
Weekly Workout Thread 30th Oct till 5th November

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Heyo all. Another so-so day for me. I did do the ellipse for 45 min and worked up a nice sweat so the exercise part was fine.

Food wise though...
I didn't realize until dinner time that the main ingredient for tonight's planned dinner had been popped into the freezer by someone. Of the last two dinners I had planned, one's a crock-pot dish and the other takes an hour and a half! He didn't want to cook any of his planned meals sooo we walked to a restaurant and we both had burgers. oops.
I also had a small accident with some halloween candy.

Oh, and I think my scale is haunted. This morning it said I was two pounds lighter than yesterday morning! wierd.

Lovely: You've got to start using your crockpot! You can use it for all kinds of things not just stew. We just happen to like stew. The main reason I love our crockpot? Sunday night: peeled and chopped 3 large carrots and put them in a baggie. Monday morning: groggily dumped carrots, the contents of various cans, spices, and 2 lbs of lean stew meat into the pot while waiting for fi to finish his shower. (took two minutes, tops). Came back that night to a house that smelled wonderful and had a hot, very tasty meal waiting for us.
My second favorite thing about the crockpot is that you can take ultra lean and inexpensive cuts of meat and turn it into something tender and juicy. We find it to be very cost-efficient.
Tomorrow he comes home at 7 but I won't get home until 10pm, but we'll both have a hot dinner waiting for us. If I didn't know that was going to be waiting for me I'd have a hard time making that 50min drive home without a Mcdonald's stop!

ETA: ack! Almost forgot! Congratulations Rod!!
It does sound like it could be an exciting adventure! And there's nothing better than house hunting!!
lol qtieki...there's no 'motivation' in the winter months, you just do it!!! i just think of how quickly my butt would expand if it sat on the couch all winter and that gets me to the gym right quick. haha.

i was feeling kind of bored and tired today at work and thinking oh man i don't want to go to the gym. i am missing my kboxing class big time this week, but it just isn't burning enough cals for me and with halloween and this other thing i have going on tomorrow night, and then leaving for biz trip on sunday, i am packing in the gym this week because i want to spend time with greg and portia at night rather than being at class til like 9pm. so i was like awww man i don't feel like the gym, blah blah but i went anyway and it was sometimes is just hard to feel perky about it when i'm doing it so much right now. typically i have more fun kickboxing to break it up...but this week i just have to power through.

so i did 38 minutes on the elliptical and burned 380 cals and then i did 33 minutes on the treadmill and burned 350 calories, then i went and did a quick 8 minutes or so on the weight machines for arm work. my total calories burned according to my heart rate monitor was 765. woo hoo. dinner tonite was actually TJ pizzas and salad instead of raviolis...i think greg is going to have those for dinner tomorrow night when i am at this work thing.

i know i have said this before but i really think i need to start taking a vitamin!!! i feel like i'm doing so much and i'm not really getting my energy levels up...i guess maybe it is okay to be exhausted after a workout like tonite but it seems like every night now i am so tired by like 10:30. greg says 'welcome back to corporate life'...hahaa. it seems like suddenly i am just SO busy...scheduling things, planning things, working, working out, dropping off portia, picking her up, making dinner, whatever. this friday i told greg we should go to dinner together in half moon bay or something romantic and have some quality time together, the last 2 weeks have just been so busy for us. and then i leave sunday morning til wed night...wah!! it's always hard for me to travel away from the family. i miss them a lot. but NYC will be fun for sure. brrr...chilly i'm sure too.

anyway, no workout tomorrow since i have this work thing, and i will probably not eat so great tomorrow night at this work dinner thing...and then friday i'm going to back to the gym again, hahaha. hopefully for another 700ish workout. hope everyone is doing well!! i second the crockpot thing for a quick easy dinner kinda thing...but we also try to plan ahead mentally and we also pack our pantry and freezer with 'emergency' kinda healthy-ish things so that we don't go out and get the random burger one night. most everything that i do food wise is pretty planned out...even my splurges, hehee. i find that when i track my eating and calorie intake (i don't even track fiber and fat and all that anymore because it all seems to fall into place) in an excel spreadsheet, it makes me more 'conscious' about what i am doing.

have a wonderful day and great workouts tomorrow everyone!!!

oh and indie, the 2 lbs on the scale could be water weight or loss of muscle...the scale moves typically about 1 lb one way or the other for me typically from day to day. i just take an average, haha.
Just popping in to say Congrats to Rod!!! Yay!
I''m very happy for you, and I hope everything turns out to be to you and Charlie''s liking there in Raleigh. Best of luck to you both!

Very busy week for monarch here. I''ve been to see an oral surgeon about wisdom teeth removal and possible jaw surgery, so have been running around after work to appointments with him and my orthodontist, and this weekend I''m visiting a girlfriend in NJ so I''ve been picking up last minute things for my trip (such as gifts for her 1 yr. old daughter, hee hee). I haven''t had the chance to get to the gym, but did find this really fun channel called "Lime" on our new Comcast, which features a 30-minute yoga program three times a day. One time falls right when I come home for lunch so I have taken advantage of that twice this week, which is nice--I get an hour break so I''ve come home, let the dog out, changed into some comfies and struck some poses for half an hour before grabbing a bite to eat and heading back to work. Kind of a nice change in routine!

A very unfortunate candy situation in my house, though--this summer our village began replacing our drainage systems and ripped out our sidewalks in the process. On Monday I came home to find a note in the door saying they would be pouring new sidewalks Tuesday, the 31st!
So no trick-or-treaters for us, and wouldn''t you know I had already purchased 5 huge bags of candy! I''m wavering between bringing most of it to work to bestow upon my co-workers, or just tossing it. I don''t really know how else to get rid of it, but I hesitate to bring it to work because many of my co-workers are trying to stay on healthy eating tracks, as am I! Yeesh, the problems I deal with, LOL!

My scale has honestly not budged in the last 6 weeks. I had hoped to lose 7 lbs. by this coming weekend, but it just didn''t happen. I attribute it to a lot of little things that I know I could improve, namely eating late at night and "forgetting" to count those calories into my daily total, and not working out as frequently as I should...sitting at a desk all day and only working out 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes at a time is just not cutting it for me, if I want to achieve my goal weight. For maintenance, my caloric intake and workout routine is fine, but to really be at my ideal health and weight I need to summon some motivation from within and get on top of this. I cannot say I''m displeased with my size/shape/weight, but I know there is room for improvement...I''m right in the middle of the "ideal" weight range for my height/frame size, yet I feel like knowing that just makes me complacent and unwilling to put forth the extra effort to be the best I can be. Ya know? Well, enough about that.

Have a great Thursday everyone! You guys rock!
Thanks again for your well wishes. We''re still reeling from the realization that we have to pack up and move again. If we make it up there before the end of the year, we will have lived in our 4th place in one year. We had sold our house in Tampa over a year ago in anticipation of moving into the condo. But the condo as some may recall was delayed big time, so we had to move from our house into an apartment. Then the move into the condo makes 3 places we''ve lived and now Raleigh, will make 4. And since we aren''t likely to sell this place in a matter of days, we''ll probably have to rent something so a double move is likely in our future. When did life become so complicated???

Anyway, thanks again for all the kind thoughts.

Mara: you know I believe in vitamins and supplements big time.

qtiekiki: You just have to be motivated and not let the season deter you. Of course that''s easy for me to say living in Florida.

Indie: I''ve found that one''s weight can bounce up and down 1 -3 pounds daily.

I plan to work out again later today. The gym is really helping my stress levels.

Everyone have a great day.
Mara: I dragged my husband to the local SavOn the other day to help me choose a vitamin because I am clueless and he is Mr. Know-It-All (not in a bad way, he earned his undergrad in Chem and Master''s in BioChem). I had been taking his mom''s left over Centrum Silver vitamin, if that tells you anything. Anyways,
he choose Women''s One-A-Day Weight Smart for me. I have a history of anemia, so the iron content was important because I can''t take solid iron pills. Also, he suggested I add a fiber supplement into my diet so I''ve been taking FiberSure as well. I don''t know if this helps you, but we spent quite a bit of time examining contents and this is what he came up with.
thanks so much for the tip kimberly!! i might try that vitamin as i too have had a history of anemia so the iron would help me as well i think. in terms of fiber, i get a ton in my meals daily (i''m a total fiber whore now) so i think i am okay with that. typically greg takes centrum and i was going to take that too. what does the ''weight smart'' thing in the title mean? that one vs another means ?

monarch, it is interesting how you have to change things to actually lose weight. for example, i use sparkpeople to tell me what my ranges are and to calculate my calories. if i tell it that i want to maintain my weight as it is now and workout 5x a week then it will tell me to consume between about 1800 and 2100 calories a day. and it breaks out fat, fiber, protein etc for me. fair amount of calories, but it balances out the working out. however, if i tell it that i want to lose 2 lbs in the next 3 weeks...aka by thanksgiving, it tells me that i should be consuming more like 1600-1900 calories per day. these are just estimates from the top of my head, i did this a week ago. so to just lose 2 more lbs in 3 weeks, working out 5x a week, it''s telling me to consume about 200 calories less per day for 3 weeks. that''s a fair amount of calories when you are ''used'' to eating one amount. anyway, this is where counting the cals and tracking could help you with those 7 lbs. but i think you need to bump up the workouts too. yoga is great and all but i''d be interested to learn what you are really burning in terms of calories. i am a total addict of cardio now because it gets me those results.

i was thinking this morning that i have turned into quite the candy hoarder at work, my desk is full of rocky roads, three muskeeters, a reeses pb cup, and a bunch of rice crispy treats. things that are all small quick treats and low-cal too for ''candy'' (except the pb cup, that''s just a guilty pleasure!) funny how i somehow manage to eat like one thing a day only and stick with it. knock on wood of course. yesterday us three gals shared 1/2 of the caramel apple and last nite greg and i forgot to eat ours. so maybe tonite. but i''m pretty happy with the moderation i feel about halloween this year. i didn''t feel the urge to be gorging on candy, and the other night greg was snacking on some while we cut pumpkins and i thought oh i''ll just have one and realized I DIDNT WANT ONE! haha it was an awesome if slightly puzzling feeling, lol.

so anyway, have a great day WWTers!
Mara: It''s actually called One A Day Weight Smart, not Women''s....

The Weight Smart part is green tea extracts, which can''t harm the body but that''s not why he chose it (I drink green tea because i enjoy it, but have found it has no effect on my weight).

It had the best dosage of a variety of vitamins, including Iron (100%), which was what I was looking for; In the long term it isn''t so good to go overboard with Vitamin A (50%),which can cause liver damage (again, this is long term over-use) as it is not water soluable and therefore must be broken down through the liver. Whatever your body doesn''t need of most vitamins is expelled through your urine. The additional fiber is for the extra Iron intake as it''s constipating.

It also contains 125% B12, which is supposed to help boost metabolism. I''ve taken it on and off for years and don''t find it helps, but again, it can''t hurt.

Sorry for all the bathroom talk!
KimberlyH and Mara: I take the Women''s One a Day Weight Smart as well...I think the "Weight Smart" part has to do with the 32 mg of EGCG (green tea extract) it contains. I just pulled the bottle out of my desk drawer and had a looksie. If I''m not totally mistaken, isn''t green tea supposed to be some sort of metabolism booster? Appetite suppressant? I''m not sure. I do know that if I don''t take it with food as the bottle directs, I feel like I''m going to throw up.

I also take a B12 supplement because I''m a vegetarian and that''s pretty much the one essential I miss out on by not eating meat, or so I''ve read. B vitamins also help boost metabolism.

Not sure how many calories Yoga burns, but I''m more in it for the stretch factor and balance-promotion. I know I need to be doing a lot more cardio, that''s for sure. And more than anything, I just need to get off my butt, find my mojo, and do the work that needs to be done.
Green tea is supposed to boost metabolism, I believe.

FYI: I just got on the scale and have gained some weight. I freaked out a bit because I have been exercising more and cut snacky junk foods (we always have mini chocolate bars in the house, I used to have one or two a day, now I have none). He noticed my water intake has increased significantly over the past few weeks so he did some research and discovered that increasing fiber intake causes temporary weight gain and an increase in thirst. It''s totally normal and the recommendation is to keep exercising and drinking and the body will stablize. Grr, that did not make my day.

Anyways, I''m going to spend an hour on the elliptical. Lunch is a power bar, dinner is going to be chicken/green chile casserole from cooking light.

Have a great day.
Date: 11/2/2006 12:18:53 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Green tea is supposed to boost metabolism, I believe.

FYI: I just got on the scale and have gained some weight. I freaked out a bit because I have been exercising more and cut snacky junk foods (we always have mini chocolate bars in the house, I used to have one or two a day, now I have none). He noticed my water intake has increased significantly over the past few weeks so he did some research and discovered that increasing fiber intake causes temporary weight gain and an increase in thirst. It''s totally normal and the recommendation is to keep exercising and drinking and the body will stablize. Grr, that did not make my day.

Anyways, I''m going to spend an hour on the elliptical. Lunch is a power bar, dinner is going to be chicken/green chile casserole from cooking light.

Have a great day.
I just want to chime in on the weight loss/weight gain issue... I personally believe that weighing oneself on a scale is very bad. The healthiest way to "lose weight", of course, is a healthier life style; eating healthy and exercising. By doing so, you will lose "fat weight", which is good, but you will also gain "muscle weight", which is also good. And keep in mind that muscle is a lot heavier than fat... So, while you may be losing the "fat weight" you want to lose, you may still be "gaining weight" according to your scale!

My advice to everyone who wants to lose "fat weight": Eat right, exercise daily and toss the scale! I''ve dropped a whole dress size since I''ve stopped weighing myself, and if I keep up with the daily yoga, I might be lucky enough to drop another one by the time I go dress shopping...
It might not work for everyone, but it works for me!
i def agree that the scale is not a great way to determine how you are doing, i gained a few lbs and held onto it for like a month or so before i started actually seeing it move. but i was building a ton of muscle. the proof is in the pudding for me...i went from a 10 to a 6 and i only ''lost'' 10 lbs. but my body fat is bout 21%. so in reality i''m very fit and tight but my scale weight is not a tiny amount in general.
I'll also chime on the scale. It's an EVIL NASTY device. It taunts us each and every morning and forces us to stand on it with fear and trepidation, buahahahahahahah

The reality is your wait will go up and down. And Kimberly, the fact that you have been working out likely indicates you've built muscle, not fat. And muscle weighs more than fat, significantly. I too used to be freaked out when I weighed myself in the morning. I mean I was (and am) working out so hard and eating less calories, so how could I have been gaining weight. But the reality was I getting rid of body fat and replacing it with muscle. My body fat went from nearly 30% to currently, 15% (roughly). Next time you're at the gym ask them to measure your body fat. Have them measure it before you work out and don't drink a gallon of water before they measure you. The machines they use bounce signals from one hand to the other hand and water in your system seems to affect the reading pre to post workout. I have gotten the most consistent results just before working out.

Anyway, don't let that evil monster scare you. You're doing great!
This is my first time posting, but I have a question.

You say muscle weighs more than fat - how is that? 1 pound of fat does not equal 1 pound of muscle?

Thank you in advance,

Date: 11/2/2006 2:43:43 PM
Author: merrijoy
This is my first time posting, but I have a question.

You say muscle weighs more than fat - how is that? 1 pound of fat does not equal 1 pound of muscle?

Thank you in advance,

I remember seeing this question on spark people, let me see if I can remember what the answer was. I think it was that muscle is more dense than fat. So a pound of muscle weighs the same a a pound of fat, but when you build up muscle, it replaces fat which is less dense. So you are replacing 1 lb of fat with maybe 1.5 lbs of muscle. So that is why you can visually look smaller but the scale might not register any change or why sometimes people see the scale jump when they are building muscle.
Mara is right. Yes, one pound of fat equals one pound of muscle, but since fat is lighter than muscle, it takes A LOT more fat to get a pound than it takes muscle.

ETA: Compare a pound of margarine to a pound of lean meat... You'll see the volume difference!
I know the scale can be evil, I used to weigh in every day. I do so now about once a week or so, just to keep myself accountable. I was so suprised to see that I weigh 142.8 bs. I usually weigh anywhere from 136-139, so I''m just really sad. That''s a lot for me. 140 is my get-it-in-gear point so to be almost 3 lbs. over it is pretty disturbing. Hubby gave me a pep talk before he left, which was nice, but I don''t feel better. He says I''m looking extremely thin, that my waist is super tiny and my tummy is almost completely gone, especially for PMS week.

I don''t go to a gym so getting my body fat taken isn''t feasible, which is unfortunate because I would like to know what it is.

Thanks for the encouragement, I just need to get over feeling sorry for myself, but it''s frustrating to work so hard and see results opposite of what I expected. Maintaining is all I wanted, but gaining is just pppphhhhttttt!
The scale is EVIL!

I stay away from it as much as possible. If I lived by the scale, I would be depressed all the time!
I''m not tall (5 foot 4inches) and my weight fluctuates between 122-130. That''s a lot on a small frame!
I definitely define myself by my muscle tone and by how well my clothes fit. Luckily I''m in good shape.
My whole reason for being on here is to STAY in good shape!

Thanks to my mantra and your encouragment I made it to the gym yesterday for a great 2 hour work out, cardio and weights...
today is my 5 mile run.

The thing that I''m happiest about right now is that my sweet husband is finally joining me on my
"health craze." He ran his 5 miles this morning, and is planning on running the 1/2 marathon with me. I hate to say this, but that was
the ONE THING that I wanted him to change in his life... I wanted him to get off the couch more, I''m so proud of him!!!
Just thought I''d share.
Date: 11/2/2006 3:16:17 PM
Author: KimberlyH
I know the scale can be evil, I used to weigh in every day. I do so now about once a week or so, just to keep myself accountable. I was so suprised to see that I weigh 142.8 bs. I usually weigh anywhere from 136-139, so I''m just really sad. That''s a lot for me. 140 is my get-it-in-gear point so to be almost 3 lbs. over it is pretty disturbing. Hubby gave me a pep talk before he left, which was nice, but I don''t feel better. He says I''m looking extremely thin, that my waist is super tiny and my tummy is almost completely gone, especially for PMS week.

I don''t go to a gym so getting my body fat taken isn''t feasible, which is unfortunate because I would like to know what it is.

Thanks for the encouragement, I just need to get over feeling sorry for myself, but it''s frustrating to work so hard and see results opposite of what I expected. Maintaining is all I wanted, but gaining is just pppphhhhttttt!
I know it is hard to do, but try not to think about the number so much. I try to do the "do my clothes fit any tighter/different" kind of thing. Seriously, weight does fluctuate a few pounds for all of us. You also say it is PMS week ... could there be some water retention???

When I first seriously started working out, I dropped from a size 8 to a size 6 without losing more than a couple of pounds ~ I was in kind of a balancing act with losing fat and gaining muscle. Thankfully I didn''t own a scale so I only weighed myself sporadically at the gym ~ otherwise I would probably have been very disheartened by frequently stepping on the scale.

You sound like you''re doing a great job, so just keep it up and try to ignore that nasty scale!

So many awesome things: you made it to the gym, hubby starting to join you! It wouold be bad if you said you wanted him to be outgoing as opposed to quiet or somethng as that is related to his personality. Wanting him to be healthy is not a bad thing! My husband used to eat fast food 7 days a week, often twice a day. That habit stopped when I moved closer to him simply because I wouldn''t go with him, I never asked him not to go, I just wouldn''t join him. It concerned me that he ate so much crap (a bit of trans-fat anyone? How about KFC 4 times a week) but he needed to come to the conclusion that it wasn''t so healthy for him on his own. It didn''t help that he never weighed more than 165 lbs. and is extemely physically active. Anyways, he eats at home a lot more now and that makes me happy. I feel no guilt for introducing him to a healthier life style.
That is great Tybee! Running like that is a huge step for him!

I''ve been working on mine too. Now that we live together I''ve been enacting my sneaky healthy fi plan. Step 1: microwave lean pockets while he''s in the shower and hand them to him at the door. Step 2: pack a healthy lunch and put it next to his briefcase. Step 3: Leave ellipse out in his office. I''m working on coming up with steps 4 & 5.
Hi everyone

Just checkin in'' to say hi and my 3x a week gym regime continues with nice results.

And thanks to all for your continued support.
Date: 11/2/2006 3:43:49 PM
Author: KimberlyH

So many awesome things: you made it to the gym, hubby starting to join you! It wouold be bad if you said you wanted him to be outgoing as opposed to quiet or somethng as that is related to his personality. Wanting him to be healthy is not a bad thing! My husband used to eat fast food 7 days a week, often twice a day. That habit stopped when I moved closer to him simply because I wouldn''t go with him, I never asked him not to go, I just wouldn''t join him. It concerned me that he ate so much crap (a bit of trans-fat anyone? How about KFC 4 times a week) but he needed to come to the conclusion that it wasn''t so healthy for him on his own. It didn''t help that he never weighed more than 165 lbs. and is extemely physically active. Anyways, he eats at home a lot more now and that makes me happy. I feel no guilt for introducing him to a healthier life style.
Tybee and Kimberly,

That is so awesome that you are truly looking out for hubby! Hubby is a better man because of the changes that you made!
I weigh 165 and have never had a weight problem but I''m at Part 2 of my life (50) and I don''t eat any fast foods, trans fat, or
anything that appears bad. I don''t miss it, want it, or crave it

Congratulations Rod!

I ''m sure that you and Charlie will adapt very well and will love NC! Change is good. I''ve moved several times and
I''ve always enjoyed meeting new people. Good luck, amigo.
Date: 11/2/2006 4:23:15 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant

Date: 11/2/2006 3:43:49 PM
Author: KimberlyH

So many awesome things: you made it to the gym, hubby starting to join you! It wouold be bad if you said you wanted him to be outgoing as opposed to quiet or somethng as that is related to his personality. Wanting him to be healthy is not a bad thing! My husband used to eat fast food 7 days a week, often twice a day. That habit stopped when I moved closer to him simply because I wouldn''t go with him, I never asked him not to go, I just wouldn''t join him. It concerned me that he ate so much crap (a bit of trans-fat anyone? How about KFC 4 times a week) but he needed to come to the conclusion that it wasn''t so healthy for him on his own. It didn''t help that he never weighed more than 165 lbs. and is extemely physically active. Anyways, he eats at home a lot more now and that makes me happy. I feel no guilt for introducing him to a healthier life style.
Tybee and Kimberly,

That is so awesome that you are truly looking out for hubby! Hubby is a better man because of the changes that you made!
I weigh 165 and have never had a weight problem but I''m at Part 2 of my life (50) and I don''t eat any fast foods, trans fat, or
anything that appears bad. I don''t miss it, want it, or crave it

My hubby misses his fast food sometimes. Last week we were running errands and I had already eaten so he asked if we could stop at Wendy''s, he really wanted a hamburger. I can''t begrudge the man a burger and fries every once in a while, I just try to encourage him to eat a bit better on a regular basis and then splurge every once in a while. I stopped eating fast food after college, he never got over it. He''s in his late thirties and healthy as a horse, thank goodness! Now it''s my job to keep him that way.
wow so i have been an eating fool today!!! most of it is healthy but i just have been eating all day long! breakfast was multigrain waffles, fat free syrup and coffee; then i had a starbucks fruit parfait which is nonfat yogurt, fresh granola and strawberry puree and blueberries, super yummy and 4g of fat and 300 cals. but then i was hungry again like 2 hours later! so i had a few slices of salami, 2 pieces of gruyere cheese, a fresh pear and a TJ''s mushroom noodle bowl. WHEW. then my boss went to sbucks and she had told me this morning they now have the gbread latte...WOO HOO, that''s my fave drink. so i had her get me a tall nonfat one. and then she discovered a bag of banana chips in her desk so i have been snacking on those. someone stop me!!! i feel pretty full now and my stomach is kind of upset from i think the milk in the coffee. anyway...the worst part is that tonite we are doing this work thing and they ordered a bunch of finger food for chicken fingers, spinach artichoke dip, and other favorites. yikes! so that''s my dinner. i don''t feel too bad about it since i have been super good lately, esp with workouts, but i don''t know why i have been so snacky/hungry today. i will have to do penance tomorrow hehee.

no workout for me tonite, since i''m doing this work thing. hope everyone has a great evening!!! wish me luck on not eating too many chicken fingers. i love those things. hehe.
Hey all, I just read the last few weeks of this thread to get re-motivated. My in-laws came to visit for two weeks which wreaked havoc on some of the progress I had been making. No exercise, but a ton of walking while we did the touristy thing. My father-in-law refused to eat anything that wasn''t "western" so we ended up eating McDonald''s for a lot of "quick" lunches.

While they were here we walked through the flower and pet market. Mark and I had talked about getting a dog, what do you know, we ended up bringing home a new fur baby. Everyone told us not to get on from the market because they aren''t healthy and they weren''t lying, but I feel in love with my little Rosco and had to bring him home. The last two weeks have been almost impossible (I don''t know how those of you with real babies do it). Every hour and a half I have to take him out to go potty (four hours at night)

It takes 30 minutes to get to the gym, so that only left me 30 minutes to work out before I had to get home. I downloaded TaeBo which I''ve been doing the last few days. I''m not loving it but at least it''s something. I told hubby that I want a treadmill and weights for for Christmas since I don''t like my gym anyway.

Anyway, that was a lot of blabbering to basically say I haven''t been doing much.

Rod, congrats on the new job. It will be hard to start a new life, but I found when we moved here it was also much easier to get rid of some of the bad habits we didn''t even realize we had (eating dinner in front of the t.v., etc..) because everything was a new start. We also got to start some new habits that I''m hoping to keep when we move back.
HI REBOT!!! Long time, no see!
Glad you chimed in! Don''t worry, I''m sure you''ll be back on track in no time.

We absolutely MUST see pics of your new fur baby! Rosco--what a cute name. Hey, check out my thread here in Family, Home and Health, "puppy name ideas". We are bringing home our new fur baby in a little over a week, we''re so excited!
Thanks Jeff and Rebot!!

Date: 11/2/2006 7:25:57 PM
Author: Mara
wow so i have been an eating fool today!!! most of it is healthy but i just have been eating all day long! breakfast was multigrain waffles, fat free syrup and coffee; then i had a starbucks fruit parfait which is nonfat yogurt, fresh granola and strawberry puree and blueberries, super yummy and 4g of fat and 300 cals. but then i was hungry again like 2 hours later! so i had a few slices of salami, 2 pieces of gruyere cheese, a fresh pear and a TJ''s mushroom noodle bowl. WHEW. then my boss went to sbucks and she had told me this morning they now have the gbread latte...WOO HOO, that''s my fave drink. so i had her get me a tall nonfat one. and then she discovered a bag of banana chips in her desk so i have been snacking on those. someone stop me!!! i feel pretty full now and my stomach is kind of upset from i think the milk in the coffee. anyway...the worst part is that tonite we are doing this work thing and they ordered a bunch of finger food for chicken fingers, spinach artichoke dip, and other favorites. yikes! so that''s my dinner. i don''t feel too bad about it since i have been super good lately, esp with workouts, but i don''t know why i have been so snacky/hungry today. i will have to do penance tomorrow hehee.

no workout for me tonite, since i''m doing this work thing. hope everyone has a great evening!!! wish me luck on not eating too many chicken fingers. i love those things. hehe.
Welcome back to corporate Mara!!! LOL. When I was in Raleigh last week at the new office, I noticed there was food all over the place. This office has way more people in it than the office I just left. Even though this is a smaller company, it''s their headquarters whereas, the office in Tampa was a satellite office. Anwyay, it''s going to be a challenge avoiding all the food I noticed.

I met with the realtor this afternoon. She loved our condo and came up with a decent price we could agree on. We''ve signed the papers and tomorrow, we''ll be listed. Still a pretty sad thing to me since we waited over 3 years for this place to become a reality and we''re leaving it after only 4 months. But as I keep having to remind myself, life moves on.

I worked out later this afternoon and did my usual 2.5 hour routine. At least I have kept up my fitness routine through this difficult time.

Hope everyone''s having a nice evening.........
Date: 11/2/2006 10:43:09 PM
Author: Rod
Thanks Jeff and Rebot!!

Date: 11/2/2006 7:25:57 PM
Author: Mara
wow so i have been an eating fool today!!! most of it is healthy but i just have been eating all day long! breakfast was multigrain waffles, fat free syrup and coffee; then i had a starbucks fruit parfait which is nonfat yogurt, fresh granola and strawberry puree and blueberries, super yummy and 4g of fat and 300 cals. but then i was hungry again like 2 hours later! so i had a few slices of salami, 2 pieces of gruyere cheese, a fresh pear and a TJ''s mushroom noodle bowl. WHEW. then my boss went to sbucks and she had told me this morning they now have the gbread latte...WOO HOO, that''s my fave drink. so i had her get me a tall nonfat one. and then she discovered a bag of banana chips in her desk so i have been snacking on those. someone stop me!!! i feel pretty full now and my stomach is kind of upset from i think the milk in the coffee. anyway...the worst part is that tonite we are doing this work thing and they ordered a bunch of finger food for chicken fingers, spinach artichoke dip, and other favorites. yikes! so that''s my dinner. i don''t feel too bad about it since i have been super good lately, esp with workouts, but i don''t know why i have been so snacky/hungry today. i will have to do penance tomorrow hehee.

no workout for me tonite, since i''m doing this work thing. hope everyone has a great evening!!! wish me luck on not eating too many chicken fingers. i love those things. hehe.
Welcome back to corporate Mara!!! LOL. When I was in Raleigh last week at the new office, I noticed there was food all over the place. This office has way more people in it than the office I just left. Even though this is a smaller company, it''s their headquarters whereas, the office in Tampa was a satellite office. Anwyay, it''s going to be a challenge avoiding all the food I noticed.

I met with the realtor this afternoon. She loved our condo and came up with a decent price we could agree on. We''ve signed the papers and tomorrow, we''ll be listed. Still a pretty sad thing to me since we waited over 3 years for this place to become a reality and we''re leaving it after only 4 months. But as I keep having to remind myself, life moves on.

I worked out later this afternoon and did my usual 2.5 hour routine. At least I have kept up my fitness routine through this difficult time.

Hope everyone''s having a nice evening.........
And it "IS" the fitness that will get you through these difficult but exciting times!!
Checking in, had some good weather I needed to get the garden done and my windows washed! I am back with my workouts now and doing great, love the new dumbells! I actually had a pumped arm and it was hilarious, Hubby was weeping! Who would have thought that Lanky Lorelei would ever have pumped muscles?
Anyway it was a new experience!

Mara, I was able to get some Kashi Go Lean and it is good stuff!


I am so glad for you to get this great offer! I look forward to hearing about the househunting too and I am so happy for you!

Well done everyone, nearly the weekend and it is so good to hear you are pleased with your results too Jeff - they do come faster than you think!
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