to work up to that when starting that''s awesome!!

I went to the gym this morning and did an hour on the elliptical and then did about 5 minutes of quick arm weights, so burned about 600ish calories. I was pretty tired after the elliptical as I got into a ''groove'' towards the end and was kind of powered...hehee. We''re hosting a party tonite and the menu is pretty extensive, but I don''t really feel like pigging out so that''s good! Today I had fiber cereal and coffee, then after my work out I had like 5 minutes to scarf something when I got home before meeting a friend for some shopping so I ate another bowl of fiber cereal. Then I had a nonfat gbread latte while shopping and when I got home right now Greg and i split the 3 leftover pieces of pizza from last nite. Actually I had like 1.10 pieces, aka one piece and then one more bite of his two. Tonite we are having london broil with a rub roasted in the oven, fresh green salad (with my light dressings so I know I can gorge on that and it''s okay!), a cheesy potato thing my friend is bringing (yikes!), green onion casserole (yikes!) that another friend is bringing, a veggie lasagna that someone else is bringing, and then dessert is a pie and ice cream that yet another friend is bringing. I''m cooking crab cakes (fresh from the local deli) for appetizer and my other friend is bringing spinarch artichoke dip. So it will be a yummy evening, and most of the unhealthy stuff I typically just take a tiny bit of (I mean how much cheesy potatoes or green bean casserole can one eat before feeling sick?!)....and overall a pretty good weekend.

Anyhow, hope all had a great day! Oh and at the gym today I am still 2 lbs lower so I guess I really did ''lose'' 2 more lbs. Good I guess, my measurements are the same as they were a week ago, so it doesn''t really matter. Just the scale catching up to my new 1/2" smaller waist I guess, hehee.
Hi Everyone,

I''m afraind not much progress to report with Sakai. She''s still very lethargic and not eating on her own. I did manage to get her to eat one little morsel of food, but I had to almost push it down with my finger. She did end up chewing it and swallowing, but when we put food under her nose, there isn''t any interest. We''re still putting the amount of food through her feeding tube. We''re just not sure what progress to expect, but we''re pretty worried that she doesn''t seem to be making much progress. I''ll speak with the vet in the morning, but please keep those prayers coming in for our Sakai.......

Between feedings we did go to the gym this afternoon. We had excellent workouts. I think we both used the time to shed some stress over our sick kitty and to get lost in the gym for a while. It was particulary important for Charlie because he hadn''t worked out since Wednesday because he wanted to spend every moment he could with Sakai. So, I was glad he was able to get away today and work out too. We used elliptical''s side by side and that''s something we haven''t done in a while. It helped us push each other during the 45 minutes. I traveled over 8 miles in 45 minutes!!

Tomorrow is a non-gym day. We usually go for Sushi, but we need to do some Christmas shopping and the shopping area we''re going to doesn''t have a Sushi place (at least that we''re aware of).

Anyway, I hope you all had a great weekend. It''s hard to believe Christmas is one week from tomorrow. We will do the best we can to enjoy the holiday, but it won''t be easy being away from our home and having a sick kitty.

Here''s wishing everyone a good start to the week.
Rod, sorry, I was hoping for better news...

I just had a thought though. If you''re feeding her through the tube, can she ever really get hungry? And want to eat? I don''t know how these things work, just thought of it.

One thing you might try, is tempting her with something really tempting, like canned Mackeral. My mother spoiled our cat rotten, and this was one of the things she fed her. You might try it, but be prepared in case she decides to eat it, and love it.

Please keep us posted.
Date: 12/18/2006 8:22:02 AM
Author: Ellen
Rod, sorry, I was hoping for better news...

I just had a thought though. If you''re feeding her through the tube, can she ever really get hungry? And want to eat? I don''t know how these things work, just thought of it.

One thing you might try, is tempting her with something really tempting, like canned Mackeral. My mother spoiled our cat rotten, and this was one of the things she fed her. You might try it, but be prepared in case she decides to eat it, and love it.

Please keep us posted.
Thanks Ellen. We have tried all manners of canned foods, but even our other cat (a Bombay) won''t try them. Our cats have never had canned food in their lives. I think you could certainly be correct that if we''re filling her little tummy with food, she wouldn''t be hungry.

The good news is that today she did actually eat a cat treat on her own. It''s a small step, but we put a treat out and she smelled, then licked and ate it. This she''s done twice! She won''t drink on her own which is still a concern. But she seems to be more responsive tonight and acting more alert. As I type this, she''s wandering around and being vocal, which is a really good thing. Our vet still wants to see her drink on her own, but at least we feel some progress has been made since yesterday. She also had this wrap around her which was supposed to help keep her warm. We found it in another room tonight, meaning she actually figured out how to get it off. Another positive step! We''re really hopeful that she will pull through. It''s all we want for Christmas. Do you here me Santa??

Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes...........Rod, Charlie and of course Sakai
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