
What gives you the hump? No caring or sharing allowed in here.

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Date: 2/26/2009 7:33:09 PM
Author: fatafelice

Date: 2/26/2009 1:21:45 AM
Author: Kelli

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all the people who put down any kind of chewing noises! Whether it''s food or gum, I very honestly get violent tendencies and panic attacks when I''m around this! (Yes I know I''m crazy, and yes, I actually HAVE talked to a therapist about it.) I used to actually hit my brother or my friends when I was a kid, and it will ruin my whole day/night if I''m stuck in a car with gum chewers, or people who just insist on constantly eating things with their mouths open. And yes, the plane thing is the WORST!! Especially since every worried parent gives their kids gum to smack on so their precious little ears don''t pop. Unfortunately, my head just might explode instead. If I could change the world... there would be no gum, and people would all be taught to eat with their mouths closed! It''s just so disgusting and rude. And so is popping your gum! AND the commercials with the crunchy food. It''s all gross.

Ok.. rant over. For now

And oh yes, one more thing. Nose picking children. Especially ones who are old enough to know better, and who wipe it on the bathroom walls (or any other walls for that matter) at my dance studio. If I knew who was doing this, I would seriously ask them to NEVER, EVER step foot in the studio again. That is absolutely unforgivable.
Kelli, I am exactly the same!!! It makes me absolutely insane, and I am aware that I overreact. I am curious what advice your therapist had for you?
Thanks for letting me know there are more people like me! Unfortunately, the therapist wasn''t able to help much. He gave me this tapping routine to do, something about reflexology and distracting your brain. Didn''t work at all.
I am way too far gone for that! He did suggest taking St. John''s Wort everyday, either in a pill or by drinking the tea. He said in around six months it will help do what prescription meds do for your brain but without all the side effects (like you''re taking Xanex, but not), and that you''ll start to notice that things that used to get under your skin won''t bother you as much. Unfortunately, I looked it up online and found that St. John''s Wort is known for interfering with birth control. Not an option for me right now, so I don''t know if that one works or not.
Date: 2/27/2009 1:43:31 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
For all of my friends with noise issues, particularly food and gum noises, I highly recommend this white noise machine for those of you in office environments plagued with noisy chewers:

I have this model. It is right next to my computer. It is my safety net. Chewing starts -- machine goes on. Works for annoying talkers too. Nonsense chit chat begins -- machine goes on.

I just tell people that I need the white noise to concentrate, so I don''t have to admit to them that it''s because THEY annoy me. Truly, I realize that this is my issue anyway. Lots of people are ok with, or don''t even notice, food noises. They have plagued me for years, but not any longer. Thank you Sleep Mate!!
THANK YOU Loves Vintage! I will DEFINITELY be looking into these, as there are many times when I could use one!
Date: 2/26/2009 4:57:15 PM
Author: HollyS
I''d like to add my
to the hovering pissers in the restrooms across the globe. ''Hello!?'' To all hoverers: We worry about germs too, that''s why some of us sit and actually pee in the pot. Then we finish our bizness without throwing TP allover the stall, and then wash our hands without splashing every available surface, and we wipe without littering the floor with the towel -- like you will when you open the door with the towel , throwing it on the floor as you leave.
GAAAHHH! This cracks me up because it is so true!

I totally agree with the ones about other drivers on the road. I''m certainly not a rude driver but I am also not afraid to use the horn if necessary - after all, it''s there for a reason.

Other things that drive me absolutely nuts:

1. People who cannot drive in the snow. I live in NW Ohio and it snows here, every year, without fail. And without fail every year there are tons of accidents caused by drivers that are going way too fast and are in such a hurry to get from here to there. If ya can''t drive in it then stay home already!

2. People who feel the need to constantly be connected to some form of technology. Give it a rest already! The world will not stop if you turn your Crackberry off for an hour.

3. Bad breath and bad personal hygiene in general. I''m a tidy person. I shower every day, wear clean clothes, brush my teeth at least 3x per day, wear deodorant, etc. I wish that others would be courteous and do the same.

4. Yucky teeth. I know it''s vain but when a person has yucky teeth that''s all I can focus on when I''m talking to them and it makes me sick.

5. When a client calls my office and says "I got something in the mail, let me read it to you". And then they proceed to read, verbatim, whatever it is that they have while slaughtering every other word. UGH! I almost always stop them midsentence and kindly ask them to bring whatever it is in to the office so I can take a look at it.

6. Anybody that is cruel to children or animals. I love both and as a new parent I cannot imagine how someone could possibly hurt a child intentionally. It makes me want to puke my guts out. Same with animals. I''ve had pets my entire life and they''ve always been part of the family. When I hear stories about animal abuse and cruelty it really riles me up. I think that people who do these kind of things are scum.

7. Nadya Suleman. Enough said.

I know there''s more so maybe I''ll be back later.
Try this one out for size...

It's Friday night, I'm in a deep sleep, when I wake up to the sound of doors SLAMMING, metal hitting the pavement, and people shouting. It's 2:30 AM. I live on a dead end street. I spring out of bed, half asleep but in a panic because for some reason i think someone is in the house. Then once its clear that the shouting is coming from outside, I think that someone maybe got into an accident. I crack my window to hear/see.........and what is it?


Those shouts would be the people yelling at each other to hurry up. The slamming is the moving van's sliding door (and their many vehicles) constantly being opened and shut. The grinding noises and metal hitting the concrete is from them moving huge furniture with dollies. I mean, are you effing kidding me right now? Seriously? You REALLY need to move at 2:30 AM?

It's taking everything in me not to say something right now. The house is right next to my "hold nothing back" neighbors, and I hope they say something! They just had a new baby too.
Since I''m in an extremely bad mood today, everything is p*ssing me off! And the day has just begin. Great! But the one thing that''s annoying me right now is when people write or say the words "fugly" (especially if you''re over the age of 15), "pressie" and the one that makes my skin crawl the most.... "preggo"! I hate that word. With. a. passion!!!

Okay, vent done... for now!

Huffington Post

Stories about Michelle Obama's arms, clothes or "style." WHO CARES

Paul Krugman

Octo Mom - I'd like to take a baseball bat to the side of her head

Jim Cramer
Date: 2/27/2009 4:40:54 PM
Author: aprilcait

When there's traffic on the highway and the people who are in the right lane and don't comprehend that they are supposed to let in cars who are merging onto the highway. Next time you merge onto a highway would you want someone to be a pain-in-the-rear like that to you? If you want to be a grump and not let people in, move left, bub! **deep breath**

On the highway, when people who are in the right lane scoot over to the merge-in lane to move up in traffic… gah! To me, that's the equivalent of using the shoulder as your own personal short-cut.

I don’t understand people who don't hold doors for people on crutches, people in wheelchairs, parents with little kids, people pushing strollers, senior citizens, people with their hands full, the visually impaired, etc.

Top people who bug the bajeebers out of me: people who are homophobic, girls who think acting ditzy is cute/makes them attractive, people who make disparaging remarks about others' weight, people who are bigots and teach that thought process to their children, people who think that everyone they think 'looks Latin American' is Mexican (oh, and people who do not realize that Mexico is part of North America), people who are impatient with others who speak English as a second language (I just feel like saying: 'This person probably knows more languages than you do, buddy. Give him/her a break!'), and people who are regularly insensitive, demanding, and self-absorbed.
I'm assuming you are talking about bumper to bumper traffic in the city, where you have to rely on someone to let you crawl in to the lane? If so, I agree. However, in my earlier post I explained how when I am on the highway, minding my own business, going the speed limit, someone comes off a lane on the right and almost slams into my car, I do feel that the driver on the highway has the right of way and the person merging is supposed to yield. I shouldn't have to switch lanes for somebody, especially if the other lane is already occupied and I can't. There have been times that I've been boxed in and had to slam on the brakes.

oh, I forgot to mention earlier, people who park in fire lanes or handicapped spots because they think they are special. Saw this one today. It angers me so bad!! I've seen people actually create a space in a parking lot for themselves closer to the door. It's like, ok, we all have to park in the spaces and walk, but let's break the rules for you because you're better than everyone else!

Also people who cut in front of you in line. Saw this today as well - same person if you can believe it! I was next in line but this person just strolled up, ignored the line completely, and placed their order. Are some people really so self centered that they think the world revolves around them and they really can't see anyone else there?

I agree too about people who slam the doors in other's faces. This happened to a friend of mine who had a baby, a diaper bag, a purse, and another bag. Person just didn't bother and let the door slam in her face. There are no words to describe this rudeness!

This is a great thread and I am enjoying it! Although I wish none of us would be annoyed, it's nice to know others get annoyed as much as I do!
Date: 2/28/2009 10:19:56 AM
Author: tradergirl

Good one! They drive me insane!

Here''s another one. When I notice I have made a mistake in a previous post, and I''m not able to fix it.
Such as when I said "begin" earlier instead of begun" a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g!
Date: 2/28/2009 1:55:21 PM
Author: B.H.S
Date: 2/28/2009 10:19:56 AM

Author: tradergirl


Good one! They drive me insane!

Here''s another one. When I notice I have made a mistake in a previous post, and I''m not able to fix it.
Such as when I said ''begin'' earlier instead of begun'' a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g!

ok I don''t live in the US-what''s an Obamabot?? So curious!!

Date: 2/28/2009 3:44:39 AM
Author: luckystar112
Try this one out for size...

It''s Friday night, I''m in a deep sleep, when I wake up to the sound of doors SLAMMING, metal hitting the pavement, and people shouting. It''s 2:30 AM. I live on a dead end street. I spring out of bed, half asleep but in a panic because for some reason i think someone is in the house. Then once its clear that the shouting is coming from outside, I think that someone maybe got into an accident. I crack my window to hear/see.........and what is it?


Those shouts would be the people yelling at each other to hurry up. The slamming is the moving van''s sliding door (and their many vehicles) constantly being opened and shut. The grinding noises and metal hitting the concrete is from them moving huge furniture with dollies. I mean, are you effing kidding me right now? Seriously? You REALLY need to move at 2:30 AM?

It''s taking everything in me not to say something right now. The house is right next to my ''hold nothing back'' neighbors, and I hope they say something! They just had a new baby too.

I''ve been through this before! When I lived in an apartment, and it was the woman directly below me, starting her move-in at 10:30 on a Sunday night!!!!! Load after load, until she and her buds had the final load about 2AM; but of course, she was up the rest of the night making noise. Her neighbors spent the night up as well.

Needless to say, this woman went over with her neighbors like the proverbial turd in a punch bowl, and we forced management to kick her to the curb in less than six months; ''cause that was just the beginning of her hijinks! She spent every day dreaming up ways to piss people off. Truly.
Date: 2/28/2009 10:19:56 AM
Author: tradergirl

Huffington Post

Stories about Michelle Obama''s arms, clothes or ''style.'' WHO CARES

Paul Krugman

Octo Mom - I''d like to take a baseball bat to the side of her head

Jim Cramer
Who was the little prissy fellow ''in fashion'' the other day who had the soundbite heard all over the world re: Michelle O: "She''s not afraid of clothes. She''s not afraid of silhouette." Well, I should hope not. If she is, we need to hospitalize her in a great looking white wrap jacket!

Silly gay men in the fashion world, with their ridiculous hairdos, fake tans, and strange and foppy personal clothes, should not tell anyone what to wear, or decide who ''got it right'' (or wrong). Are you listening E Network?!

Sorry, for the rant; it''s just one more thing that annoys me.
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