Reddit has a rockhounding group which will be much better at helping you identify this piece than Pricescope.
I dont think you can realistically make anything with it. With some realism it looks like it is going to be completely opaque and the colouration isnt especially strong or spectacular. So you can get it polished, but it is likely to look like a smoother shinier version of it's current state. I am not sure how much this will improve the stone.
Maybe someone will be able to suggest a way to get it turned into a bowl, or into something like round marbles. But I think you need a different forum as PS really specializes in jewelery, there will be other forums out there for sculpture and carving.
Ok ya I see what you mean. Thought maybe somebody here might know. Thank you for the suggestions, I'll check Reddit to see. Ya I wasn't sure if the color would maybe come out a bit more if polished, that would be cool if it can be a little bowl, I like that idea a lot!
Please come back and let us know what it is when you find out , i am quite interested to hear about it! I think reddit will either be able to help you from photos, or point you in the direction of some entity who can. It can be hard to i.d. something on the basis of photos.
I like the idea of a bowl, it could be quite pretty. But it is going to depend a little on how opaque it is once you get the weathered outersurface of the stone off. Could be interesting to have the lower face polished off first, just to see how it looks before commiting to anything major (if you are ambivalent about continuing, then you'll have a lovely paper weight at that stage). Again I think you need another forum though -- as you'll need to find someone who can help you ploish and maybe sculpt it and that may be a little beyond the scope of the normal recommendations you'll get here, though I am happy to be wrong about this if anyone can cut in with a recommendation. I have a small degree of hesitation though over the fact that this is likely to be much more expensive than just straight out buying a stone bowl which someone carved from (something like) rose quartz -- so from the outset I feel this project is likely to only be worth persuing out of personal interest.
I love prettt rocks
They clutter up my window sills
Good luck now you have a project