Thanks Sundial, Firegoddess and Flopkins - I really am thrilled with it (though more thrilled once Advil + decongestant kicks in, as I seem to have developed a bit of a nasty cold
Flopkins - LOL that''s so funny, I didn''t even notice. I''m working up some new protocols in the lab right now and so PubMed is practically permanently open on my laptop these days so I can keep checking on whether I''m doing stuff right. Ah the joys of grad must be almost done by now, right??
OK, so since I''m home sick today, I decided to take some more pictures. I still can''t capture just how gorgeous this ring is, but I hope these are fun anyway.
Blurry sparkles on coffee table:
Couple of handshots:
Some pictures on the couch:
On the Christmas tree (because the Menorahs just don''t photograph well...):
On the ornament DH and I got at Fortnum and Mason (our favorite store) in London on our honeymoon in October, and on a normal ornament:
Are you sick of handshots yet??
My little princess cat, practicing for her eventual coronation
Gorgeous! Your set is stunning, you must be thrilled! Also I know what you mean about "my fingers don''t normally look this big." I have very petite hands, they look small in person, small ring size... but when I photograph them they look like size 9 fingers it feels like
Lindsey - that''s my same problem. My hands aren''t exactly tiny, but they look like sausages in pictures! It grosses me out every time I see it...Oh well, at least I''ve got gorgeous diamonds now to distract from that!
Kaleigh - I''m sorry to hear you''re suffering with the same bug. Its pretty icky. I actually just woke up from a 2-hour nap (normally I can barely sleep at night). I''m really hoping it gets better in time for tomorrow to go out to the ballet and then for the holidays, but in the meantime the cats + kitten were thrilled - all three of them curled up on the bed with me...
Love it! beautiful! Finally, a great w-band answer for the 3 stone ring!! Where were you when I had my dilemma 5 years ago! I could have saved my DH a big headache! LOL
Thanks Jeannine - I was really insistent that the w-band that I had from my original set would go with this three-stone ring. That was probably the most important thing to me, and the reason I didn''t end up with a much more delicate band on the ring, which I would normally prefer.
Gothgrrl - I''m pretty amazed at the whiteness of it too. Way back when (like two years ago) when we first sztarted looking at rings, I was super color-sensitive and I worried about getting a G, but now I think I could even go lower in color, as long as its well cut. Hmmm...upgrade sooner?
Thanks Lynn - that was kind of my goal (keeping DSS at bay for a while), since we''re hoping to buy a place of our own and get DH a new car, all of that has to come before a "real" upgrade (hopefully 2+ct or more...). Thank you so much for the nice comments though!
I''m hoping to get a few more fun shots when the sun comes out, as I''m still not sure I''ve really captured it...
AG-These are beautiful pictures. I AM 99.9% positive you will not have DSS, at least for a long time, as the set looks AMAZING together. I really love the classic look!
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