
Weekly Workout Thread 27th Nov till 3rd Dec

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ett: are you by any chance studying for crim pro right now?

No crim pro. I actually want to do civil litigation. Currently on my mind...professional responsibility and employment discrimination...and a Summary Judgment motion...and my final trial for my Trial Ad class on Monday...[/quote]

I was just wondering b/c I''m studying for crim pro right now (only 3 more exams and then I''m done w/ law school!) and I found this weird inconsistency in my notes and I couldn''t figure it out and my professor hasn''t returned my email and I don''t have time to research it b/c the exam is tomorrow.

I''m getting into estate planning but criminal procedure is all over the bar exam and it''s not easy to learn on your own so you should consider taking it. plus it''s interesting. well, I think it is, but I love con law. okay, I''m done hijacking this thread.
yay me! I got off my bottom and went downstairs and walked 3 miles on incline and ran one mile and watched Oprah. I''m eating an early dinner of pasta w/ pesto and a piece of whole grain toast and if (when) I get hungry later I''ll have an apple and some almonds. and probably a glass of wine when I''m done studying for the night.
good for you nejarb, congrats!!

heading off to the gym in the next 45minutes to suffer through another workout...hehe. my leg is twinging a bit but i will take it a bit easy, just want to reach my calorie burn for the day....dinner is chicken and sausage TJ raviolis with a bit of white wine sauce...and a salad!!
Date: 11/29/2006 6:35:56 PM
Author: nejarb
yay me! I got off my bottom and went downstairs and walked 3 miles on incline and ran one mile and watched Oprah. I''m eating an early dinner of pasta w/ pesto and a piece of whole grain toast and if (when) I get hungry later I''ll have an apple and some almonds. and probably a glass of wine when I''m done studying for the night.

Way to go nejarb! I find it much easier to work out when I can pair it with something I enjoy, like watching silly TV, or being outdoors. I am not a gym person, at all, but when I get out and walk or run in the open air I am totally motivated. Just find what works for you and go for it as you did today!!!
Good for you nejarb!!

Today was my easy, rest day
. I just went to my flamenco class (not much of a workout, but a lot of fun!) and then went out for a short walk.

Dinner was yummy, a bowl of pumpkin soup I made from leftover pumpkin I had from the Thanksgiving pie!

I do need to start drinking more water though!!!'s just so hard! I keep forgetting to do it. Some days I'm great and drinks lots of water, but others I'm just not because I forget!. I don't drink sodas or anything like that, just water...but not enough of it! Does anyone have any tips on how to get into a "water drinking" routine??


ETA: The yogurt turned out great!. Next time I might add a few more tablespoons of the dry non-fat milk just to make it a bit thicker (it's perfect for smoothies though!)
Mandarine - the homemade yogurt sounds yummy! How much yogurt does 1/2 gallon of milk make? How long does it keep?

I''ve been just eating leftovers all week...turkey sandwiches or leftover chinese food or whatnot. I can''t stand food to go to waste even if it''s unhealthy, so I just try to watch my portion sizes. Tonight I had leftover hot and sour soup, a salad, and the last slice of blueberry pie. I''ve been eating my typical breakfast of cottage cheese, fruit, and 2 hard boiled egg whites. But today, after a particularly hard night, someone put out a free breakfast and I ended up eating a small amount of scrambled eggs, a pancake, a hash brown, and some fruit. Not so healthy, but it was really what I needed after running around all night.

I''m looking forward to this month being over and being back to a regular schedule. Only 2 nights left! Since the beginning of October, I''ve lost 10 pounds without exercising, so hopefully when I start exercising (I''m aiming for 3x/week for the month of December), I''ll lose the last 5.
Basil that''s great! tell me/us about it when you start exercising so I/we can keep up with your progress.
hit the gym left quad was hurting me right away when i got on the treadmill though it was basically fine on the elliptical for 35 minutes before that, so i ended up doing the bike instead for like 15 minutes which was SOO boring. then i went to do some arm work for a while. so overall burned about 550 calories, which is a little less than i wanted to do, but yesterday i was over my goal so it mostly evens out. i am so bummed my leg hurts...i am doing kickboxing tomorrow night so hopefully the night off from ''walking'' will help it. i think the higher inclines i was doing last week and into the weekend just kind of maxed out the leg. it feels okay when i am not walking on the treadmill. so hopefully by friday it will be better or else i''ll have to do the elliptical for an hour instead of the treadmill at all and the elliptical would be really boring for an hour!! but anyway we''ll see. i put some heat on my leg tonite. argh i hate injuries!! come on body, work with me!!

lunch today was a smoked turkey with fresh havarti cheese on sourdough from starbucks (they surprisingly have 2-3 sandwiches that are pretty healthy for you, low in calories and yummy) and then snacks in the afternoon were some blueberries, a 10 cal jello cup and some wasabi peas. dinner was chicken and sausage raviolis from trader joes with emeril''s ''lots of gahhlic'' marinara sauce (only 80 cals for the sauce!) and a salad. then we finished off the last piece of the pumpkin pie i made last week, sans crust...since that is where most of the cals are and honestly it doesn''t taste THAT good. hehee. the actual pumpkin part of the pie is the best!

hope everyone had a good day! hopefully my leg will not rebel during kbox tomorrow..!
Mara I hope your leg is ok. Well done Nejarb, workouts will soon become part of your routine as they are with us! I did 55 mins last night, 35 mins treadmill at an incline and 20 mins ellip. Well done on the weight loss Basil
Jeffrey ModBrills where are you???? Thread seems quiet this week..
Mara, do you stretch before or after the treadmill/elliptical? It adds time to your whole routine, but ideally you should warm up for maybe 5 or 10 minutes and then stretch your legs and butt out well and then get back to the incline walking/jogging/ellipt. But sometimes I just stretch after I exercise while I''m in the shower as a time-saver.

When I was younger I was a competetive figure skater for about 10 years and stretching was a big part of that to avoid injury and so I''ve just kept it up ever since then (the stretching, not the ice skating). And I never have problems w/ muscle strains from rigorous exercise.

another thing is that I can''t just sit still watching tv b/c I feel like I''m wasting time, so if the tv''s on I''m either painting my nails or folding laundry or something like that or else I''m stretching. It feels good. and I think it''s good for your circulation, but maybe I just made that up.
i am really bad about stretching because i am usually so strapped for time..aka i only have a flat hour at the gym and i want to use it all working out. i know i could be better about stretching, even after workouts. i typically just stretch in the shower and let the hot water stream run over certain areas that might be sore like arms or legs or butt. but yeah stretching is great....i should definitely do it more. i used to run track in HS and our trainer was huge on stretching. when i do get an injury like this or when my neck was hurting, i stretch ALL the i should do that more often, even just at home before a shower, or when i get up from the couch or whatever. i do stretch for a minute when i get out of bed in the mornings esp if my muscles are sore, it just feels good.


so hey i wanted to put this out there and hopefully you WWT'ers will throw out a bunch of things you like...i was what are the things we eat on a daily basis that we really love, aka the taste of it, or the fact that it's good and low-cal or low-fat or it's healthy and yummy and in season etc. what's on your 'daily' menu now? i have my own list obviously so maybe it can help someone else out if they are bored with what they are eating, but i'm also looking for new suggestions from other WWT'ers on things they have tried and loved. so here's mine!

Van's multigrain waffles: toaster waffles, 2 are 190 cals and like 3g of fat, i melt a 1/2 tblspoon of real butter in the microwave, drizzle it on the waffles and then use Maple Grove Farms low-calorie sugar free syrup (surprisingly good!!!) on top of them: total calories: 250 and it's a filling breakfast due to the fiber in the waffles. tasty too!!

Dannon Light & Fit yogurts: i'm not typically a yogurt person but i have recently gotten hooked on these because they are only 60 cals (most other yogurts, even lights are 100) and they have a good amount of protein in them and they are pretty darn tasty. they come in a ton of flavors and they are a great 'in between' breakfast and lunch snack for me.

Jello Sugar Free Snack Cups: this is fairly new as well, but they are 10 cals each and 0 grams of fat, and they are a perfect tiny snack in the afternoons or sometimes at night after dinner if you just want a taste of something kinda fun and sweet. i mean for 10 cals can you really go wrong?!?! you could even eat the whole case of 6 and still be fine at 60 cals. hahaa.

Marie's Salad Dressings: they have various types of these but these are the ones in the tall shapely glass bottles in the produce/lettuce area typically. they do not pitch them as low fat or anything but they are low in cal and fat for the most part and VERY tasty. the balsamic vinaigrette is 50 gals, they have a good raspberry vinaigrette for like 50 cals, a blue cheese vinaigrette for 80 cals.

Girard Light Dressings: these also come in regular high fat versions, but i have tried a few of the light ones with great results. my fave is their light Caesar's VERY yummy and tastes just like regular ole bad for you caesar. my fave thing to do is take 1 tbl of caesar and 1 tbl of balsamic vinaigrette and mix them together because it thins out the caesar and yet gets a really yummy flavor going between the two dressings. caesar light is 90 cals but when i mix it with balsamic the serving of them both together is more like 60. and it goes farther because the balsamic thins out the thickness of the caesar and helps it coat the lettuce more.

Parmesan Cheese: did you know that a serving of parm is something like 2tblspoons and only about 30 calories??? definintely one of the lightest cheeses out there and one of the most 'tasty'. i keep a shredded container in the fridge most of the time (we're out now!) and we put it on pastas and also for caesar salads. i can make a caesar salad with my blended dressings, some croutons (6 croutons are only 35 gals), and some parm and a a bunch of lettuce for under 150 calories. can any restaurant say theirs is the same and mine are GOOD!!!

Starbucks sandwiches: okay not all of them are good for you...some are flat downright bad! but there are two i have found so far that are pretty darn yummy AND healthy. one is the petite turkey and cheese sandwich on sourdough. it's a fair sized sandwich though they call it petite and it's 280 calories and like 8g of fat. yummy too. they also have another one i tried yesterday which is like smoked turkey, havarti on some sort of rustic sourdough roll. yummy as well but a bit too much aioli but still healthyish at 330 cals and about 14g of fat. i bet the aioli is most of the fat!! so definitely if you are getting a coffee and need something for lunch, check out the starbucks stuff. they have nutritional information on all their pre-packed stuff, SUPER helpful. also their yogurt fat free parfaits are 350 calories with fat free yogurt, fruit preserves and yummy granola. definitely good for a morning breakfast.

Extra Sour Sourdough bread: i love multigrain because it has extra fiber and more whole grains in it but it's also about 100 calories per piece. whereas the colombo brand, has 50 calories per slice. so you could actually make a sandwich with 1/2 the calories as if you used multigrain. i still eat multigrain items and i love bread sometimes but if you are looking to not max out the calorie count with toast or a sandwich, use sourdough. it's pretty tasty too.

hmm i think that's it for right now as i am having a brain freeze but hopefully you guys can chime in with your own tried and true things that are working for you that you like and taste good etc. i am always looking for new things!!! and also it's amazing when you read the labels just how not bad for you some things are. like the parm. also real butter is only 50 calories for 1/2 tblspoon. which is a fair amount of butter if you melt it and drizzle it over toast or waffles. when the butter is clumped together i find i use WAY more because it's not spreading right. and i am a huge real butter fan so i love pairing it with a low-cal syrup or sugar free jam or something because it adds more true flavor to the substitute kinda foods.
Mara has got me into Kashi cereal, so I like the Go Lean, I put some in a bowl and eat it dry!
Jello is good too.
Hi everyone,
It''s been awhile for me on this thread. I''m not sure why, I think just lacking the personal motivation. I was out of town for a week and was proud of myself b/c I worked out twice using my friend''s treadmill, which I normally would not have done when on vacation. I didn''t work out at all last week but have gotten in two workouts this week so far. My goal is 4.
I really like what Mara said about making the gym or working out as part of the regular routine. It''s not a choice or a decision to be made, you just do it.. regardless. I definitely make the decision to workout, when I do. That is almost a painful process. I convince myself to either do it or make excuses not to. I have got to stop that! I think I will start putting it in my daily schedule so that it''s just a regular appointment, like any other. I have to change my mindset or it will never happen for me. So, tonight I was thinking about working out but hadn''t made that decision.
Now, I am working out b/c it''s on my schedule to do so and I have no good reason not to.

Thanks everyone, as usual, your words inspire me!

Good luck to those of you studying for law school exams. Not fun but you can do it! When I took the bar, I was actually extra motivated b/c my only time off from studying was working out. I would study all day and then work out at night and actually bring notes to the gym to review while on the machines. I would also have a wheatgrass shot almost daily from Whole Foods and take various supplements. I had incredible energy. Now, I am working hard to get back to that routine, or at least the exercise portion of it.

Rod, I hope your new experience is a good one for you. I am sure it is hard leaving the place that is home to you but you will make a new home. You will find a new gym, new dentist, a new experience that you will make your own. I do think that big changes are hard, especially as we get older and used to our routine, but Rod, you have already accomplished so much in this past year w/your workouts and weight loss, you can absolutely do this!! It''s a new journey of your life. I am excited for you! I hope your travelling goes well.
dixie i think that thinking about it like you are is a great way...that is totally how i try to do it.

when you say ''no good reason not to''..that totally rings true. often times i am like gosh i work out so much and it takes so much time! then i think well if i was not at the gym right now and i was going straight home after work, what would i be doing? sitting on the couch watching TV! okay so then how can i argue that i have more important things to do than workout?? hehe. i have my schedule all worked out from day to day and i always make it over to doggie daycare in time to pick up portia before it closes. if greg gets home before me one night he goes to get her. we are typically both home by 7pm. so really it''s not such a hardship to hit the gym up a few times a week and then make some time for it on the weekends. and now that my ''schedule'' has been in place for a few months now since starting my new job, it''s even more firmly ensconced in my mind as a ''must do'' appointment kinda thing. if i don''t go to the gym when i planned to, it''s because something came up or we have a dinner or something that we have to actually GO to and do....but not just because i want to go home and veg out. i do that on the weekends and when we get home at night. how much couch time does one REALLY need? hehee.
Good job Dixie

Mara is right. This is the first time I''ve been strict about going to the gym but it''s because of that, it''s not a choice. I get home, I change and I go to the gym...I don''t even think about it!. Now when I don''t go I feel like something is missing.

I found another great use for my yogurt (I have yogurt madness!). I came hom for lunch and fixed my self a low carb multigrain wrap with Turkey, smoked provolone cheese, lettuce and tomato. Then I took a bit of the yogurt and mixed it with some mustard and used it as a spread...Yum!

Tonight I''m going to visit a friend of mine and we''re going to work out at his gym. I hate missing my regular Thursday step class, but at least this way I can hang out with him and still workout.

I''m a little annoyed because my boss asked me to travel next week. I hate travelling on business because my schedule and routine get completely messed up!. I always go to the hotel''s gym in the morning before work, but you know how it''s work lunches, then work dinner, work drinks, airpline thing you know you gained 2 pounds in 3 days!
. I''m hoping he will change his mind and think I don''t need to go after all...

Happy Thursday everyone!

You are right about tv. But I do want to see Grey''s Anatomy tonight.
Ok, I''ll just tape it!
Actually, half the time I''m just sitting at home, I forget about whatever show I want to watch and start doing something else. So I really can''t even use tv as a good excuse.
I have decided to try a class at the gym, like a cardio kickboxing sort of thing which I enjoy. I''m hoping it will be fun. I tried it once before a long time ago and had a lot of fun. So that''s the plan for tonight! I will go home, change, grab a snack, review a little homework w/my son and then out the door for my new class. I''m actually excited and a little nervous.. I really hope I don''t look ridiculous!

Part of my problem is that I really am tired after work, I just want to sit and do nothing. I do realize that''s not the healthiest way to live though, and I would likely have more energy if I would just get myself up off the couch and workout. So today will be workout 3 and then either Fri. or Sat. to finish out the week.

Mandarine, I definitely have to stop thinking about it. That is where I always go wrong. I think about how I want to stay home or don''t want to get up and put in a tape or how I''m tired, etc... Then I think about how I should workout and start to feel guilty or get down on myself. Then some days I convince myself to do a workout and other days I give in to the other thoughts. It''s all so much effort to go through all of that. When I just change when I get home, go workout, I''m done before I know it. And although it''s not the most pleasant thing in the world, it''s not all that bad either.

On a side note, my friend makes her own yogurt. I''ll ask her for her recipe.
Hopefully you don''t have to travel next week but good for you about sticking to a routine of working out in the hotel in the morning.

Off to get some lunch, turkey sandwich for me today.
Oh No!

How''d it get to be Thursday so soon???

I haven''t worked out ONCE this week! Not ONCE!!!! I''ve been slammed with work and other obligations, late running faculty meeting on Tuesday, bookclub last night (complete with sinful treats and LOTS of wine! drat!!!!)

Not to mention that I had a slight accident yesterday with our rolling trash can... it''s so stupid that only I could do this... I almost wish that someone was video taping so that you all could share the laugh!
We live on a really really steep drive way. Since today is our trash pick up day, I thought I''d go ahead and drag the trash can down the drive way for the morning pick up after I got home yesterday. The trash can was pretty full, and heavy, and the driveway was pretty leafy and slippery. Next thing I know, the trashcan (on wheels) is dragging me at an alarming speed down the driveway. I''m just sure that it''s going to fly into an oncoming bus if I let it go, so I hang on for dear life. Next thing I know, trashcan is toppled over and I''m flying over it, slamming my poor shins along the way. Nothing hurt more than slammed shins, except maybe my pride.
Of course the first thing I do is look around to see who saw my acrobatics, luckily no one was around, but OUCH my shins are bruised and scabbed where bone met trashcan!
I am seriously the biggest klutz around!

Tonight my students are doing a performance at the school... it''s too far for me to go home and come back to watch, so I think I might
try to work out in this time inbetween.

Which would be NOW... so I''m off. There''s no making up for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday with no workout, but hopefully I can have a fairly good workout.

Date: 11/30/2006 8:42:27 AM
Author: Lorelei
Mara I hope your leg is ok. Well done Nejarb, workouts will soon become part of your routine as they are with us! I did 55 mins last night, 35 mins treadmill at an incline and 20 mins ellip. Well done on the weight loss Basil
Jeffrey ModBrills where are you???? Thread seems quiet this week..
Hi Lorelei,
I haven''t been able to get to the gym since Saturday and that''s bothering me

Thanks for looking out.
I feel so much better when I''m able to go.
Hopefully, I''ll report back this weekend. I haven''t lost my motivation one bit!

Your food list was awesome..thanks for sharing
Hi All,

Went for a nice walk this afternoon.

As for foods:

Crockpot chili: ground turkey, kidney beans, pinto beans, diced tomatoes, garlic, onion, bell good for you, lots of fiber and such, really low fat. We eat this all the time for dinner. It takes so little time to prepare and just tastes good.

Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal: It''s prepackaged so I don''t have to think about how much I''m making each morning, it''s just in the bowl with some hot water.

Balsamic vinegar: I use this with a tiny touch of olive oil on all of my salads and skip the dressing.

Mozerella cheese: great way to get in dairy, low fat and tasty cheese (just have to watch the amount eaten for calorie control!)

Zone bars: this is usually my lunch along with a sliced apple. They are high in sugar content, but I don''t eat a lot of sugar elsewhere in my diet.
Date: 11/30/2006 3:31:27 PM
Author: Tybee
Oh No!

How''d it get to be Thursday so soon???

I haven''t worked out ONCE this week! Not ONCE!!!! I''ve been slammed with work and other obligations, late running faculty meeting on Tuesday, bookclub last night (complete with sinful treats and LOTS of wine! drat!!!!)

Not to mention that I had a slight accident yesterday with our rolling trash can... it''s so stupid that only I could do this... I almost wish that someone was video taping so that you all could share the laugh!
We live on a really really steep drive way. Since today is our trash pick up day, I thought I''d go ahead and drag the trash can down the drive way for the morning pick up after I got home yesterday. The trash can was pretty full, and heavy, and the driveway was pretty leafy and slippery. Next thing I know, the trashcan (on wheels) is dragging me at an alarming speed down the driveway. I''m just sure that it''s going to fly into an oncoming bus if I let it go, so I hang on for dear life. Next thing I know, trashcan is toppled over and I''m flying over it, slamming my poor shins along the way. Nothing hurt more than slammed shins, except maybe my pride.
Of course the first thing I do is look around to see who saw my acrobatics, luckily no one was around, but OUCH my shins are bruised and scabbed where bone met trashcan!
I am seriously the biggest klutz around!

Tonight my students are doing a performance at the school... it''s too far for me to go home and come back to watch, so I think I might
try to work out in this time inbetween.

Which would be NOW... so I''m off. There''s no making up for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday with no workout, but hopefully I can have a fairly good workout.

Your story reminded me of the time that I backed my car THROUGH the closed garage door...and a neighbor across the street saw the whole thing

And $800 later in garage door repairs...whose the klutz??
Glad to see you Jeff! I hope you can get to the gym again soon, it drives you crazy when you can't work out doesn't it?
I skipped off yesterday as I had an appt, but should be back up and running today.

Tybee, I hope your legs feel better soon! Jeff, did your neighbours ever let you forget it, or did they make an effort to studiously ignore your disagreement with the garage door?
Date: 12/1/2006 6:29:44 AM
Author: Lorelei
Glad to see you Jeff! I hope you can get to the gym again soon, it drives you crazy when you can''t work out doesn''t it?
I skipped off yesterday as I had an appt, but should be back up and running today.

Tybee, I hope your legs feel better soon! Jeff, did your neighbours ever let you forget it, or did they make an effort to studiously ignore your disagreement with the garage door?
The neighbor enjoyed the moment and my life continued without harassment.
Date: 12/1/2006 8:40:30 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant

Date: 12/1/2006 6:29:44 AM
Author: Lorelei
Glad to see you Jeff! I hope you can get to the gym again soon, it drives you crazy when you can''t work out doesn''t it?
I skipped off yesterday as I had an appt, but should be back up and running today.

Tybee, I hope your legs feel better soon! Jeff, did your neighbours ever let you forget it, or did they make an effort to studiously ignore your disagreement with the garage door?
The neighbor enjoyed the moment and my life continued without harassment.
Pleased to hear it!
I have not been so good with working out lately, but I have lost a few pounds. I got a 2nd job as a waitress, which I started about a week and a half ago. Boy can I tell how out of shape I really am. My legs have been sore from all the walking around, and my arms kill from carrying the big trays with food on them! But, since I''ve been working, I can feel things starting to tone up a little - I''m getting used to being on my feet for hours at a time, and I never have time to eat, so my stomach is starting to shrink and I''m not nearly as hungry even at breakfast and lunch - I get full after a half a pack of oatmeal in the mornings...

Rod- Are you in NC yet? Do you have internet? We are here visiting this weekend trying to decide if we want to move down... So far, downtown in the Glenwood area seems like the trendiest part of town, but Raleigh seems pretty small overall... Just wondering where ya''ll ended up getting a place - I know it''s downtown somewhere, I think?
fun food list!

I also eat the Van''s multigrain waffles, but for my "syrup" I take 1/2 tbsp butter and a spoonful of smucker''s no sugar added strawberry jam (no artificial sweetners) and a few drops of water and microwave it on low power for 20 seconds.

dressing: I always make my own b/c it''s healthy and I think so much better than store-bought. I whisk olive oil and dijon mustard together and usu add a little bit of chopped garlic and a tiny pinch of salt and then I mix in really good (aged) balsamic vinigar. It''s awsome, and I can make it in 2 minutes while something else is cooking or whatever. A variation: add honey and lemon juice instead of the balsamic vinigar for a tangy honey dijon--really good w/ baby spinach and almonds.

english muffin pizzas: whole wheat english muffins w/ store-bought marinara and shredded mozzeralla cheese. I toast them before I put the sauce on and I strain the sauce in this little seive (sp?) with a tight screen on the bottom to make the sauce thicker then just put sauce and cheese on and stick in the toaster oven. or reg oven on pizza stone. sometimes I add mushrooms and a little fresh chopped parsley.

a quick and little dessert: I don''t know if this is healthy enough to go on the WWT, but it''s better than cheesecake or something like that and it''s good for portion control...sometimes I buy pitted dates and stuff them w/ neufchatel cheese. SO GOOD! and really simple. tastes good w/ a glass of dry white wine.

well, I didn''t work out yesterday. Although I did stretch for about an hour while I went through flashcards! I was very loose and limber for my exam last night. No muscle strains in my writing arm, even after 3 hrs of scribbling violently all over my bluebook. I''ll exercise today.
I am pretty happy today. I went to the class last night. It was tough!! I was sore even before the class ended. Now, I can barely move and my back is not feeling all that great. So I will wait a few days and see how my back reacts. If it didn''t aggravate it, I will go back b/c it was a fantastic workout.
My new mantra "I am going to workout" helped so much. I really didn''t think about it. I just kept saying that and just went and worked out. Then when I was still hungry after eating, I made a conscious decision about what to eat, rather than just finding anything and eating.
Not sure if I will workout today or tomorrow but definitely one more day for me this week.
Mantras do help... soon you will feel the NEED to work out. I''ve trained my brain to NEED it, it''s my first priority when I have the time, on weeks like this one when I ''ve worked out only once, I definitely feel that loss in my mind, I''ve come to crave my work outs. It''s that whole mind thing.

Glad to know that I''m not the only one waging war against innocent inanimate objects! I''m sure that someone must have seen my trash can wrestling match... I hope they had a good laugh! I''m really no worse for wear, bruised shins, but I''ve got the heart of a lion (lol!)

I finally hit the gym yesterday. Didn''t have as much time as I would have liked, but I did get 40 minutes of cardio in plus some good free weight time. I''m lucky to have thin arms, so my upper body work outs really show, it doesn''t take long for my arms and shoulders to look cut, that''s motivation enough! I only wish I was so lucky with my lumpy thighs, lol!

Definitely going to run today, it''s like 68 degrees and beautiful. I won''t be able to work out after Saturday because I''m finally getting my hair done and I won''t be able to wash it for 3 days (ick!) but OH how I love the results (straightening...) so I''m planning on a really long run Saturday morning.

Personally, I''m not a huge waffle fan. To me they just feel heavy and bready... I feel like a bloated toad after eating them. I prefer cereal for breakfast. I don''t usually have much variety. I usually eat a bowl of Just Right with skim milk on the weekdays.
aww tybee sorry to hear about your downfall with the trash can...hahaha..i am the biggest klutz ever so i definitely have sympathy. hehe.

worked out last nite at kbox and had sushi...yum! it was fabulouso. today i''m hitting up the gym as well. hope my leg feels okay on the elliptical but i am thinking i will do it for about an hour and not bother with the treadmill today. give my leg a rest with the tough incline walking kinda thing.

have a great friday all!
Just got back from the gym and I feel tired but aaaawwwweeeessssommme

Enjoy the weekend everyone and KEEP ON TRACKin
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