
What would you buy INSTEAD of this $112,000 padparadschas?


Aug 12, 2019

This might be the worst deal I've ever seen. The stone is hideous with massive browny-orange color zoning and a hazy look and a lot of silk, despite being heated...And, yet, the seller seems to think it's worth six figures.

I think that's enough to start a very nice collection where every single piece is better than this stone by a mile. Or, you could find some heirloom, stunning gem that would be something truly special for this much...

Essentially, what colored stone(s) would you buy instead for $112,000?



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Skygems is a joke. I honestly feel badly for anyone swindled by them. Tjeir prices are hilariously inflated. And the guy who owns it gives insanely overblown descriptions of mediocre stones.
One entire child's undergraduate tuition?

Glad @lovedogs posted that. Was gonna say even the GIA report photo looks terrible -- wonky cut and uneven color distribution and so included. And I did not know that GIA took "hand shots"! Can you just paste the GIA logo over your home-grown photos like that? I'll need to update some of my posts.

I mean there are amazing pads with striking color zoning -- more orange-y at the poles of an oval, for example. But I agree that this just looks awful.
I’d get one of these and have money left over!
that’s not just a little bit iron staining. :???:
Totally different than zoning.

I was waiting for this comment! I'm surprised GIA even certified this gem as a pad, because the LMHC clearly states that a pink sapphire with orange staining does not qualify as a pad. In fact, stricter interpretations want an evenly colored stone and don't even recognize pink-orange color zoned stones as pads. I wouldn't take that stone for free.
But, but, this stone "mirrors the captivating beauty of a sunset, embodying warmth, romance, and love" !!!

I especially loved when he called it a "museum piece" with a straight face, and said that gigantic eyesore of an inclusion was "interesting" because it was a sapphire crystal. Yeah, the whole thing is a sapphire crystal. I understand turning negatives into positives as a salesmen, but there comes a point when it just becomes delusional. I don't think any of us would be this critical if the stone were priced according to its quality. Setting that list price requires some brass.
I especially loved when he called it a "museum piece" with a straight face, and said that gigantic eyesore of an inclusion was "interesting" because it was a sapphire crystal. Yeah, the whole thing is a sapphire crystal. I understand turning negatives into positives as a salesmen, but there comes a point when it just becomes delusional. I don't think any of us would be this critical if the stone were priced according to its quality. Setting that list price requires some brass.

Agreed. Thats my issue w this vendor. He just outright lies.
Agreed. Thats my issue w this vendor. He just outright lies.

I know... and I feel like I'm being overly mean to this guy. But it upsets me that some people fall prey to this type of bombast. Just because someone has an extra $112k lying around doesn't mean he/she deserves to be hoodwinked. This is why it's incumbent on us all, regardless of our budgets, to educate ourselves. Because folks like Mr. Bowtie over here certainly aren't going to do it.
You can buy it at action for 89K. Here's the link.

It does make me wonder who would buy such a stone that is rare, but doesn't have the qualities that make it desired.

Edited to add that there is so much I would do with an extra 112K. I would earmark it for retirement most likely.

GRA collects 13% tax for sales from Ontario, so maybe that's the reason for the lower list price? It still amounts to over $100k. I'm not sure if he collects tax on his private website. But still...

I love that you would put it towards retirement. All of us crazies were like, "I'd buy 50 other pieces!"

This might be the worst deal I've ever seen. The stone is hideous with massive browny-orange color zoning and a hazy look and a lot of silk, despite being heated...And, yet, the seller seems to think it's worth six figures.

I think that's enough to start a very nice collection where every single piece is better than this stone by a mile. Or, you could find some heirloom, stunning gem that would be something truly special for this much...

Essentially, what colored stone(s) would you buy instead for $112,000?

that is ugly even by my standards

i really want a really nice fanta garnet and a lovely smoky topaz so im sure i would have change to pay off our house
Skygems is a joke. I honestly feel badly for anyone swindled by them. Tjeir prices are hilariously inflated. And the guy who owns it gives insanely overblown descriptions of mediocre stones.

I legitimately don't understand who buys the stuff... I know it's subjective but this is close to fraud because I've heard him claim you can sell it back or get your money out of it, which is absolutely false.
I know... and I feel like I'm being overly mean to this guy. But it upsets me that some people fall prey to this type of bombast. Just because someone has an extra $112k lying around doesn't mean he/she deserves to be hoodwinked. This is why it's incumbent on us all, regardless of our budgets, to educate ourselves. Because folks like Mr. Bowtie over here certainly aren't going to do it.

I truly believe scummy sellers have to be targeting the elderly. Anything to make a buck.
For sure this stone is hideous but I’ve seen “reputable” sellers sell trash for a significant amount of money per carat. They are just favoured so haven’t been lambasted online.

Don’t know who this dude is but he’s no worse than some of the other allegedly reputable ones imo.
Seriously ?
That’s one butt ugly sapphire and all the pretty words and lofty descriptions and “false assertions” can’t change that.
I’d rather a lab sapphire that looked beautiful and cost $50 and is worth $50.
As a long time lover of beautiful gems, I find it hard to believe that anyone would buy that ugly poop looking rock.

I have always believed that people should buy what they love. I am thinking it will be a long long long time before anyone loves that poor doomed to be lonely rock.
I have always believed that people should buy what they love. I am thinking it will be a long long long time before anyone loves that poor doomed to be lonely rock.

That's the sad part... this could actually be, dare I say, a quirky specimen for the right person (nobody here of course :lol:) at the right value. It's unfortunate the price is so farcical.

Let's pretend this is indeed a legit pad (it's not... but GIA says it is, so we must go with that). The weight is impressive. The pros begin and end there. Considering the color is marginal, the cut is wonky, and the clarity is atrocious, what would you consider to be a fair market price per carat? I'd be interested to hear from other trade members too.
If I had $112,000 that I had to spend on a piece of jewelry I’d be buying the biggest damn diamond I could find for that price. I could probably get to 5-7cts for my preferred specs (HI VS)!!