
Weekly Workout Thread 13th Aug till 19th Aug

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evening all...i had this big post but i lost it boo hoo!!!

anyway i am home now...i met up with greg for an hour at the airport and we caught up which was really nice...but i'm so sad he's gone!! i will def miss him, it was like a teaser. but on the other hand i am kind of glad to be alone and just decompress and have some time to just do whatever i want at home and get back into my routine. i'm also having dinner with a girlfriend on sat night at a fun tapas place we both that will be fun.

for dinner tonite i just had cereal with ff milk and blueberries...yummy. i'm still a little hungry but i am going to bed soon and i don't feel like eating more...esp after the last few days. it was so nice to have a light day today. on the plane i had a small baggie of trail mix with raisins, banana chips, etc and a pria bar. tomorrow it's a coworker's bday so i know there will be a ton of sweets around, i just hope i can hold out because really i ate so much crap this trip!! and that feeling afterwards is just gross! i have a pack of hostess cupcakes i meant to give to my boss but forgot, so i might eat half of them this wkd (i just eat the tops with the frosting hehe) so we'll see if i want that as a treat.

didn't work out today but i'm glad for the rest, did trek around the mall of america for an hour and then walked the airport for a while trying to find my i am definitely tired. portia and i can snuggle tonite, i'm so happy about that, i brought her a toy home and she's been running around squeaking it, she was jazzed to see me, i thought her tail was going to fall off, you gotta love pets!!

sounds like all are doing well, lol DJ re the 120 cal soup, it doesn't sound appealing at all! but choco chip cookies do. hehe. good luck tomorrow rod and enjoy your sushi. i am thinking of having it tomorrow night as i have been craving the idea of fresh fish...!! linda don't fret over the one pound, you really shouldn't weigh yourself daily because your body does fluctuate so much, it can give you false hope or sadness!! i only weigh myself like once every few weeks now and use fit of clothes keeps me so much happier mentally!

nite all!!
Hi everyone.
I wore my size 16 jeans to work today and have several comments on how much I am shrinking. I think my progress is more noticeable in clothes that actually fit me. The scale sacrificed 2/10 of a pound for me. Woo Hoo!
DeeJay, I would like to see 2 women duke it out over some pastries. That would be entertaining for me. Mini quiche are 60 calories, huh? I know my MIL loaded up her’s with cheese. Since the scale moved downward though I guess it was okay. I LOVE homemade cc cookies; I am glad to say my DH doesn’t bake them though.
Neatfreak, I am glad to hear you like your new place. Have fun unpacking – it certainly will help burn calories. Yeah!
Lorelei, sorry to hear it is raining again. We’ve had dry weather for about 10 days now.
Kimberly, I am glad your mom is skinny and has a sweet tooth. My dad is like that. He can eat a lot and not gain an ounce. I obviously took after my mother in that area. I like your philosophy of any workout is better than none.
Skippy, I hope you have perked up by now. Your morning walk sounds divine.
Chargergirl, I am sending lots of best wishes fairy dust your way for your husband’s job. Have a marvelous time in Maui.
Mara, I hope you got home safe and sound and that you didn’t buy out the stores at the mall of America.
Ellaila, great shirt – thanks.
Rod, I am glad you will be getting your test done and over with tomorrow. I’m sending you’re a ton of fairy dust wishes your way. That is great Charlie’s car has “arrived”.
Hi Jas, hope you are having a great day.
Linda, those little (and we do mean little) hostess cupcakes are pretty good. I have some in my freezer right now. They took a backseat after discovering the ww frozen giant chocolate bars though. I am sure your pound is water weight and will come right back off.
Well, take care. I need to get to bed. It’s been a LONG week hanging out all evening at the in-laws and getting home late every night.
Tomorrow is Friday! Yeah!
Evening all...I had a much better day today as far as eating/exercise! Thanks everyone for the positive statements re. my rather blue post, esp. Skippy, you always know how to cheerlead! I don''t know if I picked up a bit of a bug or what, but I slept from 11 p.m. last night until almost 4 p.m. today...rare, but I guess I needed the rest. Maybe the subconscious stress of getting a new job finally got to me, plus the weather, etc., who knows, but I felt sooo much better this evening, and plan to drive to my parent''s home tomorrow for a weekend of family time before I start my new job Tuesday. This evening I ran out to TJ''s and picked up some food for DH to have for the weekend, I always fear that if I don''t leave healthy stuff on hand he will succomb to the evil fast food gods. I made him a fresh tomato/cucumber/red onion salad (thank you Charlie and Rod for a scrumptious new recipe), and a corn and bean salad dressed with fresh lime juice and cilantro. He''s also got some yummy pizzas and some angus steak burger patties as well as portabello mushroom caps he can grill over the weekend, and some salad mixes. I feel better knowing he''ll eat well over the weekend...even though he can fend for himself I always try to leave good things in the fridge for him. I know, I''m silly! We went for a 2 mile walk with both dogs tonight and had a lovely time, we wore them both out first in the back yard playing fetch and all that, so after the initial peeing on everything and smelling all the trees/shrubs/etc. to death for one block or so they were happily trotting along with us so DH and I could conversate without getting too distracted.

Ohhh, I''m trying to remember everyone''s posts...
Rod, I am crossing all my crossable parts for your tests tomorrow, I hope everything goes well and you get back negative (as in positive, free of any disease) test results next week!
DeeJay, your posts continue to bring a smile to my face, you''re so funny! I was just wondering, though...why is your HH baking tonight? Did he just have the taste for CC cookies? I can never bring myself to bake anything when it''s hot out besides cornbread to go with summer salads...and LOL on the soup thing, I never eat "one serving" from a can of anything! what the heck do you do with the rest of the can? You know no one''s going to eat it if you refrigerate the leftovers!
Chargergirl, good to see you, have a fantastic time in Maui! I would love to visit HI someday, never been!
Miss Mara, hope you are resting comfortably at home now and wow! You are my vacation workout idol! Btw, I used to work for Von Maur, it is a fab company and I still frequent the store by us because they carry such great brands. I actually got both my MbMJ bag and my Burberry from them! I know they don''t have a presence in CA yet, but if they ever do I can let you in on the ins and outs of markdowns, etc. (Well, I''d be happy to do that for any midwesterners who shop there as well!)
Sorry, I''m forgetting a ton of people and some great posts I wanted to reply to, but it''s late and I''m facing a 5 hour drive with the puppy tomorrow morning, plus I want to check out the rest of PS to see what else is happening, lol! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and I will "see" you all Monday!!!
Date: 8/16/2007 4:40:01 PM
Author: ellaila

I think you guys should all get these and wear them to an international PS get together
What a great idea - I'm game for a pants T shirt!!!

ETA: the text from that page follows:

Slang from the U.K. is just cooler. You know it's true. It starts so innocently -- you order a Newcastle,beer maybe -- and then, before you know it, you're asking where they keep the 'torch' flashlight in your office and telling your assistant you'll be right back after you hit the 'loo.' bathroom or powder room, restroom

It's okay. We understand. It's just a way of freshening up your day-to-day vocabulary. It doesn't make you a poseur. It certainly doesn't make you Madonna or anything.


You just have to make sure you're not busting out terms that everyone's already heard and gotten sick of or stumping for slang words that no real British person actually says. (Quit trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's not going to happen!) 'Unless one wishes to say ' Daaaahling, you look so fetching in those trousers!"Knickers' may be commonplace, but there's still room for 'pants'! No, not in the sense of 'underpants' (though, yes, we know, that's what British people call their *****). Across the pond, 'pants' is like 'a$$': 'That show is pants; I can't believe you like it!' know, forget all that. We just think it's funny to have the word 'Pants' on a shirt.

Pants rules.

Hehehe Mara, yes backend means b-tt!! We do say rubbish a lot either for trash or someone speaks rubbish etc. Thick is used regularly to mean " he is as thick as 2 short planks" so thick is the abbreviation for that! Or thick as ----!! Thick as mud is the polite way of putting it....
We also say someone is as " happy as a pig in mud" or other adjectives to describe someone's joy!

Rod, keeping you in my thoughts today
Dee*Jay: You didn''t mention if you had any of the fabulous sounding cinamon streusal??? I''m a little shocked at the calories in a little coffee...500....I think I could get some sort of burger for that currency. Spoken like a carnivore I guess. Oh my gosh, the weight watchers thing is just hilarious! How does that make sense????

Neatfreak: I actually never took my measurements, although I wish I had in the beginning. My whole issue is that I''m not sure I''m measuring properly (or at the right place)! I''m going to look it up on the net.

Skippy: 4.5 miles???? Oh my gosh, is it just me or does that sound like ALOT? Fantastic job.

Mara: I''m really intrigued with this "you continue burning at a higher rate for 3 hours after" I''ve actually never heard of that. I''ve been thinking of maybe upping my cardio, so maybe 2 30 minutes of cardio will rev up my metoabolism. I feel like it''s a little sluggish, I think that''s one of the reasons that I''m having such a hard time losing weight right now.

Rod: I don''t know kind of tests you''re going in for, (I know you''re seeing a urologists) but I''m sending you big positive thoughts. My position is that most urological problems are treatable, so you''re going to be ok! Hugs!

Lorelei: What a cute new avatar! Love it!

So as for me. I had this mental goal at the beginning of this that I would only shop for a wedding dress once I lost the weight. I was adament, determined. I have a a lot of mental-body-issues. But yesturday I BIT THE BULLET! I''m starting school on Monday, and I don''t have time to shop later. I have until tomorrow to lock down a wedding dress. I went to the dress shop and tried on 3 dresses. That''s it. As far as strapless-simple-a-line goes, there isn''t a dress that is going to look better on me. And it was wonderfully, thankfully ridiculously slimming. I almost put a deposit on it, but sanity prevailed, because who buys a dress after trying on only 2 others! I REALLY hate shopping.

So went home, said I would mull it over, and decided to show my guy, 3 pictures of dresses I am considering. The 2 others I haven''t been able to try on because I haven''t found a dress shop that carries them. And he liked the one I had tried on the LEAST, by far of the other 2. So am I glad I didn''t just buy. He said it was too plain. But the cut was fabulous, I loved it. I could see myself walking down the aisle in it. My sister said she had never seen me look so slim, elegent etc. But in the intrest of pleasing my guy, I''m going to try and hunt down the other 2 dresses and give them a try. I hope I didn''t bring down a torrent of bad luck because I showed my guy some pictures of the 3 contenders
. But I''m rationalizing that it''s not like he saw ME in the dress. And one of them is a little tiny bit more unconventional, and my guy is as fashion forward as....cargo pants, so I wanted to see if he had an open mind.

I feel like a zillion bucks. This was honestly a huge mental block for me (as evidenced by endless procrastination until I am left with only 2 half days to do this.

Have a good day!
"Lorelei: What a cute new avatar! Love it! "

Hehehe...glad you like it Ally, I felt it was time for a change! I get bored after a while and need something new!
Date: 8/17/2007 7:23:18 AM
Author: Lorelei
''Lorelei: What a cute new avatar! Love it! ''

Hehehe...glad you like it Ally, I felt it was time for a change! I get bored after a while and need something new!
I decided to come in here instead of jacking a thread in RT to tell you your av had me doing this---->

Love it.

I''ve been thinking a change would do me good too, I just can''t find something that speaks to me....
Date: 8/17/2007 8:39:35 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 8/17/2007 7:23:18 AM
Author: Lorelei
'Lorelei: What a cute new avatar! Love it! '

Hehehe...glad you like it Ally, I felt it was time for a change! I get bored after a while and need something new!
I decided to come in here instead of jacking a thread in RT to tell you your av had me doing this---->

Love it.

I've been thinking a change would do me good too, I just can't find something that speaks to me....
Hehehe....glad you like it!!! I have a great moving pic of a breakdancing cartoon bunny, but I can't resize him to get him to load, you could have had him if I could get him to upload as he is neato!
lol Thankies anyway! I''ll find something eventually.
Morning All!

Rod, your procedure should perhaps be well under way if not complete by now...I''m thinking of you.

Glad you''re home, Mara.

Linda, do not fret 1lb.

Alley, good for you for starting to wedding dress shop.

Marcy, you are looking so fab in your size 16 jeans, I am sure!! WOO HOO!

Monnie, glad you had a better day. Enjoy your time with your parents.

We hit the book store and then had a yummy dinner last night. I had something called a "chopp chopp" it''s rice, lettuce, tomato served w/ different types of meats. I had grilled chicken in a citrus-chile sauce, very yummy. We split some seasoned and sweet potato fries as an app. Then we went over to a sports bar and watched a bit of pre-season football and had a drink. A really nice night.
Happy Friday all!

I just made the mistake of introducing one of my coworkers to the chocolate fiber one bars. She now also knows I keep the stash in the lower left hand drawer of my desk. If I ever open that drawer up and there are NO fiber one bars there will be hell to pay!

Rod, you are in my thoughts today!

Stephi, the soup is Progresso. But seriously, don't bother.

Charger, come on over and you can taste those choco chip cookies FOR REAL! Actually, I made the HH take them ALL to work. That is not the sort of thing you can leave laying around my house...

Linda, I LOOOOVE hostess cupcakes! I haven't tried the snack packs yet but I should put those on the list next time the HH goes to the store. And don't even worry about one pound. I'm sure it's all from the salt.

Mara, did you pick up any more goodies at the mall?

Marcy, I agree that progress is more noticeable in clothes that fit. Plus, I think when you're wearing something that you like you carry yourself differently, so that might make a difference too in what people see/perceive.

Monnie, the HH was making the cookies for a work function. Fortunately he RARELY makes any sort of dessert type item or else I'd be in REAL trouble. Trouble so deep I don't even think the WWT could help me...

Lorelei, love the new avatar!

Hello Ellen!

Kimberly, was the chopp chopp a hot dish or a cold one? I'm guessing cold because of the lettuce but I'm not sure.

Ally, WW math is evil. Evil in the same way that a 2 ct diamond is not twice as big as a 1 ct diamond but costs five times as much. Pure frickin' evil.
It's actually served warm, well the rice and chicken are, DeeJay, it sounds strange but it's really good...and I forgot to mention your post had me laughing outloud...I think I woke John up.
Rod, just wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you today. Yay for friday night sushi to look forward too!!!
Quick check in here. I''ve finally come up for air from unpacking and the apartment is starting to look somewhat put together. I am off pretty soon to do the usual target, home depot, grocery store, TJ''s, stock-up-on-everything run you need to make when you move. I didn''t eat particularly well yesterday, but today my kitchen is finally unpacked so things will get better. Just went to the gym which is now only 3 blocks away. Yay!

Rod, we are all thinking of you today and wishing you good things!!!!
morning all. gosh who knew that routine could be so fabulous (are you listening rod?! hehe)...i delighted in waking up this morning in my own bed with portia sacked out beside me yet giving me the wide eye, coming down, making my coffee, making my cereal and fruit and sitting here reading the posts. who knew?! hehe. i will def be happy to be home for a while. greg got to the other side of the US safely and texted me last nite so that''s a relief. i really wish he was coming home on saturday so we''d have one day together but oh well.

ally good for you for starting to dress shop...and don''t worry you will be able to alter something if you do lose those few lbs, it''s not like you have 20 lbs to lose!! so i think you''ll be fine looking around now and then continuing your new good habits. personally i like plainer dresses too...remember that you can always jazz them up with jewelry or a more embellished veil i would still go for what you like (but take note of what he likes as well)...honestly i think he will be so happy seeing you walk down the aisle towards him that it won''t matter what you have on!

and yes if you read a little about working out, you will see that your metabolism gets higher after working out and stays that way for a bit of time. some people say 1-2 hours but my trainer said 3 and i have read that elsewhere as well. so for me i started thinking well hmm if i do like 2 35 minute chunks of workout time a day and get my heart rate up enough, i might be getting the benefits of 6 hours of slightly higher burn (i have read 10-15% of higher burn so you could burn an extra like 100 or 150 cals in the 3 hours or something) instead of doing like one 1.5 hour workout for just 3 hours. but i don''t always have time to do 2 smaller workouts so i just play it by ear.

really also building muscle will help your metabolism become higher naturally and stay that way. so if you are not already lifting weights be sure you are. lastly, one thing my trainer told me which i thought was so true, is that you just shouldn''t work out just to burn cals. she was saying she has people who are working out 45 min each day and going ''but im not losing any weight''. she asked them, well are you tracking heart rate? are you working hard enough? or just going through the motions for 45 minutes and not really giving it your 1000%. if so you might as well just be sitting on the couch. so you need to get your heart rate up high enough during a workout to really reap the benefits. i typically get my heart rate into the fat burn category if not cardio (ellip gets me into cardio, walking typically only into fat burn but i imagine when i am hiking it''s more in cardio range) i know at least i am doing what i need to, but i could probably do more...aka walk faster or similar. anyway something to think about, as you could be doing 30 min of exercise but if it''s not at a high enough level, it may not be jump starting your body at all.

DJ/linda, i have had those mini hostess cakes and yes they are a nice sub but unfortunately i like the real thing. i have found that if i just cut them in half horizontally and discard the bottom half (all cake and a bit of white inside frosting) that i can enjoy the top of the real thing and it''s way more satisfying than the 3 mini ones honestly!! i don''t know that i am cuting the cals in half as im sure the frosting has a lot too but at least it''s not as bad as eating the whole cake. hehee. but i have them SO rarely, like maybe 2-3x a year. at least the little ones have fiber!!

anyhow time to get off to work and torture myself with all the hassle of returning after 4 days''s my coworkers bday so i got her a few cute goodies, we make a big deal of bdays at the office which is super fun for the bday person but the rest of us just get caught in eatingandslackergasms so today may or may not be super productive with both ''health'' and ''work''. we shall see. tonite i was thinking i''d just go work out and then hang out with princess p on the couch and catch up on tv (so you think you can dance season finale has been tivod!) and just have a relaxing evening for once. i might get sushi but it really depends on what else i eat today at work. if i give in and have 2 donuts, maybe cereal is for dinner again! LOL.

rod hope your procedure is going well/went well, keep us posted and enjoy your fri evening routine...and hope everyone else is having a fabulous (ala not PANTS) day!!!
hi wwt. i''m still slacking on posting, but i wanted to pop in for a quick update. my trip on wednesday was pretty uneventful, and the office cafeteria we ate at had some fairly heathy choices, which was nice. yesterday was a normal but busy day. today i am planning to hit the gym after work before i meet a friend for a movie. i desperately need to go to the grocery store this weekend as i have no fruits or veggies (or much else!) in the house - i was really scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with lunch today!

rod, i hope that everything went well this morning and that you are feeling ok.

monarch, congrats on the new job.

linda, i always get too many chips and salsa! salty crunchy snacks are definitely my willpower weakness.

mara, i usually hate business travel for the very circumstances you described - so much unhealthy food forced upon you all day with very few healthy options. at least there is usually fresh fruit and yogurt at our breakfasts, but lunch is really hit or miss!

marcy, congrats on the smaller clothes and compliments.

charger, have fun in maui!

ally, how nice that you got such a boost from dress shopping.

dj, i''ve said it before, but i am certain i would weigh 20 pounds more than i do if i lived with your hubby!

neatfreak, good luck unpacking.
The scale got stubborn on me again!
I''m still stuck around the 150 lb mark BUT my trousers seem a little looser, which is always a good thing.

Today is my last day here before vacation. Have a great week everyone. I''ll see you all back in September and hope that I don''t blow my diet while visiting my in-laws. Food at their place is very carb (rice) heavy as that''s just the way it is traditionally.

I know what you mean about a stubborn scale, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry frustrating!!!!!

Have a wonderful vacation!!!!!! We will miss you.

Hey Everyone!

How nice to wake up and log in and find so many thoughtful wishes for me waiting.

I had to get up at 4:30 (Rod is so not an early morning person). Got 'cleansed' out (so degrading to have to ask someone to give you an enema, but thank goodness for the best life partner on the planet). Then we headed out at 6:15 to the hospital. Of course we got there way early and I had to sit and wait and be too anxious. But then they took me and they were the nicest most considerate people. When they took me into the operating room, they inserted the happy sleep formula and the next thing I knew, the nurse was calling my name and telling me it was time to start waking up. Once you wake up, you're pretty awake and they just have to wait for your blood pressure to come up to a normal level and we were on our way home. I'm in a bit of pain, but it's nothing compared to what I thought it would be. And so far, while there is some bleediing, it too isn't anywhere near what I was expecting. I slept for about 4 hours, then had a little food. I won't know anything until next Thursday, but with all your love and prayers, I know I'll be just fine.

Ally: I had a prastate biopsy because my exam was irregular and my PSA too high. So, the concern is of course prostate cancer. But I'm only 52 and in the best physical shape of my life, so if I have it, it's usually very slow growing and pretty curable. It will just be one more thing to add to the whacko year I've had.

I can have my Sushi tonight, but they absolutely said I could not have a Sapporo beer. Oh well, the sushi's more important anyway.

It's going to be really difficult to not go to the gym for the next week, but that too will come to an end and soon enough, I'll be pushing my muscles just as hard as ever. I hope what they say about taking a break from working out can sometimes be beneficial is true.

Anyway, thanks everyone for love and well wishes. I'll check in again later.

Rod, I have been thinking about you and sending good vibes.
Have a good sushi dinner at #1 sushi place (hehe) and driving around in the new sporty car and drinking coffee under the beautiful oak tree!

Yay Marcy for more weight loss; you are doing awesome!

Dee, I hope your coworker doesn't go crazy like me that one day I ate 4 Fiber One bars. hehe. I am glad they sell them at costco; I promise eating too many will cure a person from of doing it again. Maybe she will eat too many not touch your stash

Monnie, yay for a better day today and lots of needed sleep!! Great job w/eating and exercise, kudos friend! Thanks for the sweet compliment Monnie; I always like reading your posts.

Lorelei, I think you need a "Pants" shirt. hehe

Alley, yay for a beautiful wedding dress!!!! I bet you look fab! Thanks for thinking my 4.5 miles is a lot. I get popped, but then I read others here do 6 miles and I am like
, so that made me feel super good! Thanks!!!

Kimi, your chopp chopp meal sounds yummy. Holy guacamole, I love Sweet Tater fries

Mrs. S, have a nice walk and starbucks tomorrow, w/your friend and sweet Zoe!

Neatfreak, yay for unpacking and getting back into a routine!

Mara, portia sounds so sweet and super duper cute! What a fun dog! Thanks for the working out info.

Shortblond, glad you picked some healthy items while traveling! Kudos. Enjoy your movie.

Linda, you are doing so well, keep up the good work and you will lose that 1lb in no time!!

Chrono, have a safe and wonderful trip, friend!!!

Yesterday I was worried about overeating while w/friends. I was relieved because they picked Supper Salad wihich was soup and salad. I did have a small piece of gingerbread and 3 tbs of chocolate pudding. For dinner I met some old friends and had pizza (thin crust). We went to visit w/my mom last night. Today I am taking a day off from working out.

Tomorrow is my early wak w/my cousin!!! TGIF
Rod, it's great to hear that you're doing well!!! I've been checking this thread all day waiting for you to check in.

Stephi, mmmm, gingerbread. I love the stuff, but haven't had it in ages.

So our weekend is designed to totally derail my good eating intentions, LOL. Tonight we're going to this wonderful place up north and then the HH is going to swing by his ski club meeting to get the winter schedule, and I'm sure there will be bad stuff there to eat. Tomorrow night we're going to a party at one of his coworker's homes. And on Sunday we're going out to dinner with one of my clients. Yikes! Plus I'm having this crazy inexplicable craving for trail mix. And not just any trail mix mind you, but the kind with almonds, walnuts, dried pineapple, mango, strawberries, coconut... Comes in like a 50 pound bag from Costco. I can eat the whole thing in a few days if left to my own devices. MUST NOT break down and bring that into the house!!!

I am going to get good hard workouts in tomorrow and Sunday though, so maybe that will offset at least *some* of the damage that I anticipate from the weekend.
Hey Rod,

Elevated PSA could be due to benign prostatic hyperplasia or urinary tract infection also, so I''m keeping my fingers crossed for BPH (or nothing at all

Hugs! Keep us updated!
Rod, I''m just so glad you''re feeling okay and it wasn''t as bad as you expected...good thoughts still headed your way!
Hello everybody!

Can I play with you guys and join your fabulous WWT??

I have been lurking on PS through engagement and wedding, and funnily enough, this thread is the one that inspired me to join. I keep meaning to join on a Monday, but it never happens and then another week goes by, so I am taking the plunge on a Friday.

To make it quick- before the wedding I did really well, was counting my calories and working out regularly. Was in the best shape I''ve been in in years- not too skinny but toned and healthy. Weeeellllllllllll, then it was the honeymoon. And the honeymoon diet- as in, why not have both onion rings and french fries and mango margaritas and dessert? You should, it''s your honeymoon. And so on. For two weeks. Which wouldn''t have been so bad except that after the honeymoon, I moved to a new city and in with the HH and just haven''t quite gotten OFF the honeymoon diet.

So now I feel fat and grumpy again, and very disappointed in myself for wasting all of that hard work.

So I am determined to get it back under control. I am not necessarily trying to lose a ton of weight, just get fit again and not feel that horrible stuff that hangs over my jeans- I call it "That Which Shall Not Be Named". Ick.

You all seem like a fantastic group of people, and really inspiring.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Someone tell me to stop eating, please. I ate tacos for lunch and just went back to the kitchen for cheese and crackers...NO MORE FOOD! I don't normally have such issues with wanting to gorge, but today I'm feeling very munchy...ugh!

ETA, welcome ChinaCat!
Date: 8/17/2007 4:05:10 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Someone tell me to stop eating, please. I ate tacos for lunch and just went back to the kitchen for cheese and crackers...NO MORE FOOD! I don''t normally have such issues with wanting to gorge, but today I''m feeling very munchy...ugh!

ETA, welcome ChinaCat!
Stop eating and take a walk
just teasing. You do so well Kimi, maybe call a friend to distract yourself.

Welcome, Chinacat!
Date: 8/17/2007 4:12:53 PM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 8/17/2007 4:05:10 PM

Author: KimberlyH

Someone tell me to stop eating, please. I ate tacos for lunch and just went back to the kitchen for cheese and crackers...NO MORE FOOD! I don''t normally have such issues with wanting to gorge, but today I''m feeling very munchy...ugh!

ETA, welcome ChinaCat!

Stop eating and take a walk
just teasing. You do so well Kimi, maybe call a friend to distract yourself.

Welcome, Chinacat!

You mean a *walk* like that *walk* I almost took to Ben & Jerry''s last week?!
Date: 8/17/2007 4:12:53 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/17/2007 4:05:10 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Someone tell me to stop eating, please. I ate tacos for lunch and just went back to the kitchen for cheese and crackers...NO MORE FOOD! I don''t normally have such issues with wanting to gorge, but today I''m feeling very munchy...ugh!

ETA, welcome ChinaCat!
Stop eating and take a walk
just teasing. You do so well Kimi, maybe call a friend to distract yourself.

Welcome, Chinacat!
I know, I know, and the tacos were healthy, part of my plan for food today, but the cheese and crackers, not even close to on my list. It''s 100 degrees out, taking a walk doesn''t sound like pleasant distraction...perhaps I''ll call my mom.
Date: 8/17/2007 4:14:11 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 8/17/2007 4:12:53 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/17/2007 4:05:10 PM

Author: KimberlyH

Someone tell me to stop eating, please. I ate tacos for lunch and just went back to the kitchen for cheese and crackers...NO MORE FOOD! I don''t normally have such issues with wanting to gorge, but today I''m feeling very munchy...ugh!

ETA, welcome ChinaCat!

Stop eating and take a walk
just teasing. You do so well Kimi, maybe call a friend to distract yourself.

Welcome, Chinacat!

You mean a *walk* like that *walk* I almost took to Ben & Jerry''s last week?!
No, evil, bad, terrible, horrible awful...wait, ice cream, hot day...but they go so perfectily together! Like Harold and Maude, Thanksgiving and turkey...Ben and Jerry''s...oh wait, I''m trying to stop eating...AUGH!!!!!
OH NO, Kimmie, stop talking about Tacos PLEASE. Now I want to go to Taco Bell and get their Taco Supreme. I LOVE those.

I have those days too, where absolutely NOTHING fills me up. I do wonder what causes that. I LOVE cheese and crackers too. I has to be sharp cheddar cheese. I swear I was a mouse in my previous life. tee hee.

ChinaCat: Welcome to PS
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