
Weekly Workout Thread 5th March till 11th March.

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Just a quick check-in before I collapse for the night. I had planned on working out but my big house deal came together so I ended up ferrying paperwork all over the city and it won't be any better tomorrow either since there is mysteriously even more documentation needed that cropped up at the last second (gonna love deals that involve relocation companies).

I did keep track of my cals today and I'm coming in at 1355. The bad news is probably 1/3 of those are from brownies. The good news is now they are GONE and I can go on to eating other things, LOL!

Tomorrow I'll be especially good in the day because one of my clients and I are doing take-out from a steakhouse near her for dinner and I'm having a filet. She just had a baby a few weeks ago and her husband is going out of town on business so the least I can do it make sure she has a nice meal and some adult company.

Friday will be my best shot at working out this week becuase I have two clients on Saturday and then dinner with the happy hubby, and an open house and another client on Sunday. Actually, now that I think about it, I bet I can get to the gym on Sunday too.

Oh for the days of five times a week... Not that I'm complaining--a busy spring market makes for a fat summer wallet--but I do kind of miss it a bit!
Holy cow!!! Busy day in PS WWT-land today!!!

I''ve just skimmed the posts, but I have to say -- great transformations lulu and Rod! Fantastic and inspirational.
Lorelei -- I sure hope that toe gets better soon!
Mara -- good luck with all the job prospects!

I''m happy to report that yesterday''s random nausea is gone and I felt fine today. Hit up the gym for a step aerobics class and then an upper body workout class that used the BOSU. Great workout.

Also, I know it is Tuesday and not Wednesday, but I got out the tape measure tonight b/c I haven''t measured in a while and the scale''s been telling me that I may have put on a pound or two here lately, so I thought I should do a reality check. Well, it seems that it is muscle gain! Couldn''t be happier about that! I lost about 3/4" from my thighs (which is HUGE for me -- I have ''runner'' thighs, but I''m not a runner any more
) and about an inch from my hips since mid-January! Other measurements the same. Yay! Now I need some of you gals that love shopping to pick out a new wardrobe for me.
Goodness, how I hate shopping! I just don''t have the patience for it, and I hate spending the money. But I''m still trying to pass size 6 clothes on a size 2/4 body ~ I don''t think the saggy butt thing is a good look for me! Hmmm, I did buy a new dress recently that I need to accessorize. I guess I will be posting in the shopping forum soon!

Oh, and someone above (ellalia?) asked about muscle soreness. I am pretty much in a state of some slight soreness all of the time if I''ve been regularly working out. However, I''ve read that you are supposed to give muscles a day to recoup if you''ve seriously worked them (i.e. if you lifted weights targeting triceps on Monday, then you should rest triceps on Tuesday ~ but could do quads since that is a different muscle group entirely). There are some days when my legs scream at me: "you''re kidding, right? There is no way I can work out again today!" So, those are the days I take a rest. You said that you went skiing on Sunday, though, and that is a whole different ballgame for me for soreness. We only ski for one week per year ~ so we ski really long days for 4-5 days of our trip. That kind of soreness just doesn''t compare. I remember once practically dragging myself up the stairs using upper body strength on the railing b/c my legs just wouldn''t work any more. Sooooo, I think you''re OK to take a break to let your legs rest up a bit! But I do find that after really hard leg workouts, a bit of exercise on the treadmill or elliptical at a low resistance does help decrease the soreness (works the lactic acid out of the muscles), as was mentioned above.

Hmmm, speaking of skiing ~ where did Tybee go? Last I can remember she came back from her ski trip ... oh, Tybee? Are you out there lurking?

Good Tuesday night, all!
aww lulu you look fabulous woman!!! however you looked amazing originally too i gotta say!! but congrats on looking just wonderful now. i love before and afters!

TG...yeah the muffins get more chocolatey i think as the days wear on. i didn''t eat one til like the night i made them and they were wonderful. and greg LOVED them. i just haven''t made any more. hehee. and lol re the supermuffins, i didn''t realize they gave any sort of special boost but now i am intrigued!

so i had a 2nd piece of small cake as my snack this afternoon...haha so the only snacks i had this afternoon were 2 pieces of white cake with whipped cream, lol. totally not what i wanted to do but i just cannot resist the white cake!!! thank goodness it''s all gone now. and i am still fine with cals because i did no other snacking...!!

i was kind of bummed though because i was like way to fuel the workout, with sugar and carbs. ugh! but oh well. can''t always be good i guess. lol. i was reading some tips tonite from top celeb fitness trainers and one of them said it''s better to have 1 or 2 bad things a day...because otherwise you feel all deprived then binge and eat like 20 bad things at once. he said that it''s better to be ''good 80% of the time'' and leave some room for error. i was like yeah i like that idea. haha.

also the oddest thing happened at the gym, the manager came up to me and another gal and told us they were trying to limit people''s time to 35 minutes on the machines. i was like okay i''m almost done but then i was like what? no one was even waiting!! and then he didn''t really tell anyone else. it was random! so the girl next to me was saying she didn''t think it was right since that was not a gym policy etc. but why walk up to us 2? and i had been doing 59 minutes and she was only on 35. so anyway i didn''t feel like saying anything but i have been going there for years, and in the last what 8 months been going 4-6x a week and never had anyone say anything. plus it wasn''t even that crowded?! if he says something again, i am going to point out that maybe they shouldn''t be overselling memberships and that the place isn''t even that crowded. hehe. but i didn''t feel like getting into it tonite.

so i did 65 minutes on the elliptical for 600 cals burned. i felt pretty good today so i just kept going as long as i could, figured if i was tired tomorrow then i wouldnt do AS much...but i figure if you feel good, go as long as you can, even if it''s longer than what your goal was. so my goal was 500 cals so i burned an extra 100. yay. scale is maintaining (actually showing 1-2 lbs less somewhat consistently..but we''ll see if that keeps up, it''s been a week so far).

dinner is TJ''s chicken masala with brown rice and a side salad from TJ''s split in half with greg. i like this new salad! it''s their garden salad, which i had not seen before and it has lettuce, shredded carrots, shredded red cabbage and sprouts, i put some TJ''s ff balsamic on and yum! i''m having a lighter dinner tonite due to the cake splurges earlier, lol. the chicken masala is good..i heated it in the oven for 30 minutes. i had to add some additional spices to it, some extra curry, some tumeric and garlic..a.long with salt and pepper and now it''s way better and more flavorful than it was originally. i like the idea of the brown rice...very cool. the whole thing is only 320cals and 6g of fat and 7g of fiber. it''s 11oz which is actually a fair amount with all the rice. and like 30g of protein, lets rebuild those muscles!!

anyhow, sounds like everyone is doing fantabulously!!! keep up the great work gang.
Date: 3/6/2007 11:07:13 PM
Author: Rod

TG, I just love Giada. I get such a kick out of her weekend travels and I love the fact that she puts a ''real'' mouthfull of food in her mouth when she tastes something. It''s one of the things that makes it whimpy for me to watch Rachel Ray. Rachel takes teensie weensie bites of food, but Giada.......She shovels a heaping forkfull in and really takes you on a taste tour of what she''s eating!!
LOL...if I want to put TGuy in a bad mood, all I have to do is have Rachel Ray on TV when he walks through the door from work. He hates her! I am not a fan either...her voice grates on my nerves, and yes...she does wimpy bites. Giada takes hearty bites...but I have to wonder where all the food goes. Maybe one bite is all she takes?

Her recipes rarely let me down. I love her, Ina Garten and Alton Brown (I''m a sucker for a dork).
wow most posts came in while i was compiling my mass post (while eating dinner and watching TV lol).

thanks for all the well wishes everyone!! i appreciate them. i really want this contract...amongst other things it pays REALLY REALLY insanely well. plus it's right up my alley. the other contract i was submitted for tonite would be a great 'runner up' as it's with a fabulous company and the pay is very good as well, better than what i am getting now, but not as good as the first one. but hey...i just wanna work in a good environment doing what i know and make some $$! so we'll see.

DJ thank goodness those muffins are gone! lol. i actually am pretty good about making and eating muffins...i have only overdone it with an extra muffin like once or twice in the past. i find when i 'schedule' foods in my spreadsheet it keeps me from overeating them. like if i know i am having XYZ tomorrow night, i won't have it tomorrow morning too.

does anyone else wish there was way more days for BREAKFAST?? i love breakfast probably the most...dinner a close 2nd. i'd be happy if i could just eat breakfast for lunch. which i guess i could but i don't know, it feels weird. DJ give me some lessons on how to eat breakfast for lunch since you have no food timeline boundaries. haha.

oh and my lemon blueberry oatmeal muffins came out very good! a bit more sugar and some more lemon next time and we are onto something fabulous. i was hesitant about putting too much lemon juice in since i didn't want them to be super tart but it's so mild when baked in, i could easily have doubled it. so next time for sure. my coworker loved them though! i will post the recipe over in the healthy recipe thread.

congrats turtle on losing inches!! how fun is that?
congrats DJ on closing the big deal. good luck at the steakhouse tomorrow, hehee. kimberly when is your macaroni grill outing? tomorrow? good luck with the salad then too. hehe. you can always bring your own dressing like i do sometimes!! i feel like a dork but i don't care...if i know i like mine and it's 25 cals then it's way better than a mystery dressing from some random place hehe. kudos dixie for doing so well..stay with it woman! also i would try to space out your workouts a bit more so you don't get burned out...4x in a row is a lot for your body, i can really feel it when i do 3x in a row.
thanks for posting pics everyone! mara, you are adorable girl! and rod, you went from looking like someone who''s about to retire to someone who''s in the prime of his life! what an incredible transformation.

for 2.5 weeks i''ve been pretty bad about not going to the gym. i''ve gone once. (but i''ve gone downstairs to the treadmill to walk on an incline for about 30 min maybe 3 times.) it started with that pinched nerve or strained muscle or whatever in my back, then when that felt better i went to the gym once but then i felt guilty about not getting my wedding stuff done, so i spent all my free time doing that for a few days, and then when i was done with that i got a cold! so i''ve just been taking it easy and walking outside or going down to the treadmill.

me and fi are going to santa fe this weekend, and i planned some hiking & bird watching for us there, so that should be some good exercise, i guess.

interesting news when i went to the dr (obgyn), when the nurse weighed me i asked her to check my height, and i''m 5''9"! this is pretty weird, b/c i was 5''7.5" when i graduated from HS (18), and same when i graduated from college (22). my dad was under 6'' when he graduated HS, and then when he finished his PhD at 27 he was 6''4.5". and he told me he grew most of those inches in grad school. so i guess i''m genetically a late bloomer or have a late growth spurt gene or something like that! is that totally abnormal for a female? do you think it was just the way i was measured or that i was standing taller maybe? 1.5 inches seems like alot for that. well, my height from when i was 21 was in the chart that the nurse had, and we went back in the chart to look at it and she was like yeah, i guess you''ve grown since then.
okay, did I miss something... the pics for lovelylulu second time around I still see Xs.

Mara did you end up post the new full body pics? Cuz nejarb said your pics are adorable so I was wondering if I miss anything?
lol sevenwires, no i didn't post anything else other than the other pictures...but your post did motivate me to go fish around on my hard drive tonite (after a computer reboot...haha) find some pictures that might be worthy of before. it's super hard to want to post 'before' pictures...because you are like WOW is that what i looked like? there are a few pictures where i seriously don't look that fabulous! i pulled a few of them up and had greg choose the one he thought was the best before...i don't have too many 'head on' and no real full body ones, so this is the best i could do...but it does show a huge difference. i lost 18 lbs so it wasn't a TON but it was enough. i am 5'7" and i was about 152 in this picture here on the left and now i am like 133/134. i imagine my body fat was much higher than can see it in my waist and hips where they swell, i carried a large amount of fat around my midsection and hips!! my body is SO much different now.

anyhow so here is the picture on the left when i was 152 and now on the right, taken today at 133/134!
oh and for my fellow jean lovers, these are my paige dark scrape jeans, LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! and you can't see in the picture very well but i have these super cute sienna brown round toe heels on. i wish that our fam room wasn't so dark. anyway, i liked my outfit today so i thought it'd be a cute way to kill two birds with one stone, show the jean picture and the 'after'. hee.

mara before and after.jpg
Date: 3/7/2007 2:00:36 AM
Author: Mara
lol sevenwires, no i didn''t post anything else other than the other pictures...but your post did motivate me to go fish around on my hard drive tonite (after a computer reboot...haha) find some pictures that might be worthy of before. it''s super hard to want to post ''before'' pictures...because you are like WOW is that what i looked like? there are a few pictures where i seriously don''t look that fabulous! i pulled a few of them up and had greg choose the one he thought was the best before...i don''t have too many ''head on'' and no real full body ones, so this is the best i could do...but it does show a huge difference. i lost 18 lbs so it wasn''t a TON but it was enough. i am 5''7'' and i was about 152 in this picture here on the left and now i am like 133/134. i imagine my body fat was much higher than can see it in my waist and hips where they swell, i carried a large amount of fat around my midsection and hips!! my body is SO much different now.

anyhow so here is the picture on the left when i was 152 and now on the right, taken today at 133/134!
oh and for my fellow jean lovers, these are my paige dark scrape jeans, LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! and you can''t see in the picture very well but i have these super cute sienna brown round toe heels on. i wish that our fam room wasn''t so dark. anyway, i liked my outfit today so i thought it''d be a cute way to kill two birds with one stone, show the jean picture and the ''after''. hee.
Uh, Mara honey, you are going to have to do better tha that re: posting a "before" shot that makes me go "Oh the horror!" Like try finding one of those scary blurry shots that people use in magazines where they always have frizzy bad hair.

I can definitely see the difference, but in all honesty, you look pretty darn good in your before shot too.
lol TG well i just wanted to show WEIGHT LOSS, woman, not what i look like when i get up in the morning or anything!!! there was one other picture i personally thought was super unflattering of me, but greg thought that this one was the best one to post since he said it did not paint me in the best light (literally his words) i was like thanks hun. but he was sweet and said he never thought i was fat before.
oh and he was looking longingly at the pictures of me in more bountiful bust days too. hahaa. poor thing!

i lost 18 lbs and on my 5'7" frame i think much of it was hidden quite well. but i knew it was there for sure! and am seriously glad it's GONE.
Date: 3/7/2007 2:12:17 AM
Author: Mara
lol TG well i just wanted to show WEIGHT LOSS, woman, not what i look like when i get up in the morning or anything!!! there was one other picture i personally thought was super unflattering of me, but greg thought that this one was the best one to post since he said it did not paint me in the best light (literally his words) i was like thanks hun. but he was sweet and said he never thought i was fat before.
oh and he was looking longingly at the pictures of me in more bountiful bust days too. hahaa. poor thing!

i lost 18 lbs and on my 5''7'' frame i think much of it was hidden quite well. but i knew it was there for sure! and am seriously glad it''s GONE.
Well, that''s true...I am all for not eating a ton, but I don''t want to lose my appetite by looking at super super scary pics.

You know what I find amusing? That the majority of us want to lose weight but our stats really aren''t all that awful. Like a starting weight of 130 or something...when that is what most people would kill to be. Not that I am negating that btw, but it''s just funny to me. When I lost 25-30 pounds, it was an absolutely freaky difference. I didn''t know I could have a body like that. Now look what marriage is doing to me! Sheesh! (I can blame this on TGuy, right? For once I wanna play the victim!
haha i know i was telling greg tonite about how i chubbed out after we got married. it's all their fault for sure.

and yes i totally agree re: the starting weights. i mean i wanted to lose 10 lbs. somehow that turned into 18. awesome. but in reality i was never 'overweight' or anything, my BMI was fine. i just needed to shape up and tone up and be the person i knew i could be! and it's funny because when i was looking at these before pictures i was like gosh none of them are SO bad and i kept looking and looking...i felt kind of like i need to post some horrible picture of myself to be 'qualified' to post a before and after. since my before in some people's eyes was more than fine. but 18 lbs for me was a lot!! and i agree, my body now is like some alien pod creature body, i really love it though, haha. so i'm proud.
esp being the rich-tasting food loving whore i am!! it was a mega accomplishment. hehe.
Mara you really do look great and check out those toned little leggies! Good luck with the job* sprinkling away fairy dust*

My toe is a little better, although purple, pink and black still....If I can get a shoe on today I will try for an elliptical workout later as I don''t have to move the foot too much. As I have been laid off my workouts, I have been eating a little more carefully.

Great job everyone!
Rod and Mara, great B&A shots! And Mara, your hubby sounds like mine, saying he''s never thought I look bad. But I too have weight that isn''t really apparent to other people, only I know it''s there and it bugs me.

Lorelei, we need pics of this toe, yanno, to really appreciate the color pallet.
Thanks guys for all the kind words. Searching through my old photos really does make me appreciate the difference! Just have to keep on keeping on

Responding to TGal''s comment that many stats on this thread aren''t so bad - i think that''s wonderful! I wish that I hadn''t waited until I was at least 30 lbs over weight and started correcting at 10 lbs. And certainly now as i get older and there are more serious health concerns as a result of being overweight, i want to attempt to maintain below a certain X.

Last night was a great elliptical workout. I had been taking it easier with my cardios, but yesterday i had tons of energy, so i put it to good use.

and i discovered another tasty and healthy snack -- edamame. I think that a half a cup shelled (lots) is roughly 120 calories with lots of protein and fiber. yum. thanks TJs for another great item.
Mara, I love those jeans! I''m so going to get some like that as my reward when I get to my goal!
Date: 3/7/2007 7:23:38 AM
Author: Ellen
Rod and Mara, great B&A shots! And Mara, your hubby sounds like mine, saying he''s never thought I look bad. But I too have weight that isn''t really apparent to other people, only I know it''s there and it bugs me.

Lorelei, we need pics of this toe, yanno, to really appreciate the color pallet.
NO you don''t El as you would
! I have just removed my sock to have a look for you and it is blackish grey at the base of the toe, swollen and gradually fading into a melange of pinks and purples, with a red slash on top where the bottle actually landed!

I have a ''do to go to on Friday of next week and I hope it is better by then, as I have to put dainty heels on...ouch!
Morning All and Happy Wednesday:

Here are my weigh in stats for today (but it''s early so my measuring may be a bit off, I''m still bleary eyed). If they are correct I haven''t lost much weight but I did manage to lose inches this week, awesome!

Week 9 Week 10
Height: 5''5" Height: 5''5"
Weight: 130.6 Weight: 130.2
Bust: 32.5" Bust: 32.25"
Waist: 27.5" Waist: 27"
Lower Waist: 33.75" Lower Waist: 33"
Bicep: 12" Bicep: 11.75"
Hips: 37.5” Hips: 37”
Thigh: 20.5" Thigh: 20.5"

Today is a work day, so I''ll do my 30 minutes of moving when I get home (probably a walk as our weather has been phenomenal).

Mara: Fantastic pictures!

TG: You are spot on about the stats being pretty good. That should make us a bit more proud of ourselves for TCOB when there isn''t a whole lot of business to take care of!

Have a terrific day all!
Happy Wednesday!

I can''t find my little pocket calendar with the post it note where I''ve been writing down my weight-ins, but I think I''m down .5 lbs from last week and 12.5 overall.

My plan today is to be very good since I''m having a steak tonight. Just finished oatmeal for breakfast and I have soup for lunch and yogurt and pudding for snacks.

On the way home yesterday I stopped to look at some Vitamin C options. The best thing I came up with (keep in mind this was at a Walgreens--I will have to pursue this at a grocery store) was Vitamin Water with "Power C". The problem though is to get to 500 mgs you have to consume over 500 cals of the stuff. Not exactly what I''m going to be spending my calories on! Will have to look into this further...

Lorelei, your toe--as horrible as I''m sure it looks--sounds like it''s on the road to recovery. Aren''t those colors purdy???

And Mara, I agree with TG; your "before" pic is not exactly a trainwreck, LOL.
DJ, I''m looking at my EmergenC packet right now, and it''s got 25 cals and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C (1667% of your daily value!!)!!

And when mixed with just a little bit of water (I find that too much water makes it taste yucky), it''s actually a yummy little treat
Ellaila, where do you find EmergenC in the store? Is it by the vitamins? Does it come in a box or a bottle? I looked for it last night but maybe I just didn''t recognize it.
At my TJs, it's near the vitamins. At WF, I saw it on an end cap, so I'm not really sure which section that was, but I think it was health and beauty? And I've seen it as CVS too with the vitamins. Not sure if regular supermarkets have it yet, but I'd bet that most drugstores do.

It comes in a box of, I think, 40 packets, and I've seen it cost anywhere from $8.50-$11.50/box. I'm pretty sure you can buy individual packets at WF though, so you can try the different flavors.

Cheesy photo, but here's what the box looks like:

ETA: I use like 1/3 of the amount of water in that glass!!

Wow Ellalia -- thank you!
WOW, Lulu, Mara, Rod, and Kimberly, you all look fantastic!!! Way to go, my peeps!!

Thanks for the soreness/working out/lactic acid info, all. Turtle, I agree -- skiing can bring some serious pain to the muscles. YOUCH! I''m still babying myself today but am definitely hitting the gym tomorrow and Friday. It''s kinda funny but I''m wearing heels today, and it actually makes my calves feel better than the past few days when I was wearing clogs. Funny, huh? I guess even just flexing the muscles that little bit (they''re not super-high heels) makes a difference.

I was putting my hair up in a clip this morning to wash my face and I saw ARM MUSCLES, and I got deliriously happy!! My arms have always been the hardest to see any definition in, so this is huge for me!
Lulu & Mara: you guys like great! I agree with the others, you guys looked great before, but I know how it is to feel like you need to lose the weight. I think you just feel better about yourself and gain more confidence, and that''s probably the most important thing of all.

The scariest part is that, I''m still a few pounds heavier than I was about a year ago (maybe about 6 or 7 lbs), but my body overall is so much more toned and the "jigglies" around my inner and outer thighs are going away, and that is an awesome feeling! My arms are building muscle too, and I am thrilled. Tank tops will be calling my name come Spring!!

I also plan on going to TJ''s later today, and I''m going to try to get that garlic hummus that you mentioned Mara, I love the garlic hummus vs. the regular anyways, but since its a little lower in calories, heck, I''ll take that!! Plus, i''ve never tried TJ''s hummus and many people have been raving about it.

Oh and to those asking about the counting calories, the calorie counting spreadsheet is the best tool for me simply because you really don''t know what are the good or bad foods that you are eating until its tallied in your total for the day. There were days where I thought I totally blew my alloted calories, only to find that I really was under by a few hundred.

It''s also nice to hear that those of you that have lost a tremendous amount of weight, still give in for little splurges here and there. There is still hope for me!!
You can also buy EmergenC at any General Nutrition Center (GNC).

So, I''m taking a day off from the gym. I didn''t get any sleep again last night and I''m just feeling completely worn out. I could be coming down with something (Charlie already has a cold) but I think I''m just feeling too much stress from all the changes and uncertainties of my roller coaster life. So, we both agreed that we would just relax tonight and skip the gym. I''m sure a week with only 4 workouts, instead of 5 will be just fine anyway.

I''ll check in later
haha thanks guys, yes i know the first picture isn't that bad but i guess as kim said it's good for us to be all taking care of business even when there's not much to take care of.

the thing that is weird to me is that i don't look like i am 18 lbs heaver in that first picture do i? or maybe i do and my perspective is just skewed. i think i have a funny perspective on weight, aka 50 lbs to lose is a fair amount. but 100 is a lot. kinda thing. so for me 18 was's not that much. but it was definitely hard to do. anyway for those who i know only have like 10 lbs or so to lose (nejarb etc) hopefully i can be some inspiration hee. 10 sometimes can be harder than 50 to get started on i think.

lol DJ when reading about your posts on Vit C the last few days i kept going why doesn't she just take emergenC? hehee. actually i have emergenC but i take Airborne instead. it's 0 cals and i think it tastes better. but it's more expensive. like 10 pills/packets for $5.50 whereas i think emergenC is like 50 packets for $20 here. but anyway i do take both, but i have to remember to count my 25 cals for EC when i take it. either one will give you a massive dose of vitC and i have been taking one or the other basically all winter long to not get sick. the vitC was a bonus.

congrats kimberly on inch loss! basil i LOVE these jeans. i have 2 pairs of laurel canyon paiges and they are my absolute favorites because they emphasize a smaller bottom half and thinner legs ... which i now have (yay) and they are a really classic cut...nipping in a bit at the knee and a slight flare. just love them.

lorelei sorry to hear the toe is still icky...go easy on it!! ellen, yes aren't the hubbies sweet? i appreciated greg's comment for sure but i did notice in all the older pictures that when i was carrying my extra 10 (or 15/18?) that greg always looked wonderful which i think also was some of my motivation for getting fit and healthy again...i wanted us to BOTH be fit and healthy!

rod take care of yourself. this cold i got has taken me over a week to kick and last nite i swear i felt like i was getting sick again. i read somewhere that working out too much with a cold can prolong it so maybe that is what i am doing inadvertently, ugh!! try to get some sleep tonite!

breakfast this AM is TJs' frozen steel cut oatmeal with sugar free maple syrup and two thin slivers of the multigrain bread i love with smart balance. and coffee. yum! hope everyone is having a great day so's wednesday...the middle of the week! i'm doing another workout tonite but a slightly lighter one than yesterday for about 450 cals. i ended yesterday at 1490 cals which was perfect...i am trying to not be all crazy with dessert at night so wean myself back from the sweet tooth a bit, so i just had two 30 cal raspberry truffles. mmm.
Date: 3/7/2007 11:26:34 AM
Author: Mara

lol DJ when reading about your posts on Vit C the last few days i kept going why doesn't she just take emergenC? hehee. actually i have emergenC but i take Airborne instead. it's 0 cals and i think it tastes better. but it's more expensive. like 10 pills/packets for $5.50 whereas i think emergenC is like 50 packets for $20 here. but anyway i do take both, but i have to remember to count my 25 cals for EC when i take it. either one will give you a massive dose of vitC and i have been taking one or the other basically all winter long to not get sick. the vitC was a bonus.

Yah, I had this crazy idea that I should try to get my nutrients from some sort of actual food product rather than out of a packet, but seriously the amount of cals it would take to do that is crazy.

Do you take one or two packs a day? (So 1000 mg or 2000 mg?)
So no one out there has tried the Dannon and compared it to the Fage?

I now have a family concern, maybe you can all help me please? This article below is in our local newspaper. My dad has tried Atkins a few times - but because of other medical problems, it is not good for him and I believe his 2 heart attacks were caused by it. But he needs to lose weight - at least 20 pounds...But he reads this paper every day and this article advocates Atkins and I don''t want him to do Atkins ever again. He takes it to mean eat high fat, high calorie foods. He has been on modified South Beach Diet for a few weeks/months? now without success and he really needs to lose weight, especially in the belly area.

How do I get him to not do this diet again when this article advocates it so highly?,0,127980.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

Thank you all for your help,

I appreciate it,

HEEEEE!!! All these cutey before & afters make me wanna start a "WWT for the FAT and HO-HUM" ... but, alas, where would we get all the good advice & stuff.

Yesterday was back on track food-wise for me (aside from the SHOCKING revlelation that''d the whole case of Lipton Green Tea w/ Citrus I bought WASN''T THE DIET KIND & I''d been counting it as 0 cal, when actually it is 200!! No wonder that shiz tasted GOOD & I didn''t need dessert afterwards
) ... but still no treadmill action. Today. It will be TODAY!

I have to say Lulu''s Chicken Souvlaki is
... I was so busy making the sauces & stuff I forgot that the chicken had to be cut into pieces. DH got three seconds into grilling and we''re like WAIT THIS ISN"T RIGHT!!! ... pulled it off the grill & started chopping. HA! Luckily there was enough vinagrette left in the bowl to dress the freshly cut pieces and it all turned out OK.

Good job vibes MARA & ROD!!

Happy FAGE-ing all!
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