
What ''extras'' do you justify spending money on?

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It''s interesting to me so far how everyone has a little different view on what is considered "extras"

For me, I justify:

Clothes shopping (mainly for work clothes) There is nothing that takes the sting out of waking up early and dragging myself to work like the knowledge that an outfit I love and feel amazing in is waiting for me in the closet. It''s also fun to hunt for deals, try things on, and buy things (I have several notorious shopping pals). My favorite places for teacher clothes: AT Loft, Limited, and the occasional Gap, NYC, and maybe a few other spots. OH and I adore outlets and bargain stores. Of course, I can only justify spending when I get stellar deals (which there have been a LOT of this month).

My Chi Hair straightener (but was it ever worth it!)

Going to the store that is a little further down the road because they have better produce.

For DH:

The occasional video game

We''re about to get hmi TiVo or something like it.

And for both of us:

Going out to eat (We love our local options)

Some form of travel every now and then.
Ooooh, great topic!

Let''s see...manicures and pedicures, organic food, gym membership, cell phone, and purses/bags! =)
I love books and cannot wait for paperbacks a lot of the time. I have also lost a book mid read and I go out and replace it asap. Drives me nuts but I have been known to put a book down and not find it again.

I also happily pay for valet unless it is a nice day and I get a close spot. I hate walking far alone which I know is silly but I have heard some creepy stories so I prefer there to be people around.

I have a tailor who comes to my house. More pricey but she is great and it is such a convenience. Throw it on, she pins it, I get it back a few days later. Works great for me as when I get in shopping mode I end up with stuff the needs hemming or straps lifted, and honestly it is easier than going somewhere and having to try stuff on. I have all my shoes in my closet and can grab what I need for her to pin things.

I have drinks delivered and the guy comes in and stacks the stuff in my garage fridges and storage shelves. I cannot lift heavy cases of stuff so it makes it easier to have someone just place it where it belongs. I also do delivery from my grocery store through their on line for non perishables. I like to pick my own produce and meats, but toilet paper or laundry soap I know the brand I like, just pick no substitutions, they show up and it is great. I also have my nice local pharmacy deliver, and the gourmet market, great for prepared stuff. They are owned by the same guy and are a great resource convenience wise. Makes dinner easier when nights get nuts. They charge to deliver but honestly I cannot be six places at one time, and if it makes life easier and I walk in and have fewer things to do on those hectic days, so be it.
A soy latte from starbucks almost every day of the week

A blackberry cell phone and data plan

Designer handbags and sunglasses

Eating out at nice restaurants

Good skincare products
Okay, I am really bad.

Went to the mall to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and had to get a gift card at Neiman''s. As I am strolling by the make up area, I see a new line of make up called Le Metier. New, only two stores in the US supposedly carry it. Of course I went over to "look" and ended up spending $800.00!!!! I just tossed a bunch of make up and swore to myself I WOULD.NOT.BUY.MORE.FOR.A.WHILE. That lasted about 10 seconds.
Yikes, I know. I just keep thinking, I like that color, that is pretty...then they rang it up. It is a pricey line. I spent the morning in the doctor''s have an ultrasound and bloodwork and feel a bit bleh, so I needed something to pick me up, and I hope I love this stuff. I have a total weakness where shopping is concerned and am not great at denying myself. This totally is an extra, as I have enough make up to be the make up artist for every show on Broadway, but I love it so much. I felt yucky today and I just really had fun playing with it all and trying something totally new.

I hope it is nothing serious and you are OK.

Love, Linda
Date: 7/8/2008 12:26:27 AM
Author: diamondfan
Yikes, I know. I just keep thinking, I like that color, that is pretty...then they rang it up. It is a pricey line. I spent the morning in the doctor''s have an ultrasound and bloodwork and feel a bit bleh, so I needed something to pick me up, and I hope I love this stuff. I have a total weakness where shopping is concerned and am not great at denying myself. This totally is an extra, as I have enough make up to be the make up artist for every show on Broadway, but I love it so much. I felt yucky today and I just really had fun playing with it all and trying something totally new.

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you are on the mend!

p.s. Who needs Elizabeth Taylor? I busy letting my inner Diamondfan rock out!
Thank you, dear Linda. I think so, at least I think it is not too serious. A bit of a threadjack with a bit of info...

Honestly, I was getting myself worked up and thought I had ovarian cancer or something. I had been feeling really awful even while in Nantucket and Boston. I was bloated and felt so sick and nauseous and would wake up feeling full and queasy. I would go til 2 or 3 pm without eating a bite and not wanting to. If I felt a bit hungry, within a few bites I was not hungry anymore and felt sick. These sensations went on for a couple of weeks, plus I had pain. Of course no weight loss during this, and I felt like I was filled up with liquid and air and was so miserable. Sunday I laid on the couch and could not even chew a tums without feeling ill. I had just had a good check up in May, Pap and internal fine, but thought, you never know, doctors do miss things too. I emailed a good pal of mine who is married to a fertility doctor. He is a love, and fit me in this morning for a pelvic ultrasound, so I did not have to wait and go to an outpatient imaging center and then wait for results. I also had the CA 125 bloodtest though he said everything looked good. Ovarian cancer is so scary to me as you can have next to no symptoms and then boom, you are in a bad stage. So, I got worked up all weekend, which is what I do. He thinks it is more related to my IBS and GERD. I am just falling apart here! Next call is to the GI doctor. Fun. But at least I am so far so good, I just make myself crazy with this stuff.

SOOOOOO Glad you were checked. That is what I had Ovarian Cancer. I have a yearly CA125. I had symptoms, so I was lucky and it was caught in time. I hope they find out what is wrong.

Sorry everyone, for the little threadjack.

Organic produce
Ironing Service
Hair cut and colour x 1 month
French Champage
Personal Trainer
Linda, OMG. Did you have those symptoms. How scary. SO glad you are okay. It really freaks me out. Is ultrasound and that bloodtest the best diagnostic stuff one can do? Thankful you took care of yourself!!!

Sorry to jack...
If there is one thing that I continuously splurge on, it would be my hair. I don''t really think of it as an extra, but what I spend could be considered excess. Because of our move to Jersey, I had to find another salon. I tried an Aveda salon, but I don''t think it''s going to work because I don''t like Aveda color. Right now, my head looks like a hot mess. So, if I have to spend $400 on color, cut, and what not then I will because I can''t walk around looking like this.

Other than that:

An AWESOME tailor. Fit is everything when it comes to clothes and I think that is especially important for men, so a good tailor is essential. Like, your tailor should be one of your best friends. So, if I''m going to spend a lot on my clothes, I like to know that I have a tailor capable of altering it.

Things for my kids. Since the arrival of my kids, I''ve definitely scaled back on getting things for myself and I do think that I probably spend too much. BabyGap is a complete trap. I just cannot avoid that store. I really love their sleep wear. The stuff from Gap seems to be able to handle more washes than most of the other things that I''ve bought. That and Ralph Lauren.

Good pens and paper. I with diamondfan and SDL on that one. Like, I abhor cheap pens. I think I was probably the only boy that LOVED writing in cursive in school. When I was teaching, one of my rules was, if I can''t read it, it''s going in the trash. I CANNOT stand bad handwriting! I used to do my math homework with a pencil and with a pen. I''m really OCD.

Nice sheets. Well, I like nice bedding in general. There is a Rose Tree comforter set that I am dying for.

I also like nice furniture also. The better the furniture the longer it lasts.
I think the stuff I do I really see more as necessities now that I think about it!

Maintenance (hair color, cut, nails) are big. I even used to go to NYC to get my cut and color done at Frederic Fekkai once a month til I found a salon here I liked that could do more than blow outs. I am blonde so it had to look right, and my hair grow fast. I hate my nails to look bad, I used to bite them and now I have an issue with letting them look raggedy and I cannot polish well myself.

I have a personal trainer who comes to me, and a masseuse. But with fibro and back issues and headaches, this is not as much of a luxury as it would seem, as I really feel better when I work out and have a massage and I have a hard time going to a large crowded gym, finding parking, etc, which adds at least another half hour to things. I also used to go to a gym here that is so packed, classes are always stuffed and sometimes you had to wait to use cardio machines. My time is so precious I cannot bear to stand around in a gym waiting to use a treadmill.

Penn, you will find you spend more on your kids than on yourself a lot of the time. I love baby clothes and there is such cute stuff. You should go to Janie and Jack, there stuff is cute and not super pricey. I also love some of European clothes, but think it is silly to dress a baby up like that to sit around so I would only get that now for holiday photos or a special occasion. There is so much to buy for little ones if you do not put blinders on you can really get overwhelmed, it all looks cute.
This could not be more timely. With kid #2 in dipes/formula, kid #1 starting preschool, starting 529''s for aforementioned kiddos, gas & groceries skyrocketing, I''ve been trying to be responsible with my discretionary cash & actually cutting back on frills for a rainy day.

Well..I decided..I have long hair, its brown & I can color it myself instead of spending $120 (cut & single process color incl. tip) every 3 months and I can go to the Aveda institute for a $10 haircut, its Aveda, those stylists are trained well, right?

OMG WRONG! my new cut is cute, and I am actually kind of rocking the shorter look (shoulders) and I''d be down with it if it weren''t choppy & a little uneven. Its just a good style cut poorly.

So...of the things I''m sacrificing (pedicures & manicures) I''m keeping my hair. I''ll cut back a few more lattes to afford it.

Good news is, I see my stylist in 3.5 weeks & I''ll have her even it up & fix it before my 20 year reunion. And maybe add some nice highlights.

sheesh. What a pain.
DF I didn''t read all the way thru, but I hope you feel better & its nothing serious! ((hug))
Diver, thanks! I think it is my reflux and IBS. I take bad care of myself in terms of the medicines so I might need to be more vigilant. One of the IBS drugs that just was released a while back was recalled for causing heart problems, so is it any wonder that I do not want to take multiple pills? Scary.
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