
Weekly Workout Thread 19th March till 25th March

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Date: 3/20/2007 1:13:35 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/20/2007 1:09:39 AM
Author: Mara
a Mortons steakhouse opened a mile from our house in downtown and i just remembered we drove by it the other day and i went woah! i just checked it out online and we will have to go very soon...lobster bisque, wedge salad, petite filet, warm chocolate cake, oh my!!!! right up my alley...! so i''m like hmm when are we going? hehe.
Wow...that is EXACTLY what I would order if my hips weren''t a factor....

With wine, of course.
haha...and when are you here next?

i''ll put you on the elliptical the next day for an worries about those hips.
Date: 3/20/2007 1:15:14 AM
Author: Mara

haha...and when are you here next?

i''ll put you on the elliptical the next day for an worries about those hips.
With that meal, I''d have to buy my own machine and use it while eating all subsequent meals which will only consist of alfalfa sprouts.

I''ll actually be up in April or May...I''ll keep you posted, Ms. Foodie...
morning all!

this thread is getting quite difficult to keep up with...but all the energy and contributions are great to see.

maybe we could think about breaking it back into daily threads? because lots of times i''ll want to go back and look up some tidbit of indispensable advice or nugget of knowledge, however, trying to sift through hundreds of posts is daunting if not impossible...just a thought

rod: i''m sorry that the relocation didn''t work out, but from what i''ve skimmed you have a ROCK SOLID relationship with Charlie. You both sound so loving and supportive of each other and more than where you work and live, that is most important!

lorelei: sorry about the bum toe. hope it''s less colored by now

AG: wow! 18 pounds since january! Congratulations. I love reading your posts because you always have such a great, positive, healthy attitude.

coda: looser jeans are the true measure of success for me
nothing feels better!

mara: good luck with the interviews!

TG: i, too, had quite a time celebrating my people''s heritage this weekend. but it''s a new week.

i''ve been doing just fine during the week and then the weekends roll around. Last weekend it was st. patrick''s day, the two weekends before that we had friends visiting. this weekend, another friend is coming. i''m sure i''d be super skinny if i was a hermit
, but, it seems like there is always a dinner, a brunch, a happy hour, or eight
. overall, i balance things out, so i''m not really complaining. plus, what fun would life be without brunch. seriously.
morton''s must be over-rated, or the one that just opened near me in downtown houston was a big dissappointment at least. we went a few months ago on a weeknight just as a spur of the moment thing b/c it''s a few blocks from our apt and i had a sudden craving for thousand island dressing. i don''t eat much meat, but i totally love steakhouse sides and so i''ll go for the wedge salad, sauteed mushrooms, things like that. we had tuna tartar and wedge salads and then i was already pretty full so i just had a few bites of mushrooms and creamed spinach, but neither was even good. and my guy said the steak wasn''t anything special. anyways, just my two cents.

yay me! i''ve definitely gotten into a lower calorie groove! i am actually a little hungry sometimes, but i''ve realized that there''s nothing wrong with that, and that for me it''s probably even necessary--if i want to loose a few lbs and not spend 3 hrs in the gym every day. i''ve just found things for breakfast and lunch that do fill me up at the time i eat them, and keep my blood sugar up long enough so that i''ll just get hungry maybe at 11am and then i can just say to myself, well it''s only an hr before lunchtime, so i can have some water and just wait. like yesterday i had a late breakfast so it was just a glass of oj and a few grapes before i exercised, but then for lunch i had an egg white omlette w/ 1/2 piece of 2% american cheese and 1 nutrigrain waffle w/ smart balance light and about a cup of fresh strawberries. i think my calories for the whole day were about 1300-1400. i''m not going to try to go quite that low every day, but that''s just how it worked out. actually i''m not even going to count every calorie if it involves research or calculations that take more than 1 minute.

also, i know it''s not wed, but it''s the first time the scale has moved in weeks, so i want to brag that i weigh 143 now!

congrats AG on the progress!
All this talk of Morton's makes me want a big fat steak LOL! I used to live about a block and a half from one and a previous boyfriend and I would get takeout from Morton's every Friday night. Not an exciting life we were living, but definitely a tasty one! A filet and mushroom caps and a great bottle of red wine are good in the restaurant but they are EXCELLENT in your own living room sitting on the floor and eating at the coffee table!!!

OK, enough of that or else I'm gonna be mighty unhappy about the things I actually AM eating today. Had instant grits and whole wheat toast for breafkast, having squash soup with croutons for lunch, snacks will be grapes and yogurt, and I'm meeting Mrs. Salvo for a pizza dinner at Gino's East tonight. YUM!

I am a little afraid of the scale come tomorrow for the Wednesday morning weigh in, but whatever will be will be...

No workout last night or tonight, but I plan to get back to the gym on both Wednesday and Thursday. For the next two weeks at work I have to finish up an huge annual project so I might be working late several nights and I don't know what my gym time will look like. Plus I am swamped with spring clients right now. The end of the first quarter is so hard for me from my two job standpoint since they are both really busy at this time of year, and I will especially feel like a slug if I don't get to the gym enough now that Mara has set the bar at almost 4,000 cals/week for working out!
Thank you so much nejarb and lulu - the positive reinforcement from here definitely helps a lot.

Lulu - I think that''s a really cool suggestion about breaking the thread up somewhat, it would make it easier to sort through when you want to look for a specific recommendation or piece of information or whatever.

Nejarb - I completely agree about the getting hungry thing. DH and I were both talking about this a few weeks ago, that we''ve actually learned to enjoy being hungry sometimes because it really seems to make you appreciate your food more when you do eat. I know for me, it really helps me enjoy the flavors. Plus, I try to think about it from a "what''s natural" perspectvie, and it seems to me that we must be designed, as humans, to get hungry, and then eat in response to that hunger so maybe that is part of why its such a useful guage for all of us trying to lose weight.
I''m honestly not in favor of breaking the threads down to daily ones again. I find that they are easier for me to stay up with since they''ve been weekly, and where so many convos end up being continuations, it''s easier to search ONE thread for a new development than it is to search multiples or try to remember what day someone added something meaningful.

Oftentimes, I try to just bookmark pages that have something meaningful, so perhaps this would help for those having trouble with weeklies?

Glad to hear everyone is making progress and on the mend.....I seem to be stuck in place at the moment, but still working at it.

nejarb, i dunno but i will surely try mortons and then report back. also houston has some great steakhouses so i can see how mortons in an area like that might disappoint. we don''t have too many fabulous ''traditional'' ones here. greg has been to the one in SF and said it was really good. keeping fingers crossed that we like it when we try it. it''s within walking distance. hehee.

amber and nejarb re being hungry, our bodies do not like being hungry. typically when you reduce your calories, your body freaks out for a while. it says oh my gosh i''m getting less, and it starts sending signals to your brain to feed it. but your body may not actually need to be may just be resisting the change, thinking doom is up ahead. but if you can resist the hunger then eventually it will get used to eating less as long as you are giving it the RIGHT types of things. also i find drinking hot green tea between meals helps diffuse hunger as well, aka when i know i shouldn''t be hungry but feel it...and i''m eating lunch in 45 minutes or something. i''ll drink green tea and it usually calms things down a bit til i eat lunch. but sometimes i know i probably AM hungry like an hour after a workout or something. so then i definitely eat.

DJ if i were you i''d try to map out a workout schedule for your next 2 busy weeks and then stick to it. even if you have to get into the gym at 10pm at night, doing something for 30 minutes is better than nothing at all. don''t let yourself be derailed by a busy schedule. it''s funny because a friend was recently telling me ''gosh you know i get so busy and then i get home and i have XYZ to do and this and that and then i can''t get to the gym''. for me what worked was scheduling my gym time just like an appointment i wouldn''t cancel. and going right after work, and changing at the gym kind of thing, not going home first or anything like that. try to set yourself up for success rather than giving yourself an easy way out or an excuse if you can''t find the time or are tired after a long day. i NEVER bail on the gym. even if i go and do 20 minutes, i go. because once you start skipping''s way too easy to start doing that more and more often and it''s just a downward spiral from there in my opinion. anyhow this isn''t like ''dj you are skipping workouts'', it''s most just in general that i really recommend people setting themselves up for success with the workout thing and knowing what your triggers might be to bail and then working around them.

alj...bookmarking a page is a great idea, you can also rename it when you bookmark it to add a note on the name like ''WWT helpful tip from AG on pizza'' or that when you are looking for it later you can find it. also i tend to open up a notepad and keep it open and copy and paste helpful hints or recommended foods or recipes into it then save it to my desktop for future use.

anyhow, this morning i had 3/4c fiber one with strawberries, FF milk and coffee. i''m having lunch with my coworker and we''re going to Erik''s Deli...yummy!! it''s a small family-owned chain sandwich and soup place that uses the tastiest fresh bread...whole grains, alfalfa sprouts etc. they have nutritional information online so it makes it easy to order and they even break out sauces on the sandwiches so you can know what not to get etc. so i am getting the Pilgrims Progress which is turkey and avocado with tomato, red onion and sprouts on nine grain bread, typically it comes with this thing they call Erik''s Goo which is basically a blend of mustard and mayo and it adds 220 cals. So I''m getting the sandwich without the Goo and just dijon mustard and saving myself about 210 cals. And then a 70 cal cup of minestrone, their soups are yummy. I''ll eat 1/2 the sandwich with soup for lunch then have the other 1/2 later after my workout for snack.

then tonite i''m having sushi with a girlfriend, i can''t wait! i already know what i am getting hehee.


DJ and mrs salvo, have fun tonite at the pizza place...just remember veggie with light cheese hehee!!

we got a new flyer for a place that looks yummy near us...tempting to try at some point soon. they have a few types of veggie so it could be intriguing.


I''ve been lurking on the WWT since the beginning of the year. I''ve been quietly following everyone''s progress, and all I can say is WOW!

Lorelei- Your Monday posts are so inspirational. I call them my weekly "lessons"
Rod- I''m thrilled that you''ve made the decision to move home. Life is short, and you certainly "live life like you mean it!"
DJ- You are my HERO!! I remember you post back in Dec about how buying bigger pants was not the answer. You have come a loong way!
Kimberly- Girl, you are a DYNAMO! I need to channel some of your energy.
Coda- YAHOO for loose jeans.
Mara- I LOVE what you call your "long-winded" posts. They''re just chock-full of great info. I totally read them!

There''s so many other great WWT-ers I''d like to give a shout out to. Y''all have been so instrumental in getting me to change my habits a bit at a time. Slowly but surely, I''ve taken control of the overeating and empty calorie consumption. I''ve begun calorie-counting, but need to document what I eat and REALLY keep track of the numbers. Spreadsheet, here I come!

My challenge has always been the exercise part of it. I admit, I''m LAZY! I seriously need to step up, and enough is enough. TODAY is the day! I telecommute from home on Tuesdays, and plan to hit the gym this afternoon once I''m all caught up with work. It will be the first time in like 8 months that I''ve set foot in a gym. I''m kinda terrified, but plan to start slow.

My goal is to lose about 25 pounds, or roughly 3 sizes. I''m currently weigh about 160 pounds and am a solid size 12- WAY too much for my height of 5''5". My husband is totally healthy- he visits the gym @ his work every weekday morning, and has lost about 20lbs since January when we began taking more control over what we eat. We''re both TOTAL foodies, and it''s been tough, but certainly not impossible. In fact, I think we''re eating much better-tasting food!

For breakfast at 8a, I had a bowl of Quaker Oats oatmeal (150 cals), with a tablespoon of TJ''s Natural, unsweetened Apple Sauce (6.5 cals) mixed in for flavor, and some green tea. I plan to have a mid-morning snack in a minute. Will probably be a hard-boiled egg (75 cals).

That''s all, folks!
ChargerGrrl - you can totally do it!!! This forum is so incredibly supportive and useful--you''ll be amazed by what you get here and what you learn. And as for the pants I was wearing when I started that thread back in December --> Salvation Army baby! Buying bigger pants was indeed not the right answer, LOL.

Mara, I know what you mean about the downward spiral, and I''m not trying to make excuses in advance, but there are a few weeks a year that are just HELL for me for various work reasons. I did get four workouts in last week though, and if all goes well I will get in four this week too, but I know that the last week of this month and the first week of April are going to be horriffic.

I''ve been good breakfast and lunch wise, but the key will be to stay away from the goodies at the meeting I''m going to this afternoon. I''ll have some grapes on my walk over. That, and the thought of meeting Mrs. S. for pizza later should get me through!
welcome chargergrrl!! sounds like lurking has done you good so far....!! and lol glad to hear someone finds my info useful at times. i just tend to ramble and half the time i am like ''does anyone actually read this but me?''...but it''s therapeutic i think when i type it all out, like a brain dump! hehe.

oh i wanted to add my latest easy snack in here. the la tortilla factory 50 cal tortillas toasted over open flame on the range til crispy and then i wipe the real butter stick over it a few times (melts onto the tortilla), roll it up and eat. it''s about 60 cals total and it gives me a quick burst of 8g of fiber and something between breakfast and lunch! i''m trying to get my 35g of fiber so this helps once a day!

Welcome ChargerGrrl!! This WWT is awesome. It totally got me started eating/working out like I have never done before!

So for last week I went to the gym 6x. Last week I logged a total calorie burn of 2880. Wasn’t exactly the 3000 I was trying to reach, but I can try again this week. So I did 6 days of cardio and on three of those days I had a trainer for 50 minutes.

It’s getting really close to TTOTM, so I’m trying to be extra careful not to eat too much starchy/refined carbs, which is exactly what I’m craving. But when and if I do give in, I end up hating myself for the bloated-ness I feel. So this is the first time I’ve ever stuck with an exercise while around TTOTM… and watching what I eat instead of just eating cause I constantly feel hungry. Usually around this time I feel so big and bloated, I don’t feel like going out, or seeing anyone, my clothes don’t really fit right.. it’s actually kinda depressing.. So … we’ll see how I feel this time around. I think it’ll be much better.

HI Coda! Congrats on those jeans. Must be great! I can’t wait till I can fit into some of my older jeans too without some love handles overflowing them… hahah… AND I’m not going to get any new clothes till I start seeing some changes in my body…

Mara – where do they sell the la tortilla? Hmm.. all these interesting foods that I’m not sure are in our normal markets. I went to Albertsons yesterday and I didn’t this.

Welcome Chargergrrl
Thanks for your kind words about my weekly openers, they are very much appreciated! I aim to help anyone who might be reading, as my weight and trying to control it has given me so much misery through my life, one thing I have learned is that by booting perfection in the arse was the best thing I ever did. Honest and consistent effort along with working out and having a treat here and there is what works, not trying to be perfect - for me that was so self destructive and led me down a precarious path which didn''t do a thing to help me maintain a healthy weight. So if I can help inspire others to try to maintain their weight and health in an enjoyable and positive manner, then I am very glad to do so!

I did a good hour on the treadmill last night and burned around 500 cals, but I will take tonight off as the blasted toe is hurting...
THANKS everyone for the warm welcome. I'm happy to have finally come out of lurkdom and join this terrific community!

I just got home from running errands and the gym. WOW- it's just so wierd for me to type that. As I mentioned before, the last time I was there was about 8 months ago. But I marched right in and headed for the treadmills. I did 45 minutes, and burned 308 calories. Not bad for my first workout, and I figure that the cals burned # will only get higher as my stamina gets better- it's seriously shot right now!

Lunch was a Chicken Burrito Supreme, fresco-style from Taco Bell. I LOVE TB- it's one of my few fast-food dirty little secrets. But in the last 2 months I've shifted from my "usual" to this burrito as you get the most bang for your calorie buck. The serving size is 241 grms, and it's 350 calories. It totally fills me up. A quick note about TB- any item with cheese and/or sauce can be made fresco-style (a tomato salsa) and it saves you a fair number of calories. The original version of the burrito I mentioned above is 410 cals.

I'll have a fuji apple around 4p to hold me over until dinner, and at that point I"ll be at just below 700 calories. I'm happy with that!

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
CG...TB is my total little secret too hahaha. I love it! and I love real Mexican food as well...TB is not that...but I love it anyway.

I used to get it 3x a week, when I wasn't working out! Yikes. I'd get like a burrito, nachos and a taco! Now if I splurge on it, I get a Beef Burrito Supreme with no SC which makes it something like 320 cals and a regular taco for 170 cals. I love having 2 items to snack's kind of funny but I just can't get one item. I'd rather have 2 smaller items like a taco and tostada than one bigger one.

So not bad for 500ish cals...but I do it pretty fact I often THINK about getting TB but then I don't. I think the last time I actually had it was like 6 months ago. I have been thinking about it recently....but I just haven't done it yet. Mostly because as I plan our my days and nights I realize I don't have the room for a 500 cal lunch at TB but hopefully soon I can 'splurge'. hehe.

I've been scouring CL lately for recipes to try and one caught my eye last nite as a comparison between this recipe and a granola recipe, this looked so yummy and healthy I was like I want it! They are chewy coconut granola bars. The recipe has them at 157 cals each but I modified the recipe a little to remove oil, use only egg whites, added a bit of honey, used a brown sugar/splenda blend, and added oatmeal to it and my bars will be way more like 95 cals each, with extra fiber from oatmeal and white wheat flour, so I am jazzed. They are in the oven now and look so yummy. I scooped a bit of the batter off the edge of the bowl and tried it...YUM. Can't wait...they will make great little pre-workout treats OR dessert even!!

After they come out of the oven I am off to the gym, with 17 new workout songs loaded on my workout music was getting pretty dreary and monotonous lately. So hopefully this will rejuvenate my workout! I am going to do the bike for a while then the elliptical like last time. Lunch with my coworker was really yummy, I only ate 3/4 of my sandwich so the rest is in the fridge...I'll have it later if I need a snack between the time I get home and dinner.

Hope everyone is having a great day!!! Sevenwires, the tortillas I get at Safeway, if you can't find them, I'd ask someone and see if they can help you. They are in the big tortilla section they have there typically. They also sell them at other stores I have been at as well but there are usually only a few in the tortilla section so you have to really look.
I was offsite at a meeting today, so have to catch up...but did read a bit about breaking up the thread. My vote would be no...I love the weekly format!
Pizza pizza pizza!!! I had dinner with Mrs. Salvo and we enjoyed our Gino''s! I also brought some home for the happy hubby, but I snitched a little of his pepperoni when he wasn''t looking, LOL. And I managed to squeeze in a tuffuti cutie for dessert.

I didn''t get a workout in today but I walked over to a meeting this afternoon, which was just under a mile. I was going to walk home too from dinner but the security company for my building called and I had to bolt back down to my office becuase our alarm was going off. Someone in my office had her wallet (including her company keycard) stolen at lunch and I''m worried that someone broke into our space. I walked through the entire office, but honestly we have so much STUFF in there that unless something TOTALLY obvious was missing I probably couldn''t even tell. I guess I could have walked home from that point but it was late and dark by then and I was kinda creeped out anyway so I took a cab.

Tomorrow I need to take a load of "goodies" (i.e., fruit, yogurt, 110 cal packs of chips) in to work with me. Food is so *heavy*! But if I don''t keep stocked up on the good stuff I''m tempted by the bad stuff and I try to avoid that at all costs!

And let me first start by saying, THAT I DID IT!! It finally got to be too much this afternoon and at 5:00 PM I walked into my boss''es office and told him it was obviously not working for them or for me. There were two major events that led to this happening today. One, was at 3 PM without notice my boss walks in my office and says the company president is convinced the staff we have in another city aren''t arriving before 9 AM and I am to be at the office at 6:00 AM so we can drive 2.5 hours to SURPRISE them and put them all on probation. So, I''m like......OK.....when did this become Junior High School?
I mean, we''re talking about professionals who almost all make six figure incomes. And we''re going to SURPRISE them and huff and puff and do what to them????

Then, they gave me a list of all the issues that they felt were wrong with my department and how I was to fix them. No discussion, no reason for presenting them and no offer to discuss them. And that was the straw that broke the camel''s back. So at 5:00 PM, I walk in and tell my boss this isn''t working and I''m giving two weeks notice and he stands up, hugs me (that was weird) and says OK let''s tell the President. So, the president seems shocked and tells me none of the negativity was really meant towards me and I''ve obviously misinterpreted the whole situation. So, I give him every example of the issues and he couldn''t dissagree with me at all. Then he asks me to reconsider, and says that he''d be willing to let me keep my job and work from Tampa??? So, I agreed to at least sleep on it, but I''m pretty darm confident I did the only and right thing and tomorrow, we''ll put a transition plan in place! I feel SO at peace and that''s a really good thing.

Then, after resigning, I went to the gym and had one of the absolute best workouts I''ve had in ages. I was simply on fire and it felt so good. I kept telling complete strangers that I quit my job and was going home to Tampa
. I know I made the right decision. And, I''m betting I sleep like a baby tonight!!

So, again.......What a day!!!!
I haven't been here for awhile. I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I gave my 2 week notice. I need to stay home and pass that dang CPA exam and working 55 -60hr work weeks doesn't cut it. I am excited to look after my dad and mom. Study and get LOTS of EXERCISE in. Yippee for being able to finally catch up with my gym buddy's!

I lost 6 lbs!!!!! I went for a nice long walk 4.5 miles. Thanks for all your encouragement.

Kimberly, how is school?

Thanks everyone for your encouragement

Oh Mara, I found the chicken and rice at TJ's; I can't wait to try it!!!
Congrats Skippy. I hope giving your notice was as liberating as it was for me?!!!
gosh you guys wrote a lot today and I''ve got much to catch up on

congrats rod and skippy for putting yourselves first!!!

so, today I ended up walking around downtown Chicago all day. We must have walked a total of 4-5 miles b/c we walked up and down Michigan ave 3 times to different places. I only brought one stoller and my 5 year old was a trooper but tired out after the first mile so I ended up having to push her in the stoller and carry my youngest so i think that should count as extra calories burned. I ate a good breakfest but it was a chicago dog at Portillo''s for lunch and then the Gino''s pizza with dee jay for dinner. it was so yummy though and I did have the spinach stuffed so veggies were in there. my kids were just exhausted and needed my attention so it took me 20 minutes to eat my one HUGE piece, poor dee jay was a trouper watching me as a mom in action trying to keep everyone happy. We had a fabulous visit although too short.

i''ll be glad to be back to my normal eating tomorrow for sure!!

now off to read the previous posts for the day...
wow, what a day!

welcome chargergrrl! It is good to see you here...

Rod, wow...good for you. I hope you sleep the best you have had in a long while tonight!

congrats on the weight loss skippy!

I really didn''t want to work out today...been in a funk. But I skimmed this thread and then worked out for an hour and a half at the gym...fantastic workout. For food, I had to take a business associate to lunch, so I picked a salad that seemed OK - although there was some dressing stuff on it even though I asked for no dressing. I left a bit less than half of it. But I also had two small bowls of my stew today and...

There are girl scout cookies at my house! Someone must have snuck them in! Tomorrow they are going in the trash...but today I had 2 of them. 75 calories. I had to do it.

So I feel back on track again...yay!
sounds like a wild good day for all...KUDOS rod on your notice!!! funny but tonite my coworker was telling me that psycho boss found out she updated her resume on monster and told a third party she really wants her to stay (hoping it would get back to her)...i am like HELLO can''t you just be a professional and speak directly to her and say what''s on your mind? and that you value her and want her to stay? no instead she pulls some immature ''i know'' kinda thing on some third party who feels put in the middle. oh and she told this other third party that *I* was a bad influence on my coworker...ahah. i guess standing up for yourself is a bad influence. i said well little does she know that you and i still talk daily (and we had lunch today and went to the mall last week) so i''m obviously still influencing her. HAH. anyway, so glad i''m outta here! and rod you will be soon too. and skippy you too, congrats! oh and the chicken and rice is yummy! enjoy.

so the coconut granola bars are a huge hit, they are SUPER good. really sweet and chewy and coconutty...and 90 cals each actually. they are pretty small, the recipe made 20 but it''s the right size for a sugar coconut hit and not too big. and then it doesn''t add much to the cal count for the day either which is a bonus. i gave a few to my girlfriend tonite (she''s doing weight watchers so she was happy they were only 90 cals!) and greg ate a few already and i''m meeting another friend for lunch tomorrow so she''ll get a few too. hehe. i think if i keep them around too long i might eat them all. i will post the recipe for them on the healthy recipe thread if anyone is interested. definitely recommended, esp if you are tired of muffins, lol sacrilege!!!

hit up the gym this afternoon and burned 605 calories in 20 minutes on the bike and then 50 minutes on the elliptical. my goal was 550 so i was happy to surpass it. my left leg has been getting increasingly sore on the outer thigh and down that outer calf muscle, i was really feeling it the first 20 minutes on the elliptical but then i got into a groove and managed to find a way to not exacerbate it so it was fine the rest of the workout. i probably should have a rest day but honestly my workouts are a highlight for me since my days are pretty lax right now and i look fwd to being physically active for that hour a day. so i might do 2 walk days in a row next instead of another gym workout and a walk, we''ll see. i find applying my heating pad really helps so i might just keep doing that and continue stretching things out.

dinner was sushi and omg i''ve missed it so much! my gf and i got a chance to catch up, i only see her once every few months maybe so we had a lot to talk about...and we made a pact to try to get together more on tuesdays since greg has rehearsal and i''m typically on my own and it''s a good night for her too. i at a few more pieces of sushi than i planned to but it was sooo yummy and all fresh and healthy stuff, nothing fried or bad so i feel fine about it. lots of protein that is for sure, so it should help my muscles rebuild!

while at the gym i was watching the food network on one of the TV''s and there was this show called something like quick fix dinner and the gal was making something that looked really yummy and healthy!! so i memorized what i could and i got all the stuff at the store for one of the recipes she was making. the idea was to make 6 breasts of chicken on sunday night with this orange smokey glaze in the oven and then store the chicken for 3 meals that week where the assembly and prep was like 15 minutes or less. the chicken looked SO yummy and one of the meals she made was these chicken quesadillas with artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers and sliced red onions and they looked so i got all the stuff to make them. problem is tomorrow night we are having the AC rocco pizza and then thurs i was going to make the baked ziti. so now i have to nix one of thsoe meals to make these. hahah. what was i saying about so many awesome recipes, so little time!?!? if i was really dedicated i''d give up a friday night splurge outing to eat at home and make them then...but i don''t know if i''m THAT good. hehe. i look fwd to our spluge nights for sure. so anyway i have to figure out my food dilemma. we might table the pizza since it''s frozen and will keep fine for another week but i really did want to try it. but orange smokey chicken quesadillas?! mmm. and then she served it with a roasted tomato bisque with salsa mixed in for a contemporary kind of mexican flair to go with the quesadillas. awesome dinner.

mrs salvo and dJ glad to hear you guys ate some yummy pizza and got some catching up in. good for you tG for finding motivation and only eating two GS cookies, lol. pawn them off on strangers tomorrow! congrat miss skippy on losing 6 lbs...woo hoo. everyone seems to be doing really well with the motivation and the losing weight and the STICKING WITH IT (the most important part)...i''m so proud of everyone!!
WOW ROD - YAY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet that felt WONDERFUL! Congrats on your decision, I know it will be the right one for you. .....

Mara it sounds like you are doing great still with the workouts, you have got me thinking about a bike now although I didn''t like ''em years ago

Dee and MrsSalvo, so glad you had a great time together!

Aldj, keep going, you will get back on track soon!

Lulu - it sounds like you are doing a great job of balancing out enjoying yourself and working out too!


AG, that is incredible the weight you have lost!!!

Sevens, try drinking more water at the TTOM, I find that really helps with the bloating, apparently extra water helps your body let go of any extra it is holding.

TG - well done with the scout cookies, I couldn''t have eaten only 2, I so admire your willpower!

Skippy congrats on your resignation too!

REALLY great job everyone
Rod an Skippy, congrats on BIG decisions!!

And congrats to all the weight loss, me included!

As some know, I don''t go by the scale, but I decided last Monday to get on just to see what it said. By yesterday I was like man, clothes are getting loose. So I got on this morning to see, and I lost FOUR pounds.
Lorelei, that''s why I didn''t eat all those mashed taters.
Once the wedding comes and goes, I will definitely relax a little more. But until then I am cracking the whip on meself.
Well for the firt time since we started doing the Wednesday morning weigh in I have to report that I am UP from the week before, by 1.5 lbs...
(Then again, last week I was down 2.5 lbs from the week before, so who knows how much of this is real, but I'm mad at myself nonetheless.)

Today I'm eating:
150 oatmeal
300 LC
110 chips
60 yogurt
350 LC
60 pudding
1030 Total, with 170 left over for probably some fruit or maybe a coffee

And I will burn at least 500 cals at the gym tonight.

There is a GNC a few blocks from my office and I might take a trot over there at lunch (if it's not raining, but it's looking rather ominous already... ) and see what they've got in terms of healthy snack food.

Rod and Skippy, GOOD FOR YOU!

Mrs. S., I don't know why I bothered to *eat* the pizza last night when I could have just smeared the cheese directly on my a$$ and been done with it, LOL!

Mara, be careful with the leg. Hopefully the heating pad and stretching will do the trick, but just don't over do it.

Ellen, congrats on the loose clothes!
Date: 3/21/2007 10:03:29 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

Mrs. S., I don''t know why I bothered to *eat* the pizza last night when I could have just smeared the cheese directly on my a$$ and been done with it, LOL!

Ellen, congrats on the loose clothes!
LMAO Don''t be too hard on yourself, it could easily be some water weight.

And thanks! I wanted to clarify since the way I wrote it might have been confusing, that was 4 lbs. lost in a week. Wonder if I can do that again. lol
Date: 3/21/2007 10:16:04 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 3/21/2007 10:03:29 AM

Author: Dee*Jay

Mrs. S., I don''t know why I bothered to *eat* the pizza last night when I could have just smeared the cheese directly on my a$$ and been done with it, LOL!

Ellen, congrats on the loose clothes!
LMAO Don''t be too hard on yourself, it could easily be some water weight.

And thanks! I wanted to clarify since the way I wrote it might have been confusing, that was 4 lbs. lost in a week. Wonder if I can do that again. lol

Ya know, the funny thing is if I had lost .5 lbs both weeks (so still ending up in the same place numberwise) I would have been HAPPY! Oh well, I guess 13.5 lbs overall is better than a sharp stick in the eye, but I was so excited to have reached the 15 lbs mark last week...

And FOUR pounds in a week??? Share the secret girl!!!
Date: 3/21/2007 10:34:54 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

Ya know, the funny thing is if I had lost .5 lbs both weeks (so still ending up in the same place numberwise) I would have been HAPPY! Oh well, I guess 13.5 lbs overall is better than a sharp stick in the eye, but I was so excited to have reached the 15 lbs mark last week...

And FOUR pounds in a week??? Share the secret girl!!!
lol Well, I could tell ya, but then I''d have to kill ya.

Honestly, I am following a different eating style than most on here. It involves 2 stages, wieght loss and then maintaining. The first is cutting out all white sugar and flour, and certain high starch, high sugar natural foods. There is also some food combining involved. (fat is not the enemy with my style) It''s from Suzanne Sommers book, Eat, Cheat, and Melt the Fat Away. I had done it a few years ago and lost a bunch of weight, but slid off and a few pounds slid back on.

So, I started back up in January, doing what I "thought" I had done before, and I was losing, but not as fast or as much as I wanted. So I got the book back out and reread, found out I was eating a few things meant for maintenence, so I cut those out and voila! And I still cheat a wee bit.

And no, 13.5 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at!!
Date: 3/21/2007 9:45:25 AM
Author: Ellen
Rod an Skippy, congrats on BIG decisions!!

And congrats to all the weight loss, me included!

As some know, I don''t go by the scale, but I decided last Monday to get on just to see what it said. By yesterday I was like man, clothes are getting loose. So I got on this morning to see, and I lost FOUR pounds.
Lorelei, that''s why I didn''t eat all those mashed taters.
Once the wedding comes and goes, I will definitely relax a little more. But until then I am cracking the whip on meself.
HOLY SCHNEIKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done Ellen, better that than mash taties anyday!
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