
Weekly Workout Thread 6th Nov to 12th Nov

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Well, I haven''t had such a good week for the working out... but, I swear I''m gonna start getting into it!! It''s been a stressful week b/c bf might be transferring to Raleigh and he''s been out of town all week for work, so we haven''t been able to talk about everything. So, I''ve had a hard time eating and sleeping - one day all I could eat was about 10 crackers, so I haven''t been working out b/c I didn''t have the energy. But, we talked for a couple hours yesterday and I think everything is almost figured out. So, this morning I got up and did my abs video, but didn''t have time for the weights. But, at least I did something - something is better than nothing.

Rod - I want to hear EVERYTHING about Raleigh! We''re gonna figure out the final details tonight, but I think we''ll fly out there for a 4 day weekend around Dec. 1st. I''d love to hear what you thought, what neighborhoods were good, which ones were horrible, how''s the nightlife look, etc...
I did 30 min on the elliptical this morning and worked up a good sweat. I went by fast because I was watching the Rachel Ray show. I''m going to try to exercise at least once over the weekend.
Great week work wise for me, but not so great exercise-wise.
I''m off to the gym today, at least, and we''ve mapped out our 11 mile run for tomorrow.
Good times!
Hi everyone-

After being really good about going to the gym (running about 4-5 miles 4 times a week) and eating healthy at the start of this year, I fell of the wagon back in May. I tried to get back on the wagon about 3 months ago but wasn''t committed enough.

This past week, I decided enough is enough! My pants and clothes are starting to fit a little too snuggly. I made myself a promise that I''d get back into the gym and tomorrow is going to be my start. I also set a long-term goal for myself after watching some of the NYC marathoners and decided that I am going to run the marathon for my 30th b-day (5 years away). I really need the support and am glad that all of you are here. I''m going to try and be diligent this time.

Do any runners have tips on how to get started again? I know its those first few weeks that are going to be really rough.

Thanks for listening!!
Tybee and Scarlet (and others)..

I really admire you folks for running!
It''s not easy.
I would love to run again but left knee issues from 25 years ago prevent it.
I''ll just keep going to the gym and using the leg weights.
Overall, I''m very pleased with my results since I joined this fitness thread at the beginning.

Keep on TRACKin everyone
hehe, this just reminded me that i had a dream last nite that i was running and i burned all these calories and i was like yeah running rocks. but i''m not a runner. oh well!
Thanks Modified Briliant.

I have to run, or I''ll go mad! I have such a hyper active brain. Sadly, it''s not good for me either. I''ve racked my knees over the
years, too many sports. I just cannot give up running, though. There''s a freedom that comes with it that''s hard to describe (I''ll have to remind myself of the freedom when I''m having my knees replaced some time down the road!)

Scarlet, I took a hiatus for a while because I wanted to give my body a rest. i found it wasn''t hard to get it back, i did invest in some really good running shoes to begin, then I started off on fairly easy runs through fun neighborhoods. I also pumped up my ipod with fun songs to inspire me. Don''t push yourself far at all. You might want to start with a simple 2 or 3 mile loop. is a great resourse for finding good running routes. We actually have tons of fun mapping out our BIG runs with it, we try to go through historic or pretty neighborhoods so there are fun things to look at.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes

(In checking the Atlanta Half Marathon training guide, we''ve mapped out a 13 mile run for tomorrow. I''m drinking water with lemon while sweet husband grills us some chicken--- no wine tonight
but we''ll celebrate with margaritas tomorrow!)

Hope that Kimberly is having a great start to her 3 day, and hoping that everyone has a spectacular, fun... yet somewhat healthy weekend!
Hi all! Tonight after work I did another step class followed by some strengthening and stretching exercises. So another 45 minutes of cardio for the week, and about 30 min. of strenth stuff. My left knee is starting to hurt a little (I have had some problems with both knees over the years), so I may be pushing it with 4 step classes so far this week. I''ll try to ice it tonight and see.

I used to run, but that was before my knees really started giving me problems. I took it up again a few months ago, and I did remember how much I love to run ~ I definitely understand the ''freedom'' you''re talking about, Tybee. My problem is that my knees and hips start to hurt after about 3 miles. Stupid joint problems.

Tybee ~ hope you and your husband have a fantastic run tomorrow!

Kimberly ~ hope your walk is off to a good start!

All ~ have a fantastic weekend!
wow is it time for kimberly''s walk already?! go kimberly!!!

i went to the gym tonite...i felt kind of out of it after 3 days off but i made it through. of course i hit my stride like 10 minutes before my workout was done so i ended up extending it a minute at a time for about 8 extra minutes. i lifted a few weights for my arms afterwards and my calorie burn was about 775ish. i am estimating because my HRM is not correct right now, it thinks i am about 1.5lbs lighter than i am so the calories it has me burned are less than the machines are saying for my HR.

off to kbox tomorrow. sounds like everyone is doing well! have a great weekend. rod hope your trip is going well!
I feel a cold coming on. I bought a bottle of 40 ColdMD pills for $19 at Walmart yesterday. Supposedly,

2-4 pills a day provide increased immune system resistance by 312%. Has anyone tried these and do they work?

Not FDA approved and has natural supplements that aren''t harmful.

I rarely take anything over and above Tylenol when needed. Just wanted to squash this impending cold.

Have a great day everyone!
Everyone, thanks for the encouragement! I did my first (very mini) run since September. I thought the easiet way to get back into it was on the, it was honestly the hardest run I''ve had. But it feels good (even though I only did 2 miles). I was huffing and puffing through the entire thing! I am so out of shape! I''m going to stick to light runs for maybe a week then pick up the pace and distance a little, then if I''m courageous, try a short loop in central park.

Tybee-can I ask you to recommend some good running songs? I have quite a few but I think I may be tired of them.

Jeff - I always use Airborne when I feel a cold coming on (same stuff, vitamins/immune booster). I don''t know if it "actually" works but it makes me feel better.

Mara- I was NEVER EVER a runner until my fiance turned me on to it. I swore that I hated it then something happened and I was running more than he was. Now I love it (or when I''m actually doing it). Must be those runner''s highs that make me keep coming back but I haven''t had one in a while.
Jeff for me I take Echinacea when I feel a cold coming on. If I get it before it''s really a cold, like when I feel a tickle or feel tired, it always takes care of it. But I have to be diligent in taking the stuff 3x a day. If I slack then the cold typically is kind of waiting there for a few days. Also I have been pairing it with EmergenC which I''m not sure if you guys have that....I have only seen it here in CA but it''s like these Vitamin C and vitamin packets of flavored powder and you mix it with water or a soft drink or whatever and it gives you like 1000% Vit C and 100%-500% of a lot of other vitamins too. My coworkers were feeling sick a week ago so my boss bought a ton of it and we have been drinking it in the office like one packet a day. My coworker got sick in NYC but so far I am okay (knock on wood!!) between my Echinacea and the EC. Good luck fighting it off!!

Scarlet, I used to run track when I was younger, so I''m familiar with running, but I just never liked it. And I can''t run long distances either. I always feel like such a dork huffing and puffing because I am not good at using my lungs to their full capacity...even if I am in the best shape I end up feeling really out of breath and woozy. I was thinking last nite while walking on the treadmill that I am really close to a light run while walking at about I always think maybe I''ll jack it up to 5mph and try it but then I just never do. And it''s okay because due to my high inclines of 9-12 while walking, I end up burning the same amount of calories as the person next to me on a flat run for the same time period basically. So I figure why over-exert my body and lungs when I can just do this. But when Greg comes home from his 1:15 runs and says he burned 1200 cals sometimes I am like wow I''m so jealous. Even though I know 750 or whatever I am doing now is a lot too! hehe. Overachiever.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great morning. I''m off to kbox !
Thanks Mara and Scarlet
Date: 11/11/2006 8:32:02 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant
I feel a cold coming on. I bought a bottle of 40 ColdMD pills for $19 at Walmart yesterday. Supposedly,

2-4 pills a day provide increased immune system resistance by 312%. Has anyone tried these and do they work?

Not FDA approved and has natural supplements that aren''t harmful.

I rarely take anything over and above Tylenol when needed. Just wanted to squash this impending cold.

Have a great day everyone!
HI Jeff:

There is a product here in Canada which might be similar--ColdFx whihc i now understand has just been recently approved by the FDA (USA). The label says it''s active product is North American Ginseng. My DH and i have used it in past when we''ve felt a cold coming on, and it helped to prevent it''s progression. Is this what you are referring to with this ColdMD? BTW, Dr. Andrew Weil suggests making a hot drink of garlic, cayenne pepper, lemon, water and fresh ginger to prevent colds. It is a boiled concoction that we swear by in our household! Lots of honey to sweeten.

I continue exercising daily, but my "routine" is getting stale and I am bored. I haven''t used my drop in pass to the gym in a while, but a flier came in the mail this week about a new gym opeing up near by--just for women--that I might check out. I have been planning on buying a membership, but just haven''t gotten around to it. Usually I don''t need any motivators to exercise, but I am now looking for reasons!! I think a change is as good as a rest. And I want to consult a personal trainer too.

canuk...yeah we took some sort of herbology class a few years ago and they said that if you mix garlic (fresh, not roasted or cooked which takes away much of it''s healing properties), cayenne, lemon juice and another herb i can''t recall right now that it will kick a cold before it starts. we never tried it but we love garlic in all forms so maybe that helps keep us healthy. hehe.

i went to my kbox this morning but class was cancelled!! so i drove home and did a lizzieC bootcamp workout at home (with more kickboxing) in front of buffy and i burned 402 calories in 45 minutes. so not bad at all. i also redid my HRM to add my extra lb back so it should be more accurate now. i''ve stabilized for this month at 141 but it''s so funny because every time i tell someone i weigh that they are always like YOU DO NOT. i must just be carrying a ton of muscle now! clothes wise, even my size 6 pants and jeans i have bought are starting to get a bit loose! kinda funny actually. but i am not trying to lose anymore so hopefully where i am at is where i will stay.

we just got home from meeting some out of town friends for brunch and met their new little boy (well not ''new''...he''s 2 now!), i had a grilled cheese, bacon and tomato on whole wheat with a few fries and then greg and i split some buttermilk pancakes, lol. kind of a funny meal but YUMMY all around. and tomorrow we have this family thing aka a pre-thanksgiving meal with a few members who won''t be around for real thanksgiving so i brought home 2 of these fresh pies from the creamery we ate at and these pies are ENORMOUS deep dish things. they were really expensive too but seriously look worth it. i got a chocolate pecan (can you drool for me??) and pumpkin. so excited for tomorrow''s meal now. we might have to sample the pumpkin tonite ourselves.

it''s a cold dreary day so we''re cleaning house and then eating homemade spaghetti for dinner (leftovers) and then we figure we''ll go out and take a walk later tonite around the neighborhood and do a mile or two. tomorrow i am working out in the morning (600-700 calories!) and then we have this eating-fest family thing. should be fun. anyway hope everyone else is having a wonderful relaxing weekend that includes chocolate pecan pie as well.
and workouts too of course.

rod...if you are checking in, how are things going?!?!? kimberly, thinking of you!
Hope you feel better Jeff.
Funny how that cold can be going around all over the place... good think you can''t share (real) germs through your computer, lol~! I''d feel partially responsible for your cold as I''m just getting over mine.

Well, our LONG run was awesome! It''s the first time that DH and I ran that far together... and while he rean a little slower than I''d like (am I a showoff or what?) it was really really fun! I''m so thrilled that he''s running this race with me. Tonight we''re going to our favorite restaurant to celebrate... yum, wasabi drizzled mashed potatoes and pan seared tuna... can''t wait!-- oh yes, and my favorite "sea breeze margarita! Yum... can''t wait!

Scarlet, not sure that I can help you out in the running music department. The stuff that I run to is actually really mellow (think Garden State soundtrack...) The key for me actually is ordering new music on itunes, then putting my ipod on "shuffle" I love the element of surprise... silly, right? I''ll mix in some 80''s music (love the Clash!) just to mix things up, but... he he

We ran without ipods today... just tons of conversation, a great way to spend time with my sweetie.

Gotto go and put all the calories we burned off back into my body!
DH and I both did 30 min on the elliptical this morning. If he hadn''t wanted to exercise early in the day I probably wouldn''t have gone at all. I spent my afternoon using wedding credit at Dillards to buy the new kitchen aid blender (read of lot of good reviews) because my old one was over 10 years old and super sticky from making so many just wouldnt get clean no matter how hard I tried to clean it. I also got some stainless steel steak knives, so I''m super excited using those. And I took a nap.
Well, I did really good Friday night. Not only did I do my situp video Friday morning, but after work Friday, I decided to go for a run. Things with the bf have been stressful, so I just needed some time to process through it all. Now, mind you, I go running about once or twice a month, so I''m not really in shape - YET. So, I did a 5 min warmup walk to the trail, then did run/jog for about 25 minutes alternating as much running as I could handle, which was about 1-2 mins jogging followed by 2-3 mins walking. Then, a 5 min cooldown walk home.
i am off to the gym soon but just wanted to share something in the way of foodie stuff since i have recently discovered some fun changes to my diet that can keep me full and are fun yet lowcal etc.

multigrain frozen waffles. the ones i get are Van''s and they are in major stores and trader joes too. 2 waffles is 190 calories and like 3g of fat but also 5g of fiber and some protein too. i melt a small pat of real butter in a little dish and drizzle it on them (goes much farther that way!) and then use a low-cal, low-fat, low-sugar syrup that i found in the fridge and am SO in love with. it''s from i think annie''s cottage and i got it a year or two ago but really didn''t use it. well it''s a lifesaver for those of you who love syrup and butter and waffles. like 1/3 of a cup is only 15 cals, 0g of fat and relatively low sugars. and it tastes really darn good on the waffles with the real butter. so the whole breakfast is only about 250 cals!!! and it keeps me full for a few hours thanks to the multigrains and i feel like i just had breakfast at a diner or something. hehee.

also lately i have been picking up and eating light and fit yogurt, 60 calories for one container. nice snack between meals if you trying to keep cals down. the other lowfat yogurts are about 100-120 each container so 60 is a huge improvement. and also i am sure most of you have already found this treat out but i was slow to discover it...the fat free sugar free jello snack containers. they are something like 60 cals each and no fat as well. and nice when you want a cold treat from the fridge but don''t feel like blowing the calorie intake. lately i have been trying to reign in my cals a bit as it''s easy to go a little over every day with the frequent snacks i have in there now, but with these and the yogurts, it really helps keep things low.

and i know i mentioned this before but the small rice crispy snack is 90 calories and about 3g of fat. perfect for a ''dessert'' if you feel like you need something sweet but again don''t want to blow calorie intakes out of the water.

as holidays are up and coming we are totally prepping for huge meals with lots of fatty yummy foods. by sticking with these lower-cal snacks i will be able to eat the way i really want on the holiday days without feeling guilty because i can keep my other days in control. so anyway...just thought i''d share since it''s been a while since we have posted any really great food tips on here. anyone else found a thing or two they are super in love with that is low-cal or low-fat or beneficial in another way?

i am kind of mentally hurting since fruits are out of season now...what are you guys eating instead? i think that is why i am so addicted to salads right now, the fresh stuff inside of them is kind of satiating that fruit craving i am having.

anyway off to gym!!
Date: 11/10/2006 2:24:30 PM
Author: scarlet16

Do any runners have tips on how to get started again? I know its those first few weeks that are going to be really rough.

Thanks for listening!!


i used to be a runner (marathons/half marathons, etc) until a few years ago when law school and then a death in the family followed by anxiety attacks, etc, and various other distractions got in the way

i''m also starting again recently, but it''s been slow for me--no 2 mile runs right away.
i get on a treadmill and do walk/jog/walk/jog/walk sessions for either 30, 45, or 60 minutes. it''s actually been a few months of just doing this, and i''ve gotten to the point where i could run 2 miles, but i don''t yet (although i may run 1/2 mile 4 times during one of my walk/jog sessions).

i think i have some weird psychological issue with running for long periods of time that started when i was having those anxiety attacks last year (thank god these have stopped!), b/c back then i thought i was going to faint or was having a heart attack or something (totally irrational as a 25 yr old vegetarian marathon runner), but somehow i still feel like there is something physically wrong with me from all that stress.

anyways, more information than necessary, but i still suggest run/walk and progressively more run than walk. i did this even before i was crazy, when i first started running, and i think it worked pretty well.
did my workout today at the gym and burned 665 calories. the scale registered a weight gain of 2 lbs, yikes!! esp since i am pretty much stable around 140-141 now and this was like 143. maybe it was just some extra water or something or maybe it was really 2 lbs from my NYC gobbles. oopsie. and i''m sure the pumpkin pie i had today AND last nite won''t help either. hee. well at least i have done good this week for workouts, burned about 90% of my weekly even though i didn''t work out for 3 days. and i am doing 6 days next week instead of 5 to help make up for it then i''ll be back on track. but my measurements are the same and clothes fit the same so i figure the scale is just being evil as usual. my mom told me i am getting too skinny and my shoulders are too small. i had to laugh as i have quite wide shoulders for a girl (wider than my hips!) and greg is always joking around that i''m a footballer. so small shoulders is something i have never really heard.

anyway tomorrow is a new week, hope everyone had a great weekend!
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