
What Toddler gifts for the holidays?!?!?!

Miscka|1352509600|3302260 said:
PS - Skippy I saw you posted on that kid kraft deal, I was about to link you! I swiped one, so excited at the price!

Oh yay that is awesome, did you get the white one? I love it in white!!! ugh, I am torn! I love that one but I like this one too now. In a few weeks Costco will ship it to you for $119, starting 11/19 I would love to see pics of yours!
Loves Vintage|1352638971|3303217 said:
Easels are apparently very popular. I was told it would make writing easier for my 21 month old, given how she holds a crayon at this point. We also have the plastic enclosed crayons (forget what they are called) because it inhibits chewing, though she still goes for the tips sometimes! And, she prefers regular pens. Anyone have the ikea easel?
LV do you have a link to the plastic enclosures? My boys eat crayons, eek!
We're back from ikea. We got the easel, a roll of paper to go on it, the train set and a basket of felt fruit.

Laila - The train set is made in Bulgari, so I'm betting on it being safe!

I'll let you all know how long the felt fruit lasts around here.
puppmom|1352666691|3303518 said:
Loves Vintage|1352643328|3303251 said:
Twistables! That's what they are called, haha. So, you twist them so the crayon gets pushed up so there's only a small amount at the tip. Tips can still be bitten off, however. :twirl:

I NEED these! DS is now obsessed with tape and intentionally breaks his crayons so they need to be taped back together!

Lol! That is funny! They sell them at Target too. I think that's where we got ours.

Train set was enjoyed for a total of about 10 minutes. Haha. I am sure she'll learn to love it!
Skippy123 said:

I got the espresso one for $115. I debated between the two, but the espresso one is slightly larger and has some more storage I think. If you have the space, it would seem bigger would be better for your two guys!
We're just getting A a bunch of random little things. Books, pull toy, push toy, puzzles. It kind of sucks because her birthday is a month before, so we're kind of already shopped out.
Miscka|1352722568|3303885 said:
Skippy123 said:

I got the espresso one for $115. I debated between the two, but the espresso one is slightly larger and has some more storage I think. If you have the space, it would seem bigger would be better for your two guys!

oh you did? Okay, since it is slightly bigger, I probably should go for that one, so both my boys can be cooking in the kitchen. hehe I like that idea of throwing things in the cabinets after they are done (storage). thanks
Skippy123 said:

Those cars are so cute! May have to stuff some in his stocking :)

H found one of those echo microphones at the dollar store and LOVES it. The dollar store is toddler heaven. Bath books, window clings, glow sticks (we put them in the tub and he freaks out), bubbles etc.

Food - I discovered that Bella Luna toys online will let you buy individual wooden foods by Haba, which I like since some of the sets had weird ones in them, or things we don't eat and he might not recognize. Learning Resource plastic food is also highly recommended.
oh my goodness tahnks everyone! I have added a ton of stuff to the kiddos wish list on amazon for aunts/ uncles and grandparents to look at. I definitely will pick up some of the suggestions. I can't believe I posted this topic and practically forgot about it till now! :o I'll let everyone know what I end up getting. Right now I think the slide is a top contender!
If anyone is looking for something smaller, my kids love this magnetic fishing set:

Big items that I am looking into for my 2.75 years old DS. - I saw a similar one at Costco, same brand and round table but the train set wasn't volcano/dinosaur. It was $104.99 at my local Costco. - it was marked for $79.99 at my Costco.