We received two dime store dishtowels with weird mushrooms all over it. But, that person was a struggling single mother; so, I understood.
That said, is the Mother of the Groom supposed to give a gift? Mine seemed to think that the rehearsal dinner at some decrepted old "use to be all that" place w/ rubber food & no alchohol as the "gift".
It may be changing; but, it is considered quite rude to give a gift of money (except for very close family members and friends) here in my neck of the woods (southeast).
That said, is the Mother of the Groom supposed to give a gift? Mine seemed to think that the rehearsal dinner at some decrepted old "use to be all that" place w/ rubber food & no alchohol as the "gift".

It may be changing; but, it is considered quite rude to give a gift of money (except for very close family members and friends) here in my neck of the woods (southeast).