
Weight Loss

random_thought|1428687960|3859936 said:
manderz|1428630591|3859598 said:
I bought some new work pants, and they were THREE SIZES smaller :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance:


Is anyone here doing C25k?

Not really. I am hoping to do the full 6 mile hike at the winery for our anniversary this October. Not the same as a 5k, but something I have never done before and want to. (It is down a steep trail into the gorge then up again past caves and waterfall and stuff.)

I would love to be able to do 5k, but I don't think I would want,to actuallycompete in one.
TooPatient|1428690985|3859984 said:
random_thought|1428687960|3859936 said:
manderz|1428630591|3859598 said:
I bought some new work pants, and they were THREE SIZES smaller :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance:


Is anyone here doing C25k?

Not really. I am hoping to do the full 6 mile hike at the winery for our anniversary this October. Not the same as a 5k, but something I have never done before and want to. (It is down a steep trail into the gorge then up again past caves and waterfall and stuff.)

I would love to be able to do 5k, but I don't think I would want,to actuallycompete in one.

If I had enough wine, I would feel like I could conquer anything!....just saying lol
random_thought|1428698139|3860045 said:
TooPatient|1428690985|3859984 said:
random_thought|1428687960|3859936 said:
manderz|1428630591|3859598 said:
I bought some new work pants, and they were THREE SIZES smaller :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance:


Is anyone here doing C25k?

Not really. I am hoping to do the full 6 mile hike at the winery for our anniversary this October. Not the same as a 5k, but something I have never done before and want to. (It is down a steep trail into the gorge then up again past caves and waterfall and stuff.)

I would love to be able to do 5k, but I don't think I would want,to actuallycompete in one.

If I had enough wine, I would feel like I could conquer anything!....just saying lol

Yeah.... NEVER hike the trail after a tasting. Actually planned that our first visit. Thankfully thought better of it when the time came :lol:
Was by pure accident that we got rescheduled so started the hike first. Got less than halfway down and realized there was no way I was in shape to do the hike. Turned around and have wanted to give it another try after getting in better shape.

Did exercise group this morning (about 100 pushups plus a bunch of jumping Jack's, burpees, and lunges) followed by an hour of yoga. Oh... And parked the car way out there for a 1.5 mile walk.

The group is doing a 6 mile hike Sunday. Supposed to be "easy" with "only" 1400 foot elevation gain. Want to go but don't think I already for the full thing yet. May just go and do halfway or something like that.
I'm down 10 pounds!!! 2 more pounds to get below 200!!!! :dance:
Ouch. Just ouch. A little over 7.5 miles today.

1.3 miles from parking lot to mini lot by gate (all uphill). Plus another mile from gate to trailhead. After all that, only managed to get 1.5 miles up the mountain....
Then still had to get back to car.

Ummm.... Slight incline after first mile?!? I guess that doesn't count the mile before the official start. And is only gentle for about 1/4 mile before being a super steep rock face with a narrow trail covered in loose rocks as you wind your way up most of the 1400 feet in the last two miles....

Not bad for a first hike but I am SOOOOO sore right now.

ETA: Pictures.... Well, of the pedometer. Never got to the falls to take pictures there.




random_thought|1428853299|3860829 said:
I'm down 10 pounds!!! 2 more pounds to get below 200!!!! :dance:

TP- That's still a pretty darn impressive hike!! You should be proud of yourself! :bigsmile:
random_thought|1428898850|3861103 said:
TP- That's still a pretty darn impressive hike!! You should be proud of yourself! :bigsmile:

Thanks! I am.

The only "sad" thing is that I probably would have made it to the falls if it hadn't been for the extra 2.3 miles to get to the trailhead. Oh well. Next time!
Sounds like most of you are doing well!!!! I wished I could walk as much as some of you..the arthritis in my back gives me fits and sometimes its hard...I been walking about 25 mins a day 4-5 times a week...not bad considering I started at 5 mins weight is just stalled, I lose a pound, gain a pound...over and over..I am frustrated...but its ok I guess..I just need to stay with it...I hate my slow metabolism and arthritis...sorry just feeling sorry for myself lately...but I will get back on my horse and ride..I am still determined!
random_thought|1428853299|3860829 said:
I'm down 10 pounds!!! 2 more pounds to get below 200!!!! :dance:

:appl: Awesome! :appl:
diamondrnglover|1428969179|3861488 said:
Sounds like most of you are doing well!!!! I wished I could walk as much as some of you..the arthritis in my back gives me fits and sometimes its hard...I been walking about 25 mins a day 4-5 times a week...not bad considering I started at 5 mins weight is just stalled, I lose a pound, gain a pound...over and over..I am frustrated...but its ok I guess..I just need to stay with it...I hate my slow metabolism and arthritis...sorry just feeling sorry for myself lately...but I will get back on my horse and ride..I am still determined!

I have started and re-started too many times to count. Had been that I was lucky if I could make it 5 minutes. Got to where I could comfortably do 2+ miles then got sick (or sprained my ankle severely) and started over worse than before.

Keep with it. You'll be doing more and more and even if the scale doesn't move, feeling better is great!

Have you tried yoga? Different types and even different instructors make a difference. Yoga has been a huge help with my back (injured in an accident over 10 years ago) and other pains.
TooPatient|1430080974|3868147 said:
diamondrnglover|1428969179|3861488 said:
Sounds like most of you are doing well!!!! I wished I could walk as much as some of you..the arthritis in my back gives me fits and sometimes its hard...I been walking about 25 mins a day 4-5 times a week...not bad considering I started at 5 mins weight is just stalled, I lose a pound, gain a pound...over and over..I am frustrated...but its ok I guess..I just need to stay with it...I hate my slow metabolism and arthritis...sorry just feeling sorry for myself lately...but I will get back on my horse and ride..I am still determined!

I have started and re-started too many times to count. Had been that I was lucky if I could make it 5 minutes. Got to where I could comfortably do 2+ miles then got sick (or sprained my ankle severely) and started over worse than before.

Keep with it. You'll be doing more and more and even if the scale doesn't move, feeling better is great!

Have you tried yoga? Different types and even different instructors make a difference. Yoga has been a huge help with my back (injured in an accident over 10 years ago) and other pains.

Thanks no I haven't tried Yoga but you are the 2nd person that said this...I think I will have to check this out! my weight is still stalled, went to the doctor last Friday and all my numbers, BP, blood sugar, ect (other than weight) is that is good...I know I have the arthritis in my back after extensive testing from a specialist but I haven't been back to the GP doctor to see what would be best to do in the exercise area, I thought I could do it myself lol, apparently what I am doing is not working..I told the doctor that I would make another appt to see him and discuss all of my issues with my I must do this soon...hope everyone else's weight loss is going well, I am still determined, I will get more weight off me one way or another lol
DS is in the last few weeks of grad school for this term. The boys were sick 2 weeks ago and I ended up with Bronchitis which I have never had before. I am so exhausted. Needless to say that I have just been eating anything that was easy and convenient- i.e. comfort food and take out. Feeling very good today though.

I also think that I am in perimenopause, I haven't been to the doctor to check yet, but I have most of the symptoms and it is way more difficult to lose weight and keep it off this time. I am curious to see what sort of advice, if any, he has for me.

Before everyone got sick I started to incorporate Yoga into my workout routine and it was wonderful. It really helped to balance my system and all of the twisting and turning helped with my digestion and bloating!

Everyone is doing such a great job! After reading through the posts again, I am inspired to get back to eating correctly and exercising again.
I've been at this VERY slow. My weight since my last check in has pretty much wavered the same damned 4 pounds. A few days ago, I finally broke my plateau. 1.8 pounds before I reach my next mini-goal :sun:

Then I'll have another 5-pound mark mini-goal til I reach my HS weight.

I'm kind of thrilled.
madelise|1430317277|3869638 said:
I've been at this VERY slow. My weight since my last check in has pretty much wavered the same damned 4 pounds. A few days ago, I finally broke my plateau. 1.8 pounds before I reach my next mini-goal :sun:

Then I'll have another 5-pound mark mini-goal til I reach my HS weight.

I'm kind of thrilled.


Keep it up. You're almost there! :appl:
I have finally broke the plateau :dance: I lost an additional 2 lbs, I am up to a 18lb loss...another 50 to go lol
Way to go everybody!

I am so encouraged by this thread!
Hope everyone is doing well!

I've been sick so not moving too much. Was getting better then spent 43 straight hours awake taking care of my sick puppy and dealing with her death. Got sick bad after that but doing better now. Not good enough to be outside in the mornings exercising, but good enough to walk a bit more in the afternoons.

I also feel like some sort of walking pedometer tree. We got a Fitbit so we can compare it to our pedometer app. (compares great, bwt!!!)
Don't like it. Uncomfortable to wear all day and yet another thing to have to remember to charge.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Have to get some sleep. Launching our next product for sale tomorrow (our great pedometer PLUS heart rate support -- wooHoo!).

Haven't weighed myself while sick. Pants are fitting better. Rings are still hit or miss. With the hot weather and some salty foods recently, more miss on those :nono:
My weight went backwards I got sick and on a bunch of meds, I gained 4 freaking pounds in 1 week :angryfire: I was a little concerned because that is alot of weight in 1 week, I ask the doctor about it, he wasnt concerned..anyway, I have lost 3 of those 4 and I still working on the last one...I will get there!

Missed yoga last week due to being sick and losing my puppy. Had to make up the class so I don't lose credit for it.

Umm.... FOUR hours of yoga is too much. Had the first class (about 100 minutes) then about 15 minute break then another 100 minutes. After 1/3 mile walk from car and another 1/3 mile to get back to the car.
9 pages? :roll:

Weight loss is simple and free.

1. Eat less
2. Move more

If that doesn't work:

1. Eat even less
2. Move even more

If that doesn't work see your doctor.
You may be one of the tiny minority with a medical condition.

I consider myself in the vast majority of overweight people who don't care enough to lose weight or are just too lazy or lacking in the X, the Y, or the Z to do what we know we have to do to lose weight.
Eating feels good.
Sitting on my @ss feels better than exercising.
I like what feels good.

I'm fat and it's my own fault.
TooPatient|1427646995|3854157 said:
Small changes keep on helping!

Fresh start weight: 239.8 (3/5/15)
3/23/15: 236.4
3/29/15: 235.4

5/24/15: 235.6

Not great, but since I have been sick for the last month and not able to do much moving it isn't bad.

Started today with 2 miles at the track. Will get in some more yoga later today.
I FINALLY have something to update about! We closed on a house mid March and commenced renovations the next day. For the most part, I ended up waking up earlier to get to the new house to supervise the renovations, and also, had to stick around there because my internet and phone was ported over early on. I also ended up sitting most of the time on the stairs or floor or a stiff foldup chair, which was uncomfortable. That prompted me to get up and walk a lap or two through my community every hour or so. With no effort at all, I was up to 6,000+ steps a day, averaging between 4,000-6,000. It's awesome because I wasn't trying, but I have lost 6+ lbs in 2.5 months. I am so happy. :-)
So.... it has been almost a year.

How is everyone doing? Anyone want to get back in and get this thread going again? Hoping you all join me!

My update:
Haven't been on a scale in the last couple of weeks, but have been holding steady at around 235 for the last year. Not great, but that is a lot better than gaining 20 pounds like previous years!
My arms are stronger. I lifted a 52 pound refrigerator into the back of a van by myself last week and thought it was a lot lighter than the last one I moved. Nope! Just me getting stronger. The little veins on my legs are almost invisible now. My feet are not cold all the time.
oh, no bueno. 2015 - down 9 lbs, then back up 9 lbs by January 2016. I have my follow up appointment with the GP tomorrow. My lower BP number has to go down. He has a 3 strikes your out rule - so tomorrow may or may not be strike 2. If my bp doesn't improve by weight loss and/or diet by appt 3, I will be put on meds.
Down to 123 pounds (bmi = 21.1) from 137 when I entered the hospital for my craniotomy a year ago.
Goal is 120 pounds so I am close for an old lady.

Cut way back on carbs and got my A1c from 6.5 to 6.3 back into the pre-diabetic range (runs in the family).

PCP won't take me off the "diabetic" list unless I am good for two years. Trying my darnest to not take meds and or do daily finger pricks.
cflutist|1457975747|4005144 said:
Down to 123 pounds (bmi = 21.1) from 137 when I entered the hospital for my craniotomy a year ago.
Goal is 120 pounds so I am close for an old lady.

Cut way back on carbs and got my A1c from 6.5 to 6.3 back into the pre-diabetic range (runs in the family).

PCP won't take me off the "diabetic" list unless I am good for two years. Trying my darnest to not take meds and or do daily finger pricks.

Way to go Cheryl. We are rooting for you!

cflutist|1457975747|4005144 said:
Down to 123 pounds (bmi = 21.1) from 137 when I entered the hospital for my craniotomy a year ago.
Goal is 120 pounds so I am close for an old lady.

Cut way back on carbs and got my A1c from 6.5 to 6.3 back into the pre-diabetic range (runs in the family).

PCP won't take me off the "diabetic" list unless I am good for two years. Trying my darnest to not take meds and or do daily finger pricks.

Nice work!
PintoBean|1457970300|4005092 said:
oh, no bueno. 2015 - down 9 lbs, then back up 9 lbs by January 2016. I have my follow up appointment with the GP tomorrow. My lower BP number has to go down. He has a 3 strikes your out rule - so tomorrow may or may not be strike 2. If my bp doesn't improve by weight loss and/or diet by appt 3, I will be put on meds.

It happens. Just try again. You can do it!

Hoping for good news at your appointment today.
Can I join this thread?

I am currently almost 12 weeks pregnant, so I am NOT trying to actively lose weight--do not worry! However, I'm 5'10" and my normal/comfortable weight is 160 lbs, yet I started this pregnancy at 173 lbs, and I am now up to 179 lbs. I lost a baby around 12 weeks this past September, and I gained nine lbs with that pregnancy, and then the other four somewhere between then and now. (I have been pregnant three times now and I gain weight in the early weeks, even when I'm terribly sick, it is so frustrating.)

SO, with that background, I have been uncomfortable in my own skin basically since September, and I remain uncomfortable and it's not in that I'm-pregnant-so-back-off-and-don't-touch-my-bump kind of way, it's in a I'm-bigger-than-I-want-to-be kind of way. I need to get back on track health-wise.

I agree with Kenny that it is simple to *know* what you need to do to lose weight, but for me right now the issue is *doing* it. I'm 35 and have maintained a steady, healthy weight for most of my life by doing everything in moderation--eating, moving, taking on stress. Lately I have been more sedentary than usual, and I know that is why I'm feeling unhealthy. I'd love to be a part of this thread to get the motivation I need to MOVE MY ARSE!