
What is the most extravagant/OTT/luxurious wedding you've ever attended, and how much do you estimate it cost?

I often wondered about this lol instead of my wedding I could have gotten my HG ring. But in saying that it was such a memorable experience for my closest friends and siblings. I attended a wedding on the weekend (first time as a mum of 2) and it really hit differently. I'm so glad we did what we did when we did it because there's no way we could do that now. Money wise we could have picked a cheaper venue and I'm sure we still would have had a great time. But I loved the wedding venue I chose.

Lol I also asked my hubby if he could get married again would he do anything differently. He said he's never marrying again lol. Guess he better agree to all my jewellery requests then haha.
I often wondered about this lol instead of my wedding I could have gotten my HG ring. But in saying that it was such a memorable experience for my closest friends and siblings. I attended a wedding on the weekend (first time as a mum of 2) and it really hit differently. I'm so glad we did what we did when we did it because there's no way we could do that now. Money wise we could have picked a cheaper venue and I'm sure we still would have had a great time. But I loved the wedding venue I chose.

Lol I also asked my hubby if he could get married again would he do anything differently. He said he's never marrying again lol. Guess he better agree to all my jewellery requests then haha.

I am not sure dream rings are all they're cracked up to be anyway :lol:. I think it's natural for people to always be looking for the next HG item. I think the memories would be better.
Honestly @qubitasaurus, no, I wouldn’t change a thing. I really didn’t want a big wedding and a lot of fuss. The wedding itself is such a small part of the marriage to us, we’re celebrating our 46th anniversary this year.
We had a small, simple wedding, and I'd do the same way all over again.

Including everything (rings, dress, suit, jewelry, officiant, photography, reception, catering, cake, flowers etc.) the wedding cost under 2K.
Then we then went to Hawaii for 12 days, spending another 5K. We didn't go into debt for it.

Of course it would all cost much more now; this was 3 decades ago.
I'm actually curious about many people saying they had very simple weddings. I also had a very simple one.

Do you ever wish you could go back and spend a bit more on your wedding? Or if you could go back now would you not change a thing?

My own wedding maybe cost ~12 k. For us at the time this was not chump change. But I live in what often ranks as the world's most expensive city-- worse than New York. So 12 k meant we simply did not do a lot of the usual wedding stuff. I remember using a standard excel wedding planning template, and congratulating myself on the fact that of the 7 sheets worth of content to fill and massive budget table I only needed to update like 10 rows of one sheet! Because we weren't doing any of the rest of it. In reality we had to cut a lot and run it more like a dinner to stay under 12 k -- most line items started at 5 k once you added the word wedding. Now life has moved on, and I pay like 36 k a year for one child's preschool and extra curricular activities (next year I'll have to start to also pay for the second one!). So I sometimes wonder as I sit on a household budget which is understandably pretty high (HCOL area + 2 kids) if I could go back would I have done a little more on this one day.

i shouldnt comment as ive never been married and am from a different culture but to me your child's education is better money spent than a huge wedding
and that goes for anyone's price point

in my day i saw several very expensive weddings coupled with a new high morgage which i thought was very bad economy but what do i know ?
i shouldnt comment as ive never been married and am from a different culture but to me your child's education is better money spent than a huge wedding
and that goes for anyone's price point

in my day i saw several very expensive weddings coupled with a new high morgage which i thought was very bad economy but what do i know ?

You know a lot. You are very sensible!
i shouldnt comment as ive never been married and am from a different culture but to me your child's education is better money spent than a huge wedding
and that goes for anyone's price point

in my day i saw several very expensive weddings coupled with a new high morgage which i thought was very bad economy but what do i know ?

Weddings are a purely luxury spend imo, even coming from a culture where people prioritise weddings over pretty much all else. I totally agree that necessities should be taken care of first (and education is a necessity) before luxuries! Though if you can afford both, by all means do both.

I'm glad that everyone I personally know who has had insane extravagant weddings has not (afaik) had to go in debt over it, and are all people with stable housing situations, paid-off education etc.

Actually even friends of mine who have had what I consider "average for the social circle" weddings have done so within their means, in India weddings are usually paid for by your parents, so their parents paid; and the couple themselves while having some student loan debt are on track to pay it off entirely in a couple years through stable well paying jobs of their own, no other major loans etc.
You know a lot. You are very sensible!

id be happy with the registry office and ironed clothes and a Claddagh Ring -silver would even be ok
but alas i dont think its ever to be
i shouldnt comment as ive never been married and am from a different culture but to me your child's education is better money spent than a huge wedding
and that goes for anyone's price point

in my day i saw several very expensive weddings coupled with a new high morgage which i thought was very bad economy but what do i know ?

This made me smile, thank you.

It is nice to see so many people happy in their marriages, and how they celebrated it.