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I forgot about Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg--a little cheesy, but I love it.

I love your taste in high church music! I hadn''t heard of Anonymous 4, but I''ll be sure to go look for their CDs. I''ve always been teased, except by DH, who thinks I''m coolly eclectic, about my penchant for Gregorian chant.Date: 12/3/2008 10:37:44 AM
Author: ksinger
Hmmm....irreligious as I am, I am a ''high church'' girl when it comes to Christmas. I want chant. In LATIN, thank you very much.Date: 12/3/2008 9:42:25 AM
Author: AGBF
I have all my favorites on my iPod, but I lost the hard drive from my computer and, thus, my computer account with all the songs on it. One of my favorites is certainly, ''Dona Nobis Pacem''. I even lose track of some of the beautiful versions I have of songs because I have collected so many of them. (In the case of ''Dona Nobis Pacem'' I had at least ten different versions of it.) That is why I really want to restore all my music to my computer!
''Dona Nobis Pacem'' is by no means my only favorite carol, but I tend to favor the real carols, those that are based on medieval and Renaissance tunes and on music by Handel and Baroque composers, not usually the popular music about snowmen. Sometimes I do love a modern song, though. One example is the song (I do not know the correct name) that has the refrain, ''Do you hear what I hear?''. I think Anita Bryant sang it. I know I have a recording of it somewhere!
This is a link to a beautiful version of, ''Dona Nobis Pacem'', although certainly not a traditional one! I just found it while looking for one to post here and I really enjoyed it; I hope that you do, too!!!
And I have enough albums of Anonymous 4 to prove it. I know the Latin text of the Gloria of the ordinary mass as well as any Catholic, because I''ve sung it so many times by various composers. (My mom said I had Catholic genes that expressed in this penchant for Latin hymns) I even hunted down some of the actual texts of the pieces done on Anonymous 4''s ''English Ladymass'' album, and have the actual music...(never have found anyone to sing it with me though, so I just learn all the parts myself, lol!)
Lessee, Gesu Bambino (sung by Luciano), Ave Maria (Bach-Gounoud version), to hear and to sing myself, and Silent Night. I have an accompaniment CD that has far and away the coolest arrangement of that for piano and voice, that I''ve ever heard. Very sparse, and coooooold!
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you! Doesn't that song just say everything about how Christmas felt to us as kids? And I really like the video someone (you?) put up for the Coventry Carol.Date: 12/19/2008 2:25:39 PM
Author: AGBF
'The Christmas Song' sung by Nat King Cole
This is for you, Holly. YouTube has several videos of Nat King Cole singing, 'The Christmas Song' (slide shows, really), but I thought that this one was the most evocative. I hope you like it.
Merry Christmas!
Date: 12/19/2008 2:45:59 PM
Author: HollyS
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you! Doesn''t that song just say everything about how Christmas felt to us as kids? And I really like the video someone (you?) put up for the Coventry Carol.
Oh, Deb, I am just now seeing this! We must be kindred spirits, because I had the exact same idea!!!! You are ahead of me, because I just haven''t done it yet! Maybe if I''d get off PS I''d have time!Date: 12/16/2008 11:07:11 PM
Author: AGBF
Date: 12/16/2008 9:01:52 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Aww, Deb, you have such good taste that I was almost afraid to post it!
Oh, my gosh, DS! The other day I found I could send a video of the Sugar Plum Fairy as a Christmas card on YouTube. Having learned that I could use YouTube videos as cards, I decided to use the Joy Williams song and the nativity video you posted with it as a Christmas e-card to some of my close family members and friends. I copied down e-mail addresses today and plan to send out that video in card form because I find it so moving!
I really cannot tell you how much the song has touched me; I want to reach out with it and touch others, too! Thank you again.
Date: 12/21/2008 6:46:11 PM
Author: Skippy123
Can someone help me? I love Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem but there is a new country sounding one out? Anyone know what I am talking about??? I don't usually like country but it is so pretty and sounds like 2 men singing.
Date: 12/21/2008 6:46:11 PM
Author: Skippy123
Can someone help me? I love Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem but there is a new country sounding one out? Anyone know what I am talking about??? I don't usually like country but it is so pretty and sounds like 2 men singing.
Date: 12/21/2008 10:58:33 PM
Author: Skippy123
Those are beautiful but this one is a little less instrumental. I need to just call the radio station; it was so beautiful. Thank you!!! I enjoyed the links to the ones you posted.
I just now listened to a lot of versions of Oh Little town of Bethlehem just now and I can''t find it. I will need to do more searching! Don''t buy any cd''s of country versions, they could be bad Deb and I would feel bad enabling you with bad music.Date: 12/21/2008 11:23:37 PM
Author: AGBF
Well, when you find out, Skippy, you will now have to post the information about the CD! I have been buying Christmas CDs as if they were going out of style and enriching the music industry while impoverishing my family! Have we discussed enabling recently? All anyone has to do is to post a pretty song to this thread and I have to own the CD! It is getting ridiculous! At first it was just Renaissance music and madrigals, but now I fear that I may be about to branch out into country music. Oh, I hope it is some of the stuff I really don''t care for! (And there is a lot of country that I don''t care for...or at least some!)
Date: 12/21/2008 4:05:19 PM
Author: AGBF
''Green Growth The Holly''
Yesterday I received a CD I had ordered called, ''A Feast of Songs: holiday music from the middle ages'' in the mail. One of the songs on it was, ''Green Growth the Holly''. YouTube has a vocal version of it which I think is absolutely a knockout. I hope you enjoy it.
Well, as the self-appointed "opera snob" of the board, I''ll say...not bad, at least as a recitalist. Might be worth a further listen. For any other opera buffs, see my posts over in Thing2of2''s thread, on who I think is operatically "hunky". Hvrovstovsky and Florez are my faves this decade...Date: 12/9/2008 7:08:12 PM
Author: AGBF
I had really hoped to keep this thread front and center until Christmas, and have been doing my best to do so. I love the recording of, ''The Trumpet Shall Sound'' to which I posted a link. Any ''Messiah'' aficionados who have never heard Teddy Tahu Rhodes sing this aria will, I think, be pleasantly surprised. (I was swept off my feet!) I had never heard of the singer, though; I am not an opera buff. It turns out that he has been turning heads in the opera world! Some of the pictures on Google Images were too risqué and too controvrsial to post here, but this one was, I thought, just enticing. I thought it might make some of you want to go watch that clip of him singing the aria from, ''The Messiah''! He is being called a, ''Barihunk'' and the Brad Pitt of the opera world.
Date: 12/24/2008 11:18:20 AM
Author: AGBF
''The Twelve Days of Christmas'' sung by Joan Sutherland
Don''t be afraid of this recording; it is very cute! First, of all, the video is cute. It is very nicely done-a slide show done by a lover of Joan Sutherland who put together some childlike pictures of turtledoves and milkmaids and so forth! Second of all, Joan Sutherland moves very, very quickly through the song, getting the whole thing done in around three minutes. Third of all, Dame Joan does not sing alone; some of the verses are sung by a group of others. The song moves along. It is festive and bright. I cannot guarantee you will like it, but do not fear trying it!
How sad that we have to encourage people to not pass up such a brilliant artist...!
Still, anytime you don''t actually have to WATCH Sutherland sing, it''s a good thing. I love this woman''s voice, but watching her sing is/was a painful proposition.
If you REALLY like Latin stuff, and like interesting music, try Frank Ferko - The Hildegard Motets. Not for the musically faint of heart, but will grow on you if have a penchant for the stuff. I''ve sung 3 of them. Some of the most challenging music I''ve ever sung - a tuning and breathing marathon. But worth the effort.Date: 12/19/2008 1:16:56 PM
Author: HollyS
I love your taste in high church music! I hadn''t heard of Anonymous 4, but I''ll be sure to go look for their CDs. I''ve always been teased, except by DH, who thinks I''m coolly eclectic, about my penchant for Gregorian chant.Date: 12/3/2008 10:37:44 AM
Author: ksinger
Hmmm....irreligious as I am, I am a ''high church'' girl when it comes to Christmas. I want chant. In LATIN, thank you very much.Date: 12/3/2008 9:42:25 AM
Author: AGBF
I have all my favorites on my iPod, but I lost the hard drive from my computer and, thus, my computer account with all the songs on it. One of my favorites is certainly, ''Dona Nobis Pacem''. I even lose track of some of the beautiful versions I have of songs because I have collected so many of them. (In the case of ''Dona Nobis Pacem'' I had at least ten different versions of it.) That is why I really want to restore all my music to my computer!
''Dona Nobis Pacem'' is by no means my only favorite carol, but I tend to favor the real carols, those that are based on medieval and Renaissance tunes and on music by Handel and Baroque composers, not usually the popular music about snowmen. Sometimes I do love a modern song, though. One example is the song (I do not know the correct name) that has the refrain, ''Do you hear what I hear?''. I think Anita Bryant sang it. I know I have a recording of it somewhere!
This is a link to a beautiful version of, ''Dona Nobis Pacem'', although certainly not a traditional one! I just found it while looking for one to post here and I really enjoyed it; I hope that you do, too!!!
And I have enough albums of Anonymous 4 to prove it. I know the Latin text of the Gloria of the ordinary mass as well as any Catholic, because I''ve sung it so many times by various composers. (My mom said I had Catholic genes that expressed in this penchant for Latin hymns) I even hunted down some of the actual texts of the pieces done on Anonymous 4''s ''English Ladymass'' album, and have the actual music...(never have found anyone to sing it with me though, so I just learn all the parts myself, lol!)
Lessee, Gesu Bambino (sung by Luciano), Ave Maria (Bach-Gounoud version), to hear and to sing myself, and Silent Night. I have an accompaniment CD that has far and away the coolest arrangement of that for piano and voice, that I''ve ever heard. Very sparse, and coooooold!