
What is your biggest pet peeve about your spouse?

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mine thinks he''s a duck, water water everwhere, and when it''s time to floss, for some reason he aims for the mirror and i am like disgusting!!!! i am the one that has to clean the mirror not you! i mean, i am glad you take great care of your teeth honey, but please aim somewhere else...ewwww
but i love him
Oh, wait, I saw the title of this thread come up abbreviated as "What is your biggest Pet......", and thought I''d see something else here.....nevermind.
Date: 2/19/2005 1:55:34 AM
Author: KBerly
mine thinks he''s a duck, water water everwhere, and when it''s time to floss, for some reason he aims for the mirror and i am like disgusting!!!! i am the one that has to clean the mirror not you! i mean, i am glad you take great care of your teeth honey, but please aim somewhere else...ewwww

but i love him

Oh my gosh, MINE TOO! Plus, he leaves his used floss on the counter. Yuck.

But my #1 peeve is that he opens the mail and scatters it all over the dining room table. When I sweep through to clean up his mess, and sort the mail, he cries "Hey! I put it there for a reason." Liar. After 12 years, you''d think we would have worked through this, but no.
Date: 2/20/2005 3:15:27 AM
Author: MrsFrk

Date: 2/19/2005 1:55:34 AM
Author: KBerly
mine thinks he''s a duck, water water everwhere, and when it''s time to floss, for some reason he aims for the mirror and i am like disgusting!!!! i am the one that has to clean the mirror not you! i mean, i am glad you take great care of your teeth honey, but please aim somewhere else...ewwww

but i love him

Oh my gosh, MINE TOO! Plus, he leaves his used floss on the counter. Yuck.

But my #1 peeve is that he opens the mail and scatters it all over the dining room table. When I sweep through to clean up his mess, and sort the mail, he cries ''Hey! I put it there for a reason.'' Liar. After 12 years, you''d think we would have worked through this, but no.
lol well the floss ALMOST makes it in the trash (half hanging out...blah!) but i think our men were separated at birth
he opens the mail, leaves it everywhere, and i go to straighten up and he''s like, "don''t throw it away!" ..i''m like i am at least putting it in a neat pile and i will throw away these empty envelopes! i really need a mail holder thingy, but i really don''t think the mail will ever make it in there
He comes home from work and beelines to the computer to do more. I like to come home and forget about work - do fun stuff. I ask him daily, how much longer are you going to be? I guess I''d rather he just stay at work and finish there then to see him at home and not get him to myself yet. When I finally do get him it''s only a few hours before bedtime. I wish I had him for the whole night.
websailor & cflutist....I''ve got a solution for you. Put the majority of your lights on motion detectors. I worked for an electrical company and we used to sell mini motion detectors that you could install where your switches were...then as you walked down the hallway the lights would turn on like magic....and turn off after a few minutes! The best of both worlds :)
Our solution to the age-old toilet seat question came by way of the cat. To keep her out of the bowl, the seat cover has to be down all the time. That way, we both have something to lift and lower. :D
Cflutist and Websailor:

Island dreams is very right about the light switch sensors. I have them in my house and they are easy to install and you can set the timer for the seconds that work for you. My daughter would get scared going down the hallway to the laundry room so we installed one there with extra time and the one in the bathroom and garage with less time. I paid $20 a piece for mine on sale at home depot. It would save you a ton of trouble and the best part is no more switching on hall lights and the ability to carry in your groceries, etc when you come home at night! I love the sensors, and if you get a pet they pick them up too. I really hope you try one of them I think you will love them! I also purchased the tiffany night lights with built in sensors and they are great too, we dont use every room in our house all the time, and to be honest, Madi gets scared of the dark and we are helping her get over some of the fear with the sensors and night lghts.

If I lived near you, I''d bring one over myself! I have nearly re done everything in my house.

We are like a consumer report group around here!
Well Dh is a wonderful guy and we really know how to coexist, however there are a few little things that really bug me one being he snores, I have to move to the spare room 5 out of 7 night a week, he also comes to bed at 3am and wakes me up. Another would be that he steals our daughters food all the time. she is a slow eater and he ends up finishing her food before she is done. Oh and he messes up the bathroom mirror SO bad! There are always liitle things, I would love to hear what he has to say about me. C&W, Dh said to me the other day " I think we need to be more concious of turning things off when we leave a room," I agreed however I think he forgot it was his idea b/c he hasn''t made any effort!! I must mention he has ADD, and I have learned to laugh about his inability to multi task and listen if he is doing something else. It is in his family and really is funny.
I just now read through this whole thread and it's hysterical! I have a lot of the same pet peeves with my spouse that you all have. But I don't think anyone mentioned my main peeve...he's absent minded! He's always throwing things away without realizing it, or misplacing things, or drinking my coffee in the morning instead of his own, or using my toothbrush by mistake, or forgetting to give me phone messages, or turning off the TV (or changing the channel) while I'm watching a program, things like that. Once he even went out to a drive up place to get me a sandwich, and he forgot it was for me and ate it on his way home!

His biggest pet peeve with me is that I tend to be somewhat OCD. That also means I have a tendency to be a perfectionist and, as he puts it, a "control freak". I have certain ways in which I want things to be done, and if they aren't done "my" way, I can get a little intense...
32.gif! This makes it really tough for anyone to help me around the house, because nobody in this family ever gets anything RIGHT! Except for me, of course
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