
What do YOU wear on a plane?

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Date: 4/8/2009 1:05:38 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 4/8/2009 1:03:11 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 4/8/2009 12:59:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
I would never dress nicely because I sleep regardless of flight length.

Also, I''m terrified of flying, and 9 times out of 10 end up crying on the flight. Would rather cry on my crappy sweats than my nice outfits!
How the hell do you sleep if you''re terrified?! I have to do a shot of tequila before I take a flight because I am a nervous nellie on planes. The last thing I can do is sleep
Taking off scares the CRAP out of me. That''s usually when the tears come. When we''re finally up in the air, I relax enough to sleep, but if there is ANY bumpiness, it''ll wake me up and I freak out a little. It''s usually a pattern of sleeping for 10 minutes, *BUMP*, panic, calming down, fall back asleep, repeat.
Elledizzy, I used the feel the same as you about takeoffs - but then read more trouble and accidents occur on landings. So now they terrify me more...what a bummer to hit the ground, think you''re done and have the plane overshoot the runway and burst into flames.

I am not helping you, am I?
I usually wear Tory Burch flats (because they are super comfy and flexible), jeans, and a few layered pieces on top. Often a cami, shirt, and cardigan.

I also always bring big socks with me in case my feet get cold!
Date: 4/8/2009 1:05:38 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 4/8/2009 1:03:11 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 4/8/2009 12:59:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
I would never dress nicely because I sleep regardless of flight length.

Also, I''m terrified of flying, and 9 times out of 10 end up crying on the flight. Would rather cry on my crappy sweats than my nice outfits!
How the hell do you sleep if you''re terrified?! I have to do a shot of tequila before I take a flight because I am a nervous nellie on planes. The last thing I can do is sleep
Taking off scares the CRAP out of me. That''s usually when the tears come. When we''re finally up in the air, I relax enough to sleep, but if there is ANY bumpiness, it''ll wake me up and I freak out a little. It''s usually a pattern of sleeping for 10 minutes, *BUMP*, panic, calming down, fall back asleep, repeat.
Yea, before, and during, take-off is when I am set into panic mode. After I can relax a bit...until we have to land
Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Elledizzy, I used the feel the same as you about takeoffs - but then read more trouble and accidents occur on landings. So now they terrify me more...what a bummer to hit the ground, think you''re done and have the plane overshoot the runway and burst into flames.

I am not helping you, am I?

I''m beyond help.

It''s the being up in the air that bugs me. I research everything about planes, and how much safety precaution is taken, what every noise on the plane is, how much turbulence it actually would take to make you fall out of the sky, and thatthe odds are higher that I''ll be come president than die in a plane crash, but none of it helps.

Landing doesn''t scare me because we''re getting closer to the ground. Being on the ground makes me feel better. I guess I feel like if the plane blows up on the ground there is a teeny-tiny chance I''ll survive. If it blows up in the air, I''m screwed.

It''s completely irrational.. but... fears typically are, right?
Date: 4/8/2009 1:14:38 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Elledizzy, I used the feel the same as you about takeoffs - but then read more trouble and accidents occur on landings. So now they terrify me more...what a bummer to hit the ground, think you''re done and have the plane overshoot the runway and burst into flames.

I am not helping you, am I?

I''m beyond help.

It''s the being up in the air that bugs me. I research everything about planes, and how much safety precaution is taken, what every noise on the plane is, how much turbulence it actually would take to make you fall out of the sky, and thatthe odds are higher that I''ll be come president than die in a plane crash, but none of it helps.

Landing doesn''t scare me because we''re getting closer to the ground. Being on the ground makes me feel better. I guess I feel like if the plane blows up on the ground there is a teeny-tiny chance I''ll survive. If it blows up in the air, I''m screwed.

It''s completely irrational.. but... fears typically are, right?
Well, I used to be PETRIFIED of flying. I still pat the plane and ask it to get me to my destination safely (a ritual I strangely started years ago). Go figure, for someone who is freaked out of flying, I''ve flown over a half a million miles.

And I''m STILL a nervous flyer.
Date: 4/8/2009 1:14:38 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Elledizzy, I used the feel the same as you about takeoffs - but then read more trouble and accidents occur on landings. So now they terrify me more...what a bummer to hit the ground, think you''re done and have the plane overshoot the runway and burst into flames.

I am not helping you, am I?

I''m beyond help.

It''s the being up in the air that bugs me. I research everything about planes, and how much safety precaution is taken, what every noise on the plane is, how much turbulence it actually would take to make you fall out of the sky, and thatthe odds are higher that I''ll be come president than die in a plane crash, but none of it helps.

Landing doesn''t scare me because we''re getting closer to the ground. Being on the ground makes me feel better. I guess I feel like if the plane blows up on the ground there is a teeny-tiny chance I''ll survive. If it blows up in the air, I''m screwed.

It''s completely irrational.. but... fears typically are, right?
I''m terrified of flying, too. Hate every second of it. So this is what I do:

*big, sad puppy eyes*
"Ummm, ma''am? I''m so sorry, but I was in a rush and I must have left my air sickness medication. Do you have anything I could take?"

Out. Like. A. Light.

You can also talk to your doctor about getting sleeping pills/anti-anxiety meds. I hate flying, but I love to travel so I have had to come up with some pretty interesting ways to cope.

Now I have to figure out what I''ll wear on the plane on Satuday. Hmmmm....hooray for vacation!
Date: 4/8/2009 1:17:07 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 4/8/2009 1:14:38 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Elledizzy, I used the feel the same as you about takeoffs - but then read more trouble and accidents occur on landings. So now they terrify me more...what a bummer to hit the ground, think you''re done and have the plane overshoot the runway and burst into flames.

I am not helping you, am I?

I''m beyond help.

It''s the being up in the air that bugs me. I research everything about planes, and how much safety precaution is taken, what every noise on the plane is, how much turbulence it actually would take to make you fall out of the sky, and thatthe odds are higher that I''ll be come president than die in a plane crash, but none of it helps.

Landing doesn''t scare me because we''re getting closer to the ground. Being on the ground makes me feel better. I guess I feel like if the plane blows up on the ground there is a teeny-tiny chance I''ll survive. If it blows up in the air, I''m screwed.

It''s completely irrational.. but... fears typically are, right?
Well, I used to be PETRIFIED of flying. I still pat the plane and ask it to get me to my destination safely (a ritual I strangely started years ago). Go figure, for someone who is freaked out of flying, I''ve flown over a half a million miles.

And I''m STILL a nervous flyer.
Yup, me too. (Not half a million miles, though....yet.)

I have my same prayer that I say every time the plane takes off.

I used to try to figure out the statistics...and then my dad threw a wrench in that, pointing out that my statistics on planes matter much less than the pilot''s. Ugggh. Now I can''t even figure out the odds!
Tgal, I fly a ton too.. never gets any better. Maybe I should try hypnosis.

Princesss, when FF and I finally take an international flight, I WILL get meds. I don''t care what I have to do.. I cannot be on a plane for 10+ hours without heavy sedatives.

I''ll have to go barter for Valium or something!
Elle, I can''t even tell you how much better sedatives made my flights back from Asia. I''m flying to Amsterdam on Saturday and the trip''s not long enough to really warrant it, but I get in at 9 AM, so I need to sleep somehow. I see alcohol in my future...
You gals know to sit as close to the front of the plane, right?

On a flight back from Oz, we got the last row (which I requested because it only seats two - window and aisle so it''s excellent for a couple). It got really really bumpy, but I actually don''t get as freaked out anymore until I see the overhead compartments blowing open (this was no consolation for TGuy). I was pregnant at the time and pretty uncomfortable. But what made me nervous was to see TGuy so scared. My guy is a rock and now he was holding my hand!

He was watching a burlesque documentary before it got turbulent and I watched as somehow managed to open his eyes, find the remote to turn it off and close them again.

I asked him later why he bothered to turn it off and he said if he was going to die, he didn''t want those women to be the last thing he saw.
Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:47 PM
Author: LAJennifer
You all will probably think I''m crazy - but I dress for crash survival (as well as comfort). Comfy jeans or cotton pants (legs covered), a t-shirt and a light jacket or sweater - all in natural fibers that are less likely to catch fire. I''m always tempted to wear flip flops (so much easier in the airport) - but end up wearing leather sneakers that tie. In the rare chance that I might have to hop over debris to make an escape - I want to make sure my shoes stay on my feet. Also, as soon as I sit down - I count the number of rows to the emergency exits (both in front and behind me).

i''m glad you brought that up....i need to find the article i read about lessons learned from the usairways flight that crashed into the hudson. one of the things i remembered was not to wear flip flops - they said people who were wearing flip flops had a tough time when they were on the slippery wing waiting to be rescued.

you''re not crazy at all....glad you reminded us!
Date: 4/8/2009 1:52:50 PM
Author: DMBFiredancer

Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:47 PM
Author: LAJennifer
You all will probably think I'm crazy - but I dress for crash survival (as well as comfort). Comfy jeans or cotton pants (legs covered), a t-shirt and a light jacket or sweater - all in natural fibers that are less likely to catch fire. I'm always tempted to wear flip flops (so much easier in the airport) - but end up wearing leather sneakers that tie. In the rare chance that I might have to hop over debris to make an escape - I want to make sure my shoes stay on my feet. Also, as soon as I sit down - I count the number of rows to the emergency exits (both in front and behind me).

i'm glad you brought that up....i need to find the article i read about lessons learned from the usairways flight that crashed into the hudson. one of the things i remembered was not to wear flip flops - they said people who were wearing flip flops had a tough time when they were on the slippery wing waiting to be rescued.

you're not crazy at all....glad you reminded us!
LA Jenn, ha you posted right after I did (I missed your post!) and I pretty much said the same thi, re: natural fibers. Totally agree.

I used to wear sneaker too for the SAME reason. After security tightened, I weighed the odds and pros and cons and decided to wear flip flops.

I also ALWAYS count the number of rows to the exits and commit it to memory by repeating it a few times or writing it down (although I'd rather commit to memory, obviously).
Date: 4/8/2009 11:49:47 AM
Author: Skippy123
I wear comfortable jeans, a polo, closed toe shoes and jacket or bring a blanket (for longer flights). I think most of the planes I have been on are freezing. The first time we went to Hawaii I wore shorts but froze on the flight so now I dress in layers.

I''ll say, me too. I am always freezing on a plane. I wear warm socks too. I used to wear sandals, but no more.
fitted pants in a stretchy material, long sleeved silk shirt, fitted jacket and ballet flats, be it long haul flights or short trips. The jacket lets me look more put together once I get off the plane. I travel pretty often for work, and i noticed how i dress does affect how I am being treated by others and airport staff.
I wear comfortable yet flattering wide-leg slacks and light layered tops in the winter months. I''ll usually wear slip-on shoes of some type.

In the summer, I''ll usually wear linen plants and light layered tops, and slip-on shoes.

I guess I''m in the minority, but I like dressing up a bit for flying, although I don''t know why. It feels good.

My most important flying accessory, though, is a good book.
I usually fly in the summer, and it''s usually Alaska to Colorado.
I always wear jeans, t-shirt(I end up flying in a long sleeved shirt and realize that''s a bad plan when we get outside there), sweatshirt/zip up, slip on shoes(similar to vans.) I freeze on planes, so I need to be warm.
coincidentally I''m sitting outside gate C131 at the Newark airport on my way home. I''m wearing work cloths, slacks, heels and a jacket. Usually I try to look put together but comfortable, so jeans and flats or dansko clogs and a sweater.
For short flights (under 3-4 hours), I wear whatever is appropriate for my plans after landing, unless it''s a formal dress or something. If I don''t have plans, I go with "J. Crew casual" -- jeans or chinos, a shirt, a cardi, ballet flats.

For international or otherwise long flights, I make sure that my carry-on bag has an outfit for my destination and a hairbrush, mints, etc. for de-grossifying myself. I wear more loungey clothes -- tank, fleece lined yoga pants, long sleeved tee or cardi for layering, flip flops or Uggs for easy taking-off. And an aromatherapy eye mask, so I can totally zonk out for the duration of the flight.
I try to balance comfort and style on the plane. It used to be all about comfort, but last summer I started traveling for recruiting and interviews and will soon be traveling a lot for business and so I decided to clean things up a little bit. Now I try to wear a nice but comfortable dress if I''m going somewhere warm, or comfy, slightly loose-fitting slacks and a nice blouse if I''m going someplace chilly.
Date: 4/8/2009 1:08:47 PM
Author: LAJennifer
You all will probably think I''m crazy - but I dress for crash survival (as well as comfort). Comfy jeans or cotton pants (legs covered), a t-shirt and a light jacket or sweater - all in natural fibers that are less likely to catch fire. I''m always tempted to wear flip flops (so much easier in the airport) - but end up wearing leather sneakers that tie. In the rare chance that I might have to hop over debris to make an escape - I want to make sure my shoes stay on my feet. Also, as soon as I sit down - I count the number of rows to the emergency exits (both in front and behind me).

I totally do the same thing! I have a great deal of flying phobia, and dressing for disaster + Xanax are what get me through it.
i am all about comfort, forget looking awesome and smashing while traveling, i HATE's so tedious to me and it's such a cattle call kind of environment. i always feel like saying MOO when getting on and off. first class is a diff story.... it's much more comfy. but we don't fly that way too often. oh also i typically wear my glasses if its a longer flight because i can't sleep with my contacts in.

i am heading to europe for work in a week and i am already mentally packing my carry-on bag and figuring out what sweats to wear! it's a direct flight which means 12 hours, i can HARDLY sleep on planes EVEN WITH meds (though i havent tried prescription), so i figure i'll just be watching a lot of movies!

oh and TG mentioning cotton made me think that i only wear washables on the plane because planes are nasty dirty to me and i always wash my hair and discard clothing as soon as i get to wherever i am going after flying. i'd hate to dry clean something just for wearing it 2 hours on a plane.
I fly somewhere almost once a week, sometimes more. Since I''m flying for work, I''ve tried to perfect the "flying for work" outfit. This includes:

1. Shoes that are easy to remove for the x-ray machine.
2. Pants I can breathe in for the duration of the flight.
3. Clothes I can sleep in while on the plane and not look like a wrinkled mess when I arrive.
4. A sweater or jacket so I don''t freeze. I am always so cold on planes.

I try to wear pants/skirts made out of material that you could wad into a ball, throw in the corner and then pick up and they have no wrinkles. To me, that''s the the ideal work wear for a plane.

If I''m flying for personal reasons, I try to wear comfortable clothes- loose jeans or shorts or summer skirt if it''s warm. I don''t like to wear loungewear or pjs when I fly, but that''s just me.
Jeans, slip on tennis shoes (because I often like to take them off), and layers on top because the plane always seems to be a bit too hot or cold.
Date: 4/8/2009 4:20:11 PM
Author: Haven

My most important flying accessory, though, is a good book.

for me, its my earplugs and eye mask so i can sleep! :D
Jeans and a fitted tee shirt or tank top. Usually my favorite Roxy brand convers look-a-like sneakers because they are the most comfortable shoes ever, and are always on my feet for weekend trips!
Add me to the list of people who have to wear a nice/cute outfit on the plane. But I''m generally against loungewear in public...*ducks to avoid Ugg boots and velour pants being thrown my way!*

I make sure to wear something comfortable, though. A dress and tights, cute top and comfortable pants/jeans, etc. And I always wear layers, so that''s what I do for airplanes, too.

But I''m with Haven-I have to bring at least 2 good books. I''m a super fast reader and on longer flights I will usually kill at least one book, if not two.
Ditto the pashmina! Layers, comfy jeans or cotton pants and flip flops are a must (as long as it''s warm-ish).
In the summer I usually wear a skirt, cute top and bring a sweater, In colder weather, I wear jeans and a top and bring a hooded sweatshirt. I try to look somewhat put tpgether. I can still remember people dressing up to fly when I was growing up. Those days seem long gone. Most people look pretty sloppy I think. I guess they just want to be comfortable. I''m flying Friday morning and trying to figure out what the heck to wear.
Date: 4/8/2009 11:45:26 AM
Author: princesss
I tend to dress nicely in the airport so that they will look at me and think ''Hmmm...upgrade material'' if they need to/can upgrade anybody. I wear my Uggs because they''re easy-on, easy-off, but otherwise it''s slacks/khakis and a nice top. If it''s a long flight, I bring clothes to change into. Sweat pants, a cami, and a long sleeved shirt. Then I change in the airplane bathroom. Yeah, I''ve got a tiny little gymnast hidden in me somewhere.

hahahahahhahahahha, love the gymnast comment.

I usually wear my yoga pants, t-shirt, sneakers. I''ll bring a sweatshirt with me and one of those u shaped pillows for my neck. I''m all about comfort when i fly. But it depends on how long the flight is. The yoga pants, sweatshirt, etc. for for anything over 6 hours. Anything less than that, jeans, t-shirt.

I heard an interview with someone about plane safety and he said you should never wear heels or nylons on a plane in case of a crash. The heels may puncture a raft and nylons may melt onto your skin. I wouldn''t wear heels on a plane since my feet swell.
Date: 4/8/2009 11:49:08 PM
Author: popcorn

Date: 4/8/2009 11:45:26 AM
Author: princesss
I tend to dress nicely in the airport so that they will look at me and think 'Hmmm...upgrade material' if they need to/can upgrade anybody. I wear my Uggs because they're easy-on, easy-off, but otherwise it's slacks/khakis and a nice top. If it's a long flight, I bring clothes to change into. Sweat pants, a cami, and a long sleeved shirt. Then I change in the airplane bathroom. Yeah, I've got a tiny little gymnast hidden in me somewhere.

hahahahahhahahahha, love the gymnast comment.

I usually wear my yoga pants, t-shirt, sneakers. I'll bring a sweatshirt with me and one of those u shaped pillows for my neck. I'm all about comfort when i fly. But it depends on how long the flight is. The yoga pants, sweatshirt, etc. for for anything over 6 hours. Anything less than that, jeans, t-shirt.

I heard an interview with someone about plane safety and he said you should never wear heels or nylons on a plane in case of a crash. The heels may puncture a raft and nylons may melt onto your skin. I wouldn't wear heels on a plane since my feet swell.
Boy... I hesitate to post this but... I know one of the survivors of the plane that crashed in Cious City in '89 and this actually happened to her. Very very not good...

I usually wear jeans or lounge pants, tennis shoes or boots, and a couple of layers on top becuase I'm always too hot/too cold.

And totally off topic, but my big fear is not that the plane is going to crash, but that it's going to crash *into the ocean,* I won't die in the crash... but then I'll be eaten by sharks!
(Seriously, I think about this. Maybe I need some of those meds you all been talking about... )
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