
Weekly Workout Thread 26th Feb till 4th March

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Aug 3, 2006
hey, could you guys just start a donut thread? i''m seriously not into donuts at all, but you''ve got me wanting to go find a donut somewhere. actually if the starbucks in my building wasn''t already closed i''d be eating one right now instead of writing this!

i don''t know what you are talking about mara and rod--i''m not loosing muscle, it''s fat! i''m loosing fat!

muscle is so fickle.


Jun 27, 2006
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well!

Went to visit my fiance this weekend and it was a great but totally indulgent weekend. Friday night was the Thai restaurant where we went on our first date. We had a chicken dish with pineapple and a salmon dish in curry sauce. And some dumplings for an appetizer. Fiance eats like 3 big bowls of rice with his food - the waitresses always make fun of him when he orders triple the amount of rice the food normally comes with - but I tried to limit to about 1 cup. Saturday night we went to the sushi buffet I mentioned earlier. Then Sunday we went to dim sum for lunch. And who the heck knows what you''re eating when you eat dim sum?!? I''m sure calories were high, but it was tasty.

Back home today and the old routine. A pomegranate cranberry muffin and 2 eggo waffles for breakfast. Half-turkey sandwich and baked lays for lunch. TJ''s veggie masala burgers (my new favorite thing) on buns with mango chutney. Blackberries and cottage cheese for dessert/snack. After 2 days away from working out, I really had a hard time getting onto the bike tonight, but I finally did it and burned 500 calories in 50 minutes, almost 12 miles.

As for donuts, I could take or leave the typical raised and glazed type. Where I used to live, there was a Dunkin Donuts on every corner and they started selling Krispy Kreme in the grocery store and they never tempted me. But there was this one local donut place that had these amazing coconut jelly sticks that were just oozing with jelly. That''s the only kind of donut I really want. I''m sure they have 4000 calories though.


Oct 30, 2002
lol nejarb, here just take one of my donuts, one less for me to eat!

leftovers were yummy...gosh that lasagna is just so divine after a day or two. there's one tiny piece left so i'll probably have it for lunch tomorrow. and this multigrain bread i got, deeeelicious. i love that it's not very high cal and its SO flavorful...mmm when toasted crispy with smart balance.

rod i know what you mean, i just wanted you to be armed with the info so that next time, maybe you can talk yourself into okay'ing a donut. maybe. just one.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/26/2007 10:53:45 PM
Author: Mara
lol nejarb, here just take one of my donuts, one less for me to eat!

leftovers were yummy...gosh that lasagna is just so divine after a day or two. there''s one tiny piece left so i''ll probably have it for lunch tomorrow. and this multigrain bread i got, deeeelicious. i love that it''s not very high cal and its SO flavorful...mmm when toasted crispy with smart balance.

rod i know what you mean, i just wanted you to be armed with the info so that next time, maybe you can talk yourself into okay''ing a donut. maybe. just one.
I did have a chocolate cupcake complete with chocolate icing last week. Does that count???? So maybe, just maybe, I could.........maybe.


Apr 30, 2005
Rod I am HURLING fairy dust your way!!

Yay- I got a good workout in last night, an hour with half an hour on each machine, so very pleased with that! I can walk this morning too!


Jan 3, 2005
Rod, i''m sending the PS house selling fairy dust your way too. Gosh, I didn''t realize you don''t even have your furnature..I can understand being anxious and just wanted to get settled in your new town with your own place.

so today hubby and I are going to write down everything we eat so i can total up the calories and get a good idea where he/we need to cut back. We''re going to go on a family walk this morning so excerise for all. I''m going to have to eat light today though b/c my brother in law is coming to town and wants us all to go to dinner at his favorite place...PFChangs. I looked up the nutrional info of what we normally order last night and
. so hubby and I decided we''re going to share the lettuce wraps and 1 meal and rice. it''s not too bad that way. we normally go and each get a meal and share, of course I never can finish but hubby doesn''t have a problem finishing mine so by sharing it will definitely be a little less for each of us.

DJ- i hope you''re feeling better today and can do a light workout without any problems or pain

mara- i hope your feeling better. my throat started hurting last night which is always the first symtom I get when coming down with a cold. I took a bunch of vitamin C and am hitting wildoats for a *doctor* today. I just cannot get sick!!

Good luch all and happy working out...


Mar 1, 2005
Well, I don''t post much to this thread, but I do read it everyday. I like hearing about eveyone''s progress, but at the same time I''m jealous of it. I am not losing weight, and it''s getting me down. It seems like in order to lose weight I have to almost eat nothing. I know I''m not doing enough cardio, and that too is a problem. But I get so darn bored on the treadmill, that I can only take about 30 minutes on it before I start going crazy. I am not a cold weather person and refuse to run outside until it at least gets into the 60''s. So, I won''t be doing any long workouts until then, which means I won''t be burning 2000 calories a week like some of you do. I don''t know the answer to my problem, and I don''t know if any of you do, but I thought I''d share my frustration in case some of the lurkers are having the same problem.


Jul 6, 2005
last night, i whipped up mexican delights from trader joe''s -- by that i mean defrosted and warmed up in the oven
got to love Trader joe''s on busy weeknights. We had some of their frozen cheese enchiladas, my husband had a couple of chicken taquitos (roughly 100 calories per taquito), delicious salsa, hubby had some spicy flax seed chips, goya black beans (the best by far) and some grilled asparagus for a veggie fix. very tasty.

mara: i love the black bean and corn burrito things. really tasty sauce.

deejay: hurray for feeling better. hope it sticks this time.

rod: perhaps if any of our photos actually come out, i''ll post the winter wonderland. rock creek park is definitely one of our favorite parts about living in DC. we are quite close and go almost every weekend, either for hikes with the dog or for bike rides.

coda: i''m sorry that your struggling. i''m certainly much more positive when i''m seeing positive results. there''s no denying that''s an effective motivator. but stick with it. i don''t think you have to eat almost nothing to see results. i just think that you have to make smart choices. mara said in one thread something like there are different kinds of calories. 300 calories of junk versus 300 calories of filling, tasty, good-for-you food. i also don''t know where you are in terms of your goals. maybe the reason you are not seeing the progress you''d like is because you are already at a healthy, fit place?

orange: hope that things get better at home! welcome back to the thread!

i don''t have an ipod this evening, so it''s going to be a looooong workout set to musaq.


Mar 26, 2006
Well I hope you donut-lovin'' people are happy. I am eating a piece of low fat cinnamon swirl coffee cake from Starbucks--because I went in there to get one of those sugar glazed 440 cal DONUTS but I stopped myself in time at the ordering counter and go the coffee cake instead for 330 cals. Argh!

Plus, we have a quarterly board meeting today so lunch will be Corner Bakery sandwiches and whatever types of salads the admins ordered. I''ve looked the CB nutrition info up on line and there aren''t really any "good" choices that come on our sandwich platter so I''ll be eating whatever is left by the time I make my way through the line. Argh again!

Tonight I have to meet another agent at a property at 6:00 so this will not be my "test workout" evening, but tomorrow I''m leaving early to do a 2:00 walk-through so I will easily get in a walk on the treadmill.

And for the Wednesday morning weigh-in I''m down a pound from last week and 12 pounds overall, but I don''t think that''s a "real" number since I haven''t worked out for ten days so it''s probably all muscle that I''ve lost.
Oh well, one week off in a lifetime of fitness won''t be the end of me.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

I''m so glad I don''t love donuts, with all this talk I might have been driven to run to our local, family owned donut shop and bought a box by now. J goes there every few Sunday''s and picks himself up breakfast but never more than enough for him and not the kinds I would choose to eat so I''m not tempted.

Rod: More fairy dust coming your way. We have a condo on the market now that the other house has sold and we''ve had no bites, so I can relate, again! But we''re not desperate to sell it as we were the house.

coda: I''m so sorry you''re feeling frustrated, I was at that point not too long ago. Have you tried calorie counting? I''ve found that I am eating more now than I did before I started counting cals, I am just eating differently. It seemed like such a regimented way to live and such a pain in the butt, but it really is just part of my everyday now, and it takes no more than 10 minutes. As for exercising, 30 minutes on the treadmill is better than 0, so be proud of doing anything at all and use that as a starting point, just keep going and perhaps with time you''ll push yourself to do a bit more, even just 5 minutes.

So today is really my first day of subbing. I think I''ll workout before I go as it''s a 1/2 day job. J is making me a special (low fat) enchilada dinner for my first day. He''s so sweet.

I ended up only eating 1680 calories yesterday, even with our dinner out, which is awesome.


Sep 8, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 8:19:33 AM
Author: mrssalvo
Rod, i''m sending the PS house selling fairy dust your way too. Gosh, I didn''t realize you don''t even have your furnature..I can understand being anxious and just wanted to get settled in your new town with your own place.

so today hubby and I are going to write down everything we eat so i can total up the calories and get a good idea where he/we need to cut back. We''re going to go on a family walk this morning so excerise for all. I''m going to have to eat light today though b/c my brother in law is coming to town and wants us all to go to dinner at his favorite place...PFChangs. I looked up the nutrional info of what we normally order last night and
. so hubby and I decided we''re going to share the lettuce wraps and 1 meal and rice. it''s not too bad that way. we normally go and each get a meal and share, of course I never can finish but hubby doesn''t have a problem finishing mine so by sharing it will definitely be a little less for each of us.

DJ- i hope you''re feeling better today and can do a light workout without any problems or pain

mara- i hope your feeling better. my throat started hurting last night which is always the first symtom I get when coming down with a cold. I took a bunch of vitamin C and am hitting wildoats for a *doctor* today. I just cannot get sick!!

Good luch all and happy working out...
Hi there,

My In Laws love PF Changs and we go for every birthday of theirs. We just went on Saturday. I went to look up their nutritional information...I can not find it, where did you see it on their site?




Sep 8, 2006
Ack, please disregard, I found it.



Apr 7, 2006
I've been so curious about those chocolate pumpkin muffins, so I made them last night, and ... not a huge success on the home front (hubby was like, "HEY, these aren't brownies!!
") but people at work LOVE them!! I put them in the kitchen with a note saying, "Chocolate and ____ muffins. Can you guess the other ingredient?" and people keep stopping in my office and saynig, "Zucchini?" "Carrot?" "Applesauce?" -- haha! No one guessed pumpkin, but people seriously are inhaling them. Now Im curious how they'd be with yogurt instead of pumpkin ...

Went to the gym this morning, and I'm really starting to like the elliptical more and more each day
Mara and others, which program do you do to burn ~10 cals/minute? I'm at about 8 right now. Today I did the cross-training workout, and I really liked that one -- forward and backward pedaling plus the different levels of resistance. Yay!

I'm also loving the resistance band for my abs -- I feel like it's doing so much more for me than crunches did. Also, I'm using that half-stability-ball-thing (can't think of the name) when I do my bicep curls, so that works my core even more.

As for donuts ... the last few times I've had them (Dunkin Donuts chocolate), all I've tasted is the oil, which totally grossed me out. Most of the Krispy Kreme stores closed here, and I'm just not tempted to buy them in the super market. So unless I'm having a total total craving, I think I'm safe. I'm dying to try those mini Hostess cupcakes now though!! I looked high and low in the market for them last but couldn't find them. Booo hooo.


Sep 8, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 10:36:24 AM
Author: ellaila
I''ve been so curious about those chocolate pumpkin muffins, so I made them last night, and ... not a huge success on the home front (hubby was like, ''HEY, these aren''t brownies!!
'') but people at work LOVE them!! I put them in the kitchen with a note saying, ''Chocolate and ____ muffins. Can you guess the other ingredient?'' and people keep stopping in my office and saynig, ''Zucchini?'' ''Carrot?'' ''Applesauce?'' -- haha! No one guessed pumpkin, but people seriously are inhaling them. Now Im curious how they''d be with yogurt instead of pumpkin ...

Went to the gym this morning, and I''m really starting to like the elliptical more and more each day
Mara and others, which program do you do to burn ~10 cals/minute? I''m at about 8 right now. Today I did the cross-training workout, and I really liked that one -- forward and backward pedaling plus the different levels of resistance. Yay!

I''m also loving the resistance band for my abs -- I feel like it''s doing so much more for me than crunches did. Also, I''m using that half-stability-ball-thing (can''t think of the name) when I do my bicep curls, so that works my core even more.

As for donuts ... the last few times I''ve had them (Dunkin Donuts chocolate), all I''ve tasted is the oil, which totally grossed me out. Most of the Krispy Kreme stores closed here, and I''m just not tempted to buy them in the super market. So unless I''m having a total total craving, I think I''m safe. I''m dying to try those mini Hostess cupcakes now though!! I looked high and low in the market for them last but couldn''t find them. Booo hooo.

I do level 8 on the hill program - I love that program. I do not have a HR monitor, though and I notice that different machines say different cal burn. For 45 minutes I burn about 650 cals. I keep the speed at about 60 most of the time. I sometimes go up to 70. I love to sweat on that thing.




Apr 7, 2006
Thanks, Merrijoy! I''m still new to the machine and trying to find my "sweet spot." Do you do the one where you move your arms too?


Sep 8, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 10:57:02 AM
Author: ellaila
Thanks, Merrijoy! I'm still new to the machine and trying to find my 'sweet spot.' Do you do the one where you move your arms too?
Yes, I do do the ones with the arms.


ETA: I really should say, that according to the machine I burn from 400 to 650 cals in between 35 and 45 minutes.



Sep 8, 2006
I have a question:

Does anyone know how many calories are burned doing 1 hour of pilates? That is what I did last night.




Oct 30, 2002
merrijoy, you can google 'calories pilates' and find tons of sites willing to estimate for's pretty awesome what the internet holds!

coda, sorry to hear about your struggles. i agree with lulu about eating the right things. and that maybe your body doesn't want to budge, are you pretty fit and trim right now? maybe you really do just need more cardio. when i was kind of stuck...i had to cut back my eating a bit and add more 'good for me' things in AND bump up my cardio big time. i went from 3x a week to like 6x a week. and that is when i started seeing results. re: the elliptical and being bored, what about playing mental games with yourself? there were some threads on this recently...about what you do to pass the time. i listen to good music, and read shape or self or allure magazines and also sometimes i even daydream like what am i going to make for dinner or what my plans are this wkd. it passes MOST of the time and then the last 10-15 minutes i end up playing games with myself like, just get to 40 minutes. then oh 5 more to 45. and before i know it..i'm at 55 or 60 and done. and really happy i met my goal. possibly try that a few times. its amazing how it works for me almost every time!

lol DJ sorry to hear about the coffee cake but at least it was good eh?!! lorelei glad to hear you got a workout in and can still walk today. progress, yay!

merrijoy, re: burning cals on the elliptical. i do it at level 3 on a flat (not hill) program (manual) and i end up going pretty quickly, which is what racks up the calories. i think my pace is typically like 7.5-8 on the machine. and it's more like 9 cals per minute rather than 10 for the most part. sometimes it's 10. i've put it up to 5 and 8 before and done some intervals on it, but the fact is that i burn a lot of cals doing it on 3 and i don't want to lose more weight so this is working out for me to burn the calories and just maintain. and i still sweat a fair amount on it surprisingly...esp since after my 2-3 week break in jan, it seemed like i really had to work my way back into the cardio groove and still am. funny about the chocolate pumpkin muffins, greg LOVED them. but i didnt tell him they were brownies (those were the no pudge ones)...he keeps asking when i am going to make more..hehe. and i thought about yogurt but honestly it's about the same cals and the pumpkin adds fiber into the muffins which for me makes them more like a healthy snack than just a flat out 'chocolate snack'..hehe. so i like the fiber. but i imagine they would still be good with yogurt.

welcome back OV..i wondered how you are doing! hope everything is settling down? we should get together for some spring shopping soon!

mrs salvo, i hope you don't get sick, this sore throat cold has made me just sick enough to feel it but not so sick i am down for the count, kind of one of those limbo colds, ugh! i feel a little bit better each day but i know i just need more sleep.

so yesterday i ended the day at 1500 cals which was amazing considering the donut fest we had last nite, but i cut 2 of them in 1/2 then we nibbled on them so it ended up not being as bad as it could have been. then i made greg take a chocolate one with him to work which just leaves us 2 of the more 'healthy' ones which we will split tonite and then THANK GOD THEY ARE GONE. they aren't even that good anymore, like 3 days old? but it's the mental thing like 'oh donuts'. my total weakness. NOT having them for another 6 months after this..that is for sure. but i am proud i've managed to be pretty good with them, aka budgeting them in and then eating that amount. i do have some self control i imagine, hehe. just some. a little. oh and last nite before bed i put in about 10 minutes of leg and glute work and also pushup intervals. it was my day off but sometimes before bed i figure if i can get a little muscle resistance in, why not?!

today i had some cream of wheat with brown sugar and 2 thin slices of the yummy multigrain loaf with coffee for breakfast. hopefully today at work will be another nice mellow day...hopefully. have a few leads on jobs so going to pursue those. i'd be jazzed if i could get a contract or something soon and not have much down time. though i wouldn't mind a few days off lol.

have a great day everyone!!!


Oct 2, 2005
kimberly and lulu - it''s great to be back in the game

day 1 was tough...i''m doing the points thing on ww and i went way above my target and felt STARVED. i guess it will take a few days for it to set in, so i''m not worried. i made healthy choices yesterday and i feel great about it. as for breakfast today, i''m already off to a great start. had an apple-cran fiber cake from TJ''s - 80 cal and a whopping 12g of fiber! i''m having some green tea, unsweetened now (trying to break the coffee habit)

rod: *~*~fairydust~*~*

kimberly: good luck with the class - you''ll do great

coda: i sympathize with you, and agree that at times it does feel like you have to eat almost ''nothing'' to lose weight, even with exercise. i exercise vigorously and i''m 5''2" and 150lbs. i''m right between a size 10/12, and so for my frame, i''m definitely overweight. a few months ago, when i was running 50+ miles a week and counting calories, i got down to 145lbs. it''s a combination of genetics, lifestyle, poor habits...but whatever it is, i absolutely have to watch what i eat. i''m not sure where you''re at, and relatively it really doesn''t matter. if you''re uncomfortable with how you look and feel, then i know it can be so discouraging. i agree with lulu in that making healthy choices really is key. exercise is a very important step. but i''m proof that you can exercise all you want, but if you don''t make healthy choices and fuel your body efficiently, it can be counteractive. i think you''ve already taken the first step by posting here. you''re not a lurker anymore! you''re here...let''s do this together. use this thread as a starting point to make healthy nutritional choices. and as for the cold weather thing, are there any cardio-type classes at your gym? can you rent/buy some workout dvd''s and workout inside? mara made some great suggestions about sticking to it on the cardio-machines. i know you''ll get there...just stick to this thread as motivation. we all have the same goal - to be healthy, fit, and feel great about our bodies.

mara - thanks! yes, we''re due for some spring shopping, but let''s wait a few weeks until i''m back down to that more comfortable 145 zone
i''ll be in touch.

hope everybody has a fabulous, healthy day!!!


May 1, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 10:36:24 AM
Author: ellaila

I''m also loving the resistance band for my abs -- I feel like it''s doing so much more for me than crunches did. Also, I''m using that half-stability-ball-thing (can''t think of the name) when I do my bicep curls, so that works my core even more.
ellalia ~ Are you talking about a BOSU? My gym got those a few months ago, and some of the classes I go to have started using them. I love that thing! You can use it for strength stuff, but also for cardio intervals. Yesterday in the class I went to we used them quite a bit. We actually turned them dome-side down and then stood on the flat side and did squats and deadlifts and some arm exercises -- it was terribly hard and I was sometimes really wobbly, but it felt good and today I''m sore. We also used the resistance bands and did a few different oblique exercises -- sore there too! Sounds like we''re doing similar stuff!

So I did that one hour class yesterday and then 20 minutes on the elliptical afterwards.

I may not post all that often, but I do come here often and read up on how everyone is doing! I like the updates and get such reinforcement from all of you. I''m still pretty much maintaining -- I may have added a pound or so here lately, but no biggie. Last week I only got in 3 workouts, when I typically do 4-5, so that was a bit of a downer. But this wedding planning stuff is starting to take up some time! This week looks like I''ll return to my normal schedule.

Coda ~ I''m so sorry that you''re frustrated, and most of us here completely understand. I have a few thoughts ... maybe they''ll help (and maybe they won''t, but I thought I''d try). I, too, can only take 30 minutes on a machine at a time. I am in awe of some of the people on here who get these great 60 min + workouts on an elliptical. I''d be bored to sleep. As it is, for my 30 minutes I have to have an mp3 player and a book (not a magazine -- I need something with some sort of easy to follow plot to keep my attention). You say you get bored after 30 minutes on the treadmill. Do you belong to a gym, or do you have a treadmill at home? If you go to a gym, have you tried to do 30 min on the treadmill and then 30 minutes on an elliptical or stationary bike? I can sometimes do that -- switch it up in the middle and then I don''t get so bored. Also, if you belong to a gym have you tried going to any aerobics classes? These are the joy of my workouts. I really, truly enjoy them -- and 4 years ago I would have never entertained the thought (I believed I was too uncoordinated). Going to classes keeps me really motivated. The good instructors switch up their routines, so I don''t get bored going to the classes and I kind of look forward to what they''ll throw at me next. If you do not belong to a gym you could try some exercise DVDs -- sometimes I check them out from my local library. I''ve found some of the Tae Bo workouts to be a pretty good home workout that doesn''t require any special equipment. Any way, those are my random thoughts on exericse ideas. I''m also not a cold weather person, so I feel your pain about not being able to exercise outdoors.

My last random note -- try not to put too much emphasis on the number the scale tells you. Some of the posters on here have started doing their meausurements once a week. The scale doesn''t always tell an accurate story, but keeping track of your measurements is another way to measure progress. When I started working out, I dropped from an 8 to a 6 without really losing more than a few pounds -- it was that whole losing body fat/gaining muscle game. Good luck, and try not to be discouraged! Spring is just around the corner!


Apr 7, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 12:30:54 PM
Author: turtledazzle

Date: 2/27/2007 10:36:24 AM
Author: ellaila

I''m also loving the resistance band for my abs -- I feel like it''s doing so much more for me than crunches did. Also, I''m using that half-stability-ball-thing (can''t think of the name) when I do my bicep curls, so that works my core even more.
ellalia ~ Are you talking about a BOSU? My gym got those a few months ago, and some of the classes I go to have started using them. I love that thing! You can use it for strength stuff, but also for cardio intervals. Yesterday in the class I went to we used them quite a bit. We actually turned them dome-side down and then stood on the flat side and did squats and deadlifts and some arm exercises -- it was terribly hard and I was sometimes really wobbly, but it felt good and today I''m sore. We also used the resistance bands and did a few different oblique exercises -- sore there too! Sounds like we''re doing similar stuff!
Yep, that''s it! I also used it round-side-down (I didn''t even know you could use it the other way till I just looked at the Web site!). I get vertigo, so it''s recommended that I do a lot of core-strengthening/balance exercises. I guess that''ll keep my body steady even when my head isn''t! The gym I went to the other day had Dyna-Disks too, which are similar -- I really liked that for doing my modified sit-ups. I wish my normal gym had those!

I''d been a bit lazy the past few months w/going to the gym, and I think part of it was that I just got bored with the machines. So I''m really glad to be finding these new pieces to use to spice things up a bit!

By the way, I''m eating one of those Fiber One bars (oats w/chocolate) and OH ... MY ... GOD. Soooo goood!!


Mar 1, 2005
Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement everyone. I will try some of the things you all suggested. I know that the real problem is that I let myself eat too much (and drink too much) on the weekend. I can be good 5 days a week, but my hubby and I often go out on the weekend to eat, and then I have a couple of drinks too, and the calories just add up. So, being good for 5 days is wiped out by the 2 days on the weekend. I''m going to have to start being a lot more careful on the weekends. I wish it were like it was when I was in my 20''s and I could eat anything I wanted, but that''s not the case anymore.

I have also wanted to get more cardio in. I''ve been doing 3 and 4 days a week consistently, but I''ve wanted to add a 5th day. I do all my workouts at home, but I do have a stationery bike in addition to the treadmill, so maybe I''ll try to do some cardio on that. I''m such a runner though, that my only idea of exercise is running. I feel like the bike doesn''t burn as many calories for me. So, I''ll try all those things, and just hope for nice weather soon. Then it will be easy for me to exercise outside, and then I can start my marathon training too.


Nov 25, 2002


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 2/27/2007 8:33:38 AM
Author: coda72

But I get so darn bored on the treadmill, that I can only take about 30 minutes on it before I start going crazy. I am not a cold weather person and refuse to run outside until it at least gets into the 60''s. So, I won''t be doing any long workouts until then, which means I won''t be burning 2000 calories a week like some of you do. I don''t know the answer to my problem, and I don''t know if any of you do, but I thought I''d share my frustration in case some of the lurkers are having the same problem.
Coda, same problem in my household. Hubby HATES working out - gets too bored and just can''t do it. We live in North Shore, Massachusetts, so weather issues are a factor here, too. came down on him HARD recently, and I just was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, so we''ve had to find a way to make some changes.

We''ve found a solution to the treadmill boredom issue that''s really working for us. We just put a new 32" LCD TV on top of the armoire in the guest room and a new DVD player. We also put a DVR cable box on it. My husband has recently discovered a love for the Sopranos, so we picked up the first 2 seasons on DVD and he puts that on while he''s on the treadmill. A typical episode is 45 min, and he can get in about 2 miles during that time.

We''ve been doing this for about a month now, and he''s going to run out of Sopranos soon at this rate!!!, so he signed up with NetFlix. He''s made a list of movies he''s wanted to see, and for a flat rate each month, he can see as many movies as he wants. Sunday night, he watched the first hour of a movie while on the treadmill; the next evening, watched the rest. ....actually made him look FORWARD to doing it.

For my part, I''m a texas hold-em fanatic, so I record many of the poker shows (High Stakes Poker, world poker tour, etc.), plus Grey''s and ER, and I use those for my hour on the treadmill.

It REALLY makes an incredible difference Re: not getting bored, and makes the time FLY by.


Oct 30, 2002
haha i LOVE the fiber one and chocolate bars. so much in fact i have to really watch it. i can easily eat more than one. hahaa. the PB and oats ones are good too.

al..that article is so true and so scary!! i have read more and more about whether or not restaurants should be required to have nutritional information on their menus or at least available to consumers. i can''t imagine that many consumers really want the nutritional stuff on the MENU because let''s face it, a lot of them don''t WANT to know what they are eating when they eat out!!! but it''d be nice if you could ask for a nutritional guide on the side or something if you do want to know. basically before we go out to eat somewhere that is chain related, i try to look information up''d be nice if i didn''t have to do that on my own.

coda, also i think once you start adding more cardio in , you won''t have to worry as much about splurging on the wkds. because when i was losing weight i was working out like a fiend and watching what i ate 5 days out of 7 but then the other 2 were kind of free for all. i still ate healthy in breakfast and lunches but we had huge dinners out 2 nights a week and i still lost weight. so part of it is finding the right ''balance'' for you...and i think you will find it, just keep trying things.

ov, it''s funny you mention about eating because i read an article about people who do triathalons and marathons etc and they were saying that a lot of marathoners are not thin because they end up eating a lot after running, because they have that mentality of ''oh i just ran 26 i need to fuel up!''...and they do need to fuel up. but many of them take it as license to kind of do whatever they want food wise and then they are like ''oh why aren''t i losinng weight?''. i wonder if you can find some sort of online guide on how to eat after and during marathon training, like what %''s of what you should be consuming to help fuel your body but also meet weight loss goals.


Jul 27, 2005
Oh you guys!
I just read this whole thread & am STARVING for DONUTS & the like ... I thought this was the *Healthy* zone

Anyhoo ... I *was*
planning to start hanging out here ... as DH & I hooked up my treadmill last night for the first time since I moved in FIVE YEARS AGO. And I think it''d gotten about 3 hours worth of use in the SEVEN years I''ve owned it HA!.

Yes, having a WEDDING or wearing a WEDDING DRESS wasn''t enough to lure me into the workout zone but *blush* my RINGS getting snug apparently is.
. Also, some trips to the city lately where I really just couldn''t keep up with NYC life the way I used to. And the SHOCKING onset of middle age paunch. I''ve always been a curvy, big bum gal ... but big bum -AND- big gut is just not CUTE.

ALSO -- turning 40 Sept 1st & would very much LOVE to be svelter & healthier & stronger by then. So, as of March 1st ... it''s SIX MONTHS & counting.

Lots of reasons VS lots of excuses. Pscope Pals, help me help me! Pretty please!


Dec 29, 2004
Wow lots going on here this morning!

I love pilates, and probably burn anywhere from 200-300 calories in the hour. I don''t mind the low cal burn because I love what it is doing for my body. Plus sometimes we really kick it up on the jump boards (we use reformers). I''m sweating and out of breath easily.

Coda, sorry to hear you are discouraged. Lots gave you great advice, so I just wanted to add my support. I wouldn''t work out as much if it was cold outside either. I am lucky to live in socal.

Orangevixen, welcome back! Hope things will be better for you at home.

Last night TGuy and I went grocery shopping and did something we''ve never done before. We went down every single aisle, just for fun. I put the slow churned dreyers in my cart, and by the time we were done with all the aisles, I was thinking the damn thing must have melted by then. I actually put it back. I realized even though it''s only 120 cal for 1/2 cup, I just didn''t need it and I would be eating it because it was there.

I also looked for canned pumpkin but couldn''t find it, so the muffins will have to wait.

Going for a power/hillclimb walk shortly and will have tuna sandwiches for lunch I think!


Oct 30, 2002
welcome deco!!! yeah while this is the healthy zone, we ARE only human and sometimes get derailed by talk of muffins, chocolate, donuts, etc lol. but hey you gotta live sometimes right?!

kudos on getting the treadmill setup. even if you just lurk here you will find a wealth of information on eating well, working out, and doing great things for your body. most of us eat pretty well here 99% of the time and we always love to offer tips on what we found that is yummy AND healthy, the latest and greatest workout tips, articles about eating out, nutritional discussions etc. and recipes too.

so anyway stick around!! this is the first place i visit on PS in the mornings and the last at night...i love love love reading people''s updates, tips, comments and have found more than a few snacks or goodies at TJ''s or the local store that i can fit into my ''eating healthy'' routine, it''s always fun to have recommendations on things from other PS''ers!!
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