
What cut is this?

Put it this way: there will always be plenty of poorly cut asschers with dead centers for you to choose from.

But you know what I mean— if you love it and it’s calling to you, then forget whatever I said because it doesn’t matter!!
You willing to let us know ballpark price it’s going for?
Do antique asschers have bruted girdles?

$360 and I would scrap the setting and band because they are not in great shape.
Granted it’s not a lot of money but I have to think about whether I’m up for a project.

Cant answer the girdle question as I’m not familiar with antique step cuts at all.
I still think it's unusual and cool because of that. I like the kozibe effect.
Still, I'm curious as to why there is an attempt, (or the decision to keep) a large maltese cross in this. What the reasoning was.
I appreciate it @whitewave, I would hope if I was looking at a real dog that people would tell me absolutely not! I don’t know anything about step cuts so I have to rely on you guys.
Difficult birth - lol

Just for poops and giggles
I think I’d be ok with the facet pairing between this mystery stone and FC’s spaced out in a band like pictured earlier. Not convinced
I, personally, would enjoy as a three stone as these are smaller than my yellow three stone and not too fond of that on my sausage fingers too much.
But I’m not the one investing in the project!

Love this!
@ItsMainelyYou, when I saw it I was like huh, what is this thing lol!
Thanks for the input

@foxinsox, whenever I come across something like this I ask because that’s the only way to learn you know?

thanks @Karl_K for your expertise, I honestly didn’t think this was an asscher otherwise I would have asked you!

@La2020 and @Ibrakeforpossums, like you guys I am rather intrigued by this but @whitewave is waving the crappy asscher flag so that gives me serious pause. I’m okay with a hybrid, something interesting but a crappy example of a cut, not so much.

@Rfisher thanks for doing that photoshop for me...I wonder if the center is just going to reflect my dark hair anytime I look at it. Granted it is a small stone but to see a black center would be off putting.

Still thinking about it....DH is not a fan “you hate custom projects” “you have nearly thirty rings and you wear the same two all the time”. He isn’t wrong!

You should not take my advice, I'm not educated and all my cats were strays. But if there is a return policy . . . that oblique view has me intrigued.
What size is it?
4.1 x 3.8mm

Hmmm. After all is said and done, how much would you spend on this project? Would you rather use those funds on another ready made piece?
If you pass on your hold. I am interested.
Good questions @nala, I’m usually a ready made girl but this is interesting.....

@Rfisher noted, if I pass I’ll give you first shot :)
I’ll be honest and my first impression of it was a newly cut stimulant. but most like that in a search aren’t really cut like this either?
so fingers crossed for you It’s natural. I see it’s allure.

im pining for something in this family
so that’s where my first thought goes. With less stones and probably engraving in their place.
so I gravitate more towards band vs solitaire

Hahahaha we all know what happened when I tried to have that made
Hahahaha we all know what happened when I tried to have that made

What do you envision?

I like the idea of a three stone band with some colored stone sides. I’m also thinking that a halo of some kind might be interesting. If I buy this I will sit on it for a while to figure out exactly what to do with it.
Ooohhh, baquette halo. My fevered little brain . . .
I like it but it's teeny!
But as the center in a halo or with side stones it would be pretty!
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@foxinsox, whenever I come across something like this I ask because that’s the only way to learn you know?

Still thinking about it....DH is not a fan “you hate custom projects” “you have nearly thirty rings and you wear the same two all the time”. He isn’t wrong!
Oh absolutely! I wasn't meaning to quash your curiosity in any way! I'm sorry if my reply did somehow come across like that as I had zero intention to do that.
It immediately looked to me like an asscher that wasn't quite right so I had a go at guessing and tagged Karl cos he's the man when it comes to asschers and I knew he could diagnose if it was.
I still kinda hope you get it if you like it and enjoy how it looks even though there's been a few comments suggesting it's just a bad asscher. I like the profile picture you showed.

Also re your DH's comment - that is really the biggest thing that stops me putting too much effort into following up on ideas most of the time. I wear 3 rings every day and occasionally add in another one or two if I'm feeling fancy but day to day is so restricted!
I like it but it's teeny!
But as the center in a halo or with side stones it would be pretty.

You know you’re my voice of reason, so here is the question, you think I’m getting in over my head with a possible custom project? It’s a bit scary to be honest but you make your own jewelry so maybe you have a different perspective.
Hey @foxinsox no worries at all and I appreciate you tagging Karl. When I post something it is to get all the opinions, not just the ones who agree with mine. I’m really out of my wheelhouse so I really appreciate people taking the time to help me!
How about a colored stone baguette halo! That would be something different in my collection.

Baguette sapphires, baby! It would be really cool that way!
You know you’re my voice of reason, so here is the question, you think I’m getting in over my head with a possible custom project? It’s a bit scary to be honest but you make your own jewelry so maybe you have a different perspective.

I have absolutely no idea what PSers pay for custom rings. I always assume that the price tag for a custom ring is $$$$.
I suspect that the man hours and gold materials can be more expensive than the gemstones, in most cases.
If you scrap the gold, you will get less than $100 to put towards a new setting.

What if you got your jeweler to add colored side stones to the existing ring? Like @Rfisher showed previously
I have absolutely no idea what PSers pay for custom rings. I always assume that the price tag for a custom ring is $$$$.
I suspect that the man hours and gold materials can be more expensive than the gemstones, in most cases.
If you scrap the gold, you will get less than $100 to put towards a new setting.

What if you got your jeweler to add colored side stones to the existing ring? Like @Rfisher showed previously

You know my Italian jeweler guy is going to love me when I bring this in right? I even told him when I saw him a couple days ago not to expect any new projects this year! He will give me the big sigh and I will say yeah, yeah do you want to do this for me or do I go to the other jeweler in town. Then he will write the ticket, it’s literally the same dance every time :)
You know my Italian jeweler guy is going to love me when I bring this in right? I even told him when I saw him a couple days ago not to expect any new projects this year! He will give me the big sigh and I will say yeah, yeah do you want to do this for me or do I go to the other jeweler in town. Then he will write the ticket, it’s literally the same dance every time :)

I'm sure you are his favorite customer!! He does not want to lose you to the competition.
He should be giving you discounts with all the work you bring him!
You could bribe him with pizzelles.
Baguette sapphires, baby! It would be really cool that way!

Yvonne has some baguette sapphires on sale and some French cut spinels I think 3mm is the largest.

I was going gaga over this halo if you rotate straight edges they seem so much bigger. ignore the opal, but the mix of cuts in the halo make it seem like a really cool cluster. Opal_1.png
Just wanted to say two things:

1. I actually quite like the setting. It's kind of "retro cool"!
2. I'm in love with your profile-picture, @YadaYadaYada
@CSpan, thank you for the suggestion, I will have a look at her shop :)

@Roselina, thank you so much! I was inspired to play photographer recently, that picture was taken with an IPhone 11 Pro.
The seller sent me a couple more pictures this morning. Not sure if that spot the arrow is pointing at is a chip, anyways just thought I would share these:
