
What annoys you, more than anything else?

People that are too lazy to return their shopping carts to the cart corral and just leave them willy-nilly in the parking lot. I even return in the rain. This drives me crazy.
ckrickett|1448580030|3954535 said:
People who overuse the word Gourmet.

Its a weird one, but its a big one.
MIsspelling errors found in just about all sites today.

(ex: NYTimes, Google news items).

I mean WTF! I'm convinced it's the dumbing of america.. it actually makes me re-read the damn article again because the context changes as: Capitol vs Capital..

rant off.
Paying student loans, they never end!
People who abuse or dump animals. Oh, and the ones who fake having a service animal. That is really annoying! :angryfire:
Tekate|1448629464|3954640 said:
MIsspelling errors found in just about all sites today.

(ex: NYTimes, Google news items).

I mean WTF! I'm convinced it's the dumbing of america.. it actually makes me re-read the damn article again because the context changes as: Capitol vs Capital..

rant off.


It is astonishing.
Apparently they (writers, editors, publishers and readers) don't care any more.
Only one pet peeve- Rolex watches with gold hands that are fat on the ends.
Annoyance... Annoyance brings to mind a nuisance that's not anything major, but just gets under one's skin.

In that case I have a couple: the first is littering. It drives me INSANE to see someone carelessly toss their trash on the street, throw a cigarette butt out the car window or leave picnic trash on the beach. Next is inconsiderate people: a person who zips down the merging lane to get in front of a few cars, takes up half an overhead bin on an airplane for their hat, or talks on their cellphone whilst checking out at the grocery store. Lastly, eating loudly. Ugh! My former boss would eat his lunch at his desk every day--chewing loudly, talking with his mouth full, and stabbing his fork loudly on his plate. Makes my skin crawl just thinking of it!!!!
I've been up with the dog already 3 times tonight (it's 2:30am) and realized another annoyance... When people feed our dog food from the table! MIL doesn't see a problem with it, but she doesn't have to deal with the aftermath!!!
Also, how annoying is it that I posted 3 things that annoy me when the intro to the thread states "JUST ONE"?!?
Bad manners.

DK :))
I don't know that I have a big one so I'm going for what annoys me this week.

When DH is an angry driver. We get stuck in traffic and he starts sighing, checking his mirrors every second and tapping his fingers or feet. I get irrationally angry at him getting irrationally angry at traffic.
Smacking, popping, cracking noises when chewing gum!
Oooooooh just one is really tough! :lol:

I'd say idiocy is my number one annoyance. In particular idiots with a herd-like mindset ie. people who jump on the latest bandwagon and loudly protest *whatever* without having done any detailed reading/research, especially with politics. Often this leads to equally idiotic decisions being made to pacify this ridiculous crowd without thought to the wider implications/long term results. :eek:
^ One of my favorite sayings is, "You can't fix stupid."

The thing that annoys me the most is gratuitous cruelty and violence and those who practice and enjoy it, whether in reality or fantasy.