
What would you do in your last 2 weeks of living alone!?

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Date: 8/14/2008 3:14:26 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 8/14/2008 3:09:43 PM

Author: Clairitek

Date: 8/14/2008 2:05:26 PM

Author: princesss

-Get Mexican food and not worry if it means I''m gassy for the rest of the night.

HAHA!! Good one. This applies only for the first few (6?) months I''m in a relationship. After that... if I''ve had Mexican food than so be it. Probably TMI. I''m not disgusting or anything but I figure if he can''t accept that I too have bodily functions and associated noises than maybe he needs to find himself a finishing school-educated debutante.

In my case, FF and I have been together 3 years, living together for... almost 2. I STILL have not farted in front of him. Am I abnormal??

Haha i dunno if that''s normal. But I''ve always said if i can''t get to the point where I''m comfortable enough to fart in front of my man, then it''s just not gonna work out..

haha maybe TMI.
Only one thing: watch every episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit ever invented. FI hates it.

Weird as it might be, that is the only trouble we''ve had so far, even though our living space is only one room and less than 200 square feet.
I''m currently singing my way through all of ''Rock Band'' on the xbox before he officially moves in.
I doubt he''ll appreciate me belting out songs at 3am like I do now, lol.
I would make rice pudding, baked custards and bread pudding eat them for dinner directly out of the fridge
Sit on the couch and stare out the window with my mouth open..

There is never any time to do nothing since I moved in with SO (But I enjoy doing all the things I loved doing when living alone while he is at work).
Italia, your whole reply made me laugh my you-know-what off!

I would mess up my room..... for some reason, I am an EXTREMELY orderly person when it comes to work and the rest of the house, but my bedroom is almost always a mess and SO HATES it! So i end up cleaning it just for him..... but then it gets messy within a few days....

guess he will make the bed when we move in together lol.
Date: 8/14/2008 12:07:12 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Put my IPod buds in my ears and sing at the top of my lungs like I was giving a freakin concert for my Chihuahua''s! You CANNOT do that once you live with someone you don''t want to runaway.

Do laundry that is actually seperated by colors....and washing them in the appropriate temp...that changes, believe me...did you know, once your cohabitating, you can wash pink with black---because they are both ''darker than white''????

Eat whatever you want without asking ''does that sound good to you?''...

Set the alarm for the time YOU have to wake up...and hitting snooze 75 times if you must!

Having the toilet paper on the roll unwrapping the direction of your preference...under or over...whatever, but its how you like it!

Actually having toilet paper on the roll...and not the just the cardboard carcas

Having absolutely everything where it is supposed to be...

Feeling completely comfortable leaving your complete beauty regiment out on the bathroom counter

Being surrounded by your own things...things you love...things you shopped for...things you saw and knew without a doubt that you must have...


Living together will be''ll be happy...but there is something really amazing about living alone, in your space. Every woman should have that sweet changes you.

Let the chu''ch say "AMEN"

Wow! I think I just nearly fainted from laughing so hard. ROFLMAO @ Cardboard carcass... that was priceless!
Oooh, you and your SO moved in about the same time J and I did! How''s it going for you so far? And what things did you do to enjoy your last hurrah of living-aloneness?

I definitely have to agree with Italia about the toilet paper roll. Ok, so I know *he* can sometimes get by with half a sheet left on the roll, but I never can!

Other than that, can''t say I really have any major complaints. We''ve had lots of time together and some time apart (like right now, he''s in the computer room playing ''Spore'' and I''m in the living room watching TV and posting here). We''ve done ok with food so far--we haven''t eaten as healthily as I would like, but that''s more because we have no money until I get paid on the 25th and to stretch out dinero out until then, we can''t afford that many fruits and veggies. But that will soon change! Then we might have more to fight about because I will make him eat them sometimes.

I just wanted to say I moved in at the same time as both of you guys! (well around the same time, the end of August). I really like living with my boyfriend, but we have been noticing more things about each other. I work a lot and go to school ( we are both in college ) so we don''t see each other that much, but I really like sleeping in the same bed! We are both pretty tidy and making an effort and it helps! Hope everyone else is having fun with their SO.. I''m laying in bed with him still ha we''re having a lazy sunday.
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