
What do you support?

I volunteer dental work for homeless people.
Multiple veterans organizations, local food banks and local animal shelters.
kenny|1448341068|3953440 said:
How? I'm curious.

I give monthly to the local food bank (they can do way more with cash than straight food donations), a local homeless shelter for families, Medicins Sans Frontieres, World Wildlife Fund, Plan International: Because I Am A Girl, Amnesty International, and I sponsor two girls in developing countries.
I give yearly to Women on Waves (provides abortion services to women in countries with restrictive legislation), the Center for Inquiry's Emergency Blogger Fund (helps atheist bloggers escape murder and persecution in countries like Bangladesh), and a local no-kill cat shelter.

It looks like PSers are going to save the world a little bit at a time! :appl:
Hope it's OK to share this here. Best Friends is having a giving Tuesday event where every donation is matched.

Today, people around the world are uniting in a singular act of kindness. Be a part of it by making a gift to help homeless pets across the country — and know that today, Giving Tuesday, your gift to the animals will be matched 100%!
1. My local food pantry
2. planned parenthood
3. Humane society
4. A local foundation where I live that helps autistic children.

Other various causes but the top 4 are my every year causes.
JaneSmith|1448521519|3954328 said:
kenny|1448341068|3953440 said:
How? I'm curious.

Google, "Donate to atheism".
Lots of links will come up.
Research them.

I'm particularly grateful for the excellent work of a call-in weekly local cable TV show from Austin TX that's been running for 18 years called, "The Atheist Experience".

The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin. The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals."

Some full episodes are on Youtube, and some 'greatest hits' type of excerpts.
Over the years they have had various sites host videos of their 90 minute shows.
IMO they are an excellent cause to donate to.
They are not local to me, but the Internet reaches the world and I LOVE the work they do.

They have several hosts.
Matt Dillahunty is my fav, by far.
He can be a major A-hole ... when callers deserve it.
Hilarity often ensues. :lol:
Tracie Harris is my second fav.

A couple of the hosts are like watching paint dry, but of course the content itself is the point.
Your liberty, especially when I disagree with how you use it.
I am one of the founders of a non-profit organization called the Endo Challenge. The Endo Challenge is a social media movement where the “sisters” of the endo community turn their social media profile pictures yellow and encourage their friends outside of the community to do the same, in an effort to bring awareness to endometriosis and how it affects its sufferers.

The average diagnosis for endometriosis takes roughly 10 years, during which time many woman are either wrongly diagnosed or told the pain is psychological. Thanks to the help of many online support groups, these woman are banding together to bring endometriosis to the forefront of women’s health.

Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease that affects at least 6.3 million women and girls in the U.S., 1 million in Canada, and millions more worldwide. It occurs when tissue like that which lines the uterus (tissue called the endometrium) is found outside the uterus — usually in the abdomen on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments that support the uterus; the area between the vagina and rectum; the outer surface of the uterus; and the lining of the pelvic cavity. Other sites for these endometrial growths may include the bladder, bowel, vagina, cervix, vulva, and in abdominal surgical scars. Less commonly they are found in the lung, arm, thigh, and other locations.

I suffer from stage 4 endometriosis and have had 2 surgeries already within a 1 year time span and am ramping up for a third. Endometriosis is the reason I can't get pregnant and is the reason I cannot walk 4-5 days out of the month because doctors believe it is on my sciatic nerve along with various other places.
kenny|1449015751|3956192 said:
JaneSmith|1448521519|3954328 said:
kenny|1448341068|3953440 said:
How? I'm curious.

Google, "Donate to atheism".
Lots of links will come up.
Research them.

I'm particularly grateful for the excellent work of a call-in cable TV show that's been going for 18 years called, "The Atheist Experience".

Some full episodes are on Youtube, and some 'greatest hits types'.
Over the years they have had various sites host their main videos.
IMO they are an excellent cause to donate to.

They have several hosts.
Matt Dillahunty is my fav.
He can be an a-hole, when callers deserve it.
Hilarity often ensues. :lol:
Tracie Harris is my second fav.

A couple of the hosts are like watching paint dry, but the content is the point.

My wife and I absolutely LOVE the Atheist Experience, Matt Dillahunty is one of the best public speakers I have ever seen. No nonsense, straight to the point and concise enough that basically anyone can understand his point. I've also spoken with Tracie via email and she is one of the sweetest, most caring and understanding people I've ever spoken with. I just avoid the shows with John, Jen or Russell and especially if it's 2 of them together. If they're with Matt it is usually OK but then again it's probably because 90% of the show ends up being him talking :lol:

Even if you are not an atheist they do have some interesting content on their show that isn't necessarily related to religion.
jordyonbass|1449018483|3956223 said:
My wife and I absolutely LOVE the Atheist Experience, Matt Dillahunty is one of the best public speakers I have ever seen. No nonsense, straight to the point and concise enough that basically anyone can understand his point. I've also spoken with Tracie via email and she is one of the sweetest, most caring and understanding people I've ever spoken with. I just avoid the shows with John, Jen or Russell and especially if it's 2 of them together. If they're with Matt it is usually OK but then again it's probably because 90% of the show ends up being him talking :lol:

Even if you are not an atheist they do have some interesting content on their show that isn't necessarily related to religion.

I mean, OM not-G! :lol:

I've never 'met' anyone who views TAE!
Clearly it's a sign. :bigsmile:

Yeah, Jen is very dead-pan but she's very bright, no-nonsense, and has very good things to say.
Tracie is very vivacious and fluffy, but totally genuine and sincere!
They've had a couple one or two-time co-hosts they must have found staggering around at a Wal Mart parking lot. :knockout:

Matt is one of the brightest people I know of.
Razor sharp mind.
Very articulate, and does not suffer fools ... good for him!
He was raised Southern Baptist and was studying to become a preacher when he 'saw the light'.

Matt, is such a 'star' that callers often say Hi to only him.
Sometimes he'll respond, "Hi, but Tracie is here too." :lol:
Lots of fun and smart humor sprinkled throughout this show.
Hahaha I remember one episode where all the callers were saying hi to Matt and as you mentioned, whenever someone would say hello to him he'd add 'and Tracie' to the end of their greeting. Until the third or fourth caller who he greeted and then immediately said 'Hey Tracie how ya doing?' That got a big clap from him and left me in stitches with laughter :lol:

I have noticed a trend since most calls come in for Matt, the co-host will do the introduction topic at the start of the show to get their word in since 99% of callers want to debate Matt. I have no idea why they'd want to, he's so good at it that I feel like we could be debating the existence of the Tooth Fairy and he'd still crush me while arguing for it's existence.

Have you seen any of Matt's debates on youtube that are from outside of the show?
kenny|1449015751|3956192 said:
JaneSmith|1448521519|3954328 said:
kenny|1448341068|3953440 said:
How? I'm curious.

Google, "Donate to atheism".
Lots of links will come up.
Research them.
Ah. Donations. I was thinking perhaps some other way of showing support like wearing a pin or hosting get-togethers.

I've met Mr Dillahunty twice now. Nice enough fellow, knows a lot about Christianity.

Missy, that is a good book recommendation for someone from a montheistic background.
JaneSmith|1449119266|3956769 said:
kenny|1449015751|3956192 said:
JaneSmith|1448521519|3954328 said:
kenny|1448341068|3953440 said:
How? I'm curious.

Google, "Donate to atheism".
Lots of links will come up.
Research them.
Ah. Donations. I was thinking perhaps some other way of showing support like wearing a pin or hosting get-togethers.

Well, coming out of the closet as an atheist is of course the best way to support atheism.
I'm a wonderful person.
My life testifies you don't need religion to be moral and good ... but only if people know that I'm atheist.

In America atheists are WAY more despised than gays.
I don't think there is a congress-critter who admitted to being atheist while running for office.

In the last 20 years lots of gays have come out of the closet.
Now many people know someone who's gay.
People now have direct experience that we gay folks are just as boring, ordinary and variable as straight people are.

IMO this demystifying is why we now have marriage equality.
jordyonbass|1449023978|3956257 said:
Hahaha I remember one episode where all the callers were saying hi to Matt and as you mentioned, whenever someone would say hello to him he'd add 'and Tracie' to the end of their greeting. Until the third or fourth caller who he greeted and then immediately said 'Hey Tracie how ya doing?' That got a big clap from him and left me in stitches with laughter :lol:

:lol: I saw that episode too.

jordyonbass|1449023978|3956257 said:
Have you seen any of Matt's debates on youtube that are from outside of the show?

Yes, and I practically cringe with sympathy for debate opponents Dillahunty crushes.
By definition you can't debate something that depends on so-called 'faith' instead of evidence.
I have no idea why those folks even enter debates like this.
Great thread! It's interesting to learn about organizations that PS members support. :clap: I support groups that help with training service dogs for veteran or person with a disability, dog/cat/wildlife rescues, etc. I volunteer at local libraries and also with the Salvation Army during the Holiday Season. :wavey:
I missed this thread, too! Very nice to read about everyone's passions!

Our church helps two orphanages in Africa. Our daughter has been there to help with a building project, and this Christmas I just finished a project of filling 200 treat bags for the kids at one of the orphanages who have NEVER had a Christmas gift before. I would say that will be the most happy thing for me about Christmas this year. We also are sponsoring a child in that orphanage and have done so in various countries for over 20 years (before we adopted from China). We have friends leaving Christmas night to go back to Africa to complete the adoption of their 15 year old son and bring him home!

We also help support women through our local crisis pregnancy center. Orphan care and adoption are nearest and dearest to my heart, but there are other things we support locally and beyond as well.
1. I support and am heavily involved in apex marine predator tagging programs here in Australia. The kind of data my family has been able to provide marine biologists over the last 10-15 years would have required half a million dollars in funding from outside sources and we're simply one boat out of hundreds, if not thousands. Along with the tagging data going to science we've helped to pioneer and develop fish-friendly equipment and change atitudes on techniques to give the fish the best possible chance of survival after a long, drawn-out fight which may potentially last hours.

2. I support my local music scene. Melbourne is the home of live music here in Australia and it only survives through the support it gets. Unfortunately the hardcore/metal scene isn't what it used to be though as I mostly see kids videoing me at gigs instead of moshing at the clubs.

3. My local lapidary club :bigsmile: