
were you a spoil brat growing up?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
did mommy and daddy always buy whatever your little heart desires?
No. They taught me manners and courtesy. How about yours???
LOL - not in my dreams. I had to become an expert in saving money/working early on to afford what I REALLY wanted - usually more expensive than what my parents would have spent. Imagine a ten year old reading specialized reviews on boomboxes to make "the best informed decision"
LOL (I still need to research every single product I buy - and I love it!!!)
Nope, I was brought up on an island in the pacific where there was nothing to have anyway. Flip-flops were about the most exciting item that I could have thrown a temper tantrum about wanting!
No, the opposite actually. My brother and I were neglected and abused (we had 2 acholic parents). Often did not have warm enough coats or properly fitting shoes even. I often had to wear my brother's handme downs because my mother could not be bothered to spend money on clothes for me and kept her money for her own selfish wants. I saY wants because my parents had a lot of money and my mother was always buying a new piece of artwork yet would not take me to get my glasses prescription updated so I could not see the blackboard at school often.

But we grew up in a very wealthy community (Potomac, Md) and there was TONS of wealth around us and most of our freinds were spoiled.

But as an adult, I don't hold a grudge. I feel its actually made me a stronger person.
Was I spoiled? Probably, but I think everyone that lives in a nice home, has a car to drive, good food to eat, lots of clothes to wear is spoiled compared to how some people live, so I guess it is all relative. Was I a brat...not in the least.
No. I was the middle child, and therefore neglected. My sister was the youngest, and therefore our resident brat. I got hand-me-ups from her, while she got new things. My brother was also indulged, since he was the only boy.
Yeah probably, but I didn''t know it bc it was the norm. My father used to call me that and my response was that he did it to me. Interestingly enough though we lost everything in a family lawsuit combined with some pretty incredible debt. My Mom and I had to figure things out, and as hard as that time was, well... it grounded me.
Spoiled is one thing though, fortunate is another.
No. I had an allowance. I bought my own stuff and had to work for it.
Between ages 1 to 10 I was a total daddy''s girl. My dad got me whatever I wanted. The only time I was disciplined was if I brought home any grade less than a B (once grounded my entire Spring Break over a C). Other than that I got everything and asked for everything.

When my father got Cancer (I was 10) it was a huge reality check for me and I calmed down significantly. When he passed I started working for my own things (tutoring, babysitting, etc) and been that way ever since.

But daddy''s girl
I think I was pretty spoiled, but in the best way possible. I got more love, caring, attention, and affection from my parents, my brothers, my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other extended family than all my friends put together. I still feel spoiled rotten by the wonderful family I have.

My parents never bought me everything my heart desired, but somehow I knew I was a lot better off than some of the kids who seemed to have everything.
Date: 1/13/2009 11:33:58 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Between ages 1 to 10 I was a total daddy''s girl. My dad got me whatever I wanted. The only time I was disciplined was if I brought home any grade less than a B (once grounded my entire Spring Break over a C). Other than that I got everything and asked for everything.

When my father got Cancer (I was 10) it was a huge reality check for me and I calmed down significantly. When he passed I started working for my own things (tutoring, babysitting, etc) and been that way ever since.

But daddy''s girl
Sorry, fiery. Nothing like losing a loved one to make you realize all the material things don''t really matter all that much.
Spoiled? Yes. Brat? No, not really. I mean, I''m sure I had my moments of "That''s not fair" but overall I was a good kid, and was not a brat by any means. I appreciated what I received.

I''d say I''m more spoiled now than I was when I was younger. My parents saved a LOT of money when I was younger, and now they really like to spend it.

I take care of myself, but my mom likes to spend a lot on me when she can. My parents live in Las Vegas, and they very generously fly out my FF and I from Detroit, put us in a hotel, and pay for all of our expenses for the time that we''re there, plus gambling money.
Nah, not spoiled. I was a pain to my parents in the typical first born struggle for independence, but not spoiled.

When I was younger (like middle school) I would be angry (not at my parents, just in general) that I didn''t have ''cool clothes'', new shoes, or vacations like some of the other kids had. But as I grew up I understood how hard my parents worked to give us what we DID have.
I had a lot of advantages...but I was also raised with a moral compass that lead me to give a lot to others too...I''ve also been big into volunteering, donating. It balances.

There is a difference between being spoiled and being a spoiled brat.
Date: 1/13/2009 9:52:24 AM
Author:Dancing Fire
did mommy and daddy always buy whatever your little heart desires?
I love this wording! IF I was that spoiled I sure as HELL wouldn''t disclose that now! No issue for me however, I was raised by a single parent and not spoiled in the least. I worked for most everything that I have. I do not regret it, but it would have been nice to be spoiled every now and then! My daughter, is most DEFINATELY spoiled. I''m trying to reign that in now though. She wasn''t for the first half of her life, but throughout her teens it''s getting worse.
I think the term spoiled is purely relative. As a child, I thought friends who had phones were "spoiled", and DEFINITELY spoiled if they had something like candy or soda in their houses.

I''m pretty sure I was not spoiled by anyone''s standards. However, I did carry quite a chip on my shoulder to distance myself from anyone knowing that.
No I wasnt.

Date: 1/13/2009 10:42:59 AM
Author: asscherisme
No, the opposite actually. My brother and I were neglected and abused (we had 2 acholic parents). Often did not have warm enough coats or properly fitting shoes even. I often had to wear my brother''s handme downs because my mother could not be bothered to spend money on clothes for me and kept her money for her own selfish wants. I saY wants because my parents had a lot of money and my mother was always buying a new piece of artwork yet would not take me to get my glasses prescription updated so I could not see the blackboard at school often.

But we grew up in a very wealthy community (Potomac, Md) and there was TONS of wealth around us and most of our freinds were spoiled.

But as an adult, I don''t hold a grudge. I feel its actually made me a stronger person.
Asscherisme, I am sorry you had such a hard time. I get the stronger person thing - but still it sucks.
Heck no, my dad was very strict with my brother and I. My mother was a bit more lenient.
Though I do hate the wording of the question, my parents did give me everything my heart desired, though some things I had to wait for, save for, or work for. The idea that a parent can''t be generous without spoiling is hogwash - my parents definitely taught me to give to others, to work hard, to be humble, and understand that value lies in humans, not things. When a parent replaces love or the act of parenting with a multitude of toys, then that''s creating a spoiled brat.
Date: 1/13/2009 12:58:33 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
I had a lot of advantages...but I was also raised with a moral compass that lead me to give a lot to others too...I''ve also been big into volunteering, donating. It balances.

There is a difference between being spoiled and being a spoiled brat.

I agree. I don''t think spoiled and brat necessarily have to go together. I plan to "spoil" my kids for lack of better word, but that doesn''t mean I won''t teach them how to work for things and teach them to appreciate what they get.
Would anybody actually admit to being a spoiled brat?

I grew up poor. And on a farm. Now I'm a yuppie (and a dink), but in some ways want to move to the middle of nowhere to provide my kids the same kind of hard-working, rural, wonderful childhood I had.
I was lucky and lived a very privileged life. I''m also the oldest of three, and the only one with the memories of our houses and neighbourhoods getting better and better, and seeing my parents work incredibly hard to give us what we got. To my brother and sister, life has always been full of nannies, maids, and living in fancy, well-off neighbourhoods.

And all of it has only convinced me that I''m willing to work as hard or harder to live that kind of life again. So, maybe I was spoiled, but I don''t feel entitled to the kind of life I had. I know I''ll have to work to get it, and I know I''m capable of it, thanks to my parents.
Still do!!!

No, I am kidding. I have been working since I was 12. My mom taught me amazing values and while I do love nice things- I also know they require lots of hard work. Nothing was more satisfying than the extravagant trench coat I bought for myself after saving up my first few paychecks.
No. We were extremely poor and if we got anything it was because someone took pity on our family and donated it to us. We were the family on the giving tree at Christmas. I was also the 3rd of three girls so by time things got to me they were pretty ratty. I often think that is why my hubby spoils me rotten today.
No way. My brothers though...they are. They are 17 and 20 years older than I am, and my father gives them everything they ask for. I think it''s because their mother essentially made him miss out on their childhood and he''s trying to make up for lost time. I was there and saw what my parents went through, and I saw them struggle. Yes today my dad lives in a big house in one of the nicest areas of town, but it hasn''t always been like that, and I''ve always been very conscious of that.
I was probably spoiled but not a brat. I usually got what I wanted... but the thing is that I never really asked for much. I would do some work here and there for my dad''s business to earn money until I was old enough to get a real job... so usually I just paid for my own stuff. My parents always struggled financially but they would take me on little shopping sprees sometimes even though they couldn''t afford it. I never asked for it though. I wish I''d been old enough to understand and tell them "no thanks" but I was only in middle school.
Date: 1/13/2009 9:52:24 AM
Author:Dancing Fire
did mommy and daddy always buy whatever your little heart desires?
Hah! Not hardly. My mother, on the other hand, was an only child and a daddy''s girl. So she knew all the tricks, and we got by with zip, zilch, nada.
yeah pretty much...and our son is spoiled too. lol.
I think that I was spoiled as my parents gave me everything they could but I wasn''t a brat and as soon as I hit 13, I started working part time to help towards my expenses.
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