
What shiny would you rather have...


Mar 2, 2009
A 1.6 ct perfect tsavorite pear at retail price.
Or a 3 stone Leon ring with a 3+ heated sapphire and diamond traps for about twice the price of the tsavorite?

Totally hypothetical of course :Up_to_something:


The tsavorite!!

What a glorious green, and he's such a cute chubby lil' guy :love:
Totally the Leon.
The Leon. Definitely.
Hm..I'm not a huge pear fan, but I do love that color. I would personally do the ring b/c a ring w/side traps is on my project list...and it's a Leon.
Haha, thanks guys!
I'm giving serious consideration to buying the Leon because 1) I've wanted a cushion with straps and 2)I love Leon's work but can't ever see myself actually working with him so buying it second hand may be the only way I'll ever own a leon, lol.

Buuut, even though it's significantly discounted (buying as previously owned) it's still a huge chunk of change for me and I wouldn't be able to buy anything new for like a year!

Haha, I don't know if I want to be talked into it or out of it!
MakingTheGrade said:
Haha, thanks guys!
I'm giving serious consideration to buying the Leon because 1) I've wanted a cushion with straps and 2)I love Leon's work but can't ever see myself actually working with him so buying it second hand may be the only way I'll ever own a leon, lol.

Buuut, even though it's significantly discounted (buying as previously owned) it's still a huge chunk of change for me and I wouldn't be able to buy anything new for like a year!

Haha, I don't know if I want to be talked into it or out of it!

Hmmm. What would you do with the garnet, if you got it?
Hmmm...probably set it into a yellow gold ring with tapered baguette diamond sides. I wouldn't be able to wear it too often though because tsavorites are a little softer.
You'd be able to wear the Leon more. Just sayin.
packrat said:
You'd be able to wear the Leon more. Just sayin.

I may have to - reluctantly - change my vote based on this fact, if you think it'd be a ring you'd like to wear often. If it's to be a statement piece though, still voting garnet! Putting that in YG w/ diamond sides just sounds too delicious to resist :lickout:
The Leon, I've been eyeballing the Leon but can't afford that much :(sad Def. the Leon :bigsmile:
Totally the Leon!!!!!!!!!
another leon vote. i think second hand is probably a great deal!
Hypothetical...I think not :bigsmile: The Leon, if you please!
The Leon, please!
The Leon - especially THAT one. That's Irishbreakfast's ring right? It's one of my favorites on PS!
I'd get the tsavorite, but I'm not really impressed by Leon and don't have much desire to own one, so I'm biased.
jstarfireb said:
I'd get the tsavorite, but I'm not really impressed by Leon and don't have much desire to own one, so I'm biased.
I'm not sure about the tsavorite, but wouldn't get the Leon because, like jstarfireb, I don't have any desire to own one of his pieces.
Without a doubt, the Leon.

I'm sure it's difficult to find the perfect tsav, but in no way can it compare with having a piece of heaven living on your finger? I don't think you'll get another opportunity to own a Leon for this price, ever again.

Like several others, I too have been perving over that beauty for quite some time. If you don't grab it someone else will.
Garnet is lovely, but it would worry me too much to wear it every day.
Definitely the Leon! The pear is beautiful but that Leon is to die for!
Both are gorgeous, but after reading that you wouldn't be able to wear the tsav too often, I'd go with the Leon.

I do LOVE the shape and the color of the pear though.
The Leon, that is very pretty!!
Definitely the Leon!
Oh yes, the Leon. Another vote here. Lovely stone, beautiful ring. Big enough to get noticed, not too blingy. I'd melt to a puddle if I had that ring. But I'm not a pear fan, so am biased.

--- Laurie
jstarfireb said:
I'd get the tsavorite, but I'm not really impressed by Leon and don't have much desire to own one, so I'm biased.

My feelings exactly, plus I love Tsavs and that one is gorgeous. I have a tsav ring and wear it quite often. I haven't had any issues with it being too soft.
The Leon. OMG, the Leon. Not because of who made it, but because it's GORGEOUS.
OMG--I want that sapphire. NOW
One more vote for the Leon, but not because it is a Leon... I love blue and love sapphires (plus the ring is just gorgeous!!!!) :)) :bigsmile:
The Leon.

I love a barigain and so second hand really appeals to me.

Sapphs can be worn everyday so more enjoyment.

I love that ring in particular, so I vote GO!