
Weekly Workout Thread 30th Oct till 5th November

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Date: 11/3/2006 10:24:08 AM
Author: Lorelei
Checking in, had some good weather I needed to get the garden done and my windows washed! I am back with my workouts now and doing great, love the new dumbells! I actually had a pumped arm and it was hilarious, Hubby was weeping! Who would have thought that Lanky Lorelei would ever have pumped muscles?
Anyway it was a new experience!

Mara, I was able to get some Kashi Go Lean and it is good stuff!


I am so glad for you to get this great offer! I look forward to hearing about the househunting too and I am so happy for you!

Well done everyone, nearly the weekend and it is so good to hear you are pleased with your results too Jeff - they do come faster than you think!
Oh thank you thank you Lorelei.......Everyone is so happy for me/us. I wish I was as happy. It''s hard to give up our Florida life and move again, but hopefully, this will be for the best and we''ll really enjoy NC as opposed to Florida.

Happy Friday everyone!!
Rod I know you will find many compensatory things about living in Raleigh, the fact that your income will mean you can both live very nicely, the magic of the changing seasons, getting to know and explore a new place and choosing and setting up your new home. There is lots to look forward to, it must be a wrench leaving Florida, but everything happens for a reason, I truly believe that - it will all work out well, you will see!
Date: 11/3/2006 10:42:35 AM
Author: Lorelei
Rod I know you will find many compensatory things about living in Raleigh, the fact that your income will mean you can both live very nicely, the magic of the changing seasons, getting to know and explore a new place and choosing and setting up your new home. There is lots to look forward to, it must be a wrench leaving Florida, but everything happens for a reason, I truly believe that - it will all work out well, you will see!
You and my mother must be related!! LOL I''m sure you are right, and I''m sure we will find much to love in the Raleigh area. I just wish, I could go to sleep and when I wake up, we''ll be moved and all the difficult parts of the transition would be over!!
rod just keep a positive outlook and don''t think of it as a negative thing...i think you''ll be okay. change can be really fun, even when you are not expecting it. and think of the cost of living change...your money will go so much further. and it''s not a long-term thing remember. or it doesn''t HAVE to be anyway. 5-7 years or something and you never know!

so yeah yesterday for me was a horrible eating day. thankfully the spinarch aritchoke dip last nite was horrible so i hardly had any which probably helped. i did however eat about 5 chicken tenders (with ranch!) and then some fruit, veggies, 1 piece of pizza and some soda. i had a stomach ache for sure afterwards. this morning i am chowing down on super fiber and protein cereal in order to help the body keep processing the ickies from yesterday. oh and drinking lots of water.

i''m working out tonite so we''ll see how powerful i feel later...and then tomorrow i was going to kbox but now am thinking maybe of doing the gym again which will allow me to sleep in late on my one day tomorrow and also i can do more like a 600 cal workout than a 350 cal workout. since i am not working out on sunday and missed last nite as well, i''m trying to make this week count.

oh i did come home yesterday and had like 30 minutes before i had to go to this work thing, so i actually ended up putting on some workout clothes and my HRM and doing some of lizzie''s bootcamp while watching buffy. i did it for about 18 minutes and burned 130 calories. so not bad, i got my heart rate up for a little while and got rid of a few calories but maybe my metabolism was higher last nite after as well through my chicken tender gorgefest.

hope everyone is having a wonderful day, lol re: the muscles lorelei, that''s so awesome. gotta love what working out does for your body!! definitely.

happy friday all!!
Hee - it is a great thing to hear of all these great things experienced by those who care for their physiques and actually having them happen to YOU. I do really love the results I am getting, I am now in my 6th month of working out now, how the time has flown. One thing I have been dreading too is that the dreaded bingo wings can strike at my age on the lower arms and they haven't - my triceps are now strong and rock solid! I bought a book by Arnold Shwarzenegger the other day, the second book I have by him. I really admire the chap, coming from Austria from a very simple background, all he had were his dreams and he refused to let naysayers and negativity get the better of him and look what he has made of his life! He credits bodybuilding for most of his success in life, but really I guess it is exercise in general, the discipline, commitment and results he has had which have opened up other opportunities which came his way which he grabbed with both hands. Although I will never be the female version of Arnie ( nor would I wish to be!) but I can relate to much of what he says that some exercise is beneficial for so many reasons and that even now he makes time for cardio on the stationary bike most days, then goes about his day.

Rod thats funny that I sound like your Mom! As Mara says keep a positive outlook and think of things like how much further your money will go and what you will be able to buy with it!
I can understand you would prefer to wake up in your new house with all the details and hassle taken care of though!
Well I haven''t worked out at all since Wed due to allergies and and my social calendar, but I did get a veggie plate (green beans, squash, and zucchini w/ red bell peppers) for lunch yesterday.

My co-worker and I have been working out for a month now, so we went downstairs to the gym to weigh in on the body fat scale. My numbers haven''t changed, but the trainer that teaches our Total Body Training class did say that he can see some improvements and we need to keep at it and that we have really good form. He also told both of us what results we can expect for our body types. He said that for my body type I''m going to see a lot of muscle in my legs (which back in the day was the case...oh I wish I had my high school figure). I asked him about melting away my belly, and he said all I can do for that is cardio. So I plan on doing some elliptical this weekend and if my allergies will permit, I''d love to go to Rice and do a little jog and some walking since the weather is gorgeous (sunny, dry, and 65).
Happy Weekend! I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical. Had to cut it short as I needed to get showered and changed to meet a friend for an early lunch.

Rod, I''m sorry this move comes with some sadness. I hope you find once you''re there and settled that you really enjoy your new home.

Have a great work out all!
It''s been a tough week to keep my workout going. I''ve had to wake up extra early to get to work leaving me tired in the evening when I exercise, but I still did it. Last night I didn''t have time though. Today I applied for a new position so last night I was reading and correcting my resume and cover letter for several hours. That just means I have to hit it hard tonight.

I''m going to chime in on the earlier green tea extract discussion. I''m not so sure how I feel about it. I''ve worked on a study with a particular green tea extract and it didn''t work out so hot in the end for some of the animals of one species. I''m not sure if it was just the extract and the species didn''t mix well or some other factor like high dosages, but I''m leary of it. We don''t have the overall results though. I''m also not exactly sure if that''s the exact chemical they are bottling in the vitamins, etc. On the other hand, I do know there are several studies that suggest that green tea decreases risk of cancer and heart disease and aids weightloss.

Rod, Congrats on the job!
Thanks Curls!

After we signed the listing agreement to sell our condo this afternoon, I was feeling particularly stressed. So, once everyone was gone, I put on my running shorts, my best running shoes, my MP3 player with the right mix of songs and headed out for a run. And I ran, and ran, and ran and ran some more. I ran longer than I've ever run before, like over 6 miles and I could have kept going. Plus, it was really really windy today. A cold front came through and according to the weather channel, the winds were gusting in the over 30 mile/hour range. And, I'm telling you, running into a 30 mile/hour wind is really tough. I ran past people who were struggling with the wind and still I wasn't tired, or out of breath. The run really did wonders for my stress level. I'm so grateful I changed my life on the fitness side.

Tomorrow, we have our training session with our trainer. He's taking us to levels we never imagined possible, so I'm sure it will be grueling. Then we're headed over to Orlando to spend the day with Charlie's family who is visiting from Buffalo at Disney World. With such a full day, I won't be able to check in tomorrow.

I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend!!
Hi all,

Just quickly checking in to keep myself accountable

Yesterday was a ''rest day'' as I had an evening meeting. Tonight was a 45-minute step class (but not as hard/fun as Tuesday''s class) followed by 15 minutes of abs and arms exercises.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I''m going to go order my wedding dress tomorrow!
Hi All!
I hate how little get to check in. I did a quick breeze over everyone''s posts. Looks like we''re all doing fairly well, even with the Halloween temptations!
Mara-- the phrase fiber-whore is just hilarious...
I think it''s great that you NEVER deny yourself chocolate! It''s just proof that moderation is the key. I think I would die if I had to give up chocolate or cheese... !
Advice on getting the husband off fast food: "Super Size Me." I know that I''ll never eat that stuff again after watching that movie. I actually show it to my students every year to get them aware of how corporations advertise towards them to get them hooked on the junk.
When I met my husband he was a "vegetarian." I put that in quotation marks because he basically ate bread and peanut butter.
I finally managed to get him back on poultry... and now things are in HEALTHY gear...
Thanks for your great comments. Working out together is totally fun. He''s even researching other 1/2 marathons to train for. I just want to get him through this one.
No working out today (Friday.) We have a day long frisbee tournament tomorrow. It''s will be long hours of cardio fun. Tonight is for water drinking and cuddling on the couch.
Have a great weekend all!
Rod, I think you''ll like NC, but I hear you about all the moving. I hate transistions! You''ll make it through, though!!!
Good for you Rod with your run! Funny how everything works for good, if you hadn''t had achieved so much with your fitness, you might not have been able to cope so well with this present upheaval. No doubt about it, the time we spend in caring for ourselves pays dividends when the going gets tough.

Hubby is out all day today and tomorrow, so I plan to get in an hour''s cardio and half an hour at least with weights. Our machine STILL hasn''t been fixed, there is argy bargy going on and we are still waiting to hear what can be done about it, but I can do leg extensions as a friend of Hubby''s has given us his set of old college weights which we can use. Also I have the new dumbells to play with. Funny thing is after last week''s break, I REALLY like what I see in the mirror now, I am improving in weak points and feeling really good, so it has been so worthwhile.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Date: 11/4/2006 3:46:10 AM
Author: Lorelei
Good for you Rod with your run! Funny how everything works for good, if you hadn''t had achieved so much with your fitness, you might not have been able to cope so well with this present upheaval. No doubt about it, the time we spend in caring for ourselves pays dividends when the going gets tough.

Hubby is out all day today and tomorrow, so I plan to get in an hour''s cardio and half an hour at least with weights. Our machine STILL hasn''t been fixed, there is argy bargy going on and we are still waiting to hear what can be done about it, but I can do leg extensions as a friend of Hubby''s has given us his set of old college weights which we can use. Also I have the new dumbells to play with. Funny thing is after last week''s break, I REALLY like what I see in the mirror now, I am improving in weak points and feeling really good, so it has been so worthwhile.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Go you!
That''s great!
Tank you Ankie!
lol tybee it''s true about being a fiber whore. i have to have it now!! i actually just went and bought some fiber chewables for my trip tomorrow because that is part of what drives me nuts about traveling. typically at home i eat a cereal in the mornings that gives me about 11g of fiber per serving which is like 1/2 of my daily allowance. but while traveling i''m lucky to get a bagel on the way to a meeting or something. and then we eat at all these restaurants and i typically can''t get enough roughage and then i feel really bloated and sick for the whole trip. so i''m hoping that with these fiber chewables at least i have some semblance of regular. the funny thing is that i got these chewable tablets from benefiber and they are huge chewables, and one serving is THREE tablets. super hard to chew all three of them down as they are kind of sweet. and that only gives me 3g of fiber!! so i have to eat like 4 servings of the stupid chewables to get my 11g. so i might go back to the store today and see if i can get something else, like a pill to take which at least then i''m not chewing multiple pills and getting sugar bits all in my teeth.

so yesterday i hit up the gym and burned 640 calories with my workout. today i plan to go back to the gym and do about 600 cals total with some weights which will bring my weekly total up to around 2800 which is very good, i''m supposed to be doing 2500ish to maintain my weight. but mentally i like to be more like 2600-2800 so i feel like i''m still working hard. besides the gym, today is just running around doing errands and also packing and getting ready for my trip. i leave tomorrow nice and early at 7am...yikes!! our meals are pretty much planned aka dinners with vendors and similar and a few coffee/lunches here and there, can you say eating-gasm?!?! we are going to try to work out on monday and tuesday at the hotel as well which will be good if i can get in at least 45 minutes each day to combat the eating-gasm. then we return wed night. going to be a busy few days!

greg got fruit loops so i gorged on those this morning with coffee, nice little breakfast weekend sugar high going on there!! and we got up kind of early so i might take a nap. anyway hope everyone has a great day and weekend, i might not have time to check in before i head out so if not, hope everyone has a wonderful sweat-filled, calorie-burning, non-leftover-halloween-candy eating week!!!
Howdy folks! Yesterday I was hoping to go to yoga at 5:30 after work, but I had a bachelorette party to attend at 7 and wouldn''t have time to shower and freshen up. So I came home after work and did my yoga video instead. Today I walked in to work - last day of my current experiment, woo-hoo! - and I''ll either bike or walk home.

Congrats on the job Rod!! Moving always is stinky at first, but good things will come out of it. You and Charlie are in my prayers for a great move and better opportunities! I hope your trainer session was great too.
Everyone doing great job!
so impressed.

migraine... please kill me quickly and very very quietly. please.
Indie: So sorry your head hurts!

Mara: Happy and safe travels!

Today hubby and I went on a nice long walk through our neighborhood, lots of hills!

Not much else to share. keep up the good work all!
I am very proud to report that I did my yoga routine every day this week. Yay!

Rod - I''m a bit late, but congrats on the new job and good luck with the move. I had a pretty drastic move like that when I started college and I know how hard it can be! I hope you can adapt well. I''m not versed in US geography (I''m a Canadian Frenchie
), but I hope you will love your new home.
one last check in, did my workout today and burned 570ish calories..which was pretty good. greg made us turkey and lean meat spaghetti with mushrooms tonight and it''s almost done, my mouth is watering big time since all i had today was 2 bowls of cereal and a luna bar. we have discovered a GREAT way to make greg''s famous spaghetti using our crockpot, basically cooking the meats in spices and then putting it all in the crockpot for the sauce and letting it simmer in there for 4 hours or so and all the flavors come together much more amazingly when you just make it on the stove and don''t let it simmer for those few hours. also it is way easier time wise. then we make the pasta and the bread and it''s ready!! plus now greg has leftovers for while i am gone this week as well.

anyway have a wonderful week everyone!! i may check in while away or not, but i''ll check in when i get back because i love to see how everyone is doing!!!
Day off today. I did one of Rod''s super punishing type workouts yesterday, an hour of cardio then 50 pounds leg extensions, 10 reps and 4 sets and STILL my legs WON''T be sore! Also some triceps and biceps work with 10 pound dumbells, those adjustable ones are great! Anyway I am not sore today, drumming my fingers and thinking how much more do I need to do to feel it???? Oh well!
woke up today feeling poopy. Maybe dehydrated from yesterday''s tournament, I hope I''m not getting sick. Throat is sore and scratchy, ears a stuffy and ringing. Yuck.
On top of that, my knee is puffy and sore ( I had ACL surgery on both knees years ago, sometimes too much activity makes this one knee puffy...) booooooo
Today was supposed to be a long run day, but I don''t want to aggrivate the knee.
Maybe I''ll go to the gym instead. It''s not the same work out, but I''ve been neglecting the gym lately.
Hope people are having a better Sunday than I.

Hey everyone........

I too had to take the day off. After our grueling session with the trainer yesterday, I may have pushed my back a little too hard and am feeling some back pain, so I decided I should rest today. I''m also in a sleepless cycle right now. I haven''t fallen asleep till well after 4:30 AM two nights in a row. It''s all related to the overwhelming stress I''m feeling over having to sell the condo, the move to NC., and whether we''ll find something we like, plus tackling a new job. I''m unfortunately much like my mother in the stress department and I tend to react negatively to stressful situations. I''m sure things will calm down eventually, but for today, I think not working out after two nights without sleep made sense.

Mara: sorry if I missed you. You''re likely on your way to NY (one of my absolute favorite cities btw) and your foodgasmic three days there. I''m sure you''ll have a great time.

Hope you''re feeling better Indie. Migraines can be so awful.

Good for you for doing your yoga every day Indie!!

Hope you''re feeling better Tybee. We all have off days, like today for moi.

Lorelei: I was at a point where I could not make my legs sore, but of course the trainer showed us some new tricks and they do work. For leg extensions, lift and hold. Hold for a full five seconds before descending and repeat for a full 3 sets of 15 reps. Believe me, you''ll burn some muscle during the full 5 second hold. And when I say 5 seconds, I mean five FULL seconds. one thousand thousand thousand three, etc. Also, weighted lunges will help you too. We use fifty pound bar bells held behind our necks and do three sets of 12 reps of lunges for each leg. That''ll put a burn on, trust me.

I''m hoping my back will permit a long walk tonight, but even if I can''t do anything today, I did a very full week last week and have found that sometimes a couple days of rest is quite beneficial.

Anchor and Heather, thanks for the good wishes. Everyone here has been so supportive. I can''t say how much I look forward to this side of the forum and the support we all offer each other. You''ve all become my virtual family and I truly appreciate all the good wishes.

I hope you''re all enjoying a nice Sunday. See you in next week''s thread.
oh yes!!! lunges lunges lunges!! They''ll for sure put a burnin on your butt! But unlike Rod, I only carry 8 pounds in each hand, and do 2 sets of 20.
My legs burn for days!!!
Happy Sunday All!

I spent a very lazy morning on my couch reading the last half of a wonderful book. I think I''m going to take the day off. The 3Day begins this coming Friday morning at 6 a.m. and I am so looking forward to it, and looking forward to it being over. The trainings have dominated Saturdays for the past several months and I am looing forward to having my weekends back! Not to say I won''t be exercising, I just won''t be spending 8 hours every Saturday walking.

I''m sorry your back hurts Rod. Not so fun!

I''m sorry your not feeling so well, Tybee. That''s miserable too! Drink lots of fluids.
Just a quick hello to all. I finished out the week an hour ago with a good session at the gym.

Keep up the great work everyone!

Rod- keep repeating "change is good" "change is good" Have you tried self hypnosis? It''s
a great stress reducer. I always found moving to be exciting but --yes--it can be stressful.
It just makes you a more "travelled" individual.

Happy Monday everyone!
Jeff......I will take your advice and say "change is good" change is good" "change is good." Charlie and I just went for a long walk, stopped off at Starbucks and enjoyed a nice cup of coffe and then walked home. My back loosened up a bit during the walk and I''m feeling a little more relaxed. Even though we were walking along Bayshore Boulevard and there''s a full moon over the bay tonight, we were doing our best to come up with positives about the move. Positive: The new company seems to really want me and the job is really good. Positive: I MapQuested one of the possible new condos to the nearest Starbucks and it''s closer than our current Starbucks. Positive: All of the condos are near a park with running trails, so I''d still have nice scenery to run through. Positive: Charlie''s already been told his job can simply transfer, so no loss of income on his side. So, there are many positives and I must get over the fear of the unknown!!

And Tybee, we used to use individual weights for lunges, but we''ve found the weight bar a little easier to keep us from bending over during the lunge. You could probably use a 20 pound bar bell with ease. Next time you''re at the gym, give it a try.

Have a good night everyone.
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