
Weekly Workout Thread 22nd Jan till 28th Jan

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OMG so have to put in a plug for Trader Joe's Roasted Corn Tortilla Chowder. My coworker turned me onto it. It comes in a glass bottle, and is in the same area as the TJ rectangular soup boxes that we have talked about on here's AWESOME!! One bottle is 16.5 oz and it's 2 servings, and each serving is 110 cals and 3.5g of fat with 3g of fiber and 3g of protein! So the whole bottle (one big bowl) is only 220 cals. And it's YUM. I love tortilla soups and this is like a pureed corn tortilla version with a bit of a kick to it. My new fave.
A couple of you mentioned Soba noodles - has anyone tried the House brand Shirataki noodles? 20 cal per serving, and 40 cal in the entire pack - makes for ALOT of noodles! They are tofu, so pretty bland on their own. They are in the refrigerated section of Asian stores, and Trader Joe's carries them now too (ETA usually in the vegetarian ground 'beef' section). I usually drain the water from the pack, dump it into a bowl, and nuke it for a couple of minutes - I tip the bowl again to drain the left over liquid (too lazy to use a colander!), then I add a little tomato based pasta sauce. Pretty good, low cal snack!

Here is a link if anyone is interesting in seeing what the packaging looks like... I like the blue package (=fettucine shape) - they come in an orange/yellow package too which is spaghetti shape, but that shape doesn't seem to hold up as well under the pasta sauce...

Thanks :) I will have to add those to my TJs shopping list for this weekend. The list just keeps growing and growing.
ooh...those noodles look good. I''ve always been curious about them, and now I think I''ll have to give them a try. I ADORE pasta with tomato sauce (probably my favorite food), but I tend to eat too much of it and regular pasta is pretty high-calorie, so a lower-calorie alternative with a controlled portion size sounds yummy! Thanks for the recommendation :)
even mixing those with some soy sauce and chicken broth to make kind of a chicken noodle soup, maybe adding some broccoli, would be a yummy lunch!!!
sorry to burst the shirataki noodle bubble, cause they seem like a great idea, but i tried them and hated them! they have a really funky smell and a texture that is much softer than regular noodles. i wanted to like them, but i could only bear a couple bites before i tossed the rest into the trash. just a little warning if you decide to try them...although there are people out there who seem to like them! i'd definitely rather just have a smaller portion of real pasta.

mara, so funny that you mentioned the tj's tortilla chowder, as i just got a bottle of that this weekend. it's on tap for lunch sometime this week, so i'm glad to hear it was a hit. i also got the roasted corn chowder and creamy tomato soup as well.

spent an hour on the elliptical yesterday, and am planning on about 45 minutes today. i have had the munchies all afternoon, and am trying to quiet them with a cup of green tea.

hope everyone who is feeling sick gets better soon.
Oh, shortblonde, that is too bad - I like them, but they do smell a little funny at first - did you put anything on top of them? I didn''t like them plain. I tried spritzing with spraypump "I can''t believe it''s not butter'' but didn''t like that. You can also try rinsing with water - most of the smell is in the liquid, and I find by the time they are done nuking the smell is gone. I used to rinse them, but now I am used to them so I don''t rinse anymore!
unfortunately, i still don''t like them even when rinsed - they still smell to me and i can''t deal with the texture. i tried them with tomato-based sauce as well as with an alfredo-style sauce, and didn''t like them either way. i was so looking forward to a big bowl of low-cal noodles, but they just don''t work for me.

but i''m glad you like them, and maybe some others here will too. at least someone can benefit!
I went to the gym tonight and spent 40 minutes running and walking on the indoor track and finished it off with a 5 minute run on the threadmill and boy do my legs hurt now!
Everyone seems to be doing so well on the exercise front!
yay bee! remember to stretch those legs!
Well, I''m not feeling that great today, so no workout tonight. I''ll hop back on the wagon tomorrow, though.

I posted a Cooking Light recipe for pecan bar cookies on the recipe thread. Very tasty ~ we''ve made this a couple of times now. It''s simple and makes a nice dessert for taking over to someone''s house.

Hope everyone''s week is off to a good start!
I''m so worn out! We had a conference at work yesterday and today and I spent too many hours teaching our members how to create websites. Plus eating conference food. NOT good. I got home at 3 today and passed out and agreed to order in chinese tonight but I ordered moo shu so I''ll just skip the pancakes. Back to the gym and cooking tomorrow when I''m back to myself again!
okay so back from the dr and according to her, she thinks I have IBS. which i had in the past ... 10 years ago, but a different version of it. she thinks that the pain is from my intestinal muscles spasming and contracting. she says that we have intestinal and stomach muscles all over our trunk area i guess. she ruled out gastritis, peptic ulcer or pancreatis by the fact that i don''t have any super extreme symptoms, that the pain moves all over my stomach area, and that i am super gassy (TMI i know!). anyway, i was really dissatisfied with her, and i''m sure she felt it because i kept asking her all these questions about why, what, how, etc. the frustrating part is that it''s just trial and error to figure out how to fix it. she mentioned that having my abdominal strain might have put enough stress on me and my body to freak out my intestines i guess..and now it''s just a matter of calming them down. she said activity helps (i was like hello, tried that, made it worse!)...trying to relax, healthy diet etc. problem is that i already have a really healthy diet! so in terms of what to cut out, there''s not that much that i can do...other than less lactose and maybe less tea? i only have one cup of coffee a day and i ain''t giving that up!

anyway she also ordered a bunch of diff blood tests because i was SERIOUSLY unconvinced that it was ''just'' IBS...and she said she would call me if anything came up. though i came home and found out there are actually antispasmodic medicines you can take for the pain and all that and i''m surprised she didn''t try to offer me something like that. because i REALLY don''t want to be all waiting around to see if other things work. so i may ask for a medicine if things don''t get better soon. greg''s mom is coming on wed and it''s really important that i am feeling well and i feel okay when i don''t have activity, so i am just going to chill out and eat a super healthy diet and see if that works out until she leaves (next monday). also i''m researching homeopathic stuff online and i read that peppermint oil soothes the spasms and helps gas so i might try that too.

on one hand it''s good to know that she thinks it''s unlikely it''s anything super serious but i don''t know how much i buy her diagnosis. mostly because i had IBS when i was younger and it was pretty severe symptoms (bathroom type!) due to diet and i had to change a ton of things and then it got better and went away. but i never had this kind of weird pain! SO i guess time will tell. but i''m really bummed because now i definitely don''t want to work out (even though she suggested it)...because i feel okay today and i don''t want to make things worse.

on a food note...i just had a 1/2 banana and a luna bar as snacks. i am going to try to add even more fiber into my diet (her recommendation) and see what happens. haha. and less sugar subs maybe. my mom just stopped by and said the soup looks and smells delicious! so i''m excited. just have to get some crusty bread on the way home and we''ve got dinner.
Date: 1/22/2007 7:15:04 AM
Author: JadeLeaves

I am so glad I joined in here - everyone is so motivating!

Off with the pesky baby weight! I am going to set myself a reward when I reach my goal weight. Haven''t decided what it''ll be yet, but I have plenty of time to think about it!

Here''s to an awesome week ahead!

Just a heads up for any Aussie workouters this site Calorieking is an Australian site with food brands etch that we have and is very user friendly. It is very similar to Sparkpeople (which I could never get to work at the home computer
) but as I said has all our food and brands
Sorry Mara. How frustrating. Especially if you have had it in the past, so know what it feels like. I still wonder if a trial of a proton pump inhibitor would help. Yes, gas/bloating goes along with IBS, but usually the pain is crampy, not sharp/ burning, located in the lower abdomen, and you actually have to have altered bowel habits with it too to make the diagnosis. It would be a bit unusual for you to suddenly get it again like this - usually the course is more chronic.

Gastritis does not require extreme symptoms - neither actually does pancreatitis or an ulcer. You would have to do labs to check for pancreatitis, but I am pretty confident that is not what you are suffering from (haha, watch me be wrong and your labs show florid pancreatitis! - I truly don''t think so though - the picture/time course doesn''t fit and you don''t have known risk factors). Technically the only formal way to make or exclude the diagnosis (of gastritis) is to do a scope (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) to directly visualize, but more commonly people are empirically treated to see if they improve, as treatment is not risky, and there are risks involved with a scope. If you want to try it, you can buy omeprazole (=prilosec) which is the only available over the counter PPI. Try 20 mg twice a day (the box will say 20 mg per day, but starting with 20 mg twice a day is commonly done for extended periods, usually when an ulcer is diagnosed on a scope) - it may take a few days to see a response, and should not negatively affect you in any way or interact with any medications and is a safe medication (there were some cancers shown in rats years ago with prolonged use which never materialized in humans and this med has been around for a long time) - rarely people report that they get a little gi upset in the beginning from it, but that is extremely rare and would resolve with stopping the medication.
Avoid any ibuprofen/advil/naproxen,etc for pain. Tylenol only, at least for now.

I am very glad you got her to do labs. Hope you feel better. I won''t be offended at all if you decide not to try the omeprazole, but at least consider it!
Mara, hmmm, my middle one has borderline IBS, and those aren''t really his symptoms either.

Is she a GP or specialist? If not the latter, and this doesn''t get better pretty quick, I''d see one. And for that matter, even if she is, I''d see one.

I''m not totally convinced either....
lisa i did mention that you had said gastritis and she said that the symptoms were much like a peptic ulcer and more extreme than what i was experiencing. however she did not seem to get that i was in more pain than just intermittent sharp pokes. but she did give me a pamphlet on gastritis and heartburn, and said i could try prilosec if i wanted to. so i might get some of that as well. honestly this chick was driving me nuts. she was like ''oh well sorry it''s not what you want to hear, aka a definitive answer''. i was like, gosh can i just get something more than ''it sounds like IBS''. but whatever. at least i got blood that can rule out things. so we''ll see...i am going to try peppermint, then the prilosec and gasx. lol! we''ll see if something sticks!
Date: 1/22/2007 10:42:46 AM
Author: Lorelei
It is getting colder by the minute! The sky is bright blue with fast moving white and grey clouds, so I expect snow clouds this evening possibly. I need to check the news to see where the snow is right now.

CJ - I know that V8 has a lot of sodium in it, many processed foods do such as soups etc, I bet Rod will know what is the RDA for sodium as he told me about V8, so hopefully he can let us know when he checks in. I never use extra salt on food or meals and I am now trying to watch out for hidden sodium in other foods, just to be aware as a health factor.
So glad to hear you''re OK Lorelei. We were woried about you........

The daily recommended allowance for sodium is less than 2400 mg, which is about 1 teaspoon full. When you consider that a single serving of V8 has in excess of 880 mg, and most foods also contain sodium, a V8 or just about any tomato based beverage can take up a huge portion of one''s daily sodium level.
Mara........I hope you seek a Gastroenterologist. You eat a lot of fiber as it is, don''t you?? The diagnosis just seems odd, so I hope you go to a specialist.

DeeJay, glad to hear your feeling better!

To our newest members......Welcome!

Short note today. Since it''s Monday, we don''t work out, instead we start our week by meeting for Sushi (yummm). Tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, we''ll go to the gym immediately after work. I''ll have more fitness activity to report then.

In the meantime, I hope everyone''s starting their week on the right note!
Mara, I''m glad that you went to the doctor and that you probably don''t have a serious condition but I really think you should get a second opinion. Also, IMHO, "connecting" with your doctor is an important factor in achieving effective health care and I don''t get the fealing that you and she had that great a rapport. Regardless, I hope you''re feeling better but I think another opinion would not be a bad thing.

Anyway, I fell MUCH better today and I just did an hour on the eliptical and 10 minutes on the treadmill (just to see how it felt on my shins) for a total of 650 calories. And I''m at the bottom of my point range today (unlike yesterday when I went WAY over the top) so I''m pretty happy.

I plan on going to the gym tomorrow and Wednesday because we leave for Vegas on Thursday and who knows what that will bring. I''m sure there is a gym at the hotel but we might not actaully get to it!

Remember the other day when I was lamenting the extra 75 calories that were sneaking into my diet because I was miscalculating the oatmeal? Well tonight I realized that I was using a TEASPOON of margarine, not a TABLESPOON, on my whole wheat bread so I''m saving 40 calories right there. I''m just convinced all my stupidity will even out somehow in the end, LOL!
OK, so I just went in and updated my sparkpeople profile because at the time I set it up I didn''t realize how many calories I would be burning from working out and that sort of thing and now my daily calorie range has gone from 1210-1560 to 1370-1720. I have been reading though that around 1200 calories a day is a good program for weight loss becuase that is about how many calories you need to "live" and so everything that you burn from exercise really contributes to weight loss. Do you think I should up my calorie intake? I.e., do you think I would be consuming too few calories at the 1200 mark (or so) and my metabolism would slow down so that I wouldn''t lose as much weight?

Also (and forgive me if this is the supidest question on the planet but... ) do you know how long after you eat something that your body processes it and it actually "registers" on your body as "weight." (Does that question make any sense?) My thought process here is that if you go out an eat a porterhouse it''s not going to affect the scale for some period of time, right?, so I just wonder how long that is?
Over the weekend I made the berry muffins and they were a hit! I brought over a couple for my parents, and my mom asked me if I had any more! So, tonight I made another batch since I had leftover low-fat buttermilk. My mom is at home elevating her knee as its been hurting for the past few days, so this will be a nice healthy treat for her.

Tonight I hit up my high-intensity step class which my friend and I just LOVE. It''s a good 600 cal burn.

Ate pretty terrible over the weekend, well Sunday at least! We had a friend''s party Saturday night and we didn''t leave the house the very next day to try to recooperate
Date: 1/22/2007 9:07:36 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
OK, so I just went in and updated my sparkpeople profile because at the time I set it up I didn''t realize how many calories I would be burning from working out and that sort of thing and now my daily calorie range has gone from 1210-1560 to 1370-1720. I have been reading though that around 1200 calories a day is a good program for weight loss becuase that is about how many calories you need to ''live'' and so everything that you burn from exercise really contributes to weight loss. Do you think I should up my calorie intake? I.e., do you think I would be consuming too few calories at the 1200 mark (or so) and my metabolism would slow down so that I wouldn''t lose as much weight?

Also (and forgive me if this is the supidest question on the planet but... ) do you know how long after you eat something that your body processes it and it actually ''registers'' on your body as ''weight.'' (Does that question make any sense?) My thought process here is that if you go out an eat a porterhouse it''s not going to affect the scale for some period of time, right?, so I just wonder how long that is?
Dee Jay: that is a good question. I wonder as well?? Hopefully someone can chime in.
Date: 1/22/2007 8:03:32 PM
Author: Mara
lisa i did mention that you had said gastritis and she said that the symptoms were much like a peptic ulcer and more extreme than what i was experiencing. however she did not seem to get that i was in more pain than just intermittent sharp pokes. but she did give me a pamphlet on gastritis and heartburn, and said i could try prilosec if i wanted to. so i might get some of that as well. honestly this chick was driving me nuts. she was like ''oh well sorry it''s not what you want to hear, aka a definitive answer''. i was like, gosh can i just get something more than ''it sounds like IBS''. but whatever. at least i got blood that can rule out things. so we''ll see...i am going to try peppermint, then the prilosec and gasx. lol! we''ll see if something sticks!
Sometimes differentiating an ulcer from gastritis can be difficult without a scope to physically visualize the presence of one or the other (or both) - typically food will make a difference in the pain from an ulcer, but not always. The symptoms can be very similar, and the location of pain the same - ibuprofen can also cause both ulcers and gastritis. People experience symptoms in differing severities depending on the person and their tolerances (sometimes it''s like ''you''re walking around with THAT... and you haven''t fallen over yet?!!'' ... other times it''s like ''but it''s just a splinter!!!'' LOL). The mere fact that you said you could not dance and you wanted to (Who doesn''t want to dance to an 80s cover band?!! I would be all over that!) was what sent up a red flag when I read it and made me feel a need to post. This is obviously a real pain that you are feeling, and it is interfering with living your normal life.

Prilosec/omeprazole (or other PPI - the patents have not expired yet on the others to make them available over the counter so they are still prescription only) will treat either an ulcer or gastritis, and is first line treatment for both (although if you had an ulcer when scoped, and had H pylori on biopsy at that time, that would need treating also) - actually the twice a day dosing I wrote earlier was to cover you for an ulcer because it does certainly remain in the differential. If it keeps up though, or worsens, we eventually may need to try to get you to a GI doc to consider a scope. I am hoping that the prilosec, or some other portion of your ''cocktail'' works!! I am definitely glad that you stuck to your guns, especially if this was not a pain you had experienced before.
well the weight from eating the porterhouse might show up right away if you got on the scale right after eating it!! i mean all that food you pack away at a big dinnner DOES go into your body. but in terms of the body digesting it and waste going out and then weight registering, i think it is probably different on each person. for me i tend to 'register' weight gain a week or two afterwards, aka it's a week or two after a vacation where we gorged like crazy where i see it on the scale OR in my clothes or on my body. right away typically it doesn't happen for me.

in terms of your calories DJ...quite honestly i think that 1200 cals is too low for someone who wants to lose weight the healthy way. i think people do cut back to like 1000 or 1100 and work out a lot but i didn't feel very good restricting my caloric intake too much while working out a lot. your body does need fuel to burn and strict dieting does not give it that. sure it might burn fat at first but then it might freak out and you don't want it thinking you are in a famine mode and starting to HOARD fat. that's a big negative. so feed it enough to make yourself feel good and full but not stuffed and make sure you are eating the RIGHT types of food. i know that you watch your calories/intake now, but are you getting enough fiber, protein and fat in your diet? the right types of fat that is. as i really started to watch what i was eating more, i tried to make more and more of the healthy choices for my body, not just in calories but also NUTRIENTS...since that is super important when you are working out as much as you are starting to. aka that is when i started eating more fiber, more protein, more 'natural' carbs like fruits and 'natural' sugars like fruits etc.

the most important thing in my opinion is to listen to your body. hungry? eat. just eat the right things. i tend to do this 'most' of the time...but sometimes we have our days, lol. last week i was really on a roll with splurging mentally. i just couldn't stop eating. and it wasn't fatty horrible stuff but really 4 bowls of cereal is NOT normal. and my body doesn't NEED 4 bowls of cereal. it'd probably like 4 apples better. but i just wanted it. this week (and this weekend) i feel so much more 'on track' with how i was before with eating when hungry, eating the right things when hungry, and not oversnacking. i think last week was just a stressful time for me, not feeling well, wanting to eat, and just feeling frustrated. also to be honest i think that i need to cool it with some of the 100 cals snacks like popcorn or whatever because lets face it. they do not give me that many nutrients. i'd probably be better off eating a 90 cal granola bar OR a snack of oatmeal OR a fresh fruit OR a luna bar which at least has lots of vitamins and fiber and protein. so i've mentally kind of started to re-train myself again into thinking this way after getting off track a little i think.

anyhow...i hit up the store and bought some gasX and peppermint organic tea and some prilosec. Lisa, do i just start taking the gasX and the prilosec or should i start a trial and error kind of thing where i take one for a while then the other? i just took a GasX since it was a chewable and figured why not.

i also got some more of the sara lee delightful 45 cal bread (yum)..multigrain...and also fiberOne has a new granola bar out!! it's a chewy oats and chocolate one (they have other flavors) and it has a ton of fiber and protein in them!! and only 140 cals. so excited to try those tomorrow. also i got another pack of the 90 cal granola bars (quaker oats) in a variety pack which has raisin and cinammon, chocolate chip and something else. a new container of oatmeal and also i got two lower-sugar apples and cinammon oatmeal packs because they were on sale buy one get one free and one pack is only 110 cals. so i figure that if i want to try them, i could even have 2 packs and still be within my 'breakfast' caloric mental limits. so i'm all stocked up for this week, woo hoo.

AND i got home and the chicken soup in the crockpot smells BLOODY DIVINE. seriously mouthwatering. i love coming in the door and smelling yummy things that i made without even being home, lol. i stirred it up a bit and all the chicken is so soft and tender i just is basically flaking off and separating itself in the pot! i added some cauliflower to cook in the next hour til greg gets home, and added a bit more salt but man it smells and tasted GOOD. i got a sourdough french bread as well which we'll have with it. best part is the soup is SUPER healthy because it's basically just veggies, chicken broth, chicken breast and water along with some spices and salt. so a serving is like 240 cals and the servings are pretty darn large. and it gives us a bunch of veggie servings, protein, etc. yum! so we'll have this tonite and tomorrow night. and maybe for lunch tomorrow too.

anyhow...that's my update! i'm feeling a bit better about not being able to work out right now....esp if i can eat healthily whenever i can..and just suck it up if i gain a lb or two, it's not the end of the world. if i can get the bloating under control i think i'd be a happy camper. it doesn't help when you know you can't work out and your body looks totally the same EXCEPT for a big bloated belly, lol.

ETA thanks for chiming in again Lisa. i posted up above asking about if i should just start taking the prilosec or see if the gasX and peppermint works at all first? i actually really appreciate you chiming in because honestly...i know that western medicine CAN be hit or miss but i felt like this gal really just was estimating what it might be without really listening to what i was saying (and i even wrote it all down for her and gave it to her)....i also tend to feel like many times doctors don't pay attention to what the patient is really saying...many patients KNOW when something is not right and/or can sense when something is more serious. i stressed to her that i wanted to dance at that wedding and COULDN'T and yes that is a total issue for me and that was a red flag for me too because it is seriously interfering with my life..and i am healthy and young and that doesn't seem right. and the fact that she is telling me to start trying to be active again after i told her i was in a lot of pain after my gym workout last week (mellow gym workout!!) and she was just like oh well start small.
so i just felt like she wasn't really getting it. but i am glad i got her to suggest the blood work also. anyhow let me know on the prilosec/cocktail and best potential way to try taking things. THANKS i appreciate it.
Dee Jay - I just saw your question, and that actually is a good question - I don''t know the exact answer to that either, LOL! To be honest, I am not sure if anyone actually knows, but maybe we have a dietician around here who knows more about that. I don''t know if this helps, but it will take approximately 3500 calories to make an extra pound, so when you have accumulated 3500 calories in excess of what your body requires, you will have your additional pound. However, if you ate 3500 additional calories of porter house steak in one sitting, I would not expect it to immediately show up on the scale when you have finished eating (and I think this was your actual question). Water/fluid weight will register very quickly and usually if you gain a pound or two within a day, it is fluid shifts in the body, not actual weight gain per se. We were always taught to generally count daily changes of a pound or more as fluid shifts. I don''t know if that helped, or just complicated the picture more! If you dip too low on caloric intake, you are correct, your body will shift into ''starvation mode'' and try to hang on to the calories instead of letting you burn them.
Hi Mara, I didn''t refresh, so I didn''t realize you had posted - I agree it is often it is often difficult for people to talk to their doctors - it also doesn''t help that the accepted reimbursement system rewards slamming through people as fast as possible, and rewards performing procedures instead of talking to someone - I think that does patients a disservice, because it is really difficult to get a good history unless you really listen to what the person is saying, and that takes time. It rewards a gruff /standoffish attitude (which leads to speediness because then you don''t get involved), which I don''t think is really what people are looking for (at least I''m not when I have to go to the doctor!). The one good thing is that schools are trying to emphasize more now interacting with the patient. There is a saying ''when all else fails, look at the patient''. It is always a good idea to check and see what the patient is thinking, because sometimes they are right, especially if they tell you it is different (or even similar) to something atypical that they experienced before.

If I were you, I would just start them all - my money is on the prilosec, but I don''t think gasx or peppermint will hurt - the prilosec won''t help gas (potentially may make a little worse at first) - I do often do a stepwise approach, but since peppermint and gas-x would not affect an underlying condition, they would only affect symptoms, I think it is perfectly reasonable to start them all if you want, because treating the symptoms only would have them recur when the treatment stopped, and won''t help with healing. If they were things that would affect an underlying condition, then I would lean towards a stepwise approach, but for this, I think your stomach probably needs healing/acid suppression and it would be nice to get started sooner rather than later.
Date: 1/22/2007 9:29:55 PM
Author: Mara

in terms of your calories DJ...quite honestly i think that 1200 cals is too low for someone who wants to lose weight the healthy way. i think people do cut back to like 1000 or 1100 and work out a lot but i didn''t feel very good restricting my caloric intake too much while working out a lot. your body does need fuel to burn and strict dieting does not give it that. sure it might burn fat at first but then it might freak out and you don''t want it thinking you are in a famine mode and starting to HOARD fat. that''s a big negative. so feed it enough to make yourself feel good and full but not stuffed and make sure you are eating the RIGHT types of food. i know that you watch your calories/intake now, but are you getting enough fiber, protein and fat in your diet? the right types of fat that is. as i really started to watch what i was eating more, i tried to make more and more of the healthy choices for my body, not just in calories but also NUTRIENTS...since that is super important when you are working out as much as you are starting to. aka that is when i started eating more fiber, more protein, more ''natural'' carbs like fruits and ''natural'' sugars like fruits etc.
Mara or : ) or anyone else!?!?

When you look at this 1100-1200 calories per day being "too low..." how do you factor in the calories you burn during a workout?

If I''m eating 1250-1500 calories a day, but burning 800-900 calories 4-5x/week, does this mean I''m only benefiting from 350-500 calories a day on the days I''m working out? I am SO confused right now... How do you decide how much is too little?

Aurelia (sorry for the oh-so-confused feeling here!)
aurelia, i tried to figure out my BMR. basically its how many calories my body REQUIRES to keep alive and functioning. typically depending on age and weight and activity and all that it's like something like 1200 i think for me...most of the calcs i did were around 1200-1300 for me. so that means if i eat 1000 cals a day and don't even work out, i will most likely lose weight but it won't be healthy for me at body would probably start burning muscle or something to compensate. and if i did that long-term who knows what would happen, maybe organs are affected? they do have people that die from anorexia because their organs start to shurt down..there was that model who recently died because all her organs started to fail from not getting enough nutrients.

anyway so if i need like 1250 just to survive. that means me sitting at my desk typing on a computer or sitting on the couch, sleeping, walking to the car etc. it does not include workouts.

in terms of how many cals to eat and how that all works with workouts and this and that, i never quite figured it out on the nose, but i read that sparkpeople factors all of this into account and that's why it gives you that range. it takes into account your BMR, your activity level etc. and gives you a range that is healthy for you. so honestly i'd try to keep within that range, even if it's on the low end. i emailed asking about the range and they said they try to give a range so that you don't feel pidgeonholed into having to only eat 1250 a day or whatever. and it's supposed to be a healthy range.

burning 800 cals 4-5x a week is a lot and if you are only eating 1200 a day? that's nothing! i was eating more like 1300-1500 pretty consistently and burning about 500-600 5x a week and i met my goals in a few months doing that. so i would just say don't overdo it with undereating and overworking out. you are not going to be doing your body any positives by that kind of deprivation.
Date: 1/22/2007 10:51:59 PM
Author: Mara
aurelia, i tried to figure out my BMR. basically its how many calories my body REQUIRES to keep alive and functioning. typically depending on age and weight and activity and all that it''s like something like 1200 i think for me...most of the calcs i did were around 1200-1300 for me. so that means if i eat 1000 cals a day and don''t even work out, i will most likely lose weight but it won''t be healthy for me at body would probably start burning muscle or something to compensate. and if i did that long-term who knows what would happen, maybe organs are affected? they do have people that die from anorexia because their organs start to shurt down..there was that model who recently died because all her organs started to fail from not getting enough nutrients.

anyway so if i need like 1250 just to survive. that means me sitting at my desk typing on a computer or sitting on the couch, sleeping, walking to the car etc. it does not include workouts.

in terms of how many cals to eat and how that all works with workouts and this and that, i never quite figured it out on the nose, but i read that sparkpeople factors all of this into account and that''s why it gives you that range. it takes into account your BMR, your activity level etc. and gives you a range that is healthy for you. so honestly i''d try to keep within that range, even if it''s on the low end. i emailed asking about the range and they said they try to give a range so that you don''t feel pidgeonholed into having to only eat 1250 a day or whatever. and it''s supposed to be a healthy range.

burning 800 cals 4-5x a week is a lot and if you are only eating 1200 a day? that''s nothing! i was eating more like 1300-1500 pretty consistently and burning about 500-600 5x a week and i met my goals in a few months doing that. so i would just say don''t overdo it with undereating and overworking out. you are not going to be doing your body any positives by that kind of deprivation.
I absolutely agree with Dr. Mara!!
My experience was that when I was working on losing the 60 pounds I lost, I wouldn''t lose weight when I became calory deprived. The less I ate, the more my body fought to keep the calories. Yet, I was working out really hard and getting discouraged. Then a nutritionist advised me to increase my caloric intake AND keep up the intense workouts and I began to lose weight. The body is well prepared to preserve itself when it thinks you are starving.
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