
Weight loss 2020 FTW! We gots this!

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I completely forgot to come back to this thread I'm the craziness of moving! The stress of the move brought on shingles. Then moving was all I could manage (and then some) so I ended up not being able to exercise. Toss on a month of no way to really cook due to prepping the house for sale and packing (kitchen full of boxes,.deep cleaning done, etc) then a full two months of no usable water, no range, and no dishwasher in the new house and, well, let's just say we kept a few restaurants alive through the difficult months of COVID. :rolleyes:
My back started re-herniating when I was trying to get my berry bushes planted and do a small bit of planking exercises per day. That has had me down again for almost two months.

I don't know my weight today. Forgot to get on a scale before breakfast and lots of water. Let's just say it is bad. Very bad. Was over 340 pounds last week.

So... I am back at it. Saved a bunch of delicious looking healthy recipes, bought the cookbooks the same lady released, and bought a meal planner journal. I am trying to organize myself so that I can go to the store with a specific list and do larger batch cooking so I don't get too busy during the week and resort to takeout. Also trying to get back into walking some.
Dinner was a Moroccan chicken and olive tagine with broccoli. Rice for DH and a tiny spoon for me.

My extra meal of the day was 1.5 ounces of cheddar and a handful of cherry tomatoes. No photos, but breakfast was 2 eggs with a small piece of toast and lunch was a hamburger with no bun.IMG_20210706_190653798_HDR.jpgIMG_20210706_175831674_HDR.jpg
@TooPatient We all experience times where it's just not possible to stay on track, so don't be hard on yourself.

The main thing is that you're focused again & making good choices.

I am still bumbling along using the My Fitness Pal app religiously, but afterr my initial weight loss i have hit a wall. Doesn't help that I tend to drink more alcohol when the weather is hot! Usually I will only have a couple of drinks on a Saturday evening, but in summer we find ourselves sat outside more in the evening with chilled Prosecco. So I have tried really hard to dig deep on that again, but it was scuppered last Tuesday by England winning their quarter final game in the Euro's against Germany and tonight they play their semi final, so I suspect I might need a G&T to calm my nerves.

I have started doing the odd HIIT workout again recently to mix things up & this morning I did my first online Rebounder class, which was exhausting! I really struggle with my feet these days after running goodness knows how many thousands of miles I have run over my lifetime, so I am looking for more gentle ways to get a good sweat on without the impact. I feel like it did something, so I shall keep at it!
Weight today is 338.2. Going to call my starting point from a few weeks ago my start weight (339.2) rather than trying to reset things again or keeping this tracking and that tracking different.

Good choices and splurge today, but so far doing okay given I had to drive two hours to get the car in for service. DH made breakfast while I dressed -- 2 eggs and small piece of toast with orange juice (300 calories or so). Left without a coffee so stopped for one on the way. (This is the not as good choice as it was more calories and sugar than is great to have.) Another great choice at the dealership as I am sipping a cup of hot tea rather than getting another sugary coffee drink.

Not sure what lunch will be. Difficult to plan around service like this. I think the espresso shop here has some cheese and apple snacks. Might get one of those in a bit. Trying to stay out of places I know have easy to justify unhealthy foods.
Going to try rewards for major goals. Things to help me stay focused and not give in to that temptation of a sugary drink or a dessert or whatever. (I'm not depriving myself, but I can choose to have a small part of a slice of cheesecake shared with rather than the whole slice by myself. Or a coffee drink made at home rather than extra sugary at the stand.)

Thinking about it as I sit in the service department waiting for the car...

At 200 pounds, I will go on a hot air balloon ride. Been wanting to and never gotten around to it because DH is meh on the idea. 200 pounds is the cutoff for many companies where anyone weighing more has to pay extra. One that doesn't charge extra reserves the right to remove you from the reservation if you weigh more than 200 if it reduces the number of people they can carry. (This will be 140 pounds lost so seems like a big achievement deserving some cool activity!)
Had to resort to a hamburger for lunch as I am not going to get home for a few more hours. I walked for 10 minutes while waiting for my order, so that is at least something.
Well.... Road trip coming. I should be relatively healthy on the foods because I am traveling with my grandmother. She eats small meals of a rather rigid schedule. She is looking forward to some things that are less than healthy, but I expect there will be less of that than if I were going alone where my tendency is to want to try a little of everything because I probably won't ever be back so now or never.

I'm not going to focus on the numbers, but I really would like to drop some weight before we go. Probably leaving in about two weeks so not much, but a little would be nice.
I need more immediate focus and fun things to keep me making good choices rather than giving in to easy to grab foods and stress takeout. (Not stress eating so much as stressed and don't feel up to cooking so grab takeout. Stress NOT eating has been an issue too as I get busy dealing with whatever the stressor is to get rid of it and forget to stop and eat meals.)

So.... Trying this. Small rewards frequently to keep up the focus:

330: pedicure
320: hair cut
310: visit kangaroos
300: massage
290: pedicure or hike
280: massage
270: visit goats
260: pedicure
250: hike or museum
240: mid $ piece of jewelry (100 lost)
230: pedicure or hike or museum
220: massage
210: pedicure or hike or museum
200: hot air balloon
190: pedicure
180: massage
170: museum
160: pedicure
150: kayaking trip
140: learn to fly!
Nothing like trying to buy shorts or shirts for an upcoming trip to leave a person frustrated. Working hard to remember that I know how to lose weight. I just need to stick with it and figure out how to do it with my achy back not getting herniated. Trying to walk more. Back is the limiting factor on that and everything else right now. I won't give up. I just have to organize myself smarter so I can meal plan/prep successfully and carefully increase my walking.

Dinner -- lemon steamed broccoli, a small serving of saffron rice pilaf, and slow cooked beef using a recipe given to me by a lady from Brazil.
I have probably gained about 10 pounds since covid I am so angry with myself, havent even gotten on scales in 2 months...I been eating too much and drinking way too much, I need to push and get this off me, I am very unhappy....tonights meal is grilled chicken a small salad and a very small piece of cornbread left over from saturdays meal
I'm a large man and I started calorie counting last July 1st. Based on my weight I should be eating 2200 calories/day if I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week but I opted on eating about 1200 to 1500 calories/day. I last checked my weight on the 1st of this month and I already lost 11 lbs. I don't really weigh myself daily or weekly because I don't want to get obsessed about it. But it's a good thing that it works! I hope I can get back to around 200 to 220 lbs as that's my regular weight. FYI I started at 283 lbs so it's still a long journey for me.
I was 340 pounds the day before I left for my trip with my grandmother. Came home at 326.6 pounds. Some of that was healthy and some very not. Trying to take advantage of the uncomfortable trip and keep my meals small and weight loss going. Body semi-adjusted to very small (around 800 calories per day) intake. Been two days at 326.6 so hoping it sticks around. A bit difficult to say as I am also very dehydrated.

Scheduled my haircut (supposed to be at 320 pounds on my rewards schedule) as I am close and my hair is truly damaged and awful. Will keep working and maybe be there by hair cut day. New salon closer to our new home. Excited to see what they do. Scheduled for a cut and partial baliage (spelling?).

ETA: the super low calories, tiny meals, skipped meals, severe dehydration, and more was NOT intentional. Was a very challenging trip in many ways. Glad to be home and working to get my body recovered.
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I'm a large man and I started calorie counting last July 1st. Based on my weight I should be eating 2200 calories/day if I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week but I opted on eating about 1200 to 1500 calories/day. I last checked my weight on the 1st of this month and I already lost 11 lbs. I don't really weigh myself daily or weekly because I don't want to get obsessed about it. But it's a good thing that it works! I hope I can get back to around 200 to 220 lbs as that's my regular weight. FYI I started at 283 lbs so it's still a long journey for me.

Welcome! I hope you are doing well. I started (over again) at 340 and looking to get to 140 or so. The long journeys are tough, but will be worth it!
Still trending down. 323.8 this morning. I am getting into a good routine meal planning. That is definitely helping as I have much fewer missed meals and almost no take out. The day we had takeout, I had a delicious veggie omelette that I ordered half sized with a side of fresh berries and split it between two meals.

Another 3 pounds and I will schedule my pedicure! (Decided to swap hair and pedicure on my schedule of small rewards.)
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