
What is the most brainless thing your spouse has done?

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These are hilarious!

My DH is pretty absent-minded at times, but his heart''s in the right place.

Last weekend, I decided to make him boeuf bourgignon because he''s having a really rough time of it lately - working full time and studying for the bar. So he gets back from a practice bar exam around 3 pm, just as I''m assembling all the ingredients in the Creuset. I proudly display a bottle of French burgundy that I luckily found at the local shop. He asks if he can help with anything, and I tell him that I''m ready for the wine - I need 2 cups, so if he could open the bottle and measure it out, that would be great.

I turn back to assembly, throw the parsley and mushrooms in with the beef, then the beef stock, and then ask DH for the wine. I turn around and he has 2 lovely glasses poured in our fine crystal and is SIPPING OUT OF ONE OF THEM! At 3 pm ... on a Sunday ... the wine that I was clearly using for beef burgundy!! See? Absent minded! Got a good laugh out of that one, though!
Date: 2/17/2009 1:34:02 AM
Author: Krissie
These are hilarious!

My DH is pretty absent-minded at times, but his heart's in the right place.

Last weekend, I decided to make him boeuf bourgignon because he's having a really rough time of it lately - working full time and studying for the bar. So he gets back from a practice bar exam around 3 pm, just as I'm assembling all the ingredients in the Creuset. I proudly display a bottle of French burgundy that I luckily found at the local shop. He asks if he can help with anything, and I tell him that I'm ready for the wine - I need 2 cups, so if he could open the bottle and measure it out, that would be great.

I turn back to assembly, throw the parsley and mushrooms in with the beef, then the beef stock, and then ask DH for the wine. I turn around and he has 2 lovely glasses poured in our fine crystal and is SIPPING OUT OF ONE OF THEM! At 3 pm ... on a Sunday ... the wine that I was clearly using for beef burgundy!! See? Absent minded! Got a good laugh out of that one, though!

Krissie, was it the recipe from The Joy of Cooking? I just made that yesterday for my FI and it was SO YUMMY!! Lucky boys.
Date: 2/12/2009 12:29:00 AM
Author: trillionaire
On our 5th anniversary, SO threw a jewelry box of earrings at me, because he didn''t want me to think he was proposing. REALLY?!?! Did you just THROW the box at me? And no, he didn''t toss it, he threw it.

I swear the man doesn''t deserve me...

I laughed so hard reading this one!!! Throwing it makes a difference.
I have a brand new one for this thread. Well actually, this has happened several times but it slipped my mind to put it on the list of brainless things until this morning.

We get trash pick-up once a week in the winter and recycling twice a month. We have a calendar from our township with all the trash and recycling written on it. On a week where there is a holiday (like Presiden''t Day!) sometimes there won''t be recycling pick-up and they will shuffle around the trash pick-up.

FI and I have our own chores to do. He deals with the trash and recycling (taking it out the curb, bringing the barrels back in) and I do the laundry. (I know, NOT a fair division at all but I don''t trust him to not ruin my clothes). So last night I pull up to the house and I notice that our 8+ paper bags full of recyclable paper waste is out on the curb already with our trash and glass/plastic/aluminum recycling. I notice that NO ONE ELSE has their recycling out but some people wait until the morning because they don''t come around until 9 or so.

FI leaves for work this morning and whilst eating my breakfast I mosey over to the calendar for trash and recycling and notice that THERE ISN''T ANY RECYCLING THIS WEEK!!! This is probably the third time (at least!) that he has done this. He never bothers to check the calendar to verify he has the right date and just goes ahead and moves it all out. Every time it happens I gently remind him about the calendar. This habit annoys the heck out of me because it makes us look horrible if we just leave our recycling and trash out there all day and it doesn''t get picked up. Not to mention its been terribly windy out lately and I''m sure all those bags of paper waste would be strewn up and down the street by the time we got home from work.

So guess who got to haul it all back into the garage this morning??

That''s right! ME!!!

When I called FI on his way to work to mention this to him his excuse was "well, everyone else had theirs out!" When I left for work I noticed that one other person had their blue recycling barrel out, not everyone!

Date: 2/8/2009 1:19:42 PM
Author: iwannaprettyone
Put an Arby''s Roast beef sandwich in the Microwave for a couple of minutes and walked away- turns out he set the time for 20 minutes instead of two and left the foil wrapper on.
Needless to day we had to replace the microwave and leave the windows open for a week!
I did that when I was 14 with a chinese food to-go container.. the metal handle was on it. Granted it caught fire at 30 seconds, I thought it might suffocate if I left it in the microwave, but it just got bigger, and I had to toss it into the sink. The sad part was.. the food was still cold... and yes, microwave was TOTALLY destroyed.
I should have known better.
When we moved into our home, the side yard was a dog run. It was covered in a thick layer of bark, then a tarp, then sand. We wanted to turn it into a vegetable garden.

So we''re out there, in the heat of summer, shoveling all this bark into heavy-duty garbage bags. FI turns to me and starts telling me exactly what he thinks we should do with it. "We should keep two bags of the brick, put that brick into the shed. That''s in case we decide to use the brick later for our path. The rest of the brick should go into the garage and we''ll put it up for free on craigslist." Just "brick" this "brick" that, on and on.

I just stared at him, wondering...does he hear himself?

When I didn''t say anything, he started to get genuinely angry with me because he thought I didn''t want to do all that work! So he started to pitch a fit, and I tried to keep a straight face as I told him, "You realize you''ve been calling it ''brick'' the whole time instead of ''bark'', right?"

I think I laughed for about five minutes straight. Now, if I want to make him laugh, all I have to do is get REAL serious and say, "Ok, so this is what we should do with all this brick."

LOL, Starset! Have you seen the LOLcat with the caption, "I made you a cookie, but I eated it"? That''s what your story reminds me of!
Date: 2/18/2009 4:45:23 PM
Author: Aloros
When we moved into our home, the side yard was a dog run. It was covered in a thick layer of bark, then a tarp, then sand. We wanted to turn it into a vegetable garden.

So we''re out there, in the heat of summer, shoveling all this bark into heavy-duty garbage bags. FI turns to me and starts telling me exactly what he thinks we should do with it. ''We should keep two bags of the brick, put that brick into the shed. That''s in case we decide to use the brick later for our path. The rest of the brick should go into the garage and we''ll put it up for free on craigslist.'' Just ''brick'' this ''brick'' that, on and on.

I just stared at him, wondering...does he hear himself?

When I didn''t say anything, he started to get genuinely angry with me because he thought I didn''t want to do all that work! So he started to pitch a fit, and I tried to keep a straight face as I told him, ''You realize you''ve been calling it ''brick'' the whole time instead of ''bark'', right?''

I think I laughed for about five minutes straight. Now, if I want to make him laugh, all I have to do is get REAL serious and say, ''Ok, so this is what we should do with all this brick.''

LOL, Starset! Have you seen the LOLcat with the caption, ''I made you a cookie, but I eated it''? That''s what your story reminds me of!
That is funny!
Date: 2/18/2009 2:47:26 PM
Author: Clairitek

FI and I have our own chores to do. He deals with the trash and recycling (taking it out the curb, bringing the barrels back in) and I do the laundry. (I know, NOT a fair division at all but I don't trust him to not ruin my clothes).

I could have written this word for word!

My fiance and I just registered this weekend... talk about brainless things! He has NO sense of style whatsoever.

That reminded me of when a couple of his friends (gay couple) visited one afternoon. He had walked onto the porch when the two of his friends just LOOKED at him. He was confused, and then they said (paraphrased), "Oh, S, you could never be gay! You have no fashion sense!"

He was slightly offended, it was cute! What was he wearing? Red basketball shorts, black socks, and white shoes.

He is colorblind, but still!
My Fi...bless his heart has done many of brainless things: the one that sticks out is when he adjusted the heater in the winter. Apparently he was a little cold so he went to adjust the heater a few notches. After he left to go to work I woke up about an hour later shivering (now mind you we have a big comfortor on the bed) so I put the heating pad in the bed and went back to sleep. About half an hour later I woke up shivering again. I got out of bed freezing..checked the window, no draft coming in. Decided to check and see if a door or window was open, nothing. Finally checked the heater...he turned the heater down, way down instead of turning it up!!!! When I mentioned this he said to me "You know I was wondering why it was so cold when I got out of bed in the morning"

Needless to say he is banned from touching the heater....and he also suffers from "boy look"
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