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Hikerchick, we have a lot of the same authors in common! I just love Alice Sebold. I have not tried Barbara Kingsolver yet, but will have to give her a try. I really like Jodi Picoult! I agree with you on Tenth Circle. I just finished her newest one, Nineteen Minutes which just came out a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed it up until the end which I found dissatisfying. Usually my favorite parts about her books are the unexpected endings. Still, the issues in the book really made me think. Plain Truth was one of my favorites by her. I also enjoyed Disappearing Acts, and The Pact. I haven't read them all yet, but several. I do find she uses some of the same themes throughout her novels, do you?Date: 3/26/2007 12:26:31 PM
Author: hikerchick
Date: 3/26/2007 11:53:17 AM
Author: Mara
Does anyone have any 'chick lit' recommendations other than the ones we have previously discussed??? Looking for some new stuff!
Here are a few authors who write 'chick lit', I have enjoyed one or more by each of them.
Barbara Kingsolver
Anita Shreve
Jodi Picoult
Elizabeth Berg
Alice Sebold
Thank you CrownJewel, I never thought of trying out books on CD. That''s a great idea. I''m sure short stories would be a good start too. Here''s hoping it will help me get back into book reading again. Many thanks.Date: 3/26/2007 9:19:31 PM
Author: CrownJewel
MiniMouse I sort of understand what you mean. I felt that way for a few years (I went an entire year without reading a book) and still do sometimes. Have you tried books on tape? At one point I was commuting for an hour each way to work, and I got Running With Scissors on CD and it was such a great way to ''read.'' It could be just the thing to jumpstart your ability to read again. Or you could try short stories. I think Jhumpa Lahiri is going to catapult to the top of writer stardom now that The Namesake was made into a movie. I have not read that one, but I did read Interpreter of Maladies and it''s a nice way of getting your fill of literature in short bursts!!
Oh yeah, I LOVE Irving . . . haven''t read him in a while. I have been reading all of Jodi Picoult''s books. The other one of her''s I didn''t care for was Salem Falls. I will have to pick up her new one. Perfect Match is another good one by her. Gail, what are some of your other fav authors? I would love to get a new author addiction. I have almost run out of books by the authors I listed above, so I am finding myself at a loss.Date: 3/27/2007 2:13:35 AM
Author: gailrmv
Hikerchick, we have a lot of the same authors in common! I just love Alice Sebold. I have not tried Barbara Kingsolver yet, but will have to give her a try. I really like Jodi Picoult! I agree with you on Tenth Circle. I just finished her newest one, Nineteen Minutes which just came out a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed it up until the end which I found dissatisfying. Usually my favorite parts about her books are the unexpected endings. Still, the issues in the book really made me think. Plain Truth was one of my favorites by her. I also enjoyed Disappearing Acts, and The Pact. I haven''t read them all yet, but several. I do find she uses some of the same themes throughout her novels, do you?
In addition to Jodi Picoult I really enjoy John Irving''s novels. I also love mysteries. My favorites right now are by Patricia Cornwell.
Even though my schedule is really busy, I keep a book by my bedside table and read for a few minutes each night. It helps me wind down and I also get quite a few books read this way! I also have a tradition, before I travel I buy a paperback or two for the plane. (The rest of the time I use the library!)
Date: 3/27/2007 12:49:01 PM
Author: Mara
hikerchick, i actually don't love getting library books either because i always forget to return them etc but i basically can read a 400 page book in 8 hours, so it never makes sense for me to buy them. i do anyway but then i'm like boy that was a waste because it's done in a day or two. hahaha. especially when i have a lot of time to read, i can just MOW through the book. sometimes i have to only allow myself an hour to read or something because it's so easy for me to get into the book and just keep going. sometimes i stay up til like 4am finishing a book! so the library is starting to make more sense financially hahah and also they just remodeled one about a mile from us so i can walk there and get books, then walk back, so it's kind of a two-fold positive experience, getting some walking in and getting new books, hehe.
Date: 3/26/2007 4:15:32 AM
Author: nomissjane
I agree with about the ''heavy reading''....sometimes can be a chore to get to the end....
I have a theory with books....first a bit of background....
When I was a little girl, mum would send me of to school with a healthy salad sandwich and a jam or honey sandwich....and of course I was only allowed to eat the jam once I had finished the salad.....
So my theory with books is that I get to read a ''jam'' (ie any old airport rubbish, bodice ripper etc) once I have read a ''salad''(something that expands my mind etc)....
It''s a pretty good system for me....however I do cheat a little, I''m always looking for a jam with a healthy springling of mung beans/alfalfa in it.....hehe!
I''ve just reread the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kinsolver.....fantastic, although definately jammie....
I loved those!! I seriously need authors like Emily Giffin and Sophie Kinsella to WRITE FASTER. Don''t they know that we bookaholics need like a new novel every month? hehe.Date: 3/27/2007 5:28:34 PM
Author: Rosebud8506
I just read ''Something Borrowed'' and now I''m on ''Something Blue'' by Emily Giffin. Good reads, but I can easily read them in 2-3 days! I read too fast sometimes too.
hi Hikerchick! I have been trying to think of other good authors to recommend. Lately it''s been all Jodi Picoult and Patricia Cornwell and of course, grad school stuff. I also really like Jennifer Weiner, as another person recommended. And I''m sure you''ve already read these if you wanted to, but I thought The Nanny Diaries and also The Devil Wears Prada were fun, lighthearted reads. Do you have any other favorites that you can recommend?Date: 3/27/2007 9:45:04 AM
Author: hikerchick
Oh yeah, I LOVE Irving . . . haven''t read him in a while. I have been reading all of Jodi Picoult''s books. The other one of her''s I didn''t care for was Salem Falls. I will have to pick up her new one. Perfect Match is another good one by her. Gail, what are some of your other fav authors? I would love to get a new author addiction. I have almost run out of books by the authors I listed above, so I am finding myself at a loss.Date: 3/27/2007 2:13:35 AM
Author: gailrmv
Hikerchick, we have a lot of the same authors in common! I just love Alice Sebold. I have not tried Barbara Kingsolver yet, but will have to give her a try. I really like Jodi Picoult! I agree with you on Tenth Circle. I just finished her newest one, Nineteen Minutes which just came out a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed it up until the end which I found dissatisfying. Usually my favorite parts about her books are the unexpected endings. Still, the issues in the book really made me think. Plain Truth was one of my favorites by her. I also enjoyed Disappearing Acts, and The Pact. I haven''t read them all yet, but several. I do find she uses some of the same themes throughout her novels, do you?
In addition to Jodi Picoult I really enjoy John Irving''s novels. I also love mysteries. My favorites right now are by Patricia Cornwell.
Even though my schedule is really busy, I keep a book by my bedside table and read for a few minutes each night. It helps me wind down and I also get quite a few books read this way! I also have a tradition, before I travel I buy a paperback or two for the plane. (The rest of the time I use the library!)
Also, I buy books at second hand books stores and online from discount bookstores. I tend not to have time for the library and then forget to return stuff, etc. So, I buy books and pass them along to friends and family. Usually about 5 or 6 other people read the books I buy so I see it as a worthwhile investment. Then I donate them to a local booksale. I am too lazy for the library . . . plus I have this wierd aversion to hardcovers and libraries rarely carry paperbacks.
I agree, I read really fast too and I have limited bookshelf room, so it''s rare that I buy new books. I like the library b/c of the cost savings, but sometimes they don''t have what I am looking for or I forget to return them and get a huge fine. I really like the books on CD from the library, because I have a long commute and it makes it a lot better.Date: 3/27/2007 1:28:11 PM
Author: hikerchick
Date: 3/27/2007 12:49:01 PM
Author: Mara
hikerchick, i actually don''t love getting library books either because i always forget to return them etc but i basically can read a 400 page book in 8 hours, so it never makes sense for me to buy them. i do anyway but then i''m like boy that was a waste because it''s done in a day or two. hahaha. especially when i have a lot of time to read, i can just MOW through the book. sometimes i have to only allow myself an hour to read or something because it''s so easy for me to get into the book and just keep going. sometimes i stay up til like 4am finishing a book! so the library is starting to make more sense financially hahah and also they just remodeled one about a mile from us so i can walk there and get books, then walk back, so it''s kind of a two-fold positive experience, getting some walking in and getting new books, hehe.
I hear you . . . I read about 30 minutes a day, sometimes an hour (when I ride the bus to work and back if Bf doesn''t pick me up) and I can usually finish a book of 250-300 pages in about 7 hours, so it is an expensive habit. For a while I belonged to an online book sharing club, so a bunch of us would share books and only have to pay for shipping the books to each other. But even that got tedious, I am too lazy to get myself to the post office. I might try the library route soon though since money has become a little tighter recently and will likely get worse once we start planning our wedding . . . argh (too many hobbies, not enough time or money)![]()
Wish I had a GREAT library near me, maybe that would help.
Never considered it before. Will now though, I''m sure. LOL. Still the used bookstore is my friend. Where else can I spurlge on 15 books at a time without guilt.Date: 3/28/2007 1:02:39 AM
Author: monarch64
OK, I just have to say...does anyone else get a little anal about where your books come from? In the past few years since I''ve basically only been borrowing books from friends and relatives, the same people I would share food with, I have realized or thought that the library is sort of one of those ways to pick up random germs. It''s part of my aversion to going to the library even though I''ve gotten my card, and I would rather not keep shelling out money to Borders for paperbacks...maybe I''m just weird, I don''t know.
I''ll have to check those out!Date: 3/27/2007 5:43:39 PM
Author: LuckyLady
Have either of you tried Jane Green or Jennifer Weiner?
Jane Green is a British writer, has written tons of these kind of books.
JW is good, kind of annoying sometimes, but good at this genre.
I listened to Baby Proof on CD in the car. Liked the beginning, liked the characters, thought the plot dragged a bit but liked the end. So, are her other books about the same characters that are in Baby Proof?Date: 3/28/2007 2:21:17 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Rosebud, Baby Proof is out, but it''s not to do with Darcy or the other friend (I can''t believe I forgot her name!!). To be honest, after loving the first two, I didn''t like Baby Proof at all.
I LOVE Jane Green, her books are fantastic. Anna Maxted, is great, too!
Date: 3/26/2007 11:45:36 PM
Author: bling*diva*
~~I just read Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella...it was a really good book!!!