
Weekly Workout Thread--June 19-24

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Aug 12, 2005
Good morning workout buddies!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I went to my parents'' home for the weekend about 5 hours was nice. I didn''t get any "workouts" in, except for helping them plant some things and doing a lot of watering. I ate really well the whole time I was there--lots of fresh produce to be had in their fridge. I think I lost another pound since last week, but haven''t gotten a chance to weigh myself yet since I got home last night. My mom''s so funny--she goes "are you sure you''re getting enough fat in your diet?" I''m like, yes, see these peanut butter crackers?

I guess that''s all I have to goal for the week is to lose another couple pounds and remain healthy! (That''s as far as I have gotten towards coming up with a weekly goal this morning, anyway!)
Hi Monnie and to all - hope we all have a great week

I used the crosstrainer this morning and it didn''t go so well.
My legs were burning and I felt weak and had to keep stopping, probably the terrible heat we have had this weekend. Anyway I am not pleased but hope it goes better tomorrow. I didn''t do anything workoutwise over the weekend, so maybe that didn''t help.
Well, I got a bicycle ride in yesterday instead of running, but I''m not sure that was much exercise considering I stopped a lot more than I would if I were running. I plan on doing 5 workouts this week, so hopefully that will happen.

Lorelei, don''t worry about not having a good day on the crosstrainer. Sometimes that happens to me to for whatever reason. There''s days that I feel great jogging, then there''s days where it''s all I can do to get it over with. Don''t worry about taking the weekend off either. I often use weekends as a time to relax after the hectic pace of the week. Don''t get discouraged!

Have a great week, everyone!
oh i'm glad to see someone started the thread for this week!! lorelei, i hate those gym machines...hehee.

well this weekend was pretty good only REAL slipup that wasn't planned was eating some salty ruffles potato chips with some green onion dip, but at least i used lower fat sour cream. hehee. sometimes i just get the craving for chips and dip. oh and i had the best ever bread pudding last nite, but i planned that one!!

anyway, i walked for 2.25 miles on saturday and then greg and i went for a walk last nite for another 2.5 miles or so. he loved the walk, so i hope that means he will want to do it more often with me!

so we had some friends over this weekend and the gal told me i looked like i'd lost weight. i was like yeah score! so i guess it's not just me who sees the changes. my sister also said my mom said looked thinner. who needs a scale when you've got friends and family ?!?!

anyway i'm working out tonite at kickboxing...and figure we'll do some sort of fish thing tonite.. something easy!

oh and has anyone else tried doing the jumping jacks on off workout days? i am still doing them, between 3 and 5 sets of 50 on my off days and i SWEAR they are making some sort of positive difference. just thought i'd throw that out there. have a fab day ladies!!
Good Morning Ladies,

Friday was house cleaning day, it takes me about 2 hours, so I count that as my exercise for the day!

Saturday fiance and I took a short walk, it was a busy day and all we had time to fit in.

Yesterday we went for a hike, probably about 3 miles with lots of hills. It was a great workout, especially in the 90 degree heat.

Food wise I did well, we went to a BBQ on Sat. night and I didn''t overeat (but I did have some Ruffles) and yesterday we BBQed steak along with some corn and a fresh fruit salad, yum! It was great after all our long hike.

Today will be a walking day, I hope to get in a few miles.

Mara, I''ve thought about doing jumping jacks, as you suggested, but only when I''m in no position to do them, like in the car yesterday.
Oh, I have been so "absent" in the workout thread these last 2 weeks. Oops! But I have been working out at the gym. A week ago, my shoulder was hurting so I didn''t so any weights for 2 workouts and felt SO guilty! Anyway, this weekend I had a conference to go to, so no weekend workout, so tomights will be the first since thursday. I''d love to go hiking and do that kind of thing, but the kids kind of hamper any actualy workout I might get from it. Plus it''s mid-90''s now here. Blech.

Mara, I like the jumping-jacks idea. I feel highly motivated to go to the gym, but not so much at doing stuff at home. I''ve also been kind of lax about my diet the past 2 weeks, after a good first 3 weeks. Gotta jump back on the wagon. I''m letting outside influences get me off track!

Good job to everyone else to keeps up with it!
Mara, I tried the jumping jacks-there was way too much jiggling though!
I went to the gym on Saturday and was really motivated and did my usual crosstrainer, weights and running on the threadmill. Yesterday I went to the park with my golden retriever Amber, and we did our best to run around it. It was the first time I had ever ran outside and we made it nearly the whole way around. Went to the gym today and my legs were so sore from yesterday. My eating was rubbish though over the weekend
Ok, since last week really was bad for me, I won''t bother to go through it.

I''m starting fresh! Well, I did have some coffee cake and mini-cupcakes for my partner''s bday so I will be starting fresh tonight at the gym.
I feel good about getting in 5 days this week. I have no excuses available other than laziness and really, i''ve used that one up!

Glad to hear everyone''s off to a good start this week.
Monarch, that''s great about losing a lb. I don''t think i''ve done that in weeks!! I was actually all set to go no carbs this week to give myself a little push until our work party but I think I may still do it the rest of the week. Boy do I need that push!

My problem w/doing extra stuff at home is that I just don''t remember. Kimberly, the same is true for me, I don''t think about extra exercises at home b/c by that time, i''m so tired. I''m thinking about them now, while at work or in the car or pretty much everywhere except the right places. I need to put some notes up around the house. I might try the jumping jacks but they''re certainly not one of my favorite exercise. As Bee said, a little too much jiggling for me!

This week, i''m just focused on bringing back a little motivation so that I can start making some progress again. Hope to see you guys more often this week..
Good morning everyone! It sounds like everyone is a bit more motivated this week & ready for a good, healthy week!

I went to the gym last night right after work & tried out a new cardio machine. It''s called the Wave & it seems like a cross between an elliptical & a stair stepper. The motion is a bit strange at first, but once you get into it, it''s a really good workout! It got my heart pounding, my legs were hurting, so it was pretty neat! This morning, my thighs are pretty sore. The best part is I really feel it in my inner thighs which is a problem area for me. I think I''ll definitely keep this machine in my rotation.

I also did some stretching & some ab exercises. I''ve been ultra lazy lately about my abs, soI''m trying to get back on track. It felt good yesterday, so hopefully that''ll keep me going!

After hearing all of you talk about Fit Day, I decided to give it a shot myself. More than anything, I wanted to see how many calories/what types of foods kept me hungry or made me feel full. I''ve realized that I actually have a good sense of how many calories are in a lot of the foods I eat. I did notice that I''ve been a little low on protein lately, so I''m having a nice egg breakfast this morning :-).

Have a good week everyone & I hope to be checking in much more often!
Thanks for the encouragement Coda! Mara I was muttering and was most discouraged yesterday but TODAY was another ball of wax as is said around here!

I did 25 mins on the crosstrainer and 20 on the treadmill with a steep incline and I was doing great! Enjoyed that this morning so I am pleased again! I don't know what was up yesterday but I think I have worked it out......

Hubby set the machine too advanced for me and I tried to stick with it but my legs were burning so much and I just couldn't continue. I think I need the toddler's settings for me to manage it! Anyway I spent more time concentrating on warming up and that seemed to help, watched the heart rate and worked away until I could " feel" I was really ready to work, when I had begun to " glow" so to speak, so I have learned something and am adjusting a bit now.

I tried the jumping jacks with my Hubby last night but as usual I made a fool of myself and he was laughing as I couldn't even do those properly but I will persevere
lol re the jumping jacks lorelei!! yeah it does take a little bit of coordination but i have gotten quite good at them. i think maybe the mirror helps. but if there it too much jiggling, nix the mirror, no need to be doing the mirror thing if it''s not positive!! but i do think that if you guys add it into a ''home'' routine and do them a few times a week the way i do you will see some sort of improvements, kind of like those leg exercises i do as well.

yesterday (and this morning) i have been feeling really out of sorts. like every time i eat, i feel nauseated and kind of full/gassy feeling even if i didn''t eat so much that i should feel like that, but if i don''t eat then i get really i was kind of eating all day, like in the morning i had my cereal and coffee, for lunch i had a way too creamy michelinas lean gourmet and an apple, then i came home and had TWO granola bars (i love these kashi hard bar things, i am addicted to them) and then we had dinner which was just chicken fajitas, amazingly healthy actually, the ''ready pack'' from the grocery store with fresh marinated chicken and all sliced veggies, just grilled it in a little olive oil and eat. anyway, after eating even the granolas i was starving again! and then after eating the fajitas i felt sick again. it was like a sick or starving kind of day. totally odd.

and then this morning i still feel kind of icky, like hungry (just had cereal) but now that i ate it i feel sick. ugh!! busy morning too. oh well...maybe i have a touch of something. oh and i''m definitely NOT preggo, in case any of you are wondering.

so anyway, i had planned to go to kbox last nite but i just couldn''t get up the energy, and who knows what today will be like, but i hope i can go as i do need to stay on the workout wagon...and our walk on sunday gave me a big blister on my foot that is still there, so i can''t really do too much walking til it goes down.

oh and mini rant here, i love eating the frozen LC''s for lunch but why are they all so damn creamy?! i am not used to eating such creamy thick sauce and i guess it''s for flavor but lately i have been getting grossed out at the thought of eating another thick cream sauce. so i think for the next few days til i feel better i will ixnay on the frozen things and eat something more fresh like steamed veggies or a egg white omelet for lunch or something. i just like the ease of the frozen things but oh well. i need a break!

hope you all have a great day!!!!
Good Morning All,

Dixie: It''s so funny how things pop into our heads at odd times! A note on the TV may be a great solution, I''ll have to try this!

I had a migraine yesterday which means lots of nausea so I ate my staple, oatmea, for breakfast, and a zone bar for lunch. By dinner time I was feeling better and had tacos and honeydew for dinner.

We went for a 2m walk last night but my pace sucked as I was still really dragging from not feeling so well.

Today is another day! I plan on eating light today as tomorrow is John''s birthday and the only thing he has asked for is Round Table pizza for dinner, so pizza he gets!
omg kimberly it''s so funny....i was totally craving pizza last nite, cheese pizza! saying round table just reminded me of that. hahaa. can i blame you if that is what we have for dinner tonite? please please?
I haven''t posted on one of these in a long time. I did the elliptical for 30 minutes yesterday.
Unfortunately, I have to run to the dentist but just wanted to quickly update and say hi to everyone. I have actually worked out twice this week so far!! I''m pretty excited b/c I have done so bad lately. I didn''t make it to the gym yesterday but worked out at home. Did a new step tape which was good and tiring. Then this morning I did an old step tape that I had and was pooped after! So 2 down, 3 to go. My eating has been ok. I thought about that no carbs thing this week but have already seriously screwed that up so i''m sticking to just eating healthy, which has been going ok. I''m thinking of salad tonight...who knows.
Mara, I know what you mean about those meals. Sometimes you need something different. There are ones out there w/non-creamy sauces though. There are also mini-pizzas if you''re feeling the need to have pizza. They are actually pretty good. There''s this cheese/potato/broccoli thing too that I like, but that is very heavy and very filling...which is nice at times. There are some sweet/sour ones too for other sauce varities.
Lorelei, sounds like you''re doing great w/the new machines. I''m impressed w/how much you''re doing!

Well, gotta run but glad everyone is doing well and off to a good week.

I''ll definitely take the blame! Just eat a big salad first and then you won''t feel so guilty. My stupid craving for the past two weeks has been Carl''s Jr. I actually called John before lunch to talk me out of going to the drive through...I eat fast food maybe once every 6 months (we eat out a lot but I stick to salads, chicken dishes, etc.) and I am trying not to give in; I ended up having a spinach salad, which was really good, but it was no Western Bacon Cheeseburger. How much longer will I resist the temptation!
Woohoo-lost another pound in ww this week-down 8 and a half now
. Just took the dog out to the beach for a run and have done 100 jumping jacks, not in front of the mirror
Hi ladies.

I haven''t posted in a while since I''ve been sick as a dog and haven''t been able to breathe, let alone work out. I lost two pounds last week, but I attribute that to the fact that I couldn''t eat. But, I was bloated too, so I think I probably should have lost more...

I worked out this morning with my trainer. We took it kind of light for the obvious reasons, but I still sweated like a fiend. I see her again tomorrow morning so hopefully I''m back on track. However, today I was so hungry that I ate everything I could get my hands on. Most of it was good food, but still. I think it''s a PMS/bored issue. I''m not working right now so I spend too much time at home. It was too gross to go outside today so I sat at home and ate.

I''m glad to see the great work that everyone''s doing!
Great job everyone!!!! Mara the jiggling thing is rather a nuisance so I think I will need a support overshoulderboulderholder for my jumping jacks
Hubby was SO snickering at me

Anyway I will persevere with them! I did 20 mins crosstrainer this morning and 20 mins on the treadmill with a few running strides here and there, so I am very pleased and not aching at all even after all I have done this week - I must be doing something right!
Hi, everyone. Sounds like everyone''s week is going well. I need some encouragement because my workout week isn''t going so well. I''ve done 2 workouts so far this week, but I''ve felt really tired during them. I just have no energy, and I''m just going through the motions just to get through them . I really wanted to do a longer 5 mile run today, but I don''t know if I can do it. I am going to try though.
Coda did you ever go see the DR about your tiredness?

Did you get your blood tested for iron levels and anemia? That could really be draining you.

Do you take a multivitamin daily?

As young and fit as you are, it's odd you still feel so tired during the week. Is your job mentally stressing you out or anything like that? That could contribute too.
Date: 6/21/2006 9:30:17 AM
Author: coda72
Hi, everyone. Sounds like everyone''s week is going well. I need some encouragement because my workout week isn''t going so well. I''ve done 2 workouts so far this week, but I''ve felt really tired during them. I just have no energy, and I''m just going through the motions just to get through them . I really wanted to do a longer 5 mile run today, but I don''t know if I can do it. I am going to try though.

Do you think you are doing too much Coda? The vitamin tablet like Mara suggests is a good idea and you saw the doc recently didn''t you? Maybe try resting for a few days then start again, also you start work really early too - it could be you are overdoing it a bit or not eating enough?
welp i gave in last nite and we got PIZZA. but man it was so friggin good i didn''t care. i was in heaven. i ate three medium pieces and a half salad from whole foods, so i at least got some healthy stuff in there too. and i went for a 2m walk earlier so that i didn''t feel guilty about not doing anything AND eating pizza. haha. then before bed i did 200 jumping jacks. so i feel okay.

thinking i may go to kbox tonite, we''ll see, it''s been pretty darn hot out so it feels a little draining...hope everyone has a fab day!
Mara, that pizza sounds good!!!
I LOVE pizza, it is totally my downfall when it comes to "dieting." I''ve tried and tried to stay away from it, but every week or so DH and I order one and it is so good but I feel like crap afterwards. So lately I''ve been ordering my half with NO cheese or half what they normally put on it, and veggies. I really haven''t missed the cheesiness or a regular pizza, and it satisfies my craving as well. I figured out that what I really crave about pizza (or anything Italian) is the red sauce. Yup, I''m a sauce whore, lol!

I went to the gym last night and did 20 minutes on the elliptical...I also did my circuit training on the weight machines, and then I did some crunches when i got home. No jumping jacks for me yet, I need to find time to do them outside in the backyard because our wood floors are just too creaky inside and I don''t want my DH to think I''m going to come crashing through the floor, ha ha! I''m thinking of buying a jump rope also--I know it''s a really great cardio workout. I''m just gonna have to put on my superstrength sports bra and maybe a girdle to avoid the dreaded jiggle effect.

Oh, I tried the Diet V-8 Splash drink that I bought the other day. It has 10 calories per 8 oz. serving, lots of potassium and 3 grams of protein, and guess what? It actually tastes good! I got the Berry Medley flavor, but there is also a Tropical fruit one that''s probably really good as well. Oh, it also has more vitamin C and calcium (I think) than a glass of OJ, and obviously far fewer calories, so it''s a great breakfast drink and a good way to get some of your fruit servings in for the day. I drink regular V-8 as well and it''s a great way to get in some veggie servings although it is higher in sodium than I would like but oh well. I get the 16 oz bottles at Sam''s and they are 70 calories each. OK, that''s my dietary tip of the day, hee hee!
Hi Everyone!

I didn''t make it to the gym last night cause my parents decided to come visit me, but that''s ok! I am going tonight right after work - I am thinking I will run & do some arm weights. My legs are still hurting a little bit from that Cardio Wave machine, so I don''t want to overdo it on the legs.

Amanda - it''s good to see you around here! I''m sorry you''ve been feeling sick. I''m sure you''ll ease back into working out/eating healthy as you get better.

Mara/Monarch/Kimberly - Pizza is I think a universal downfall! I once read an article that said one slice of pizza actually was very healthy for you because of all the anti-oxidants in the cheese & sauce. I''ll believe that anyday! We don''t order pizza too much at home, but my parents always have a few slices waiting in the freezer from left over takeout! Mmmmmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! You all are very bad....

Lorelei - you sound to be doing great at the gym. Tell your hubby to keep his snickering to himself!

Coda - that''s a real bummer about feeling really tired. Is it possible it''s your hormones? I know that I have certain points of the month where I am just exhausted and all I want to do is sleep the day away. It''s really quite irratating.

Anyway - have a great rest of the week!
lol danielle...actually i am not a fan of pizza at all, i don't really like it and greg loves it. he always wants to get it and i am like EW think about all the wasted calories and fat in there! i'd much rather have a dessert!

but for whatever reason i was just craving it yesterday!!!! it tasted like heaven to me. greg was all happy of course. he said 'what have you done with my wife, you pizza loving pod person'...hehee.

anyway, being curious yesterday, i looked up the nutritional information online for some of the more well-known pizza chains like dominoes, pizza hut, round table etc...and while some of them varied a little, i gathered that in general a slice of pizza from a medium pizza was going to be something like 240 calories for a slice of cheese only and about 280 for a slice with pepperoni. so since i had THREE...i figured like maybe 850 calories or so...which yes isn't the greatest but at least it's not like 2000 calories like a big mac is! and then i had a salad too so i felt okay...after reading a little about pizza. i mean sure the fat grams are really high, like 9-15 each slice depending on the brand of pizza etc (amazingly enough, hand tossed is healthier than pan pizza etc)...but i justified the calories. hehee. esp since my fat intake the rest of yesterday was really low up until that point. we also get our pizza from this awesome place up the street from our house, so maybe it's a little healthier than the average dominoes or pizza hut. that's what i tell myself anyway.

so whatever, a splurge sometimes is not a big deal...which is why i don't feel too bad and it just tasted so good. i am going to lunch today with my girlfriend to this singaporean place and we typically get fried indian mee goreng which is like a pad thai, not the healthiest but it's not too bad (i looked it up online) and we'll just be sure to have fish and veggies tonite so it balances out!

monarch, lol re the the way jumping rope is supposed to be a GREAT exercise. we had to do it in my other kbox class and it's really tough to jump rope continuously for a few minutes, amazingly enough. esp as you get more tired, the more mistakes you make. it's a great at home exercise!
Hello everyone! I''m back on the fitness bandwagon. I dont know what happened to me, I was ill, and then just lazy and unmotivated and tired, but today got myself up at 6 am and busted out a 35 minute interval walk/run session on the treadmill and 30 minutes of lower body weight training. I was really irritated at the gym today. It was busy for that early, plus half the machines were broken, weight pins were missing and people were being SO rude! So I left early and took Molly for a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood. I think I want to start doing that every morning too, I have so much fun walking her.

Today I did well on my diet, capped out at about 1400 calories, although I am aiming for 1300-1400. Im trying to eat every few hours to keep my blood sugar up and not be so tired all the time. Im also trying to avoid eating after 8 pm if i can help it.

I have only lost 3 pounds or so but everyone is commenting on how my face looks thinner and i look like i am losing weight. so most likely building muscle since the scale isnt budging, but my clothes are a wee bit looser.

I feel pumped now!
Thanks for all the encouragement, everyone. I did jog last night, but it was just my normal 3 mile run. I wasn''t up for a 5 mile run. My legs were pretty tired, but I wasn''t winded, so I just think that I''m wearing myself out a little too much.

I am on a multi-vitamin, in fact it is a pre-natal vitamin prescribed by my gyno for other issues; I''m definitely not pregnant. I also went to the doctor for my abdominal issues, and everything is fine that way. Bloodwork was all normal. So, I''m not sure which direction to head, but I don''t think I''m dying of some dreadful disease, so I''m not too worried about it. I think my body''s just telling me I''m doing a little too much. I''ll slow the pace down some, next week I''m in Hawaii, and I''m not going to be killing myself trying to do 5 workouts!

Tonight looks to be stormy weather, so I''ll probably do some indoor jogging on the treadmill. I''ll probably do some interval training, and get back to lifting weights. I''ve been afraid of lifting weights while my body was healing from the motorcycle accident, but I finally feel ready to go back to it.

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!
punchie, you are all motivated and I was just dragging yesterday!! i was going to go workout at night but then greg came home a little early and wanted to take a drive down to the coast, so we went to half moon bay for dinner and of course i had to get something fried along with my steamed mussels...hehee. add to it that yesterday afternoon for lunch i had the biggest carb meal ever with my girlfriend and it gave me the absolute worst bloated stomach ache feeling for hours. bad food day!

anyway this morning i feel better thank goodness. hopefully i got the whole ''lets be bad'' thing out of my system for a few more days...typically 1-2 bad meals does that to me...and i hope to go workout tonite.

i did do a bunch of leg exercises and pushups before bed last nite so it wasn''t a total useless day. part of the problem is that yesterday was 95 and today is supposed to be 105 and i dont know if i can make it to class when it''s still like 90 outside! yikes! this is very hot for us so we are just hiding inside! i went for a walk with P on tues and it was still so warm out at 6:30 that she was panting and dragging after 1m. so it kind of puts the kabosh on feeling really energetic. hopefully i can make it tonite!!

i also of course feel all out of shape and pudgy now because i''ve been lazy...bah. i told greg why can''t i just be like 15 lbs thinner PERMANENTLY and never have to worry about it. he was like oh you look fine!!! men.
Thanks Danielle - I am not bouncing about for HIS benefit ( although he might think so) but mine! I will snicker back when he wobbles here and there next time, although not in the areas I do!

Mara I am glad you enjoyed your pizza - you have to treat yourself now and then to what you fancy! You must have needed carbs. Pizza isn't one of the foods I crave - it is always chocolate.

Coda - I think that is the trouble that you are overdoing it, cut back a little as you are doing and I am sure you will feel better soon.

I did the treadmill and crosstrainer this morning and it went well, although I have been so tired all day, I don't like getting up at 5am

Hubby has lost 11 pounds!
He is still doing the gym and the crunches etc, he can now do 30 non stop! Tonight dinner for him is steak, onions and mushrooms sauted in a little Pam spray and stock and sweetcorn, also a little fat free coleslaw. His plan is working well!
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