
What gemstone to use?

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Yes, all gemstones get more expensive with increasing vividness of colour. There are colour change spinels and regular spinels. The shifting of colour on the regular spinels are more subtle. They might shift just very slightly; say from a pure red to something where the orange or purple undertone might be stronger under different lighting condition even though the red is still the dominant colour. I know that some sapphires do this too but not too many. A true colour change will have a much stronger change; say from blue to purple.

While cut is important, it is much lower on the totem pole than the saturation of colour. A lot of stones can be recut but nothing can be done about the colour; what you get is what you have, thus pricing for something with top colour is always more expensive.
Well said Chrono; You can not get a silk purse out of a sow''s ear... If the color is not there I do not care how great a cutter you send it to they can only do so much... I guess that is why the term " color is king " is stated as vivid colors really make the gem; the cutter only enhances what nature has already created... I also think they should have said "color is Queen" as most gems are bought by ladies and they in the end make the final decision

Dana M. Reynolds, csmg
Hi Dana

Nice to see you contributing on Pricescope.

Not everyone can afford top color, and very few people have stones that are top vivid color in an untreated gem, but I do think it is important to get the best color you can find for your budget. However, that being said, if you like pale stones, their beauty is greatly enhanced by top cutting, such as colorless diamonds are.
Oh my! Hello Dana and welcome to Pricescope.
We are honoured to have another cutter participate and share his knowledge.
Thank you tourmaline lover and chrono for the warm welcome; it is very nice to be among some of the elite of the gem loving society.

I will agree TL with your statement as a cut can make a huge difference in making a somewhat bland gem into a sparkling bobble fit for any king or queen. But I can not count the times that I really could do nothing for a over saturated gem; like dark C axis tourmalines or the "sunset" tourmalines that have the dark orange C axis and lovely green A,B axis; I could never get anything but a somewhat distasteful brown,orange,green thing... yikes I still have some of that stuff as I though I could work miracles on any rough; but never-the-less I was humbled
So I was forced to use the dark C axis type cut to capitalize on the finer green color and do my best to keep the orange out. Just one example of the limits some mineral types can throw at you.

I think ( and just my opinion ) lighter to medium light gems no matter what the color can truly benefit from a brilliant cut; I know now when I look for rough of any mineral type I do tend to go lighter than darker as I know I can make it at least eye catching with a good or fancy cut.

And as this topic started what stone to use; it all depends on the setting type; how often you will be wearing it and what you do while wearing it; as for rings I like to see 7.5 or better on ring stones; and mineral types that are not brittle or have tendencies to fray or fracture easy. If I am bezel setting I will go at least one shade lighter to compensate for the darkening due to closing in the side light source you will benefit from with prong mountings.

Also as for what you can afford; so many have given great advise as to buy the best you can afford in the color and mineral type that will please your eye.
Everyone has favorite gem types but only the wearer can decide what they truly will be most pleased with in the long haul...

There are many intelligent people on this forum and I am sure smarter than I; so it is a real pleasure to read their posts and information.

I can not bring as much to the table as many on here; but I will help any that I can.

It is just nice to see people with the same love for nice gems as I have...
Hi Dana - Welcome to PS. So great to have another master cutter contributing to the forum.
Welcome to PS, Dana!!
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